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XinjiangUygurAutonomousRegioninChinaisoneofthelongevityareasintheworldAccordingtosomereports,mostXinjiangcentenariansoftheUygurnationalityhadfewchangesinbodyform,andsomeofthemretainedtheabilitytowork1AstomotologicalstudyinUygurcentenariansshowedthatmo…  相似文献   

ObjectiveTofurtherinvestigatetheefectsofultraviolet(UV)iradiatedurocanicacid(UCA)onTlymphocytes,theefectsofcisUCAonTlymphoc...  相似文献   

UFT:biochemicalmodulationfor5┐fluorouracil(5┐FU)TetsuoTaguchi田口铁男EmeritusProfessorofOsakaUniversity,Osaka,Japan(TaguchiT)UFT,...  相似文献   

Hong T  Huo Y  Gao W  Xu B  Zhu G 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》1998,111(11):1025-1027
Unstableanginapectoris(UAP)isclasifiedinthecategoryofcardiacemergency.Itissusceptibletoacutemyocardialinfarctionorevensuddenc...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION  Therearemanydifferentoperationsforurinarystressincontinence (USI) .Themostcommonlyusedareanteriorcolporrhaphy (Kellyoperation)andabdominalretropubicoperation (Colposuspention) .ThepresentpaperistostudytheeffectofthesetwoproceduresforUSIinaret…  相似文献   

Ultravioletbloodirradiationandoxygenation (UBIO)isaformofphysicaltherapy ,duringwhichacertainvolumeofvenousbloodisdrawnfromapatientandprocessedwithaspecificdoseofultravioletirradiationandoxygenationinabloodtherapyinstrument,itistheninfusedbackintothesam…  相似文献   

AlcoholicketoacidosisisfirstdescribedintheUnitedStatesin 194 0followedbymanysubsequentreports ,mainlyfromtheUnitedStates However,intheUKliterature ,therehaveonlybeenseveralreportstodate ,1 4  andithasbeensuggestedthatthisapparentrarityisprobablyduetounderdiag…  相似文献   

窦莉萍 《医学文选》1999,18(1):58-59
钩藤为茜草科植物钩藤Uncariarhynchophyla(Miq.)jacks.大叶钩藤Uncariamacrophylawal、毛钩藤UncariahirsutaHavil、华钩藤Uncariasinensis(Oliv.)Havil.或无柄果钩...  相似文献   

Toinvestigatetheroleoftransurethralmicrowaveneedleablation (TUMWNA)inthemanagementofbladdercancer ,TUMWNAwascarriedoutin 2 4patientswithbladdercancersince 1989 FromJanuary 1989toDecember 1997,2 4patientswithbladdercancerweretreatedwithTUMWNA The 15menand 9womenwere 4 2…  相似文献   

ShiftworkandHeatStressinanIntensiveCareUnitLIULi-wang(刘理望)(InstituteofOccupationalMedicine,TongjiMedicalUniversity,Wuhan)Cost...  相似文献   

Objective To identify contraceptive use behavior and its determinants among never married young women with an unwanted pregnancy and seeking pregnancy termination in Beijing.Methods A cross-sectional study, adopting the Lawrence’ PRECEDE-PROCEED model was conducted in 1999 in Beijing, China. A total of 306 unmarried young women, aged 18 to 24 years and requesting pregnancy termination, were face to face interviewed.Results Only 13% of the young women insisted on contraceptive use, and almost an equal proportion occasionally or never used contraceptives (26% and 27%, respectively). Among 224 women who had contraceptive use during the past 12 months, the methods used most often were condom (49%), withdrawal (28%) and the rhythm method (16%). One of the most important reasons cited by 73 percent of women who had never used contraceptives was that they did not realize the risk of getting pregnant. The results of logistic regression analysis revealed that knowledge on contraception, boyfriend’s approval of contraceptive use, perceived risk of getting pregnant, perceived availability of contraceptive services and discussion of contraception with boyfriend were important indicators of a young woman’s contraceptive use behavior.Conclusion These results indicate an urgent need to develop sex education on conception and contraception among young women and men. It is equally important to enhance young women’s perception about the risk of unwanted pregnancy and the complications of induced abortion. Promoting men’s cooperation and participation in contraceptive use as well as strengthening communication on contraception between young women and their partners is essential.  相似文献   

目的:调查郑州市人工流产女青年人工流产的原因和对避孕的知识、态度、行为,并分析其影响因素.方法:采用整群抽样的方法,选取2005年8月至2005年10月在郑州市所辖医院要求人工流产的女青年共1 100人进行横断面调查.结果:被调查者首次性行为始于16.4~25.0岁,中位数22.5岁.65.1%的女青年是第1次做人工流产.未采取避孕措施(67.9%)和避孕失败(32.1%)是导致非意愿妊娠的主要原因.在622名曾经使用过避孕方法的女青年中,最常用的避孕方法依次是安全套、紧急避孕、安全期.单因素分析结果显示:年龄、出生地、文化程度是影响避孕知识得分的主要因素(P<0.05或0.01).Logistic回归分析结果显示:流产女青年在过去3个月中的避孕行为与男方是否关心避孕问题、流产次数、避孕知识水平有关(P<0.05或0.01).结论:亟需对未婚青年开展有关避孕知识的教育,提高对意外妊娠风险的认识,促进男性积极参与避孕.  相似文献   

A study of contraception as related to unwanted pregnancy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A study was made of 150 women requesting therapeutic abortion. Mechanical failure of the contraceptive method used accounted for unwanted pregnancy in 89 (59%) women. In the remainder no method of contraception was used by either partner. Among women requesting abortion, failure to use contraceptives was commoner in the younger and unmarried than in older and married women.

The data obtained were analyzed in an attempt to explain the failure and avoidance of contraception. Suggestions are made as to how to discourage the use of abortion as a method of contraception.


Recent investigations have suggested that women who use barrier methods of contraception may be at increased risk for preeclampsia. We used data from two prospective pregnancy studies to examine the relationship between contraceptive use before conception and preeclampsia. The preeclampsia rates among women using barrier contraceptives were not significantly higher than the rates in women using nonbarrier contraceptives or the rates in women using no contraceptives in either study. The odds ratios for preeclampsia in barrier contraceptive users in the two studies were 0.89 (95% confidence interval [Cl], 0.71 to 1.12) and 0.85 (95% Cl, 0.49 to 1.45) compared with nonbarrier contraceptive users and 0.91 (95% Cl, 0.71 to 1.16) and 0.81 (95% Cl, 0.48 to 1.35) compared with women using no contraceptives. After adjusting for other risk factors, we found no association between preeclampsia and barrier contraceptive use. Additional studies are needed to resolve this issue; however, we would recommend that women not be advised to avoid barrier contraceptives unless more data linking their use to preeclampsia appear.  相似文献   

Lo SS  Ho PC 《香港医学杂志》2012,18(4):299-303
OBJECTIVES. To review the profile of emergency contraceptive users, their reasons for using emergency contraception, and whether they use it correctly. DESIGN. Retrospective analysis of medical records. SETTING. Six Birth Control Clinics and three Youth Health Care Centres of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. PARTICIPANTS. Women requesting emergency contraception between 2006 and 2008. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES. Demographics of emergency contraception users, reasons for requesting emergency contraception, number of times the subject had unprotected intercourse before emergency contraception use, type of emergency contraception provided, coitus-treatment intervals, and outcomes. RESULTS. A total of 11 014 courses of emergency contraception were provided, which included 10 845 courses of levonorgestrel-only pills, 168 intrauterine contraceptive devices, and one course of pills plus an intrauterine contraceptive device. The mean age of the users was 30 years. Two thirds (65.6%) were nulliparous and 64.9% had not had a previous abortion. Their major reasons for requesting emergency contraception were: omission of contraceptive at the index intercourse (38.9%), condom accidents (38.0%), and non-use of any regular contraceptives (20.6%). Non-users of contraceptives were more likely to have had a previous abortion. In all, 97.9% of women took emergency contraception within 72 hours of their unprotected intercourse; 98% had had a single act of unprotected intercourse. None of the intrauterine contraceptive device users became pregnant. The failure rate for emergency contraceptive pills was 1.8%. CONCLUSIONS. Women requested emergency contraception because contraceptives were omitted or condom accidents. Health care providers should focus on motivating women with a history of abortion to use contraceptives, and ensure that condom users know how to use them correctly. Most women followed instructions on the use for emergency contraception and their outcomes were satisfactory.  相似文献   

目的 分析青少年女性非意愿妊娠现状,探讨实施流产后关爱服务项目对青少年女性流产后避孕的应用效果。 方法 收集2015年8月—2016年7月在宁波市妇女儿童医院计划生育门诊因非意愿妊娠自愿在门诊接受人工流产术的青少年女性,在流产前进行流产后关爱服务,分析青少年患者流产前的一般情况、人工流产次数及高危因素、流产前后的避孕方式、避孕方法立即落实率、高效避孕率及术后1、3个月避孕方法持续使用率等。 结果 青少年患者共1 638例,平均年龄为(21.83±3.67)岁,15岁3例(0.18%),16~19岁的有183例(11.17%),20~24岁的有1 452例(88.65%),青少年意外妊娠原因归结为未避孕和避孕失败,所有接受人工流产后关爱(PAC)的青少年患者流产后避孕立即落实率为100.00%,高效避孕率由流产前1.70%增加到67.33%,高效避孕方法主要为复方短效口服避孕药及宫内节育器。随访第1、3个月高效避孕方法使用率呈下降趋势,其中口服避孕药使用率下降明显。随访期间失访461例,坚持随访人员1 177例中有10例(0.85%)再次妊娠。 结论 青少年意外妊娠原因归结为未避孕和避孕失败。科学系统的优质人工流产后关爱(post abortion care,PAC)能有效指导青少年落实合适的避孕方法,保证避孕效率,防范青少年重复流产的发生,保障青少年女性的生殖健康。   相似文献   

This article discusses the issues of contraception, pregnancy, birth and abortion. It puts these issues in a context for health care professionals in the state of Georgia. Currently the US is last in the developed world in contraceptive use, further, when we do use contraceptive, we have the highest failure rate of any developed nation. Annually there are 600,000 unwanted pregnancies in the US just from the failure of oral contraceptives. In 1985 there were 3.7 million live births and 1.5 million legal abortions. This is indicative of how poorly we use contraceptive technology. Currently Georgia has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy. Considering only Medicaid, AFDC, and Food Stamps, the state of Georgia spends $11,600 on each teen pregnancy for the first year. The author's final conclusion is that a well funded birth control program, that included sexual education, would be the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancies which cost the state money and put women in a position to chose abortion. This type of program has proven to be successful in Sweden and the Netherlands. The abortion issue would no be as important if there were significantly less unwanted pregnancies.  相似文献   

目的了解城市中流动人口在现居住地获得避孕节育知识的途径及对避孕节育知识的需求,并探讨其获得避孕节育知识的影响因素。方法采用整群抽样的方法,于北京、上海和成都三个人口高度集中的大城市选择研究对象6 304人,并就获得避孕节育知识的途径以及意愿问题对所抽取的研究对象进行问卷调查。结果流动人口在近1年内获得过避孕节育知识的比例上,成都(32.59%)低于上海(43.38%)和北京(34.43%);不同城市、不同性别、年龄、婚姻状况、学历、工作场所、家庭人均月收入、现居住地的主要居住方式、小孩个数、性生活频率、是否采取避孕措施等因素与是否获得避孕节育知识有关联;在现居住地,调查对象获取避孕节育知识的主要来源为宣传资料(37.25%);流动人口最期望获得避孕节育知识的途径是面对面咨询(43.56%);最期望获得避孕节育知识的内容是避孕方法的使用(33.96%)。结论流动人口的避孕节育知识水平相对较低,获取避孕节育知识的途径较少,对于流动人口的计划生育宣传不够,政府对于开展流动人口有关性与生殖健康知识的咨询和指导也有很大的不足与欠缺。  相似文献   


Background: Reproductive life plan counseling (RLPC) is a tool to encourage women and men to reflect upon their reproduction, to avoid unintended pregnancies and negative health behavior that can threaten reproduction. The aim was to evaluate the effect of RLPC among women attending contraceptive counseling. Outcomes were knowledge about fertility and awareness of preconception health, use of contraception, and women’s experience of RLPC.

Material and methods: Swedish-speaking women, aged 20–40 years, were randomized to intervention group (IG) or control group (CG). Participants (n?=?1,946) answered a questionnaire before and two months after (n?=?1,198, 62%) the consultation. All women received standard contraceptive counseling, and the IG also received the RLPC, i.e. questions on reproductive intentions, information about fertility, and preconception health.

Results: Women in the IG increased their knowledge about fertility: age and fertility, chances of getting pregnant, fecundity of an ovum, and chances of having a child with help of IVF. They also increased their awareness of factors affecting preconception health, such as to stop using tobacco, to refrain from alcohol, to be of normal weight, and to start with folic acid before a pregnancy. The most commonly used contraceptive method was combined oral contraceptives, followed by long-acting reversible contraception. Three out of four women (76%) in the IG stated that the RLPC should be part of the routine in contraceptive counseling.

Conclusions: Knowledge about fertility and awareness of preconception health increased after the intervention. The RLPC can be recommended as a tool in contraceptive counseling.  相似文献   

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