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We have identified two Semaphorin genes, Sema 3D and Sema 3F, as being specifically expressed in the developing parathyroid and thymus. The thymus and parathyroid originate from a common primordium that develops from the third pharyngeal pouch in mice. The expression of Sema 3D and Sema 3F was compared with that of gcm2, Pax1, and Neuropilin-1 and -2, and genes encoding a variety of Plexins by in situ hybridization during mouse pharyngeal development. Sema 3D was specifically expressed in the dorsal and cranial portions of the primordium developing from the third pouch at mouse embryonic day (E) 10.5. That the expression pattern of Sema 3D was consistent with that of gcm2 indicates that Sema 3D was expressed in the parathyroid-specific domains of the developing third pouch. The parathyroid-specific pattern of Sema 3D expression continued until E17.5. By contrast, Sema 3F was expressed in both the parathyroid and thymic domains of the common primordium at E10.5, and the expression levels in both tissues were decreased during development. The Semaphorin receptors were expressed in the blood vessels, nerves, and mesenchymal cells adjacent to the common primordium or the separated parathyroid and thymus during development. Our results show that Sema 3D and Sema 3F genes were overlappingly and distinctly expressed in the developing parathyroid and thymus, respectively, and that Semaphorin signaling might play roles in the interactions between these organs and surrounding tissues such as nerves and blood vessels, and in the recruitment of lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

目的观察孕期/哺乳期砷暴露对仔鼠脑组织神经导向因子Sema3A表达的影响。方法对昆明种孕小鼠在孕期和哺乳期以自由饮水方式连续染毒,应用跳台试验观察孕期/哺乳期砷暴露对断乳仔鼠学习和记忆能力的影响,应用Real—timeRT—PCR和Western blot方法检测孕期/哺乳期砷暴露对断乳仔鼠脑组织sema3A表达的影响。结果跳台实验结果表明,随砷暴露剂量增加,小鼠发生错误的次数增加,从平台跳下的潜伏期缩短:Real—timeRT—PCR和Westem blot检测结果显示,出生21天砷暴露组仔鼠脑组织Sema3A在mRNA和蛋白水平的表达显著升高,且呈剂量一反应关系(P〈0.05)。结论孕期/哺乳期砷暴露能够影响仔鼠学习和记忆能力,其机制可能与砷影响脑发育关键时期脑组织Sema3A的基因和蛋白表达有关。  相似文献   

目的:为探讨分化抑制蛋白ID3在急性T淋巴细胞白血病(T-ALL)患者中的表达及其意义.方法:分为T-ALL组(25例)、急性B淋巴细胞白血病(B-ALL)组(28例)和正常对照组(30例).分别用免疫组化染色检测各组分化抑制蛋白ID3的表达.结果:发现T-ALL组的分化抑制蛋白ID3表达明显高于B-ALL组及正常对照...  相似文献   

目的 探究 lncRNA HOXB-AS3 对急性髓样白血病 (acute myeloid leukemia, AML) 的增殖、 凋亡和侵袭的影响和机制。 方法 RT-qPCR 检测 AML 患者骨髓单核细胞 (BMMCs) 和细胞系中 lncRNA HOXB-AS3 相对表达量。 慢病毒转染建立稳定表达 shRNA-HOXB-AS3-01, shRNA-HOXB-AS3-02 和 shRNA-HOXB-AS3-03 的 THP1 和 HL60 细胞系。 CCK-8 实验、 EdU 实验、 流式细胞术实验和 Transwell 实验分别检测 THP1和 HL60 细胞活力、 增殖、 凋亡和侵袭能力, Western 印迹检测蛋白相对表达量。 建立裸鼠 AML 移植瘤模型, 体内验证 HOXB-AS3 低表达对肿瘤生长的影响。 结果 lncRNA HOXB-AS3 在 AML 患者 BMMCs 和细胞系中的表达量显著增加。 在细胞实验中, HOXB-AS3 低表达显著抑制 THP1 和 HL60 细胞活力、 增殖和侵袭, 增加细胞凋亡率, 上调 cleaved caspase-3、 cleaved caspase-9 和 E-cadherin 蛋白的表达, 下调 N-cadherin、VEGF、 PI3Kp85α 和 p-AKT 蛋白的表达。 在体内实验中, HOXB-AS3 低表达显著抑制肿瘤生长, 下调PI3Kp85α 和 p-AKT 蛋白表达。 结论 lncRNA HOXB-AS3 通过激活 PI3K-AKT 通路加剧 AML 细胞的增殖、凋亡和侵袭。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性白血病患者血管内皮生长因子水平的变化。方法:应用酶联双抗体夹心法测定了34例急性白血病患者血管内皮生长因子的含量,并与35名正常健康人作比较。结果:急性白血病患者在治疗前血管内皮生长因子含量非常显著地高于正常人组(P〈0.01),经抗癌和中西医结合治疗三个月后与正常人组比较,仍有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论:急性白血病的发生与发展与血管内皮生长因子水平密切相关。  相似文献   


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, FAB L3 subtype (ALL-L3), is uncommon, accounting for less than 2% of cases of ALL. It is usually associated with an unfavorable prognosis. Immunophenotypically, ALL-L3 is typically a leukemia of B cells, expressing monotypic surface immunoglobulin and B cell surface antigens, shows variable expression of CDlO (CALLA), but lacks terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). ALL-L3, like Burkitt's lymphoma (small non-cleaved lymphoma), is usually associated with specific chromosomal translocations, most commonly t(8;14). The authors report an unusual case of ALL-L3 with a complex karyotype including t(8;14) and the unusual finding of a precursor B cell immunophenotype with both CDlO and TdT positivity. We also review the literature for similar immunophenotypic variants of ALL with L3 morphology. (The J Histotechnol 18:149, 1995)  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of the semaphorin family member, Sema3D, in the developing dorsal root ganglia of the rat. Sema3D expression was observed in a subpopulation of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. The expression peaked at E15 and thereafter it declined. The change in Sema3D expression between E13 and E20 was analyzed by comparison to the expression of TrkA, TrkC and Neuropilin-1 by in situ hybridization. The expression pattern of Sema3D in DRG was similar to that of TrkC and was different from that of TrkA or Neuropilin-1. Double immunohistochemical analysis revealed that Sema3D expression was confined to neurons that expressed TrkC and Runx3, which mediate proprioception, but not to nociceptive neurons that express TrkA. Functionally distinct DRG neurons have different projection patterns in the spinal cord, therefore, Sema3D may regulate the axonal navigation of the large diameter DRG neurons.  相似文献   

目的 探究程序性死亡分子1配体-1(PD-L1)在急性髓系白血病(AML)中的表达作用和临床意义。方法 选取2013年1月~2016年12月在我院进行治疗并确诊为AML的初治患者49例为观察组,选择同期在我院接受治疗的27例非恶性疾病如缺铁性贫血、巨幼细胞性贫血者作为对照组。对比两组患者血液中的PD-L1表达水平,分析患者性别、年龄、初诊白细胞计数、亚型的对血液中PD-L1的影响,确定PD-L1表达与临床疗效的相关性。结果 对照组患者治疗前的PD-L1表达与观察组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗后,观察组的PD-L1表达高于对照组,统计学意义显著(P<0.01)。单因素结果显示,PD-L1在AML初诊患者中的表达水平与患者的性别、年龄、初诊WBC数、分型无相关性(P>0.05);未缓解AML患者组PD-L1表达水平高于持续完全缓解组AML患者(P<0.01)。结论 PD-L1可能参与AML的免疫逃逸机制,并可能与病情进展及治疗效果相关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性白血病患者化疗前后血清IGF-Ⅱ、IL-8和VEGF水平的变化及临床意义。方法:应用放射免疫分析和酶联法对31例急性白血病患者进行了血清IGF-Ⅱ、IL-8和VEGF检测,并与35名正常健康人作比较。结果:急性白血病患者在化疗前血清IGF-Ⅱ、IL-8和VEGF水平均非常显著地高于正常人组(P〈0.01),化疗后6个月未复发者28例,明显下降接近正常人组,而复发的3例其数值又回升到化疗前水平(P〈0.01)。结论:检测急性白血病患者血清IGF—II、IL-8和VEGF水平的变化可作为诊断和疗效观察的参数。  相似文献   

应用生物学检则法,ELISA法和间接免疫荧光法分析了24例急性白血病患者外周血IL-6,sIL-6R和TNF-α的含量及其与白血病细胞负荷的相关性.结果显示:(1)急性白血病患者外周血IL-6,sIL-6R及TNF-α水平明显升高,其中急性B淋巴性白血病(B-ALL)的IL-6,sIL-6R及急性T淋巴性白血病(T-ALL)的TNF-α升高尤为明显;(2)B-ALL的IL-6,TNF-α及T-ALL的TNF-α水平与白血病细胞负荷有着较好的正相关性;而sIL-6R水平与白血病细胞负荷则无明显的相关.由此表明不同类型的白血病存在不同的有利于肿瘤细胞生长的生物因子微环境,这些生物因子及其受体的异常表达与白血病的发生发展相关.  相似文献   

目的:探讨了急性白血病患者治疗前后血清Hcy、IL-8和VEGF水平的变化及临床意义.方法:应用放射免疫分析和酶联法分别对33例急性白血病患者进行了治疗前后血清Hcy、IL-8和VEGF检测,并与35例正常健康人作比较.结果:急性白血病患者治疗前血清Hcy、IL-8和VEGF水平均非常显著地高于正常人组(P<0.01)...  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性白血病患者治疗前后血清TNF-α和血浆VEGF水平的变化及临床意义。方法:分别应用放射免疫分析和酶联免疫法对31例急性白血病患者进行了治疗前后血清TNF-α和血浆VEGF检测,并以30名正常健康人做比较。结果:急性白血病患者治疗前血清TNF-α和血浆VEGF水平显著高于正常人组(P〈0.01),经化疗和中西医结合治疗后6个月与正常人组比较仍有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论:急性白血病的发生发展与血清TNF-α和血浆VEGF水平密切相关。  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in CYP3A genes, such as CYP3A5} and CYP3A4, as well as in the MDR1 gene, which encodes for P-glycoprotein, have been implicated as genetic markers in several disorders. Differences in the frequency distribution of the allelic variants CYP3A5 3, CYP3A4 1B, and MDR1 3435T have been demonstrated between distinct ethnic groups. In this study we examined the frequency of these allelic variants in 317 healthy Mestizo individuals from Ecuador and made comparisons with results reported in the literature. The genotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP. Allele and genotype differences were studied by chi-square test. The MDR1 T allele frequency was similar to that of Spaniard or Asian populations, which is consistent with the ethnic origin of Ecuadorian Mestizo individuals (Amerindian and Spaniard Caucasians). By contrast, the CYP3A5 3 allele frequency was significantly lower in Ecuadorians than in Spaniards and other white populations and higher than in Central Americans, Asians and blacks. CYP3A4 1B was more common in Ecuadorians than in Caucasian or Asian populations but less present than in blacks. The differences in the polymorphism found in this work should be considered in allele-disease association studies.  相似文献   

目的:探讨了急性髓系白血病患者治疗前后血清VEGF和SE—CAD水平的变化。方法:应用酶联双抗体夹心法(ELISA)对35例急性髓系白血病患者进行了血清VEGF(血管内皮生长因子)和SE—CAD(可溶性上皮型钙黏蛋白)水平测定,并与30名正常人作比较。结果:急性髓系白血病患者在治疗前均非常显著地高于正常人组(P〈0.01),经6个月治疗后复发者血清VEGF和SE—CAD水平持续异常,未复发者血清VEGF和SE—CAD水平恢复正常。结论:血清VEGF和SE—CAD水平的变化与急性髓系白血病患者的病情和预后密切相关,有一定的临床实用价值。  相似文献   

Neuropilin-1基因在CML骨髓基质细胞中的表达及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解Neruophlin -1基因在慢性粒细胞白血病 (CML)骨髓基质细胞中的表达情况 .方法 收集 14例CML和 2 0例正常对照骨髓标本 ,分离单个核细胞 .进行体外长期培养 ,收集贴壁细胞 (骨髓基质细胞 ) .利用RT -PCR方法分析两组骨髓基质细胞中的cDNA ,了解Neuropilin -1基因表达情况 .结果 建立了CML和正常人骨髓基质细胞培养方法 ,CML骨髓基质细胞中的Neuropilin -1基因表达率 (50 % )明显低于正常对照 (85% ) (p <0 .0 5) .结论 参与调控骨髓基质细胞的Neuropilin -1基因可表达于大部分正常人和部分CML患者骨髓基质细胞中 ,Neuropilin -1基因在部分CML骨髓基质细胞中的表达缺失可能与其调节造血功能异常有关  相似文献   

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