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Paratuberculosis, or Johne's disease, is a disease of domestic and wild ruminants that culminate with a chronic enteritis caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. The aim of this work was to evaluate the type of immune response, Th1 or Th2, induced by DNA vaccinations in lambs of Sarda breed. Twenty-five lambs, serum negative for M. paratuberculosis, were selected at birth from equally serum negative mothers. The lambs were inoculated at 5 months of age with three different mycobacterial antigens cloned into a mammalian expression vector as fusion protein with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (pEGFP-N1). The animals were divided in five groups containing each five lambs. Each group was vaccinated as following (A: physiological solution; B: Gudair; C: p-85A-Mav; D: p-85A-BCG; E: p-Hsp65). Immune response was evaluated by measuring the expression of INF-gamma (Th1 type response) and IL-10 (Th2 type response) by real-time PCR. Gene expression was estimated by comparing the results with that of beta-actin. INF-gamma expression level was increased in lambs vaccinated with plasmids codifying mycobacterial antigens, in particular with p-Hsp65, in comparison with the controls suggesting stimulation of a Th1 immune response similar to that supported by natural infection of M. paratuberculosis. Moreover, animals were infected orally with live M. paratuberculosis. Three months after vaccination and again INF-gamma and IL-10 expression was evaluated in order to verify in vivo the protection level of the vaccines. Plasmids p-85A-BCG and p-Hsp65 seem to elicit a stronger protective immune response against M. paratuberculosis by evaluating the expression level of INF-gamma and evaluating the presence of M. paratuberculosis and animal cell organ damage post-mortem.  相似文献   

We previously reported the in vitro cellular immune responses to recombinant antigens (rAgs) of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Here we report the differential immune responses and protective efficacy of four rAgs of MAP (85A, 85B, 85C, and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) used with two adjuvants (monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) containing synthetic trehalose dicorynomycolate, cell wall skeleton (MPLA) and bovine IL-12), against MAP challenge in calves. Group I was administered the four rAgs with MPLA and IL-12. Group II was administered the four rAgs and MPLA. Group III received MPLA and IL-12, and Group IV MPLA. rAgs induced significant lymphoproliferative responses in vaccinated animals (Groups I and II). All the rAgs induced significant IFN-gamma production from 11 to 23 wk after primary vaccination (APV), except for SOD. Significant increases were noted in CD3(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), CD21(+), CD25(+), and gammadelta(+) cells against all four rAgs in vaccinated animals. rAg-specific expression of IL-2, IL-12p40, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha was significantly higher in the two vaccinated groups. Culture results found 4/8 animals in Group I, 3/8 animals in Group II, and 3/4 animals in Groups III and IV were positive for MAP in one or more tissues. Among the seven positive animals in Groups I and II, all but one had had <10CFU. Isolation was confined to one tissue in these animals, except in one animal in which MAP was isolated from two tissues. In the control groups (III and IV), MAP was cultured from up to five different tissues with >250CFU. Preliminary data from this study indicates that all four rAgs induced a good Th1 response and conferred protection against MAP infection in calves.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many non-tuberculous mycobacteria synthesize abundant glycopeptidolipids (GPLs). These surface-located GPLs are involved in pathogenicity by interfering with the host immune system. In Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Mav), GPLs consist of a lipopeptide core composed of a tetrapeptide O-linked to mono- and oligo-saccharides. The biosynthesis pathway of the simplest GPLs is now relatively well understood and involves probably more than fifteen genes. Whereas it is very obvious that most, if not all, of the Mav isolates produce GPLs, the picture is not as clear for M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), the etiologic agent of Johne's disease in cattle, and several conflicting data have been produced. METHODS: Biochemical analysis of a large set of characterized Map isolates showed that all Map strains tested produce a lipopentapeptide (L5P) instead of GPLs. To provide a genomic basis for the synthesis of this compound, the recently published genome sequence of Map was explored using in silico methods. Even though Map produces a lipopeptide rather than GPL, its genome contains nevertheless a locus highly similar to the GPL biosynthetic pathway of Mav. We showed that the module composition of the non-ribosomal protein synthase (Nrp) of Map, the enzyme involved in the synthesis of the peptidyl moiety, is dramatically different from that of other GPL producers such as M. smegmatis (Ms) and Mav and is in agreement with the amino acid content of the L5P. We also showed that the peptidyl moiety of the L5P is a target for a strong specific humoral response in Map infected animals. CONCLUSIONS: These genomic and biochemical differences may help to unambiguously distinguish Map from Mav and also from M. bovis, to reclassify related strains of the Map species and to allow the convenient and specific diagnosis of paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  M G Taylor  M V Johansen  Q D Bickle 《Vaccine》2001,20(5-6):724-730
Several defined vaccine candidate antigens of Schistosoma japonicum have shown promise in large animal vaccination experiments. However, vaccination of mice in the laboratory with either single recombinant antigens or DNA encoding forms of the individual antigens has so far failed to induce significant protection against S. japonicum cercarial challenge infection as judged by worm reduction, although specific antibodies were generated. This is in contrast to the results achieved using radiation-attenuated vaccines which are highly protective. Even in large animal vaccination experiments, the protection levels obtained with single defined antigens were far below those achieved using the attenuated vaccines. One possible interpretation is that the immune responses induced by single antigen vaccination may not be strong enough to combat the challenging infection. We, therefore, carried out mouse vaccination experiments using a cocktail DNA vaccine comprising four DNA plasmids encoding four different S. japonicum antigens, Sj62, Sj28, Sj23 and Sj14-3-3, respectively. We, also investigated whether co-injection of the mouse IL-12 encoding plasmid with the cocktail DNA vaccine was able to enhance the Th1 responses and hence the protective immunity. Three intramuscular injections of the cocktail DNA vaccine induced a significant Th1-type cellular response with high level of IFN-gamma production by splenocytes upon in vitro stimulation with recombinant antigens. Importantly, significant IgG antibody responses were also induced against crude worm antigens. In two out of three experiments, significant resistance (34-37 and 44-45%, respectively) was demonstrated while another experiment did not show any protection against S. japonicum cercarial challenge infection. Co-injection of the IL-12 encoding DNA did not further enhance these responses, nor the level of resistance, compared with the cocktail DNA alone.  相似文献   

Johne's disease (JD), caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), results in serious economic losses worldwide especially in cattle, sheep and goats. To control the impact of JD on the animal industry, an effective vaccine with minimal adverse effects is urgently required. In order to develop an effective vaccine, we used allelic exchange to construct three mutant MAP strains, leuD, mpt64 and secA2. The mutants were attenuated in a murine model and induced cytokine responses in J774A.1 cell. The leuD mutant was the most obviously attenuated of the three constructed mutant strains. Our preliminary vaccine trial in mice demonstrated different levels of protection were induced by these mutants based on the acid-fast bacilli burden in livers and spleens at 8 and 12 weeks postchallenge. In addition, vaccination with leuD mutant induced a high level of IFN-γ production and significant protective efficacy in both the reduction of inflammation and clearance of acid-fast bacilli, as compared with the mock vaccinated group.  相似文献   

An increasing prevalence of paratuberculosis supports the need for new efficacious vaccines as an essential management tool. Two separate studies were performed in neonatal calves to evaluate the effectiveness of pooled recombinant Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) proteins (MAP1087, MAP1204, MAP1272c, MAP2077c) as a potential vaccine. In the first study vaccinated calves were immunized with 400 µg protein cocktail per dose, whereas the second study compared doses of 400 µg and 800 µg of protein cocktail, followed by challenge with live MAP for both vaccinated and nonvaccinated control calves 28 days post-vaccination. At the end of 12 months, tissue colonization with MAP was significantly reduced for the vaccinated calves compared to control animals. A higher dose of vaccine improved protection, with further reductions of MAP burden. Antigen-specific IFN-γ responses and serum antibody responses were similar regardless of vaccination, indicating exposure to MAP invoked conventional host immune responses. Host immunity differed due to vaccination, resulting in increased percentages of CD4+ T cells and B cells after stimulation of PBMCs with antigen. Interestingly, gene expression in PBMCs was similar for both control and vaccinated calves except for significant increases in IFN-γ, IL-12, and IL-17 expression observed in vaccinated calves. Vaccination with a cocktail of immunogenic recombinant MAP proteins was efficacious in reducing the level of infection and fecal shedding of neonatal calves and may be a potential tool for curtailing the spread of Johne’s disease.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne disease in ruminants, has been incriminated as the cause of Crohn disease in humans. We report the first case of human infection with MAP in a patient with HIV; infection was confirmed by obtaining isolates from several different specimen types.  相似文献   

Johne's disease, or paratuberculosis, is a chronic intestinal infection caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. The usually fatal disease is characterised by cachexia, and in some species diarrhoea, after a long pre-clinical phase. Treatment is ineffective and economically impracticable. The infection primarily affects domestic and free-ranging ruminants, but has also been reported in primates, rabbits, stoats and foxes. Since paratuberculosis is often subclinical, under-reporting is suspected, even though the disease is notifiable in numerous countries. Herd prevalence of bovine paratuberculosis in Europe ranges from 7% to 55%. In the United States of America, herd prevalence is strongly associated with herd size; 40% of herds of more than 300 head were found to be infected. In Australia, reported dairy herd infection rates range between 9% and 22%. Paratuberculosis in domestic livestock entails significant economic losses due to several factors (e.g. reduced production, premature culling and increased veterinary costs). Free-ranging and captive wildlife are also at risk from paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

Rabies is a fatal encephalomyelitis which is transmitted to man, mostly by dogs in developing countries. This zoonosis can be prevented by vaccination of humans before or after exposure. However, a more radical approach is possible, involving the elimination of the principal vector/reservoir by vaccinating dogs. The vaccine must be effective, safe and inexpensive. Mass production of plasmids is possible and DNA-based immunization with a plasmid encoding the antigen responsible for inducing protection seems to be more cost-effective than classical techniques involving cell culture. Beagles were immunized by intramuscular (i.m.) injection with a plasmid encoding the rabies virus (PV strain) glycoprotein. Neutralizing antibodies against both wild-type rabies virus and European Bat Lyssaviruses (EBL1 and EBL2) were detected after a single injection and a boost, but levels of neutralizing antibodies against EBL1 were low. Moreover, all vaccinated dogs were protected against a lethal challenge with a wild-type dog rabies strain. This is one of the first studies to demonstrate that dogs can be protected by DNA vaccines, and opens important perspectives for rabies control.  相似文献   

Johne's disease (JD) is a chronic infectious disease of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Here, we report the cloning and expression of a 74kDa recombinant polyprotein (Map74F) and its protective efficacy against MAP infection in mice. Map74F was generated by the sequential linkage of the ORFs of the approximately 17.6-kDa C-terminal fragment of Map3527 to the full-length ORF of Map1519, followed at the C-terminus with approximately 14.6-kDa N-terminal portion of Map3527. Mice immunized with Map74F had a significant IgG1 response but not IgG2a. In immunized animals, the IgG1/IgG2a ratio increased until 4 weeks after MAP challenge. The ratio decreased from 8 weeks indicating a shift to a Th1 response. Antigen specific IFN-gamma response, CD3+ and CD4+ T cells increased significantly in immunized mice. Following challenge, MAP burden was significantly lower in liver, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes of immunized animals compared to control animals indicating protection against MAP infection. This was further evident by the improved liver and spleen pathology of the immunized animals, which had fewer granulomas and lower numbers of acid-fast bacilli. Results of this study indicated that immunization of mice with Map74F protected mice against MAP infection.  相似文献   

Ghosh A  Zhang WW  Matlashewski G 《Vaccine》2001,20(1-2):59-66
The A2 genes of Leishmania donovani encode amastigote-specific A2 proteins, which are considered to be virulence factors required for the survival of this protozoan parasite in the mammalian host. The A2 genes are present within a multigene family and corresponding A2 proteins are composed predominantly of multiple copies of a 10 amino acid repeat sequences. A2-specific antibodies have been detected in the sera of patients suffering from visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and it has been shown that generation of A2 deficient L. donovani resulted in an avirulent phenotype. In this report, we show that immunization of mice with recombinant A2 protein conferred significant protection against challenge infection with L. donovani. The protection correlated with in vitro splenocyte proliferation, production of IFN-gamma in response to A2 protein and the presence of A2-specific antibodies in the sera of immunized mice. These data demonstrate that A2 represents a potential antigen for protection against infection with L. donovani and VL.  相似文献   

Control of Johne's disease, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, has been difficult because of a lack of an effective vaccine. To address this problem we used targeted gene disruption to develop candidate mutants with impaired capacity to survive ex vivo and in vivo to test as a vaccine. We selected relA and pknG, genes known to be important virulence factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis, for initial studies. Deletion mutants were made in a wild type Map (K10) and its recombinant strain expressing the green fluorescent protein (K10-GFP). Comparison of survival in an ex vivo assay revealed deletion of either gene attenuated survival in monocyte-derived macrophages compared to survival of wild-type K10. In contrast, study in calves revealed survival in vivo was mainly affected by deletion of relA. Bacteria were detected in tissues from wild-type and the pknG mutant infected calves by bacterial culture and PCR at three months post infection. No bacteria were detected in tissues from calves infected with the relA mutant (P<0.05). Flow cytometric analysis of the immune response to the wild-type K10-GFP and the mutant strains showed deletion of either gene did not affect their capacity to elicit a strong proliferative response to soluble antigen extract or live Map. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed genes encoding IFN-γ, IL-17, IL-22, T-bet, RORC, and granulysin were up-regulated in PBMC stimulated with live Map three months post infection compared to the response of PBMC pre-infection. A challenge study in kid goats showed deletion of pknG did not interfere with establishment of an infection. As in calves, deletion of relA attenuated survival in vivo. The mutant also elicited an immune response that limited colonization by challenge wild type Map. The findings show the relA mutant is a good candidate for development of a live attenuated vaccine for Johne's disease.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the etiological agent of Johne's disease (JD), a chronic gastroenteritis of ruminants and other animals, including primates. Many evidences suggested association of MAP to Crohn's disease, a chronic granulomatous gastrointestinal disease of humans with strong similarities with JD. The present study attempts to evaluate global gene regulation in MAP, which has not been addressed previously, despite the availability of MAP genome sequence. For this purpose, we investigated: (i) the presence of sigma factors and their relationship to sigma factors of other mycobacteria (M. avium subsp.avium, M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. leprae and M. smegmatis), and (ii) their expression during different growth conditions and in vitro infection of intestinal epithelial Caco2 cells. MAP genome contains 19 putative sigma factor, but only 12 belong to gene families common to other mycobacteria. Gene expression was evaluated with Real-Time PCR during growth in 7H9 medium and mycobactin J, in 7H9 medium plus mycobactin J and lisozyme, and during infection of Caco2 cells: very different expression patterns were observed and, on the whole, only 7 sigma factors were found to be expressed. sigJ was upregulated during the infection of Caco2 cells. Even if only few sigma factors were expressed in the three conditions tested, the overall high numbers of MAP sigma factors suggests a noteworthy flexibility of this pathogen. Thus, this first report on expression of MAP sigma factors opens the way to an extensive characterization of global gene regulation, as a key to understand strategies of survival and mechanisms of infections used by this organism.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice were intramuscularly immunized with low doses (25-50microg) of DNA cocktail containing plasmids encoding the full-length SAG1/P30 and the 196-561 terminal sequence of ROP2 genes. This immunization resulted in a Th1-type response with predominance of IgG2a and a specific T-cell proliferation with high levels of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion, whereas no IL-4 was detected. Moreover, DNA cocktail immunization induced a long-lasting protection against a lethal challenge with the highly virulent Toxoplasma gondii RH strain, whereas low doses of single genes were not protective. These results support further investigations to achieve a multigene anti-T. gondii DNA vaccine.  相似文献   

The replicon of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) offers the possibility to direct high-level, transient expression of heterologous proteins in vivo. We initiated studies to determine the possibility of employing the SFV expression system for recombinant vaccine purposes. Mice immunized with recombinant SFV encoding Influenza A nucleoprotein (NP) or E. coli LacZ developed long-lasting antigen-specific IgG levels and induction of cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) memory that persisted for over one year. Predominantly type 1 T-helper cells were induced as shown by IgG subclass ELISA. Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses could be induced upon delivery by several administration routes and mucosal immunizations induced secretory IgA in the respiratory tract. Development of immune responses against the vector itself did not inhibit boost responses by subsequent immunizations with recombinant SFV. Immunization of mice with vectors encoding the Influenza A virus antigens nucleoprotein (NP) and hemagglutinin (HA) resulted in immune responses that were protective against challenge infection with Influenza virus.  相似文献   

Hooper JW  Golden JW  Ferro AM  King AD 《Vaccine》2007,25(10):1814-1823
Previously, we demonstrated that an experimental smallpox DNA vaccine comprised of four vaccinia virus genes (4pox) administered by gene gun elicited protective immunity in mice challenged with vaccinia virus, and in nonhuman primates challenged with monkeypox virus (Hooper JW, et al. Smallpox DNA vaccine protects nonhuman primates against lethal monkeypox. J Virol 2004;78:4433-43). Here, we report that this 4pox DNA vaccine can be efficiently delivered by a novel method involving skin electroporation using plasmid DNA-coated microneedle arrays. Mice vaccinated with the 4pox DNA vaccine mounted robust antibody responses against the four immunogens-of-interest, including neutralizing antibody titers that were greater than those elicited by the traditional live virus vaccine administered by scarification. Moreover, vaccinated mice were completely protected against a lethal (>10LD(50)) intranasal challenge with vaccinia virus strain IHD-J. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a protective immune response being elicited by microneedle-mediated skin electroporation.  相似文献   

Shinoda K  Xin KQ  Jounai N  Kojima Y  Tamura Y  Okada E  Kawamoto S  Okuda K  Klinman D  Okuda K 《Vaccine》2004,22(27-28):3676-3690
Single HIV-1 subtype DNA vaccine is unlikely to provide reactive protection across a wide range of HIV strains since the HIV virus changes the antigenic sites, particularly, in env gene. To overcome these issues, we constructed a multivalent poly-epitope DNA vaccine. A polygenic DNA vaccine encoding 20 antigenic epitopes from the HIV-1 Env, Gag, and Pol proteins of several clades was constructed using humanized and optimized codons and it was named here hDNA vaccine. In mice, this hDNA vaccine stimulated the following strong (1) antigen-specific serum antibody (Ab) responses, (2) delayed-type hypersensitivity, (3) the activation of IFN-gamma secretion cells targeting gp120 and synthetic antigenic peptides, in addition (4) a significant level of several peptide specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) responses. Challenged with modified vaccinia viruses vPE16 and vP1206 expressing HIV-1 env and gag.pol genes, respectively, demonstrated the viral titers in the ovary of the mice vaccinated with hDNA significantly less compared to the unvaccinated mice. Thus, the use of polygene DNA vaccine appears to induce a high level of HIV-specific immune responses and is very effective against challenge with recombinant HIV-vaccinia viruses.  相似文献   

The possible reemergence of smallpox through bioterrorism requires the preparation of adequate stockpiles of vaccine. Dryvax, the only US-licensed vaccinia virus smallpox vaccine, has an unacceptable safety profile in the pre-event setting. LC16m8 is a Japanese-licensed attenuated vaccinia virus strain that has been safely used in over 50,000 persons. Until now, efficacy of this vaccine was unproven. Using two animal models, we show that LC16m8 and Dryvax elicit comparable humoral immune responses after a single vaccination and equivalently protect against lethal poxvirus disease. Thus, LC16m8 shows promise as a safe and effective smallpox vaccine with the potential for replacing Dryvax.  相似文献   

Wang ZQ  Cui J  Wei HY  Han HM  Zhang HW  Li YL 《Vaccine》2006,24(8):1205-1212
Trichinellosis is a serious parasitic zoonosis which is widely distributed in the world. Pork still is the predominant source of outbreaks of human trichinellosis in many countries. Vaccines are urgently needed to prevent swine from Trichinella infection. The gene (TspE1) encoding a 31 kDa antigen of T. spiralis was cloned to a eukaryotic expression plasmid pcDNA3 as DNA vaccine. The ability of the DNA vaccine to express antigen in mammalian CHO cells was previously confirmed by indirect fluorescencent antibody test (IFAT) and Western blotting. To evaluate its immunogenicity and its host protective potential, BALB/c mice were immunized with the DNA vaccine by intramuscular injection and gene-gun delivery. The serum antibody response was assayed by IFAT, enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) and Western blotting. The cellular immune response was investigated by splenocyte proliferation assay. Vaccine administration by either route induced both humoral and cellular immune response against TspE1, which provided the partial protection against challenge infection with T. spiralis, as shown by significant reduction of larval burden in muscles. Thus, DNA immunization may offer an attractive alternative strategy against swine trichinellosis.  相似文献   

Bovine paratuberculosis is one of the most important chronic infectious diseases in livestock. This disease is difficult to control because of its inefficient management (test and cull strategy and inadequate biosecurity). Thus, the development of an effective vaccine is essential. In this study, we evaluated a local virulent strain (6611) of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis as an inactivated vaccine in comparison with the Silirum vaccine in mouse model and cattle. Regarding the mice model, only the groups vaccinated with 6611 showed lower colony forming unit (CFU) counts with a lower lesion score in the liver in comparison to the control group at 6 and 12 weeks post-challenge (wpc). The immune response was predominantly humoral (IgG1), although both vaccinated groups presented a cellular response with IFNγ production as well, but the 6611 group had also significant production of IL-2, IL-6, IL-17a, TNF, and IL-10. In cattle, the 6611 vaccinated group was the only one that maintained significant antibody values at the end of the trial, with significant production of IgG2 and IFNγ. No PPDb reactor was detected in the vaccinated animals, according to the intradermal caudal fold tuberculin test. Our results indicate that the 6611 local strain protected mice from challenge with a virulent strain, by inducing a humoral and cellular immune response. In the bovine, the natural host, the evaluated vaccine also induced humoral and cellular immune responses, with higher levels of CD4 + CD25+ and CD8 + CD25+ T cells populations than the commercial vaccine. Despite the encouraging results obtained in this study, an experimental challenge trial in cattle is mandatory to evaluate the efficacy of our candidate vaccine in the main host.  相似文献   

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