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Brandon S. Walker Robert L. Schmidt Sandra K. White Ryan A. Metcalf 《Transfusion》2023,63(9):1719-1727
住院患者输血前血清学4项检查结果分析及临床意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨住院患者输血前检测4项指标在医院感染管理和控制中的临床意义,以便做好自我防护及预防交叉感染,同时避免医疗纠纷的发生。方法对本院2007~2010年3 237例住院输血前患者采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)进行血清学乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)、人类免疫缺陷病毒(Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型)抗体(抗-HIV1/2)、丙型肝炎抗体(抗-HCV)、梅毒抗体(抗-TP)检测分析。结果检测样本总阳性数531例,总阳性率16.40%。其中检出HBsAg阳性362例、抗-HIV阳性13例、抗-HCV阳性50例、抗-TP阳性116例,经梅毒螺旋体血细胞凝集试验确证106例。不同性别的检测情况来看,男性抗-TP阳性率(4.16%)明显高于女性(2.52%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对输血患者进行输血前血清学4项检测,明确患者的健康状况,可避免或减少因输血产生的有关血源性传播疾病的医疗纠纷,为医疗纠纷的处理提供法律依据,同时有利于医患双方的自我保护。 相似文献
目的比较血小板配型相合与随机输注的效果,并分析相关影响因素,探求提高血小板输注效果的方法。方法通过分析该院2013年7月至2014年6月申请血小板输注的住院患者进行血小板抗体筛查及特殊配型试验结果,比较不同影响因素对输注效果的影响,并评估血小板输注效果。分析性别、输血史、怀孕史对血小板抗体产生的影响。分析性别、输血次数、怀孕次数、输注类型、保存天数及联合其他成分输注对输注效果的影响。应用该院临床输血智能管理与评估系统评估血小板输注效果。结果 812例患者进行血小板抗体筛查试验,随机抽取抗体筛查阳性的87例患者,共1 247U血小板输注,抗筛阳性输注特殊配型血小板、抗筛阳性随机输注血小板、抗体筛查阴性随机输注血小板3种方式输注效果比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。应用多因素Logistics回归分析,发现有输血史是血小板抗体产生的独立危险因素(P0.05,OR=13.104,95%CI:7.784~22.061)。性别(P0.05,OR=1.629,95%CI:1.236~2.148)、输血史、输注血小板类型(机采、去白、辐照)、血小板保存天数、同时输注红细胞(P0.05,OR=2.464,95%CI:1.053~5.765)、输注方式(特配)(P0.05,OR=0.576,95%CI:0.389~0.854)是血小板输注效果的危险因素。结论血小板抗体筛查阳性时,需配型输注,提高有效率;输血史影响抗体的产生;性别、输血次数、输注类型、保存天数、联合其他成分输注、血小板配型输注均影响血小板输注效果。 相似文献
目的 比较手工血小板和机采血小板的疗效,为临床输血提供参考依据.方法 样本来源于该院经过血小板输注治疗的住院患者,其中134例患者输用6 756 U手工血小板为A组;74例患者输用2 880 U机采血小板为B组.分别观察两组患者输注24 h后血小板校正增加指数(CCI)、血小板回收率(PPR)、临床出血症状有无改善、有无输血反应等进行输注后疗效判断.结果 与B组比较,A组CCI、PPR、总的输注有效率、输注反应率比较差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05).结论 对于未产生同种免疫的患者,输注手工血小板或机采血小板,具有同等的安全性和有效性.因此,手工血小板的应用能够节约血液资源,缓解血小板供应紧张的现状. 相似文献
N. Dhingra-Kumar M. Sikka N. Madan & S. K. Sood 《Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England)》1997,7(3):197-202
Autologous blood transfusion (ABT) has an important role in transfusion practice in the developing world due to increasing incidence of HIV and hepatitis C virus infection. Our study was done to evaluate the level of awareness and utilization of an autologous blood transfusion programme in a teaching hospital in Delhi. We assessed the level of awareness of preoperative ABT amongst treating physicians from different specialties in a teaching hospital through an anonymous questionnaire. The utilization of this methodology in transfusion practice was estimated from records of the Blood Transfusion Service.
Of the 150 doctors contacted 96 (64%) responded. Although 67.7% of them were aware of the technique and its advantages, only 21.8% used it for the patients under their care. In the preceding 24 months 133 (1.1%) of 12 090 blood collections in the transfusion service were from autologous donor-patients. Only one unit of blood was collected from each patient, although 41.8% of them received 2 units of blood. Of the 11 123 patients transfused, 55 (0.49%) received the ABT. Thus only 55 (41.3%) of 133 total ABT collections were utilized. The study highlights that there is a general lack of awareness about ABT amongst physicians. This transfusion practice is rarely and inadequately used. The study was repeated the following year after an intensive intervention strategy was adopted. The results show a trend towards improvement in the practice of ABT. This study emphasizes the need for proper organization, planning and communication between clinicians and blood transfusion personnel for effective implementation of an ABT programme, especially in countries with a high incidence of transfusion-transmitted infections and acute shortages of blood for transfusion. 相似文献
Of the 150 doctors contacted 96 (64%) responded. Although 67.7% of them were aware of the technique and its advantages, only 21.8% used it for the patients under their care. In the preceding 24 months 133 (1.1%) of 12 090 blood collections in the transfusion service were from autologous donor-patients. Only one unit of blood was collected from each patient, although 41.8% of them received 2 units of blood. Of the 11 123 patients transfused, 55 (0.49%) received the ABT. Thus only 55 (41.3%) of 133 total ABT collections were utilized. The study highlights that there is a general lack of awareness about ABT amongst physicians. This transfusion practice is rarely and inadequately used. The study was repeated the following year after an intensive intervention strategy was adopted. The results show a trend towards improvement in the practice of ABT. This study emphasizes the need for proper organization, planning and communication between clinicians and blood transfusion personnel for effective implementation of an ABT programme, especially in countries with a high incidence of transfusion-transmitted infections and acute shortages of blood for transfusion. 相似文献
目的分析1例血小板输注无效患者及其家系戈谢病葡萄糖脑苷脂酶(GBA)基因突变特征。方法 1例贫血及血小板减少的女性患者经血小板输注无效后,对其进行骨髓细胞学、B超及基因测序检测;采用干血斑法检测其白细胞β-葡糖脑苷脂酶活性;提取该家系8个成员(包括先证者及其直系亲属)外周血基因组DNA进行基因测序。结果骨髓细胞学检查示该例患者可见戈谢细胞(6.0%),白细胞β-葡糖脑苷脂酶活性为3.78 nmol/(h·mgPro),B超结果示脾肿大;基因测序分析发现其为GBA基因c.484AG纯合错义突变;家系调查结果表明,先证者父母、子女及妹妹5人均为GBA基因杂合突变。结论戈谢病患者可因脾功能亢进而出现血小板输注无效;GBA基因突变为该家系的主要致病因素。 相似文献
The origin of HLA class I molecules on platelets is still under discussion. Adsorption of HLA molecules on platelets using specific experimental conditions has been described. The study presented investigates whether there is a significant elution and adsorption of HLA class I molecules on platelets during storage of pooled random platelet concentrates (PRPC) under routine conditions. Platelet concentrates (PCs) from whole blood were prepared from HLA-A2-positive and HLA-A2-negative donors, pooled and stored under routine conditions. In addition, platelets from HLA-A2-negative donors were pelleted and resuspended in cell-free plasma from HLA-A2-positive donors. HLA-A2-positive PCs (positive control), HLA-A2-negative PCs (negative control) and HLA-A2-negative platelets in plasma from HLA-A2-negative donors were stored simultaneously. Binding of FITC-conjugated monoclonal murine antihuman HLA-A2 antibodies (anti-HLA-A2-mab) was measured during 5-day storage by flow cytometry. An increased binding of anti-HLA-A2-mab during storage was found on HLA-A2-negative platelets (P < 0.005) independently whether they were incubated with cell-free plasma or platelets from HLA-A2-positive donors or autologous HLA-A2-negative cell-free plasma. However, non-specific binding of IgG controls increased equally, whereas anti-HLA-A2-mab binding to platelets from HLA-A2-positive donors did not decrease during storage. This study suggests that there is no significant elution and adsorption of HLA class I antigens of platelets in pooled PCs during storage under the usual conditions for platelet storage. Increased anti-HLA-A2-mab signal was due to non-specific binding. Therefore, HLA class I compatible platelets should maintain their compatibility for an immunized patient when stored in a pool with HLA incompatible platelets and shortened survival after transfusion should not be expected. 相似文献
Daniel W. Bougie Sarah E. Reese Rebecca J. Birch Deborah B. Bookwalter Patrick K. Mitchell David Roh Lisa Baumann Kreuziger Ritchard G. Cable Ruchika Goel Jerome Gottschall Ronald George Hauser Jeanne E. Hendrickson Eldad A. Hod Cassandra D. Josephson Stacie Kahn Steven H. Kleinman Alan E. Mast Paul M. Ness Nareg H. Roubinian Steven Sloan for the NHLBI Recipient Epidemiology Donor Evaluation Study-IV-Pediatric 《Transfusion》2023,63(5):960-972
目的 调查血小板抗体在住院患者中的阳性率,分析血小板抗体在性别之间的差异及在临床科室的分布情况,从而进一步保障临床患者输注血小板的有效性与安全性.方法 选取2019年3-5月在南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院有输血可能的入院患者8 250例作为研究对象,采用固相凝集法检测其血小板抗体.计算抗体阳性率,并利用R3.4.1软件进... 相似文献
目的探讨血小板献血者不同献血次数间单采血小板输注疗效的差异,为科学、合理、有效的献血以及血小板输注提供参考依据。方法选取2018年9—10月本院血液科血小板输注的血液病患者,追溯血小板来源,将其血小板献血者按献血次数,分为3组:第一组,为首次在本站献血小板的献血者,80例;第二组,连续献血小板献血2—9次者,32例;第三组,连续献血小板次数≥10次者,105例。统计分析数据,观察患者输注血小板前后,血小板、白细胞计数的改变,进而对血小板输注效果做比较。结果 1)患者血小板输注前后白细胞平均值分别为(2.57±5.41)×109/L,(2.67±7.25)×109/L(P>0.05);男性与女性患者血小板输注有效率分别为64.03%,65.38%;年龄<18岁与>18岁患者血小板输注有效率分别为63.64%,64.67%;不同年龄段、不同性别的患者血小板输注有效率无差异(P>0.05);血小板抗体检测阴性患者有效率(84.15%)明显高于阳性(50.00%)及弱阳性(59.00%)者(P<0.05);A(58.10... 相似文献
Hussein Fletcher Long Zuccaro Bolwell & Hoeltge 《Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England)》1998,8(1):43-47
Platelet transfusion support is required during bone marrow aplasia following ablative chemotherapy and bone marrow progenitor cell transplantation (BMT). Amphotericin-B is frequently given to these patients, both therapeutically and prophylactically, and has been described to have a negative impact on the results of platelet transfusions. We conducted a prospective study of the effect of amphotericin-B on transfused platelet recovery and survival in 81 BMT or acute leukaemia patients. One hundred and ninety-five platelet transfusions administered to 81 consecutive patients were analysed. The platelets were transfused 2 h after the completion of amphotericin-B. Using this schedule resulted in no effect of amphotericin-B on platelet recovery or survival, although platelet increments were modestly depressed in patients receiving high- vs. low-dose amphotericin-B. We conclude that the timing of amphotericin-B infusion be evaluated in patients demonstrating poor platelet recovery and survival. Transfusing platelets at least 2 h after the completion of amphotericin-B decreases the detrimental effect of this antifungal agent on transfused platelet recovery and survival. 相似文献
目的探讨血液病反复输血患者血小板抗体、交叉配型试验结果与血小板输注效果的关系。方法回顾性分析112例血液病反复输血患者临床资料,根据入院时血小板抗体检验结果将其分为阳性组与阴性组,配型到阴性或弱阳性供者标本纳入相合亚组,多次配型均为阳性供者标本纳入不合亚组。比较阳性组与阴性组首次输注后,相合亚组与不合亚组本次输注后,1 h、24 h血小板校正增高计数(CCI)及血小板回收率(PPR)差异,采用Spearman相关系数模型分析1 h、24 h血小板CCI及PPR与血小板抗体检验、交叉配型试验结果的相关性。结果阳性组1 h CCI、24 h CCI、1 h PPR、24 h PPR水平均明显低于阴性组(P<0.05),相合亚组1 h CCI、24 h CCI、1 h PPR、24 h PPR水平均明显高于不合亚组(P<0.05)。血小板抗体测试结果与1 h CCI、24 h CCI、1 h PPR、24 h PPR水平均呈显著负相关(P<0.05);交叉配型试验结果与1 h CCI、24 h CCI、1 h PPR、24 h PPR水平均呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。结论血小板抗体检测及交叉配型结果与反复输血患者血小板输注效果关系较为密切,临床需积极开展上述试验以避免不必要的血小板资源浪费。 相似文献