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Maintained activity of cat retinal ganglion cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

To assess the information encoded in retinal spike trains and how it might be decoded by recipient neurons in the brain, we recorded from individual cat X and Y ganglion cells and visually stimulated them with randomly modulated patterns of various contrast and spatial configuration. For each pattern, we estimated the information rate of the cells using linear or nonlinear algorithms and for some patterns by directly measuring response probability distributions. We show that ganglion cell spike trains contain information from the receptive field center and surround, that the center and surround have similar signaling capacity, that antagonism between the mechanisms reduces information transmission, and that the total information rate is limited. We also show that a linear decoding algorithm can capture all of the information available in retinal spike trains about weak inputs, but it misses a substantial amount about strong inputs. For the strongest stimulus we used, the information rate of the best linear decoder averaged 40-70 bits/s across ganglion cell types, while the directly measured rate was around 20-40 bits/s greater. This implies that under certain stimulus conditions, visual information is encoded in the temporal structure of retinal spike trains and that a nonlinear decoding algorithm is needed to extract the temporally coded information. Using simulated spike trains, we demonstrate that much of the temporal structure may be explained by the threshold for spike generation and is not necessarily indicative of a complex coding scheme.  相似文献   

Analysis of receptive fields of cat retinal ganglion cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Slow dark discharge rhythms of cat retinal ganglion cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The contrast sensitivity of retinal ganglion cells of the cat   总被引:36,自引:28,他引:36  
1. Spatial summation within cat retinal receptive fields was studied by recording from optic-tract fibres the responses of ganglion cells to grating patterns whose luminance perpendicular to the bars varied sinusoidally about the mean level. 2. Summation over the receptive fields of some cells (X-cells) was found to be approximately linear, while for other cells (Y-cells) summation was very non-linear. 3. The mean discharge frequency of Y-cells (unlike that of X-cells) was greatly increased when grating patterns drifted across their receptive fields. 4. In twenty-one X-cells the relation between the contrast and spatial frequency of drifting sinusoidal gratings which evoked the same small response was measured. In every case it was found that the reciprocal of this relation, the contrast sensitivity function, could be satisfactorily described by the difference of two Gaussian functions. 5. This finding supports the hypothesis that the sensitivities of the antagonistic centre and surround summating regions of ganglion cell receptive fields fall off as Gaussian functions of the distance from the field centre. 6. The way in which the sensitivity of an X-cell for a contrast-edge pattern varied with the distance of the edge from the receptive field centre was determined and found to be consistent with the cell's measured contrast sensitivity function. 7. Reducing the retinal illumination produced changes in the contrast sensitivity function of an X-cell which suggested that the diameters of the summating regions of the receptive field increased while the surround region became relatively ineffective.  相似文献   

Summary For cat retinal ganglion cells whose receptive field centres were distributed in specified sections of the left visual field, the deviations of the major axis from the radial, horizontal, and circumferential directions were determined. The percentage of cells with deviations within ± 20° from the radial, horizontal, and circumferential directions were, respectively, 33%, 68%, 16%. In addition, comparison between values of deviation from the horizontal direction for cells located at eccentricities of 10° and 20° from the area centralis showed a statistically significant trend: the bias for the horizontal increased with eccentricity.  相似文献   

Response of cat retinal ganglion cells to moving visual patterns   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A rise in intracellular calcium levels ([Ca(2+)](i)) is a key trigger for the lethal effects of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate in various central neurons, but a consensus has not been reached on the pathways that mediate glutamate-dependent increases of [Ca(2+)](i) in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Using Ca(2+) imaging techniques we demonstrated that, in the absence of external Mg(2+), the Ca(2+) signal evoked by glutamate was predominantly mediated by NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDA-Rs) in immunopanned RGCs isolated from neonatal or adult rats. Voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and AMPA/kainate-Rs contributed a smaller portion of the Ca(2+) response at saturating concentrations of glutamate. Consistent with NMDA-R involvement, extracellular Mg(2+) inhibited RGC glutamate responses, while glycine had a potentiating effect. With Mg(2+) present externally, the effect of AMPA/kainate-R antagonists was enhanced and both NMDA- and AMPA/kainate-R antagonists greatly reduced the glutamate-induced increases of RGC [Ca(2+)](i). This finding indicates that the primary contribution of AMPA/kainate-Rs to RGC glutamatergic Ca(2+) dynamics is through the depolarization-dependent relief of the Mg(2+) block of NMDA-R channels. The effect of glutamate receptor antagonists on glutamatergic Ca(2+) signals from RGCs in adult rat retinal wholemounts yielded results similar to those obtained using immunopanned RGCs. Additional experiments on isolated RGCs revealed that during a 1 h glutamate (10-1000 microm) exposure, 18-28% of RGCs exhibited delayed Ca(2+) deregulation (DCD) and the RGCs that underwent DCD were positive for the death marker annexin V. RGCs with larger glutamate-evoked Ca(2+) signals were more likely to undergo DCD, and NMDA-R blockade significantly reduced the occurrence of DCD. Identifying the mechanisms underlying RGC excitotoxicity aids in our understanding of the pathophysiology of retinal ischaemia, and this work establishes a major role for NMDA-R-mediated increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in glutamate-related RGC death.  相似文献   

Summary During continuous movement of a large global pattern remote from the classical receptive field retinal ganglion cells discharge considerably faster (continuous shift effect), and center responses are decreased in amplitude for neurons with a relatively high ongoing activity (mostly ON-center) but increased for neurons with no ongoing discharge (mostly OFF-center). The results suggest that all retinal ganglion cells have more or less access to one long range mechanism, which is non-linear and almost all-or-none in nature.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 70 Hirnforschung und Sinnesphysiologie (SFB 70 / Tp A2)  相似文献   

Experimental Brain Research - The spatial distribution of the surround's adaptation mechanism was studied in X-and Y-cells in the cat's retina. Adaptive sensitivity was assessed with...  相似文献   

1. The responses of cat retinal ganglion cells to brief flashes of light have been illustrated and described with a view to providing material for comparison with psychophysical experiments in the scotopic (rod-dominated) range of performance.2. There is a minimum response duration of 50-70 msec no matter how brief the flash is made. This duration is reached with stimuli lasting 32 msec or shorter.3. Reducing the background illumination obviously increases the latency of responses to stimuli at 4 times threshold intensity (about 10 msec increment per log. unit decrement) but has no obvious effect on the minimum response duration.4. The relation between intensity and duration of a flash for threshold responses closely resembles that in human psychophysical experiments. The Bunsen-Roscoe law is applicable for flash durations up to 64 msec.5. If equal amounts of energy are delivered in the form of a pair of flashes of varying separation rather than by rectangular pulses, the shape of the response changes more abruptly with the temporal factor.6. Non-linear performance is apparent for stimuli as weak as 4 times threshold.7. A method is developed for quantitative analysis of individual responses. It is based upon cross-correlation of the train of impulses with a Gaussian smoothing function and represents local impulse frequency as a smooth function of time. The method also improves the signal-to-noise ratio of post-stimulus time-histograms of the sum of many responses.8. The measurement of variability of individual responses is the main result of the method; its magnitude indicates that it is a significant new factor limiting temporal resolution with suprathreshold stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary Responses of retinal ganglion cells to motion of large fields of visual texture were recorded in the lightly anaesthetised, immobilized cat. Brisk sustained and brisk transient, on- or off-centre, units gave a modulated response to texture motion. The pattern of temporal modulation of the response was dependent upon the particular configuration (sample) of texture crossing the receptive field. The magnitude of the response depended on the size of the receptive field centre. For all units, whether sustained or transient the magnitude of response to a textured field of fixed angular subtense declined as centre-diameter increased from 0.9 deg. For brisk units the response magnitude levelled off for centre sizes smaller than 0.9 deg. Responses to texture were confined spatially to the region of the receptive field, and the overall characteristics of this response were due to interactions between the centre and surround mechanisms of the receptive field. In brisk transient units, no evoked response was evident when texture motion was confined to regions well away from the receptive field of the unit, i.e. no periphery or shift effect could be demonstrated. The results support previous suggestions that the differential sensitivity to texture motion evident in cortical neurones must be due to intra-cortical processing.Supported by Project Grant G978/558/N from the Medical Research Council  相似文献   

Summary Single optic tract fibers in the cat were classified as X or Y cells by a contrast reversal stimulus. A slit of light was then moved across the receptive field at velocities from 10–1000 ° /s. The preferred velocity was that velocity which elicited the strongest response from the cell. The maximum velocity was the highest velocity target to which a cell could respond. Y cells as a group both preferred and could follow faster targets than X cells, and were more broadly tuned to the preferred velocity.This study was supported by Public Health Service Grant EY 00701 and NEI Grant EY 00376  相似文献   

Originally, modeling of ganglion-cell responses in cat was based mainly on linear analysis. This is satisfactory for those cells in which spatial summation of excitation is approximately linear (X-cells) but it fails for Y-cells, where summation has strong nonlinear components. Others have shown the utility of using sinusoidal analysis to study harmonic and intermodulation nonlinearities in the temporal frequency domain. We have used Wiener-kernel analysis to obtain directly both temporal and spatial impulse responses and their nonlinear interactions. From these, we were able to predict accurately the responses that a counterphase modulated grating elicited in both X-cells and Y-cells. In addition, we show that the first-order responses can measure the two-dimensional spatial features of the receptive field with high resolution. Thus, nonlinear analysis of responses to white-noise stimuli may be sufficient to both classify and measure the receptive fields of many different types of ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Threshold setting by the surround of cat retinal ganglion cells.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. The slope of curves relating the log increment threshold to log background luminance in cat retinal ganglion cells is affected by the area and duration of the test stimulus, as it is in human pyschophysical experiments. 2. Using large area, long duration stimuli the slopes average 0-82 and approach close to 1 (Weber's Law) in the steepest cases. Small stimuli gave an average of 0-53 for on-centre units using brief stimuli, and 0-56 for off-centre units, using long stimuli. Slopes under 0-5 (square root law) were not found over an extended range of luminances. 3. On individual units the slope was generally greater for larger and longer test stimulus, but no unit showed the full extent of change from slope of 0-5 to slope of 1. 4. The above differences hold for objective measures of quantum/spike ratio, as well as for thresholds either judged by ear or assessed by calculation. 5. The steeper slope of the curves for large area, long duration test stimuli compared with small, long duration stimuli, is associated with the increased effectiveness of antagonism from the surround at high backgrounds. This change may be less pronounced in off-centre units, one of which (probably transient Y-type) showed no difference of slope, and gave parallel area-threshold curves at widely separated background luminances, confirming the importance of differential surround effectiveness in changing the slope of the curves. 6. In on-centre units, the increased relative effectiveness of the surround is associated with the part of the raised background light that falls on the receptive field centre. 7. It is suggested that the variable surround functions as a zero-offset control that sets the threshold excitation required for generating impulses, and that this is separate from gain-setting adaptive mechanisms. This may be how ganglion cells maintain high incremental sensitivity in spite of a strong maintained excitatory drive that would otherwise cause compressive response non-linearities.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear spatial subunits in Y cat retinal ganglion cells.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
1. The mechanism which makes Y cells different from X cells was investigated. 2. Spatial frequency contrast sensitivity functions for the fundamental and second harmonic responses of Y cells to alternating phase gratings were determined. 3. The fundamental spatial frequency response was predicted by the Fourier transform of the sensitivity profile of the Y cell. The high spatial frequency cut-off of a Y cell's fundamental response was in this way related to the centre of the cell's receptive field. 4. The second harmonic response of a Y cell did not cut off at such a low spatial frequency as the fundamental response. This result indicated that the source of the second harmonic was a spatial subunit of the receptive field smaller in spatial extent than the centre. 5. Contrast sensitivity vs. spatial phase for a Y cell was measured under three conditions: a full grating, a grating seen through a centrally located window, a grating partially obscured by a visual shutter. The 2nd/1st harmonic sensitivity ratio went down with the window and up with the shutter. These results implied that the centre of Y cells was linear and also that the nonlinear subunits extended into the receptive field surround. 6. Spatial localization of the nonlinear subunits was determined by means of a spatial dipole stimulus. The nonlinear subunits overlapped the centre and surround of the receptive field and extended beyond both. 7. The nature of the Y cell nonlinearity was found to be rectification, as determined from measurements of the second harmonic response as a function of contrast. 8. Spatial models for the Y cell receptive field are proposed.  相似文献   

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