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The possibility that Ca2+-activated Cl conductances (CaCCs) contribute to oscillations in vascular tone (vasomotion) is tested in isolated mesenteric small arteries from rats where cGMP independent (I Cl(Ca)) and cGMP-dependent (I Cl(Ca,cGMP)) chloride conductances are important. The effect of anion substitution and Cl channel blockers on noradrenaline (NA)-stimulated tension in isometrically mounted mesenteric arteries and for chloride conductance of smooth muscle cells isolated from these arteries were assessed electrophysiologically. Cl o replacement with aspartate blocked vasomotion while 36mM SCN o (substituted for Cl) was sufficient to inhibit vasomotion. Oscillations in tone, membrane potential, and [Ca2+]i disappeared with 36mM SCN. DIDS and Zn2+ blocked I Cl(Ca,cGMP) but not I Cl(Ca). Vasomotion was not sensitive to DIDS and Zn2+, and DIDS and Zn2+ induce vasomotion in arteries without endothelium. The vasomotion in the presence of DIDS and Zn2+ was sensitive to 36mM SCN o. The anion substitution data indicate that Cl is crucial for the V m and [Ca2+]i oscillations underlying vasomotion. The Cl channel blocker data are consistent with both CaCCs being important.  相似文献   

Transmitter characteristics of small mesenteric arteries from the rat   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have studied the neurogenic response of small mesenteric arteries from the rat to evaluate the involvement of possible co-transmitters under various modes of stimulation. Segments of small branches of the mesenteric artery were mounted in a myograph and the intramural nerves were activated with transmural electrical stimulation. A single stimulation of the nerves caused a contraction that was reduced by only 20% in the presence of adrenergic blocking agents (prazosin or phenoxybenzamine), whereas the steady-state response to continuous nerve stimulation of high frequency was reduced by 90-95%. In contrast, all responses to applied noradrenaline in doses up to at least 1 mM were eliminated by phenoxybenzamine treatment. The stable ATP analogue, alpha,beta-methylene ATP, reduced the response to a single nerve stimulation by 70%, but reduced the contraction caused by continuous high-frequency nerve stimulation by only 10%. None of these agents affected the response to applied neuropeptide Y (NPY). The response of relaxed vessels to nerve stimulation was totally blocked by the combination of an adrenoceptor-blocking agent and alpha,beta-methylene ATP, although even in this situation a further neurogenic response could be revealed in vessels precontracted with vasopressin. Responses to either single stimuli or brief burst stimulations were potentiated after high-frequency stimulation. Both the adrenergic and non-adrenergic components were enhanced to roughly the same extent. Also the potentiated response was eliminated by the combined application of prazosin and alpha,beta-methylene ATP. The non-adrenergic transmitter in the sympathetic nerves of small arteries thus appears to be the dominant transmitter during low-frequency nerve stimulation, causing rapid but phasic activation. Noradrenaline is the most important transmitter for higher frequencies, exerting slower but sustained contractions. The post-stimulatory potentiation affects both the adrenergic and the non-adrenergic part of the neurogenic response.  相似文献   

This ultrastructural study has investigated the development of the innervation of second order mesenteric arteries from the ileum region of the rat intestine, particularly, the time course of the formation of the plexus of varicose axons around the arteries, and the formation of autonomic neuromuscular junctions. The time points studied were postnatal days-2, -4, -8 and -13. This study has revealed that the formation of neuromuscular junctions with mature structural characteristics occurred at ~2 weeks postnatal. The plexus of varicose axons developed predominantly between day-4 and day-13, which agrees with previous light microscopy studies of catecholamne containing nerves around similar vessels. At day-2 and day-4, the axons lacked varicosities and were mainly contained in large bundles located in the outer region of the adventitia. The medio-adventitial border consisted of a dense layer of extracellular matrix and fibroblasts. By day-8, there were more axons and most were distributed in smaller bundles. Some had grown through the adventitia to lie at the medio-adventitial border and axon varicosities were also observed. Some varicosities had formed rudimentary neuromuscular contacts. By day-13, there were significantly more contacting varicosities compared to day-8. They were structurally more mature, being twice the size with three times the number of synaptic vesicles and consistently contained a mitochondrion. Conversely, the neuromuscular contact areas were similar at both time points. Some organisation of the synaptic vesicles associated with the prejunctional membrane, was evident in varicosities at day-8 but there were no presynaptic membrane specialisations similar to the putative neurotransmitter release sites found at mature skeletal neuromuscular junctions. The aggregation of small vesicles at the prejunctional membrane was more pronounced in neuromuscular junctions at day-13 with some having presynaptic membrane specialisations. Comparison of the structure of developing autonomic neuromuscular junctions with that of skeletal neuromuscular junctions has revealed a number of similarities.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ removal, nifedipine, and La3+ on contractions induced by 124 mM K+ and 10 microM noradrenaline (NA) were investigated in small mesenteric arteries from rat. Ring segments of the arteries were suspended between two steel wires in a 2.5 ml muscle bath, and the mechanical activity recorded "isometrically". The tonic components of the contractile responses to both K+ and NA were critically dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the bath solution. Nifedipine effectively relaxed K+-contracted arteries, whereas those activated by NA were considerably less affected by the drug. Application of NA to arteries depolarized by K+ in the presence of nifedipine induced a sustained tonic contraction, which was only approximately 20% smaller than that elicited by NA in "standard" Krebs solution, implicating pharmacomechanical coupling. Unlike nifedipine, La3+ inhibited K+- and NA-induced contractions to approximately the same extent. Re-application of Ca2+ to "Ca2+-depleted" preparations exposed to K+ and/or NA induced concentration-dependent contractions. The experimental results suggested that the effects of K+ and NA on the membrane permeability to Ca2+ were additive. The Ca2+-induced contractions were more inhibited by nifedipine in K+-depolarized than in NA-exposed arteries. It is concluded that K+ and NA utilize partly different Ca2+ entry pathways to increase the myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in rat mesenteric arteries. Whereas K+ seems to promote the influx Ca2+ by activation of CA2+ channels sensitive to the membrane potential, the nature of the receptor-operated Ca2+ entry pathway remains to be established.  相似文献   

We have previously studied the transmitters involved in, and the calcium dependency of, the neurogenic response to continuous, regular nerve stimulation in small mesenteric arteries from the rat. We have now studied responses to irregular nerve stimulation in these respects. Small mesenteric arteries from rat were mounted into a myograph and the intramural sympathetic nerves were activated by field stimulation. Irregular nerve stimulation was patterned after recorded activity in human cutaneous nerves. The response to irregular stimulation was reduced by only approximately 50% in the presence of the alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin. In particular, responses to low-frequency stimulation were resistant to prazosin. When the extracellular calcium concentration was reduced from 2.5 to 1.0 mM, approximately 50% of the response to irregular nerve stimulation remained. Responses to low-frequency stimulation were particularly reduced. Thus in these arteries the neurogenic response is caused by noradrenaline and a, perhaps purinergic, co-transmitter. The co-transmitter is important for the response to low-frequency stimulation and for the initial part of the contraction caused by high-frequency stimulation. Reducing the calcium concentration affects more strongly the response to low-frequency nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that wall tension can influence the membrane potential response to noradrenaline (NA) using isometric and isobaric vessel preparations of rat mesenteric small arteries. The resting membrane potential was significantly less negative in the isobaric (–49.7±0.5 mV, S.E.M., n=12 vessels) compared to the isometric preparation (–56.1±0.7 mV, n=10), although there was no difference in wall tension. The depolarization induced by 10–5 M NA was 2.6-fold smaller in the isobaric preparation, where wall tension decreased, compared to the isometric preparation, where wall tension increased. Since wall tension decreases under isobaric conditions, but increases under isometric conditions, the latter finding can be explained by assuming that part of the NA-induced membrane potential change is wall tension dependent.  相似文献   

Recent understandings of the vascular contribution of pathophysiology of osteoarthritis (OA) mount new evidence of cross-talking between subchondral bone tissue and articular cartilage that might have a decisive role in a pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis (OA). These understandings include blood flow (or interstitial fluid) impairment in subchondral bone. With regard to the mentioned role of the vasculature, the absence of custom nourishing to articular cartilage, and established, vasoconstrictive role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) it was reasonable to assume that ET-1 has an inconvertible role in pathophysiology of OA. Another moment in pathophysiology of OA is apoptosis of subchondral osteocytes, what induces osteoclastic resorption and at least temporarily reduces the bony support for the overlying cartilage. Since regional dependence of this protein’s expression was presumed, we suggest a regional division of subchondral bone by histomorphometrical analysis and quantification of identified protein by Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis (RT-PCR). Obtained results should be compared to serum levels of soluble ET-1, what would enforce this methods validity. Herewith, a new screening marker of patients with osteoarthritis would be established. This would enable detection and follow-up of groups threatened by this, growing, cause of disability and decreased quality of life.  相似文献   

The mesenteric arteries of hypertensive rats with bilaterally constricted renal arteries were observed by light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. In the early stage of hypertensive arterial lesions, many leukocytes adhered to the endothelial surface, and large or small and polygonal endothelial cells were irregularly arranged. Sporadically brightened and atrophied endothelial cells were distributed on the injured surface. These atrophied cells were transmission electron microscopically confirmed to have undergone coagulation necrosis. In the surrounding of the atrophied cells were observed opened endothelial cell junctions and enlarged intercellular spaces to which many leukocytes and platelets adhered. Because of loosening of connection with neighboring cells, atrophied endothelial cells became solitary or being denuded. Opened endothelial cell junctions were also observed between the uninjured endothelial cells as well as in areas penetrated by leukocytic pseudopods. Where light microscopy disclosed the deposition of a large amount of fibrinoid substance in the intima and media, scanning electron microscopy showed opened endothelial cell junctions and denudation of endothelial cells. From the results of the present experimental study, it was suggested that in the genesis of the hypertensive rat arterial lesions, the degeneration, necrosis and denudation of endothelial cells, opened endothelial cell junctions between these cells, and insudation of blood plasma through the opened junctions or denuded areas might play important roles.  相似文献   

急性脊髓挫伤后内皮素-1 mRNA表达变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的:观察脊髓损伤(SCI)后内皮素-1(ET-1)mRNA表达的解剖和空间以及含量变化规律。方法:改良Allen's法(50 g-cm)制备急性大鼠脊髓挫伤模型。原位杂交检测SCI前后脊髓组织中ET-1 mRNA。图像分析半定量测定伤区邻近段ET-1 mRNA含量。结果:SCI后损伤邻近段脊髓组织中ET-1 mRNA阳性表达的神经元、胶质细胞与血管内皮细胞数量多于及信号强于对照组,以神经元表达改变为主。除48 h组,伤后各时点脊髓灰质ET-1 mRNA阳性染色的阳性单位与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05)。伤区脊髓中ET-1 mRNA阳性染色神经元随时间逐渐减少,而胶质细胞阳性表达增加。结论:SCI后脊髓组织中ET-1 mRNA表达上调,提示ET-1参与SCI后病理生理改变。神经元是SCI后脊髓组织中ET-1升高的主要来源。  相似文献   

The regulation of vascular tone includes modulation of contractile element calcium sensitivity. We tested the involvement of the Rho-associated protein kinase p160ROCK in tone and calcium sensitivity of cannulated rat mesenteric small arteries. These vessels developed basal tone and showed myogenic responses upon pressure steps, resulting from an increase in calcium in combination with a high contractile element calcium sensitivity. Y-27632, believed to be a specific p160ROCK inhibitor, caused concentration-dependent inhibition of basal tone, with near full inhibition at 3 microM. At this concentration, myogenic responses were absent and stepwise pressure elevation resulted in severe vascular distension. Y-27632 did not affect pressure-induced changes in intracellular calcium but rather reduced pressure-induced as well as phenylephrine-induced calcium sensitisation. Thus in the presence of the blocker, for a given calcium concentration, tone was greatly reduced, and the divergence in sensitivity between pressure and phenylephrine as stimuli on the one hand and potassium on the other disappeared. K+ (125 mM) and ionomycin still caused contraction in the presence of the p160ROCK blocker. These data show that in pressurised small arteries the Rho-p160ROCK pathway is active in the absence of vasoconstrictors, keeping the vessels in a state of high calcium sensitivity and basal tone.  相似文献   

目的:探讨电针对大鼠脊髓损伤后c-fos mRNA及蛋白表达的影响.方法:将SD雄性大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组和电针组,采用改良Allen氏重物坠落法制成脊髓损伤模型.分别在1、2、3、5和7d处死动物,使用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测c-fos mRNA表达;使用免疫组织化学显色结合图像定量分析方法检测c-fos蛋白表达.结果:实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,模型组c-fos mRNA表达呈现升高趋势,电针能够促进这种趋势,在术后1d和3d与模型组比较,差异具有统计学意义.免疫组织化学结合图像分析结果显示,模型组c-fos蛋白表达升高趋势较为明显,电针促进这种趋势,且在术后2d与模型组比较,差异具有统计学意义.结论:电针能够促进脊髓损伤后大鼠脊髓损伤部cfos mRNA及蛋白的表达.  相似文献   

目的探讨内毒素血症大鼠内皮素-1与脑血管痉挛发生与发展的关系。方法 96只Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组、内毒素血症组(注射内毒素第3、6、12、24、48h),以放射免疫检测血浆内皮素-1水平的变化,免疫组织化学ABC法对大鼠大脑中动脉内皮素-1能神经纤维进行染色观察。结果内毒素血症后3、6、12h大鼠血浆内皮素-1水平较对照组明显升高(P0.05),内毒素血症后24和48h已趋于正常(P0.05)。对照组和内毒素血症大鼠大脑中动脉可见棕褐色、呈细线状内皮素-1能免疫反应阳性纤维,以内毒素血症后第6、12h大鼠大脑中动脉内皮素-1免疫反应最为显著(P0.05)。结论内毒素血症后,大鼠内皮素-1合成和释放入血水平升高,脑血管神经纤维内皮素-1的表达水平上调,这两种因素可能同时参与了脑血管痉挛的发生与发展。  相似文献   

In the present study we examine the calcium requirements of the neurogenic response in vitro of small arteries (150-200 microns diameter) from the mesentery of Wistar rats. Intramural nerves were activated with electrical field stimulation. Responses to single impulses and to low-frequency repeated stimulation were reduced or abolished by reducing the Ca2+ concentration in the bathing solution from 2.5 to 1.0 mM. Responses to higher frequencies (16 Hz) were only slightly affected. Since calcium reduction had markedly less effect on responses to direct activation of the smooth muscle and on responses to any dose of exogenous noradrenaline, the calcium reduction had mainly pre-junctional effects. The data show that part of the neurogenic response is highly calcium-sensitive, perhaps more so than would be expected of a purely noradrenergic transmission.  相似文献   

He JJ  Chen XQ  Wang L  Xu JF  Du JZ 《Neuroscience》2008,152(4):1006-1014
To determine whether corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) coexists with endothelin-1 (ET-1) in rat paraventricular nucleus (PVN), ET-1 expression and its regulation by CRH and CRHR1 under hypoxia, rats were exposed to simulated continuous hypoxia at 5 km altitude (CH5km, equal to 10.8% O(2)) in a hypobaric chamber for 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 or 25 days. ET-1, CRH, and its mRNA were measured using radioimmunoassay (RIA), immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization. The coexistence of ET-1 and CRHR1 was identified by confocal immunofluorescence. The results showed that CH5km caused a significant decrease of ET-1 level in PVN at 5 days, but decreased CRH on days 1 and 2 while it increased on days 5 and 10. CH5km induced ET-1 mRNA upregulation and ET-1 decrease at 5 days, the effects were completely reversed by treatment with five-daily-injections of a CRHR1 antagonist (butyl-[2,5-dimethyl-7-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d] pyrimidin-4-yl]-ethylamine: CP-154,526). Also, this treatment significantly reversed the CH5km-induced increase in CRH and CRHmRNA in PVN at 5 days. Moreover we found that the changes in expression of ET-1 and CRHR1 induced by CH5km were co-localized in parvocellular PVN cells. In conclusion, CRHR1 coexists with ET-1 in parvocellular PVN, continuous hypoxia stimulates ET-1 and ET-1mRNA as well as CRH and CRHmRNA, and CRHR1 evidently modulates ET-1 release and ET-1mRNA activation caused by continuous hypoxia.  相似文献   

The regulation of blood vessel diameter is under the control of the autonomic nervous system (as well as hormones and metabolites), sympathetic nerve stimulation evoking depolarizing post-synaptic potentials. Excitatory junction potentials (EJPs) were recorded from vascular smooth muscle cells of guinea-pig small mesenteric arteries (pressurized) following nerve stimulation. Repetitive stimulation (>5Hz) led to summation of EJPs, which evoked spikes and vasoconstriction. Replacing extracellular Na+ with choline (plus atropine) resulted in a decrease in EJP amplitude, but spike amplitude and maximum rate of rise (+Vmax) were unaffected. Decreasing the extracellular Ca2+ concentration produced decreases in EJP amplitude and spike +Vmax, while increasing extracellular Ca2+ resulted in increased EJP amplitude and spike +Vmax. Verapamil and bepridil, agents that depress Ca2+ influx in vascular and visceral smooth muscle, depolarized the membrane and depressed EJPs and spikes at high concentrations (10–5 M and 5×10–6 M, respectively). The data indicate that EJPs are dependent on external Na+ and Ca2+ ions, and that spikes are dependent on Ca2+. Thus, neuromuscular transmission in this muscle is similar to that in non-vascular smooth muscles, such as intestinal muscle and vas deferens.Part of this work has been presented to the Biophysical Society (Zelcer and Sperelakis 1980) and to the American Physiological Society (Zelcer and Sperelakis 1981)  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the contraction of small mesenteric arteries in response to nerve stimulation is enhanced by preceding high-frequency stimulation. We have now investigated the calcium dependency of this post-stimulatory potentiation. Small arteries (inner diameter 150-250 microns) from normotensive rats were dissected free from surrounding tissue, and segments were mounted in a myograph where the wall tension was measured at well-defined circumferences. Nerve stimulation was performed by field stimulation. A single stimulation of the nerve caused a contraction of 2.6 +/- 0.25% of maximal adrenergic response. After a high-frequency nerve stimulation with 16 Hz and 480 pulses the response to a single nerve stimulation was enhanced 6.6 +/- 1.3 times. The potentiation decayed with a time constant of 93.7 +/- 20.0 s. The amplitude of the post-stimulatory potentiation was dependent on the extracellular calcium concentration during the conditioning stimulation. In a solution containing 2.5 mM calcium the single twitch was enhanced 6.6 times while after exposure to reduced calcium (0.5 mM) it was only enhanced twice. The contraction caused by a short burst of high-frequency nerve stimulation (20 Hz and 10 pulses) was potentiated four times by a conditioning stimulation (16 Hz and 480 pulses), and this potentiation seemed to be independent of the extracellular calcium concentration during the conditioning stimulation. Thus the magnitude of the post-stimulatory potentiation of single nerve stimulations is linearly related to the extracellular calcium concentration during the conditioning nerve stimulation. For the potentiation of the response to burst stimulation no relation was found between the potentiation and extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

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