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Na?ve B cells introduced into a lymphopenic host undergo antigen-independent proliferation which is inhibited in a cell dose dependent manner by feedback from mature B cells. Homeostatic proliferation is a generalized lymphocyte property with B cells sharing many of the inductive and regulatory characteristics established for na?ve and memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and NK cells. In this communication we discuss the cytokine requirements for B cell HP, extend the murine studies to human cells, and propose the hypothesis that B cell HP may provide an antigen-independent mechanism for maintaining B cell memory.  相似文献   

Reduction of marginal zone B cells in CD22-deficient mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
CD22 is a B cell-specific member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and binds to sialic acid. CD22 inhibits B cell receptor signaling. Mice deficient for CD22 show a largely normal B cell development. Here, we have performed a detailed analysis of the splenic B cell population and found that the subset of marginal zone (MZ) B cells was selectively reduced in CD22-deficient mice. CD22-deficient mice showed a lack of TNP-ficoll capturing cells in the MZ and a reduced response to TNP-ficoll, particularly when the antigen was applied intravenously. CD22-deficient B cells showed both enhanced motility as well as enhanced chemotaxis to certain chemokines. The altered chemokine responsiveness or the higher signaling capacity of CD22-deficient B cells may lead to the compromised MZ B cell compartment, as both processes have previously been shown to affect MZ composition.  相似文献   

Summary: In Pax5 -deficient mice, B cell development is blocked at the pre-BI cell stage. Like wild-type, Pax5 –/– pre-BI cells can be grown long-term in vitro in the presence of stromal cells and IL-7. However, unlike their wild-type in vitro -grown counterparts, Pax5 –/– pre-BI cells possess an extraordinary developmental plasticity showing hematopoietic stem cell features such as multipotency and self renewing capacity. Here we review and discuss this in vitro and in vivo plasticity of Pax5 –/– pre-BI cells.  相似文献   

Ouabain (OUA) is an endogenous hormone released by the adrenal gland under stress situations. Steroid hormones and glucocorticoids have been characterized as selective inhibitors of lymphopoiesis. The present report shows in vivo modulation of mature B cells in bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood by ouabain. Mice injected intraperitonially (i.p.) with ouabain 0.56 mg/kg for 3 consecutive days displayed, 24 h after last injection, a decreased cellularity in the bone marrow with diminution of the mature B cell subpopulation while the other B cell subpopulations were preserved. Percentually, the myeloid lineage in bone marrow was increased by ouabain. Numbers of mature B lymphocytes in spleen and peripheral blood were reduced following in vivo treatment. In vitro, the B cell populations were not affected. The effects appear to be independent of steroid hormones and strain. The presence of stable levels of glucocorticoids seems to be important because the effects could only be observed from the fourth week animal's life, when glucocorticoid levels are stable. These results open new perspectives for a potential use of ouabain as an immunomodulator.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CXCR5 is thought to be essential for the migration of B cells into the network of follicular dendritic cells in the spleen. However, as shown here, B cells and follicular dendritic cells do co-localize, albeit aberrantly, even in the absence of CXCR5. In mice lacking CXCR5 both cell types are found in a broad ring around the sinuses of the marginal zones. Upon immunization with the T cell-dependent antigen 2-phenyl-oxazolone, ectopic germinal centers develop in the periarteriolar lymphocyte sheath. A network of follicular dendritic cells forms in the vicinity of the central arteriole within which the antigen-activated B cells proliferate. The analysis of the expressed V gene repertoire revealed that during B cell proliferation, hypermutation is activated and V region genes accumulate somatic mutations. The pattern of somatic mutations suggests that affinity selection may occur. This analysis confirms that in CXCR5-deficient mice, the organization of splenic primary follicles is severely impaired. However, within the T cell zone a micro-environment is built up, which provides all requirements needed for the affinity maturation to take place.  相似文献   

The lambda5 and VpreB genes encode the components of the surrogate light-chain which forms part of the pre-B cell receptor and plays a key role in B cell development. In the mouse, the lambda5 and VpreB1 genes are closely linked and are co-regulated by a multi-component locus control region. To identify the sequences that regulate lambda5 and VpreB1 expression during B cell development, we have comprehensively mapped the DNaseI hypersensitive sites (HS) in the lambda5-VpreB1 functional domain. The active domain contains 12 HS that are distributed at high density across the 18.3 kb region that forms the lambda5 and VpreB1 functional unit. Analysis of a reporter gene driven by the VpreB1 promoter in transgenic mice identified a novel enhancer associated with two HS located upstream of lambda5. The lambda5-VpreB1 locus was also found to be closely linked to the ubiquitously expressed Topoisomerase-3beta (Topo3beta) gene. The VpreB1 and Topo3beta genes have entirely different expression patterns despite the fact that the two promoters are separated by a distance of only 1.5 kb.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 enzyme metabolically activates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and is a major P450 isoenzyme in human monocytes and macrophages. We have shown previously that mice deficient in CYP1B1 were resistant to induced tumors after 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene exposure. The pathology of aging CYP1B1 null mice on a B6; 129 background was studied in groups of 29 males and 30 females. By 12 months, 50% of the female mice had developed a unusual progressive glomerulonephritis while males had similar renal lesions later in life. This disease followed a sequence of proliferative, membranoproliferative and sclerotic glomerulonephritis. Anti-DNA antibodies were found in the blood of the mice along with immune deposits containing immunoglobulins in subepithelial locations of the glomerular basement membrane. The lesions were unlike those found in aging wild-type B6;129 mice or mice of other strains. We found that macrophages from CYP1B1-null mice were impaired in the phagocytosis of apoptotic, necrotic, and opsonized cells. This suggests a generalized defect in the phagocytic activity of CYP1B1-null mouse macrophages. Male mice also developed a high incidence (62-64%) of histiocytic sarcomas. Our study provides evidence that deficiency of CYP1B1 can play a role in the development of glomerular disease, normal processing of catabolic DNA and tumors of the mononuclear phagocyte system. The function of CYP1B1 in histiocytes and macrophages may involve both self-tolerance and tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Antigen receptor (BCR) transduces either pro-apoptotic or anti-apoptotic signals of mature B cells depending on the nature of stimuli. Mature B cells also undergo apoptosis by signaling through CD95. Those apoptotic signals through BCR or CD95 are blocked by various transmembrane signaling such as those via CD40, BCR, CD21 and IL-4 receptor, presumably generated by interaction with T helper cells or the components of innate immunity such as complements. Induction of B cell apoptosis and its regulation are likely to play important roles in humoral immunity. Indeed, spontaneous models as well as patients of systemic autoimmune diseases show defects in apoptosis of mature B cells mediated by BCR or CD95.  相似文献   

The CD5 antigen is expressed at a high level on T cells from early on in thymocyte ontogeny and continues to be expressed on the surface of all mature T cells. In addition, it marks a population of B lymphocytes (B-1a) with distinct physiological properties. To study the in vivo function of CD5, the murine gene was inactivated using the technique of homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. In homozygous mutant mice the CD5 antigen is not expressed on the surface of either T or B lineage cells, indicating that in both cell populations this antigen is encoded by the same gene. CD5-deficient (CD5T) mice are healthy and populations of T and B lymphocytes in these mice look unchanged when compared to control mice. The mutant mice are able to mount effective immune responses to T cell-dependent and -independent antigens.  相似文献   

T cells from anti-mu-treated mice, normal goat serum ( NGS )-treated mice or untreated control mice were compared with respect to their surface antigenic phenotypes, T cell mitogenic responses, helper function and precursor frequency of helper T cells. Anti-mu treatment arrested the development of B cells at an immature stage, as determined by flow microfluorometry; it resulted in no serum IgM, but detectable levels of IgG by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Proliferative responses to phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A were significantly decreased in T cells obtained from mu-suppressed C57BL/6 mice, but not from control mice. When T cells from anti-mu-treated mice were tested in vitro for their helper activity to collaborate with B cells from nu/nu C57BL/6 mice to give plaque-forming cells to sheep red blood cells, they provided far less help than did T cells from control mice. The frequency of T helper cells, as measured by limiting dilution analysis, was much lower in the anti-mu- than in the NGS -treated mice. Cell mixing experiments provided evidence for active suppression of T helper function among splenocytes taken from mu-suppressed mice.  相似文献   

B cell receptor signaling threshold regulates negative selection of autoreactive B cells and determines the mechanism of B cell tolerance. Using mice carrying immunoglobulin transgene specific for MHC class I antigen K(k) (3-83 Tg mice), and IL-7-driven bone marrow (BM) culture system, we have previously shown that receptor editing is a major mechanism in B cell tolerance. To test the role of BCR signaling competence on the induction of tolerance-mediated receptor editing, we crossed the 3-83 Tg mice with mice deficient in CD45, a protein tyrosine phosphatase that functions asa positive regulator of the BCR signaling. We found that in the absence of self-antigen allelic exclusion is efficiently imposed in 3-83 Tg CD45(-/-) mice, although numbers of peripheral B cells are reduced. Using our BM culture system, we show here that immature 3-83 Tg CD45(-/-) B cells encountering self-antigen are developmentally arrested and undergo secondary light chain recombination and receptor editing, not different than CD45-sufficient cells. Thus, lack of CD45 does not abolish the receptor editing competence in immature B cells encountering high avidity membrane-bound antigen.  相似文献   

The lymphoid organs contain specialized microanatomic structures composed of lymphoid, myeloid and stromal cells that are vital to the generation of an effective adaptive immune response. Although the existence of these specialized structures has been known for over a century, the developmental signals that generate them and the specific roles of these structures in the immune response have remained largely elusive. Because of their position adjacent to the marginal sinuses, marginal zone B (MZB) cells are amongst the first population of cells seen by blood born antigens and are presumed to have a critical role in host defense against bacterial pathogens. Here we demonstrate that a deficiency of the tyrosine kinase (Pyk-2) results in a cell autonomous defect of MZB cell production. In response to repetitive polysaccharide antigens (T-independent type II (TI-II)) Pyk-2-deficient mice displayed marked suppression of IgM, IgG3 and IgG2a production. Furthermore, complement receptor engagement proved necessary for the specific targeting of polysaccharide antigens to MZB cells. These results suggest how innate immune responses mediated through complement coupling are translated into an adaptive response by MZB cells, and provide a potential mechanism for the T cell independence of humoral responses to polysaccharide antigens.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated immune responses are likely to be important in the pathogenesis of systemic vasculitis. However, identifying the T cells involved has proved difficult, and there are conflicting reports regarding T cell proliferation in response to different autoantigens. Perinuclear (P) and cytoplasmic (C) anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are closely associated with systemic vasculitis, and are generally specific for MPO or PR3, respectively. We studied the proliferative responses to MPO and PR3 of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with P-ANCA or C-ANCA specific for these antigens by ELISA. These responses were compared with those of normal controls, and of disease controls with P- or C-ANCA not specific for MPO or PR3. The patient group as a whole showed significant T cell proliferation in response to the autoantigens compared with controls (P =0·005). Cells from nine of 13 P-ANCA-positive, anti-MPO-positive patients proliferated in response to MPO, compared with five of 16 controls (P =0·04). Cells from five of eight C-ANCA-positive, anti-PR3-positive patients proliferated in response to PR3, compared with two of 11 controls (P =0·05). These experiments demonstrate that patients with P-ANCA or C-ANCA possess T cells which respond to MPO or PR3, respectively. As in other autoimmune diseases, responses to both antigens were also seen in a proportion of healthy controls. Further analysis of these responses will be important in understanding the pathogenesis of systemic vasculitis and in designing specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Using a cDNA subtraction technique, a novel member of the ubiquitin family was isolated from human dendritic cells. This gene encodes a diubiquitin protein containing tandem head to tail ubiquitin-like domains, with the conservation of key functional residues. Expression of this 777-bp mRNA was restricted to dendritic cells and B cells, with strong expression in mature B cells. Southern blot analysis indicated that a single copy of this gene is present. In situ hybridization on tonsillar tissue showed expression in epithelial cells and isolated cells within the germinal center. With respect to an expressed-sequence tag (EST) this cDNA could be localized to the major histocompatibility complex class I region of chromosome 6. Comparative analysis and the expression pattern of this gene suggests a function in antigen processing and presentation.  相似文献   

B cells are present in human fetal intestine from approximately 14 weeks of gestation. Here we show that this population includes mature, dividing B cells. These are large cells with dendritic processes, resembling human thymic B cells. In addition, we observed IgM+, light chain-, and CD20- cells and local expression of V pre-B, demonstrating that the human fetal intestine is a site of B cell development. Ig V(H)DJ(H) gene sequencing can confirm clonal identity of B cells. Identification of the same IgV(H)4-34 sequence in serial sections in two fetuses confirmed local accumulation of related cells in each case. IgV(H)4-34 was also amplified from an additional two samples, and the D and J repertoire compared with a unique database of unselected V(H)4-34 genes from postnatal gut. Distinguishing characteristics of Ig lambda genes in postnatal gut were also studied in the fetus. According to these parameters, fetal and postnatal B cells are unrelated.  相似文献   

目的:探讨自身反应性T细胞系过继转移对受体小鼠免疫应答的影响,为在BXSB小鼠探索T细胞疫苗的可行性奠定基础。方法:应用体外扩增的自身反应性T细胞过继转移给同系小鼠体内:^3H-TdR掺入法检测细胞增殖,ELISA检测抗体细胞因子水平。结果:将自身反应性T细胞系过继转移到年轻未发病的同系小鼠体内可以诱导血清中自身抗体和外来抗原反应性抗体以及细胞因子IFN-γ水平显著升高,可以降低受体小鼠对外来抗原(OVA)体液免疫应答能力。结论:自身反应性T细胞的过继转移可以影响机体自免疫应答和对外来抗原的体液免疫应答能力。  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model commonly used to investigate mechanisms involved in the activation of self-reactive T cells. Whereas auto-reactive T(h)1 cells are believed to be involved in the generation of EAE, T(h)2 cells can induce EAE in immunocompromised hosts. Since the T(h)2 cytokine IL-5 can influence the nature and severity of disease, we investigated the role of IL-5 in the EAE model. Wild-type C57BL/6J and IL-5(-/-) mice were immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)(35-55) peptide and the development of EAE observed. Our results show that IL-5(-/-) mice developed EAE with a similar day of onset and comparable severity to wild-type mice. Primed T cells isolated from IL-5(-/-) mice proliferated equally to wild-type cells in response to antigen challenge with MOG(35-55). Antigen-specific T cells from IL-5(-/-) mice produced IFN-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, but no IL-4 or IL-10, indicating that a predominant T(h)1 environment was induced following immunization. No differences in the types of cells infiltrating into the central nervous system were observed between IL-5(-/-) and wild-type mice. Our results suggest that IL-5 is not directly involved in the initiation or effector phase of MOG(35-55)-induced EAE in immunocompetent C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

After immunization with T cell-dependent antigens, the high-affinity B cells selected in germinal centers differentiate into memory B cells or long-lived antibody-forming cells. However, a role for germinal centers in development of these B lineage cells is still controversial. We show here that Bcl6-deficient B cells, which cannot develop germinal centers, differentiated into IgM and IgG1 memory B cells in the spleen but barely differentiated into long-lived IgG1 antibody-forming cells in the bone marrow. Mutation in the V-heavy gene was null in these memory B cells. Therefore, Bcl6 and germinal center formation are essential for somatic hypermutation, and generation of memory B cells can occur independently of germinal center formation, somatic hypermutation, and Ig class switching.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte homeostasis poses a multi-faceted biological puzzle, because steady pre-immune populations must be maintained at an acceptable steady state to yield effective protection, despite stringent selective events during their generation. In addition, activated, memory and both short- and long-term effectors must be governed by independent homeostatic mechanisms. Finally, advancing age is accompanied by substantial changes that impact the dynamics and behavior of these pools, leading to cumulative homeostatic perturbations and compensation. Our laboratory has focused on the over-arching role of BLyS family ligands and receptors in these processes. These studies have led to a conceptual framework within which distinct homeostatic niches are specified by BLyS receptor signatures, which define the BLyS family ligands that can afford survival. The cues for establishing these receptor signatures, as well as the downstream survival mechanisms involved, are integrated with cell extrinsic inputs via cross talk among downstream mediators. A refined understanding of these relationships should yield insight into the selection and maintenance of B cell subsets, as well as an appreciation of how homeostatic mechanisms may contribute to immunosenescence.  相似文献   

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