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Prediction of oxygen uptake (VO2) during exercise from relations established in normal subjects between VO2 and work load in watts (W) may be inaccurate in patients with chronic heart failure because these patients could manifest delayed VO2 kinetics at final stages of exercise. To test the hypothesis that even at low levels of work, patients exhibit a lower VO2 than do normal subjects, 77 patients with heart failure and 27 control subjects with a normal heart or with disease other than heart failure underwent bicycle exercise with respiratory gas analysis. Work load was increased by 10 W/min from an initial 20 W. VO2 (ml/min per kg) was measured every 15 s. The delta VO2/delta W ratio was significantly reduced only in the most severely impaired patients in heart failure class C-D (8.75 +/- 2.14 versus 11.05 +/- 0.38, p less than 0.05). Class B patients showed a lower ratio at a work load of greater than or equal to 80 W, whereas class C-D patients manifested a lower ratio at greater than or equal to 20 W. Even with a low incremental work rate protocol, compared with sedentary normal subjects or patients without heart failure, patients with heart failure demonstrate impaired oxygen uptake. This observation suggests the presence of anaerobic metabolism or delayed VO2 uptake, or both; accordingly, indirect estimates of VO2 requirements derived from intensity or duration of exercise in such patients are overestimated.  相似文献   

A series of 45 patients with congestive heart failure due to coronary disease had semisupine bicycle exercise tests (ramp protocol, 10 W/min) on two occasions separated by 3 to 7 days in order to determine the short-term reproducibility of gas exchange measurements during symptom-limited exercise. The percentage difference (PD) between each pair of measurements (m1, m2; PD = 100%.(m2-m1): m1) were calculated. The mean PD values (+/- 1 sigma) and the single determination standard deviations (SDSD) for exercise tolerance (ET, W), peak heart rate (pHR, 1/min), peak oxygen uptake (pVO2, ml/min/kg), peak carbon dioxide output (pVCO2, ml/min/kg), and peak minute ventilation (pVE, l/min) were as follows: [table: see text] No patient reached a plateau of oxygen uptake during the last portion of the ramp exercise test. Thus, pVO2 is not an objective endpoint. The single determination standard deviations show that exercise tolerance and peak oxygen uptake do not differ as to their reproducibility. The absolute values of PD were not a function of exercise tolerance for any of the parameters studied. The PD values for ET and pVO2 were normally distributed. The data suggest that a change in ET and pVO2 must exceed 27% and 28% between two sequential studies in an individual patient in order to be significant at the 5% level, respectively. For the one-tailed test situation, the changes in ET or pVO2 must be greater than 23% in order to be significant.  相似文献   

Serial hemodynamic and plasma catecholamine responses were compared among 10 healthy men (27 +/- 3 years) (+/- 1 standard deviation) during symptom-limited handgrip (33% maximal voluntary contraction for 4.4 +/- 1.8 minutes), cold pressor testing (6 minutes) and symptom-limited supine bicycle exercise (22 +/- 5 minutes). Plasma catecholamine concentrations were measured by radioenzymatic assays: ejection fraction and changes in cardiac volumes were assessed by equilibrium radionuclide angiography. During maximal supine exercise, plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations increased three to six times more than during either symptom-limited handgrip or cold pressor testing. Additionally, increases in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, rate-pressure product, stroke volume, ejection fraction and cardiac output were significantly greater during bicycle exercise than during the other two tests. A decrease in ejection fraction of 0.05 units or more was common in young normal subjects during the first 2 minutes of cold pressor testing (6 of 10 subjects) or at symptom-limited handgrip (3 of 10), but never occurred during maximal supine bicycle exercise. The magnitude of hemodynamic changes with maximal supine bicycle exercise was greater, more consistent and associated with much higher sympathetic nervous system activation, making this a potentially more useful diagnostic stress than either handgrip exercise or cold pressor testing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess energy depletion in skeletal muscle in patients with congestive heart failure by measuring blood purine metabolites during exercise and, at the same time, determine the implications of the ammonia response to exercise in these patients. SETTING: Tottori University Hospital, Yonago, Japan. PATIENTS: 49 heart failure patients (New York Heart Association (NYHA) grades I-III) and 16 normal subjects. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Blood lactate, ammonia, and hypoxanthine levels were measured during exercise with expired gas analysis. RESULTS: In normal exercising subjects as well as in each heart failure subgroup, the ammonia threshold was significantly higher than both the lactate threshold [control: 21.8 (SD 5.3) v 17.4 (3.3) ml/kg/min; NYHA class I: 18.9 (3.8) v 15.5 (2.6); class II: 14.8 (2.5) v 12.7 (2.4); class III: 13.5 (2.6) v 11.8 (2.5)] and the ventilatory threshold (P < 0.01). The difference between the ammonia and lactate thresholds was noted in all normal subjects and in all heart failure patients. The ammonia threshold, however, was significantly lower in heart failure patients than in normal subjects and it decreased with increasing NYHA class (P < 0.01). Maximum ammonia levels were lower in the heart failure group and decreased further with higher NYHA classifications [control: 198 (52) mg/dl; NYHA class I: 170 (74); class II: 134 (58); class III: 72 (15); P < 0.01]. There were significant correlations between maximum ammonia values and maximum lactate, oxygen consumption, and hypoxanthine levels (r = 0.74, 0.48, and 0.87, respectively; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The ammonia threshold may reflect the onset of ATP depletion in exercising skeletal muscles, as opposed to the onset of anaerobic respiration. It seems therefore that energy depletion in skeletal muscles during exercise occurs after attaining the anaerobic threshold. Both aerobic and anaerobic capacities of skeletal muscle are reduced in patients with congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to examine the feasibility and reliability of quantifying mitral regurgitation (MR) during exercise by Doppler echocardiography in patients with heart failure and to assess the relationship between dynamic MR and systolic pulmonary artery pressure changes. BACKGROUND: The severity of MR can be quantified by using several echocardiographic methods. Quantitation of MR during dynamic exercise has not yet been performed. METHODS: Symptom-limited, semi-supine two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiograms during bicycle exercise were obtained in 27 consecutive patients with heart failure and functional MR. Regurgitant volume was measured at rest and during exercise by the proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) method and by quantitative Doppler echocardiography. Exercise-induced changes in regurgitant volume were compared with changes in the regurgitant jet area to left atrial area ratio, vena contracta width and trans-tricuspid pressure gradient. RESULTS: The regurgitant volume measured by the PISA method increased from 21 +/- 12 ml (range 5 to 55) at rest to 39 +/- 23 ml (range 8 to 85) during exercise (p < 0.0001). The difference between two observers was low for both rest (2.0 +/- 2.7 ml) and exercise measurements (3.5 +/- 6.2 ml). The regurgitant volume measured by quantitative Doppler echocardiography increased from 29 +/- 13 to 49 +/- 24 ml (p = 0.0001). Excellent correlation between the two methods was obtained with exercise (r = 0.92). Exercise-induced changes in regurgitant volume, as measured by the PISA method, correlated well with regurgitant volume changes measured by quantitative Doppler echocardiography (r = 0.88), changes in vena contracta width (r = 0.82) and changes in trans-tricuspid pressure gradient (r = 0.73), but not with changes in regurgitant jet area to left atrial area ratio (r = 0.29). Seventeen patients stopped exercise because of fatigue and 10 because of dyspnea. These 10 patients exhibited greater increases in regurgitant volume (34 +/- 6 vs. 11 +/- 8 ml), corresponding to a significant elevation of the trans-tricuspid gradient (48 +/- 14 vs. 20 +/- 14 mm Hg). CONCLUSIONS: Quantitation of functional MR during exercise is feasible in patients with heart failure. There is a good correlation between regurgitant volume measured during exercise by the PISA method and that obtained by quantitative Doppler echocardiography, suggesting that the technique is reliable. An increase in mitral regurgitant volume during dynamic exercise correlates well with elevation of systolic pulmonary artery pressure.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the potential relationship between atrial pressure development and release of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), 33 patients with congestive heart failure were investigated with right-sided heart catheterization during supine graded bicycle exercise. Resting plasma ANF levels were higher in patients with heart failure as compared with normal controls, 75.1 +/- 45.6 pmol/l vs 12.3 +/- 6.2 pmol/l (mean +/- SD, N = 33 and N = 42, respectively) and correlated with right atrial, pulmonary arterial and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures. During exercise, central pressures rose steeply with a simultaneous increase in plasma ANF in all patients. Plasma ANF levels correlated with heart rate at a workload of 25 w, to pulmonary arterial and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure at 50 w, and to pulmonary capillary wedge pressure at 75 w. The increments in ANF levels between the different workloads during exercise did not correlate with the corresponding increments in pressure values. In congestive heart failure, the capability of ANF secretion in consequence to pressure stimuli is preserved, and left atrial pressure seems to be the major stimulus for ANF release during exercise.  相似文献   

The activity of the sympathetic nervous system is increased at rest in patients with congestive heart failure. To determine whether this augmentation is carried over during dynamic upright exercise, 14 patients with congestive heart failure were stressed maximally during upright bicycle ergometry. Plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine levels were measured in the basal upright (sitting) posture before and during maximal exercise. The results were compared with those in six healthy control subjects before and during maximal exercise. Plasma norepinephrine increased during exercise from a mean (± standard error of the mean) of 650 ± 95 to 1,721 ± pg/ml in the group with heart failure. This increase was significantly less (p < 0.001) than that in the control group (from 318 ± 36 to 3,230 ± 418 pg/ml). However, for equivalent levels of total body oxygen consumption (V?O2), the group with heart failure had higher levels of plasma norepinephrine than the control group. Plasma epinephrine was similar in the two groups in the basal upright position (92 ±18 and 92 ± 26 pg/ml), but it increased more during exercise in the normal subjects (743 ± 210 pg/ml) than in the group with heart failure (167 ± 67 pg/ml) (p < 0.001). The percent increase in norepinephrine correlated with the percent change in V?O2 in the group with heart failure (r = 0.62, p < 0.02), but the percent change in epinephrine did not.There is, therefore, a disturbance in the sympathetic nervous system during exercise in patients with congestive heart failure. Although norepinephrine increases in such patients to a greater extent than in normal subjects at lower levels of exercise, the extremely high levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine generated by normal subjects during maximal upright exercise do not occur in patients with heart failure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. In addition to depressed cardiac reserve, peripheral factors may contribute to limit maximal exercise capacity in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). To investigate the role of reduced active skeletal muscle mass, peak oxygen uptake (VO2, milligrams per kilogram per minute) was determined during maximal symptom-limited exercise involving the lower limbs (LL) alone and the lower limbs and upper limbs (LL+UL) combined in patients with CHF and in normal subjects of similar age and sex. METHODS AND RESULTS. LL bicycle exercise was performed upright with a ramp protocol and continuous expired gas analysis. When respiratory exchange ratio (RER) reached 1.0, UL exercise was initiated at constant load with the use of a cranking device positioned at shoulder level. LL exercise alone and combined LL+UL exercise were performed on separate days in randomized order by 24 patients with CHF and seven normal subjects. In patients with CHF, peak VO2 was greater during combined LL+UL exercise than during LL exercise alone, i.e., 15.8 +/- 0.8 versus 14.2 +/- 0.9 ml.kg-1.min-1 (p < 0.001), whereas in normal subjects, maximal VO2 was similar during the two tests, i.e., 26.7 versus 26.2 ml.kg-1.min-1 (NS). The increase in peak VO2 during combined LL+UL exercise relative to LL exercise alone was almost exclusively observed in patients with peak VO2 < 15 ml.kg-1.min-1 (mean increase, 21.7 +/- 4.1%). Peak VO2 during combined LL and UL exercise did not increase relative to LL exercise alone in patients with peak VO2 > 15 ml.kg-1.min-1 and in normal subjects of similar age and sex, i.e., 0.1 +/- 4.0% and 2.0 +/- 2.3% respectively. CONCLUSIONS. In contrast to normal subjects and patients with moderate CHF, patients with severe CHF do not exhaust their cardiopulmonary reserve during symptom-limited maximal LL exercise on a bicycle.  相似文献   

To increase muscle mass and strength in patients with chronic congestive heart failure (CHF), there is a need for implementing resistance exercises in exercise training programs. This study sought to assess the safety of rhythmic strength exercise with respect to left ventricular function in 9 patients with stable CHF, compared with 6 stable coronary patients with mild left ventricular dysfunction (control group). With use of right-sided catheterization, changes in left ventricular function were assessed during double leg press exercise at loads of 60% and 80% of maximum voluntary contraction. The exercise sessions lasted 14 minutes each, divided into work and recovery phases of 60/120 seconds. In CHF, during exercise at a 60% load, there was a significant increase in heart rate (mean +/- SEM 90 +/- 4 beats/min; p <0.05), mean arterial blood pressure (95 +/- 3 mm Hg; p <0.01), diastolic pulmonary artery pressure (20.2 +/- 2.7 mm Hg; p <0.01), and cardiac index (3 +/- 0.3 L/m2/min; p <0.05). Additionally, during leg press exercise at an 80% load, there was a significant decrease in systemic vascular resistance (1,086 +/- 80 dynes x s x cm(-5); p <0.001), an increased cardiac index (3.4 +/- 0.1; p <0.001), and left ventricular stroke work index (75 +/- 5 g x m/m2; p <0.01), suggesting enhanced left ventricular function. Compared with controls, in CHF the magnitude of changes in hemodynamic parameters during exercise, demonstrated at a 60% load, was significantly smaller (systemic vascular resistance: [mean] 1,613 --> 1000 vs 1472 --> 1,247 dynes x s x cm(-5); cardiac index: 2.4 --> 3 vs 2.8 --> 4.4 L/m2/min, and stroke work index: 60 --> 69 vs 114 --> 155 g x m/m2; p <0.05 each). Nevertheless, changes indicated an enhanced contractile function of the left ventricle in CHF. This study demonstrates stability of left ventricular function during resistance exercise in well-compensated CHF patients with optimal drug therapy, as well as the appropriateness of the chosen mode and intensity applied as these factors relate to cardiovascular stress. This conclusion cannot be extrapolated to patients with less well-compensated heart failure, or to more protracted resistance training.  相似文献   

Eight patients with chronic congestive cardiac failure secondary to ischaemic heart disease performed submaximal supine exercise before and after 5 mg sublingual isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) at the time of cardiac catheterisation. Exercise before ISDN produced a poor response in left ventricular performance. After ISDN this response was significantly improved. Compared with the control exercise period cardiac index (CI) increased from mean 2.9 to 3.5 l/mn/m2 (p = less than 0.0025), stroke volume index (SVI) from mean 24 to 29 ml/m2 (p = less than 0.0005) and left ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI) from mean 22 to 28 g-m/m2 (p = less than 0.0025). Although ISDN reduced LVEDP significantly at rest, there were associated small but significant falls in CI, SVI and LVSWI. The improvement in exercise cardiac index was related to the ejection fraction, or the ejection fraction of the contractile section where a left ventricular aneurysm was present. ISDN may be effective in improving exercise tolerance in ambulant patients with chronic congestive cardiac failure.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic and hormonal responses to nitroglycerin administered transdermally in a gel-like matrix were evaluated in nine patients with severe congestive heart failure and in nine normal subjects. In normal subjects, peripheral vasodilation was accompanied by reflex sympathetic stimulation as reflected by an increase in heart rate and plasma norepinephrine. In patients with heart failure, nitroglycerin produced sustained hemodynamic effects that began 30 minutes after the application and fully persisted for at least 6 hours. A significant decrease in right and left ventricular filling pressures was associated with an increase in stroke index and a significant decrease in forearm and pulmonary vascular resistances. There was no change in heart rate and systemic arterial pressure or in plasma norepinephrine or plasma renin activity. After 24 hours, pressures had partially returned to control levels, but mean pulmonary artery pressure was still significantly lower than in the control period. After removal of the nitroglycerin, each patient exhibited a decrease in cardiac index and an increase, above the control values, in pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures and pulmonary, systemic and forearm vascular resistances. This transient rebound appeared to be unrelated to stimulation of the sympathetic or renin-angiotensin systems. Thus, transdermal absorption of this new form of nitroglycerin appears to provide a nitrate vascular effect that is sustained for 24 hours, but an endogenous vasoconstrictor effect may influence the hemodynamic response over the first 24 hours.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of phentolamine (PH) on the increments in peripheral venous pressure (delta VP), and of plasma noradrenaline (delta NA) and adrenaline (delta A) concentration, in response to supine leg exercise. Peripheral venous pressure and plasma catecholamine concentrations were measured at rest and during exercise, before and after intravenous injection of PH (0.1 mg/kg) in 10 healthy volunteers (Group C), and in 42 patients with primarily left-sided heart diseases but without apparent right-sided or left-sided heart failure (NYHA class I, II). These cardiac patients were divided into 2 groups on the basis of delta VP. Those with delta VP below 35 mmH2O comprised the normal group (Group N), and those with delta VP more than 35 mmH2O the abnormally high group (Group H). 1) In Group C, delta VP changed only slightly from 11.1 +/- 2.8 (mean +/- SE) to 4.9 +/- 1.7 mmH2O with an intravenous injection of PH. On the other hand, PH caused a significant decrease in delta VP from 22.2 +/- 2.3 to 10.4 +/- 2.3 mmH2O in Group N (p less than 0.001), and from 52.7 +/- 3.4 to 17.0 +/- 12.4 mmH2O in Group H (p less than 0.001). It was suggested that PH blocked the alpha-receptors of the systemic capacitance vessels, thereby inhibiting the constriction of these vessels. 2) Both NA at rest and delta NA before PH were significantly higher in Group H than those in Groups C or N. delta NA increased significantly after the PH injection in all 3 groups, i.e., from 0.038 +/- 0.013 (mean +/- SE) to 0.282 +/- 0.051 ng/ml in Group C, from 0.056 +/- 0.013 to 0.279 +/- 0.034 ng/ml in Group N and from 0.279 +/- 0.034 to 0.839 +/- 0.103 ng/ml in Group H. The increase in delta NA after PH was especially marked in Group H. It was suggested that the "sympathetic nervous activity" was increased in the patients with an impaired left ventricular pumping function. 3) PH caused a slight increase in delta A in all groups, but there was no significant difference in delta A before and after PH in the 3 groups.  相似文献   

To evaluate left ventricular reserve in normal children 127 healthy boys and girls (71 males, 56 females) were investigated with echocardiography during supine bicycle exercise at levels of 6, 9, 12 and 15 kpm/min/kg body weight. Left ventricular function parameters were obtained from the M-mode echocardiogram, electrocardiogram and phonocardiogram. The children were separated into three groups according to body surface area: group I less than 1.1 m2, group II 1.1-1.4 m2, and group III greater than 1.4 m2. Fractional shortening (FS) of the left ventricle rose during exercise from 37 +/- 4 to 46 +/- 4% with no significant differences between the three groups. Velocity of circumferential fiber shortening (Vcf) in group I augmented from 1.3 to 2.25 circ./sec, in group II from 1.29 to 2.60 circ./sec, and in group III from 1.17 to 2.74 circ./sec (P = 0.01). In the recovery period heart rate (HR) and blood pressure normalized earlier than did fractional shortening and velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. This could be expressed best by the ratios FS/HR and Vcf/HR. There were no significant differences between sexes, although there was a tendency to higher blood pressure and heart rate, a greater increase in velocity of circumferential fiber shortening and a smaller increase in fractional shortening in girls. These data indicate that girls increased cardiac output during exercise more by increasing their heart rate than did boys.  相似文献   

The acute effects of oral isosorbide dinitrate on exercise performance in congestive heart failure were evaluated in 11 patients. All patients underwent rest and supine bicycle exercise equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography and hemodynamic measurements before and after oral administration of isosorbide dinitrate, 40 mg four times a day for 24 hours. Ninety minutes after the last dose, isosorbide dinitrate increased the duration of exercise (+ 28 percent, probability [p] < 0.01) and the total work performed (+ 32 percent, p < 0.01); with this drug, significantly (p < 0.05) fewer patients terminated exercise because of dyspnea. At rest, the left ventricular ejection fraction increased after administration of isosorbide dinitrate (+ 14 percent of value before administration, p < 0.02); there were decreases in mean pulmonary arterial pressure (? 23 percent, p < 0.02), mean arterial pressure (? 8 percent, p < 0.05), systemic vascular resistance (? 18 percent, p < 0.005) and pulmonary vascular resistance (? 46 percent, p < 0.001). During comparable levels of exercise, isosorbide dinitrate decreased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (? 19 percent, p < 0.001), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (? 23 percent, p < 0.001), mean arterial pressure (? 7 percent, p < 0.001), heart rate (? 5 percent, p < 0.01), systemic vascular resistance (? 20 percent, p < 0.01) and pulmonary vascular resistance (? 37 percent, p < 0.01), and increased cardiac index (+ 15 percent, p < 0.02), stroke volume index (+ 19 percent, p < 0.01) and stroke work index (+ 16 percent, p < 0.05). Ejection fraction did not change significantly (+ 7 percent, difference not significant [NS]). During maximal exercise, isosorbide dinitrate produced decreases in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (? 15 percent, p = 0.05), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (? 15 percent, p < 0.01), systemic vascular resistance (? 23 percent, p < 0.05) and pulmonary vascular resistance (? 30 percent, p < 0.01) and increases in cardiac index (+ 30 percent, p < 0.001), stroke volume index (+ 31 percent, p < 0.001) and stroke work index (+ 40 percent, p < 0.001). Ejection fraction did not change significantly (+ 9 percent, p = NS). Ten minutes after exercise, isosorbide dinitrate produced decreases in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (? 34 percent, p < 0.02), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (? 23 percent, p < 0.02), mean arterial pressure (? 10 percent, p < 0.01) and systemic vascular resistance (? 24 percent, p < 0.001) and increases in stroke volume index (+ 18 percent, p < 0.05) and ejection fraction (+ 12 percent, p < 0.05). It is concluded that oral isosorbide dinitrate, by causing reductions in preload and afterload, produces significant beneficial acute effects on left ventricular performance during exercise in patients with refractory chronic congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

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