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Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) produce a significant amount of interleukin‐5 (IL‐5), which supports eosinophil responses in various tissues; they also produce IL‐13, which induces mucus production and contributes to tissue repair or fibrosis. The ILC2s are activated by alarmins, such as IL‐33 released from epithelia, macrophages and natural killer T (NKT) cells in response to infection and allergen exposure, leading to epithelial injury. We examined gene expression in lung ILC2s and found that ILC2s expressed Ifngr1, the receptor for interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ). Interferon‐γ severely inhibited IL‐5 and IL‐13 production by lung and kidney ILC2s. To evaluate the effects in vivo, we used α‐galactosylceramide (α‐GalCer) to induce NKT cells to produce IL‐33 and IFN‐γ. Intraperitoneal injection of α‐GalCer in mice induced NKT cell activation resulting in IL‐5 and IL‐13 production by ILC2s. Administration of anti‐IFN‐γ together with α‐GalCer significantly enhanced the production of IL‐5 and IL‐13 by ILC2s in lung and kidney. Conversely, cytokine production from ILC2s was markedly suppressed after injection of exogenous IL‐33 in Il33?/? mice pre‐treated with α‐GalCer. Hence, IFN‐γ induced or already present in tissues can impact downstream pleiotropic functions mediated by ILC2s, such as inflammation and tissue repair.  相似文献   

A single nucleotide polymorphism within the PTPN22 gene is a strong genetic risk factor predisposing to the development of multiple autoimmune diseases. PTPN22 regulates Syk and Src family kinases downstream of immuno‐receptors. Fungal β‐glucan receptor dectin‐1 signals via Syk, and dectin‐1 stimulation induces arthritis in mouse models. We investigated whether PTPN22 regulates dectin‐1 dependent immune responses. Bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) generated from C57BL/6 wild type (WT) and Ptpn22?/? mutant mice, were pulsed with OVA323‐339 and the dectin‐1 agonist curdlan and co‐cultured in vitro with OT‐II T‐cells or adoptively transferred into OT‐II mice, and T‐cell responses were determined by immunoassay. Dectin‐1 activated Ptpn22?/? BMDCs enhanced T‐cell secretion of IL‐17 in vitro and in vivo in an IL‐1β dependent manner. Immunoblotting revealed that compared to WT, dectin‐1 activated Ptpn22?/? BMDCs displayed enhanced Syk and Erk phosphorylation. Dectin‐1 activation of BMDCs expressing Ptpn22R619W (the mouse orthologue of human PTPN22R620W) also resulted in increased IL‐1β secretion and T‐cell dependent IL‐17 responses, indicating that in the context of dectin‐1 Ptpn22R619W operates as a loss‐of‐function variant. These findings highlight PTPN22 as a novel regulator of dectin‐1 signals, providing a link between genetically conferred perturbations of innate receptor signaling and the risk of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed IL‐33 as a key factor in promoting antiviral T‐cell responses. However, it is less clear as to how IL‐33 regulates innate immunity. In this study, we infected wild‐type (WT) and IL‐33?/? mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and demonstrated an essential role of infection‐induced IL‐33 expression for robust innate IFN‐γ production in the liver. We first show that IL‐33 deficiency resulted in a marked reduction in the number of IFN‐γ+ γδ T and NK cells, but an increase in that of IL‐17+ γδ T cells at 16 h postinfection. Recombinant IL‐33 (rIL‐33) treatment could reverse such deficiency via increasing IFN‐γ‐producing γδ T and NK cells, and inhibiting IL‐17+ γδ T cells. We also found that rIL‐33‐induced type 2 innate lymphoid cells were not involved in T‐cell responses and liver injury, since the adoptive transfer of type 2 innate lymphoid cells neither affected the IFN‐γ and TNF‐α production in T cells, nor liver transferase levels in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infected mice. Interestingly, we found that while IL‐33 was not required for costimulatory molecule expression, it was critical for DC proliferation and cytokine production. Together, this study highlights an essential role of IL‐33 in regulating innate IFN‐γ‐production and DC function during viral hepatitis.  相似文献   

TGF‐β and IL‐4 were recently shown to selectively upregulate IL‐9 production by naïve CD4+ T cells. We report here that TGF‐β interactions with IL‐1α, IL‐1β, IL‐18, and IL‐33 have equivalent IL‐9‐stimulating activities that function even in IL‐4‐deficient animals. This was observed after in vitro antigenic stimulation of immunized or unprimed mice and after polyclonal T‐cell activation. Based on intracellular IL‐9 staining, all IL‐9‐producing cells were CD4+ and 80–90% had proliferated, as indicated by reduced CFSE staining. In contrast to IL‐9, IL‐13 and IL‐17 were strongly stimulated by IL‐1 and either inhibited (IL‐13) or were unaffected (IL‐17) by addition of TGF‐β. IL‐9 and IL‐17 production also differed in their dependence on IL‐2 and regulation by IL‐1/IL‐23. As IL‐9 levels were much lower in Th2 and Th17 cultures, our results identify TGF‐β/IL‐1 and TGF‐β/IL‐4 as the main control points of IL‐9 synthesis.  相似文献   

Innate lymphocytes are selectively enriched in the liver where they have important roles in liver immunology. Murine studies have shown that type I NKT cells can promote liver inflammation, whereas type II NKT cells have an anti‐inflammatory role. In humans, type II NKT cells were found to accumulate in the gut during inflammation and IL13Rα2 was proposed as a marker for these cells. In the human liver, less is known about type I and II NKT cells. Here, we studied the phenotype and function of human liver T cells expressing IL13Rα2. We found that IL13Rα2 was expressed by around 1% of liver‐resident memory T cells but not on circulating T cells. In support of their innate‐like T‐cell character, the IL13Rα2+ T cells had higher expression of promyelocytic leukaemia zinc finger (PLZF) compared to IL13Rα2? T cells and possessed the capacity to produce IL‐22. However, only a minority of human liver sulfatide‐reactive type II NKT cells expressed IL13Rα2. Collectively, these findings suggest that IL13Rα2 identifies tissue‐resident intrahepatic T cells with innate characteristics and the capacity to produce IL‐22.  相似文献   

Interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) production is impaired in cord blood monocytes. However, the mechanism underlying this developmental attenuation remains unclear. Here, we analyzed the extent of variability within the Toll‐like receptor (TLR)/NLRP3 inflammasome pathways in human neonates. We show that immature low CD14 expressing/CD16pos monocytes predominate before 33 weeks of gestation, and that these cells lack production of the pro‐IL‐1β precursor protein upon LPS stimulation. In contrast, high levels of pro‐IL‐1β are produced within high CD14 expressing monocytes, although these cells are unable to secrete mature IL‐1β. The lack of secreted IL‐1β in these monocytes parallels a reduction of NLRP3 induction following TLR stimulation resulting in a lack of caspase‐1 activity before 29 weeks of gestation, whereas expression of the apoptosis‐associated speck‐like protein containing a CARD and function of the P2×7 receptor are preserved. Our analyses also reveal a strong inhibitory effect of placental infection on LPS/ATP‐induced caspase‐1 activity in cord blood monocytes. Lastly, secretion of IL‐1β in preterm neonates is restored to adult levels during the neonatal period, indicating rapid maturation of these responses after birth. Collectively, our data highlight important developmental mechanisms regulating IL‐1β responses early in gestation, in part due to a downregulation of TLR‐mediated NLRP3 expression. Such mechanisms may serve to limit potentially damaging inflammatory responses in a developing fetus.  相似文献   

With increasing interest in alternative options to interferon‐alpha‐based treatments, IFN‐λ has shown therapeutic promise in a variety of diseases. Although the antiviral activity of IFN‐λ has been extensively studied, there is limited knowledge regarding the immunological functions of IFN‐λ and how these differ from those of other classes of IFNs. In this study, we investigated the effects of IFN‐λ on primary human NK cells, both in a direct and indirect capacity. We demonstrate that in contrast to interferon‐alpha, IFN‐λ is unable to directly stimulate NK cells, due to the absence of IFN‐λ receptor chain 1 (IFN‐λR1) on NK cells. However, IFN‐λ, in combination with TLR4 challenge, is able to induce the production of select members of the IL‐12 family of cytokines in monocyte‐derived macrophages. We further show that through macrophage‐mediated IL‐12 production, IFN‐λ is able to indirectly affect NK cells and ultimately induce IFN‐γ production.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that calcitonin gene‐related peptide (CGRP) contributes to joint pain. However, regulation of the CGRP/CGRP receptor signalling in osteoarthritis (OA) is not fully understood. To investigate the regulation of CGRP/CGRP receptor signalling by macrophages in the synovial tissue (ST) of OA joints, we characterized the gene expression profiles of CGRP and CGRP receptors in the ST of OA mice (STR/Ort). In addition, we examined whether macrophage depletion by the systemic injection of clodronate‐laden liposomes affected the expression of CGRP and CGRP receptors in ST. CD11c+ macrophages in the ST of STR/Ort and C57BL/6J mice were analysed by flow cytometry. Real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to evaluate the expression of interleukin (IL)‐1β, CGRP, calcitonin receptor‐like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity‐modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) in F4/80+ and F4/80? cells. The effects of IL‐1β on the expression of CGRP and CLR by cultured synovial cells were also examined. The percentage of CD11c+ macrophages in the ST of STR/Ort was higher than that in C57/BL6J mice. Notably, the F4/80+ cell fraction expressed IL‐1β highly, whereas the F4/80? cell fraction expressed CGRP, CLR, and RAMP1 highly. In addition, expression of the IL‐1β and CLR genes was increased in ST, but was decreased upon macrophage depletion, and the IL‐1β treatment of cultured synovial cells up‐regulated CLR. Taken together, the present findings suggest that synovial macrophages are the major producers of IL‐1β and regulators of CLR in OA mice. Therefore, macrophages and IL‐1β may be suitable therapeutic targets for treating OA pain.  相似文献   

Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) produced by epithelial cells acts on dendritic cells (DCs) to drive differentiation of TH2‐cells, and is therefore important in allergic disease pathogenesis. However, DCs themselves make significant amounts of TSLP in response to microbial products, but little is known about the key downstream signals that induce and modulate this TSLP secretion from human DCs. We show that human monocyte derived DC (mDC) secretion of TSLP in response to Candida albicans and β‐glucans requires dectin‐1, Syk, NF‐κB, and p38 MAPK signaling. In addition, TSLP production by mDCs is greatly enhanced by IL‐1β, but not TNF‐α, in contrast to epithelial cells. Furthermore, TSLP secretion is significantly increased by signals emanating from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, specifically the unfolded protein response sensors, inositol‐requiring transmembrane kinase/endonuclease 1 and protein kinase R‐like ER kinase, which are activated by dectin‐1 stimulation. Thus, TSLP production by mDCs requires the integration of signals from dectin‐1, the IL‐1 receptor, and ER stress signaling pathways. Autocrine TSLP production is likely to play a role in mDC‐controlled immune responses at sites removed from epithelial cell production of the cytokine, such as lymphoid tissue.  相似文献   

Interleukin‐1α is mainly expressed on the cell membrane, but can also be secreted during inflammation. The roles of secreted and membrane IL‐1α in acute liver inflammation are still not known. Here, we examined the functions of secreted and membrane IL‐1α in a mouse model of carbon tetrachloride‐induced acute liver injury. We show that secreted IL‐1α aggravates liver damage and membrane IL‐1α slightly protects mice from liver injury. Further studies showed that secreted IL‐1α promotes T‐cell activation. It also increased the expansion of CD11b+Gr1+ myeloid cells, which may serve as a negative regulator of acute liver inflammation. Moreover, secreted IL‐1α induced IL‐6 production from hepatocytes. IL‐6 neutralization reduced the proliferation of CD11b+Gr1+ myeloid cells in vivo. CCL2 and CXCL5 expression was increased by secreted IL‐1α in vitro and in vivo. Antagonists of the chemokine receptors for CCL2 and CXCL5 significantly reduced the migration of CD11b+Gr1+ myeloid cells. These results demonstrate that secreted and membrane IL‐1α play different roles in acute liver injury. Secreted IL‐1α could promote T‐cell activation and the recruitment and expansion of CD11b+Gr1+ myeloid cells through induction of CCL2, CXCL5, and IL‐6. The controlled release of IL‐1α could be a critical regulator during acute liver inflammation.  相似文献   

Oestrogens play an important role in the development and progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) through oestrogen receptor (ER)‐α and ‐β, which may exert different or even opposing actions in PTC. The roles of ERβ in ERα‐negative PTC are still not clear. This study investigated the expression dynamics of ERβ1 (wild‐type ERβ) and its clinical significance in female ERα‐negative PTC patients. ERβ1 expression was detected in thyroid tissues of 136 female patients diagnosed with PTC. The relationships between ERβ1 expression and clinicopathological/biological factors were also analysed in female ERα‐negative PTC patients. The total score for ERβ1 was significantly lower in female ERα‐negative PTC patients with LNM or ETE when compared to those without LNM or ETE (Z = ?2.923, = 0.003 and Z = ?3.441, = 0.001). Accordingly, the total score for ERβ1 was significantly higher in ERα‐negative PTC patients expressing E‐cadherin compared to patients negative for E‐cadherin expression (Z = ?2.636, = 0.008). The total score was lower in ERα‐negative PTC patients positive for VEGF expression compared to those negative for VEGF expression (Z = ?1.914, = 0.056). This preliminary study indicates that reduced expression of ERβ1 in female ERα‐negative PTC patients is associated with greater progression of the disease. This may provide insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of ERβ1 and could help design targeted approaches for treating or even preventing this disease.  相似文献   

γδ T cells are highly cytolytic lymphocytes that produce large amounts of pro‐inflammatory cytokines during immune responses to multiple pathogens. Furthermore, their ability to kill tumor cells has fueled the development of γδ‐T‐cell‐based cancer therapies. Thus, the regulation of γδ‐T‐cell activity is of great biological and clinical relevance. Here, we show that murine CD4+CD25+ αβ T cells, the vast majority of which express the Treg marker, Foxp3, abolish key effector functions of γδ T cells, namely the production of the pro‐inflammatory cytokines, IFN‐γ and IL‐17, cytotoxicity, and lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and in vivo. We further show that suppression is dependent on cellular contact between Treg and γδ T cells, results in the induction of an anergic state in γδ lymphocytes, and can be partially reversed by manipulating glucocorticoid‐induced TNF receptor‐related protein (GITR) signals. Our data collectively dissect a novel mechanism by which the expansion and pro‐inflammatory functions of γδ T cells are regulated.  相似文献   

Since the molecular mechanism of hypoxic adaptation in cancer cells is cell‐type specific, we investigated whether glycogen synthase kinase‐3β (GSK‐3β) activation is involved in hypoxia‐induced gastric tumor promotion. Stable gastric cancer cell lines (SNU‐638, SNU‐484, MKN1, and MKN45) were cultured under hypoxic conditions. Cells overexpressing wild‐type GSK‐3β (WT‐GSK‐3β) or kinase‐dead mutant of GSK‐3β (KD‐GSK‐3β) were generated and used for cell culture and animal studies. In cell culture experiments, hypoxia decreased GSK‐3β activation in gastric cancer cells. Cell viability and the expressions of HIF‐1α protein and VEGF mRNA in gastric cancer cells were higher in KD‐GSK‐3β transfectants than in WT‐GSK‐3β transfectants under hypoxic conditions, but not under normoxic conditions. Gastric cancer xenografts showed that tumor growth, microvessel area, HIF‐1α activation, and VEGF expression were higher in KD‐GSK‐3β tumors than in WT‐GSK‐3β tumors in vivo. In addition, the expression of hypoxia‐induced HIF‐1α protein was regulated by GSK‐3β at the translational level. Our data suggest that GSK‐3β is involved in hypoxic adaptation of gastric cancer cells as an inhibitory upstream regulator of the HIF‐1α/VEGF signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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