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目的 了解学龄前儿童睡眠问题的流行现状和影响因素,为有效改善学龄前儿童睡眠问题提供参考.方法 2017年12月-2018年6月采用自编问卷,利用随机整群抽样的方法对扬州、镇江、徐州3座城市的8456名在园学龄前儿童的家长进行问卷调查.由家长或主要监护人完成一般人口学特征、视屏时间、睡眠模式和儿童睡眠习惯量表(CSHQ)...  相似文献   

目的 研究父母教养方式及其教养方式一致性对学龄前儿童睡眠问题的影响,为制定早期家庭干预措施提供理论依据.方法 采用随机抽样的方法在安庆市共抽取19所幼儿园的2744名儿童及其家长进行问卷调查,采用父母行为量表(PBI)调查家长的教养方式,使用儿童睡眠习惯问卷中文版(CSHQ)评估学龄前儿童睡眠情况.结果 学龄前儿童总体...  相似文献   

目的了解上海市学龄前儿童的气质特征,为学龄前儿童的科学教育提供依据。方法采用《3~7岁儿童气质量表》家长评定问卷,对整群抽取的上海市4个城区10所幼儿园的1 082名学龄前儿童进行调查。结果学龄前儿童的气质类型分布为易养型9.6%,中间型70.1%,启动缓慢型10.1%,难养型10.3%。气质类型分布无性别和年龄差异。在活动水平和反应阈2个维度,男童得分高于女童(P值均<0.01);而在心境和注意分散度2个维度,女童得分高于男童(P值均<0.01);不同年龄组男童在趋避性、适应性、反应强度和反应阈等维度的得分差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);女童不同年龄组在活动水平、趋避性和反应强度等维度的得分差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。与北京1995年常模组相比,上海2011年各年龄组同性别儿童的节律性和心境得分均较高。结论学龄前儿童的气质类型分布以中间型最多,部分气质维度具有年龄差异和性别差异。  相似文献   

箱庭疗法是指在治疗者的陪伴下,通过制作箱庭,将来访者的心理问题投射在箱庭中,通过对作品的分析达到治愈的目的.游戏式的心理疗法使箱庭特别适合用于儿童心理干预,在箱庭游戏中儿童可以将自己获得的经验迁移到现实生活中,从而获得心理的成长.箱庭为儿童提供了一个安全和自由表达情感的方式,特别是团体箱庭,在确立自我概念,改善团体人际互动,尤其是促进社会关系方面具有显著的效果[1].  相似文献   

目的 探讨父亲情绪症状与学龄前儿童情绪行为问题的关联,为学龄前儿童情绪行为问题的预防与干预提供参考。方法 采取多阶段分层抽样方法,于2023年2—4月从合肥市分别抽取2县2区2开发区,每县/区/开发区抽取2所幼儿园,共抽取12所幼儿园3 672名3~6岁儿童及其父亲为研究对象,父亲填写抑郁—焦虑—压力量表(DASS-21),母亲填写儿童心理行为发展问卷(SDQ),建立多因素Logistic回归模型,分析父亲情绪症状与学龄前儿童情绪行为问题的关联。结果 学龄前儿童心理行为问题检出率为18.65%,父亲压力、焦虑、抑郁症状的检出率分别为4.82%,10.05%,6.64%。多因素Logistic回归模型分析显示,调整相关混杂因素后,父亲有压力、焦虑和抑郁等负面情绪时,其子代情绪行为问题异常检出率均高于父亲无负面情绪组(OR=1.77~2.13,P值均<0.01);父亲有压力症状与男童情绪行为问题的风险增加相关,父亲有焦虑症状、抑郁症状与男童、女童情绪行为问题风险增加均相关(OR=1.45~2.69,P值均<0.05);父亲有压力症状与一孩情绪行为问题的风险增加相关,父亲有焦虑症...  相似文献   

  目的  探讨芜湖地区学龄前儿童睡眠情况及与儿童情绪行为问题的关联,为改善儿童睡眠质量和情绪行为问题提供依据。  方法  2017年5月对芜湖市12所幼儿园1 158名大班儿童进行整群抽样调查,采用自制问卷调查儿童的一般情况和入睡前情况,采用《长处与困难问卷(SDQ)父母版》和《2~5岁儿童睡眠状况调查问卷》调查情绪行为及睡眠障碍问题。  结果  调查儿童情绪行为问题异常总的检出率为44.21%,其中同伴交往问题最为突出;学龄前儿童入睡前情况存在性别差异,主要体现在是否单独睡眠及睡前是否需要安慰物两个方面;41.97%的学龄前儿童检出至少1种睡眠障碍类型,其中睡眠不安的检出率女童为33.83%,高于男童的25.97%;睡眠影响学龄前儿童情绪行为问题出现,异态睡眠(OR=2.33,95%CI=1.25~4.34)和睡眠不安(OR=4.92,95%CI=1.28~19.00)增加女童该问题的风险,睡眠充足会降低此风险(OR=0.46,95%CI=0.27~0.77);异态睡眠增加男童情绪行为异常的风险(OR=1.86,95%CI=1.08~3.19),而单独睡眠降低该风险(OR=0.59,95%CI=0.37~0.95)。  结论  睡眠障碍增加学龄前儿童情绪行为问题的发生,充足的睡眠及儿童单独的睡眠习惯可减少其情绪行为问题的出现,睡眠与儿童情绪行为问题的发生具有性别差异。  相似文献   

目的 探讨学龄前儿童心理行为问题与非故意伤害发生的相关性,为有针对性开展儿童非故意伤害预防工作提供依据.方法 2019年9-10月采用分层整群方法抽取合肥市8所幼儿园2 062名3~6岁儿童及其家长,采用自编问卷收集儿童过去1年非故意伤害的发生情况,采用Conners量表父母问卷(PSQ)对儿童心理行为特征进行调查.结...  相似文献   

学龄前儿童行为问题与气质类型及家庭环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨学龄前儿童行为问题与气质类型及家庭环境的相关性。方法采用《NYLS 3—7岁儿童气质问卷》及《Conners儿童行为家长问卷》对威海市三所幼儿园554例学龄前儿童进行测查。结果行为问题儿童与对照组儿童气质类型分布差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。麻烦型儿童行为问题发生率最高。多种家庭环境因素与儿童行为问题相关。结论麻烦型儿童易发生行为问题,但起主要作用的是家庭环境因素。改善家庭环境,改进教育方法,是预防和减少儿童行为问题发生的关键所在。  相似文献   

学龄前期儿童行为问题综合干预效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵冬梅  杨良政  李玲  冯冰 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(25):3521-3523
目的:探讨综合干预对学龄前儿童行为问题的影响。方法:应用Achenbach儿童行为量表、儿童气质量表、儿童感觉统合评定量表及自编的儿童心理卫生量表,以整群抽样的方法,抽取济南市3所幼儿园各1个小班共97人为研究对象,同时抽取同一幼儿园另1个小班共110人作为对照。采用儿童气质特点养育指导、感觉统合训练等方法对研究组进行为期3年的综合干预,前瞻性观察儿童行为问题的干预效果。结果:3年后干预组儿童行为问题检出率为6.59%,与干预前检出率(16.49%)及对照组(16.19%)比较有显著性差异。结论:对学龄前期儿童进行早期综合性干预有助于减少儿童行为问题的发生。  相似文献   

目的分析学前心理卫生问题儿童的感觉加工特征,为针对性改善心理卫生问题儿童的感觉加工能力提供参考。方法采用随机整群抽样方法,在2018年3—6月随机抽取深圳市南山区30所托幼机构进行心理筛查,用长处与困难问卷和简式感觉剖析表评估6 365名中、大班儿童。结果儿童长处与困难问卷总分阳性率为15.15%。情绪症状、品行问题筛查和亲社会问题阳性的儿童简式感觉剖析表各因子均比正常儿童低(P值均<0.01)。多动/注意不能筛查阳性的儿童,味觉/嗅觉敏感性、低反应性/寻求感觉、听觉过滤、精神不振/虚弱、视觉/听觉敏感性的得分较正常儿童低(F值分别为12.45,102.44,93.51,13.33,4.32,P值均<0.05),触觉敏感性和运动敏感性与正常儿童差异无统计学意义。同伴交往问题筛查阳性的儿童触觉敏感性、味觉/嗅觉敏感性、运动敏感性、听觉过滤、精神不振/虚弱、视觉/听觉敏感性较正常儿童低(F值分别为6.05,5.86,4.70,17.32,9.56,4.16,P值均<0.05),低反应性/寻求感觉与正常儿童差异无统计学意义。亲社会问题与触觉敏感度、低反应性、听觉过滤、精神不...  相似文献   

Behaviour problems in young children are fairly common. It has been suggested that approximately 5–14% of preschool children exhibit problem behaviour. There are many reasons for behaviour problems in preschool-aged period children. Researches reveal that link between victimisation and individual differences. However, but still, we do not know the prevalence of the possible precursors of peer victimisation among preschool children. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive effects the level of behaviour problem variables have on peer victimisation of five to six-year-old children attending preschool education. The sample group of the research included 152 normally developed children selected by simple random sampling method among 5–6 years old children receiving preschool education in the city centre of the province of Çorum in Turkey. The relational survey method was used in this study. The Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire (PBQ) and the Peer Victimisation Scale were used in this study. The PBQ and the Peer Victimisation Scale were completed by the teachers. Results of this study concluded that there was a significant positive relationship between the level of child behaviour problems variables and peer victimisation. In addition, results show that behaviour problems of five to six-year-old preschool children have a significant predictive effect on their peer victimisation.  相似文献   

Three aspects of young children’s social cognition – accurate encoding of social cues, hostile attributions and response access/generation – were assessed among 128 children (64 girls) attending three‐, four‐, and five‐year‐old classrooms (ages ranged from 36 to 73 months). Hostile attributions and the quality of strategy generation were both significantly associated with teacher‐rated peer competence and aggressiveness, even when children’s receptive vocabulary scores and age were controlled. For girls, hostile attributions, but not cue encoding or response generation, was associated with teacher ratings of competence and aggression. For boys, hostile attributions were associated with teacher ratings of competence, and response generation was associated with teacher ratings of competence and aggression. Regression analysis, controlling for sex, age and receptive vocabulary, revealed that both hostile attributions and the quality of social strategy generation, but not encoding of cues, made unique, significant contributions to the prediction of teacher ratings of competence and aggression.  相似文献   

Hendy HM 《Appetite》2002,39(3):217-225
The present study examined the effectiveness of trained peer models to encourage food acceptance in children during preschool meals, and one month later. It also considered whether trained peer models risk the over-justification effects proposed to reduce later food acceptance after reinforcement has been offered for eating a specific food. Three novel foods were presented to eight tables of 38 children during five preschool meals. After three baseline meals, 16 children were trained to serve as peer models of food acceptance for one of the foods in exchange for small toy reinforcements, with each food assigned to either no model, girl model, or boy model conditions during the next two meals. The remaining 22 children served as observers whose food bites were recorded during baseline and modeled meals. Girl models were more effective than boy models to increase food acceptance from baseline to modeled meals for children of either gender. One month later, child interviews measured delayed food acceptance using food preference ratings and number of bites consumed. For observers, delayed food acceptance did not differ according to the food's previous modeling condition, suggesting that effectiveness of trained peer models does not last beyond the modeled meals. Trained peer models gave the highest preference ratings to the specific food they had eaten in exchange for toy reinforcements one month before, and they ate as much of this food as other foods, offering no evidence for detrimental over-justification effects on food acceptance as a result of serving as peer models.  相似文献   

了解黄山市区学龄前儿童被欺凌行为的流行特征及其与行为问题的关系,为学龄前阶段预防控制同伴欺凌行为提供基础资料.方法 在黄山市区对方便抽取的2 395名儿童家长,采用问卷调查儿童一般人口学特征、被欺凌行为以及行为问题等.结果 学龄前儿童中最近2个月遭受言语欺凌、关系欺凌、躯体欺凌的报告率分别为7.7%,14.9%,28.3%;36.9%的研究对象报告至少遭受1类被欺凌行为.被言语欺凌和被关系欺凌的报告率均随着年龄的增长呈上升趋势,而被躯体欺凌行为报告率随着年龄增长呈下降趋势(P值均<0.01).学龄前儿童行为问题的7个维度、内外向性行为问题以及行为问题总分均表现为有行为问题者的3类被欺凌行为报告率均高于无行为问题者(P值均<0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,学龄前儿童焦虑问题、躯体化症状、攻击行为、注意问题、多动问题与被言语欺凌关系的OR值均>1.6;攻击行为、注意问题与被关系欺凌关系的OR值均>2.3;躯体化症状、攻击行为与被躯体欺凌关系的OR值均>1.4(P值均<0.05).结论 学龄前儿童被欺凌行为报告率较高,且行为问题与被欺凌行为之间关系密切.  相似文献   

目的:探讨3~6岁儿童行为问题与母乳喂养的关系。方法:采用Conners行为问卷父母用量表对学龄前儿童行为问题与出生后喂养方式的关系进行研究。结果:学龄前儿童行为问题的检出率为20.91%,其中男童26.49%,女童14.41%。单因素Logistic回归分析发现纯母乳喂养是男童行为问题的保护因素(OR=0.58);混和喂养是女童的危险因素(OR=3.14);多因素Logistic回归分析显示,在校正了父母亲文化程度、父/母是否长期在外工作后,混和喂养仍然是女童的危险因素(OR=2.83),纯母乳喂养仍然是男童行为问题发生的保护因素(OR=0.57)。结论:非纯母乳喂养方式是学龄前儿童行为问题的危险因素之一。  相似文献   

It is well-documented that poor parenting practices result in negative emotional outcomes in children. Specifically, this review seeks to explore the relationship between parenting practices and internalization symptomology. This study utilized a systematic review and an appraisal tool was developed in order to ensure that included articles maintained high methodological rigour. Biomed Central, PsychArticles, Academic Search Complete, Eric, Sage and SocIndex databases were searched. After yielding 1002 articles in the initial search strategy, 39 articles were appraised and a total of 21 empirical studies were used for data extraction. In all, 13 articles indicated that some forms of poor parenting practices are related to internalizing behaviours. For example, over-involved parenting, spanking endorsement, over-reactive parenting, insecurely attached children, authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting are all linked to internalizing behaviours in children. Two articles reported a negative relationship between authoritative parenting and internalizing symptoms. This systematic review does indicate a relationship between parent–child relations and internalizing symptoms in children. In several studies, the complexities of this relationship remain unknown, and warrant further attention.  相似文献   

The relationship between oral habits and malocclusion in preschool children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the way oral habits and speech problems affect dental occlusion in preschool children. METHODS: A random sample of 2,139 boys and girls aged 3-5 years old was evaluated. The children were enrolled in private and state institutions in the city of Bauru, S?o Paulo State, Brazil. The cross-sectional study was developed in two steps: occlusion assessment, and a questionnaire about their social and economic status. The occlusal anatomical-functional characteristics assessment was done according to Angle classification. Additionally, overjet, overbite, crowding, anterior open bite, posterior crossbite, and anterior crossbite were evaluated. A sub-sample of 618 children filled out the questionnaire. The prevalence of malocclusion and some variables of exposure were tested by bivariate analysis. RESULTS: The prevalence of malocclusion was 51.3% for boys and 56.9% for girls. There was no difference related to gender. In regard to age, there was a higher prevalence of malocclusion in the 3 year-old group, which decreased significantly with age (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Among the environmental factors evaluated, the habit of sucking a pacifier was the most important in the association with malocclusion (OR=5.46) followed by the habit of sucking fingers (OR=1.54). Speech problems did not show any influence in malocclusion occurrence.  相似文献   

目的 对学龄前儿童行为问题进行干预研究。方法 采用Achenbach儿童行为量表对沈阳市5所幼儿园4岁儿童进行问卷调查,在调查基础上,将儿童分成干预组(167名)和对照组(232名)。对于干预组进行1年的心理行为干预,干预后复测。结果干预后干预组儿童行为问题检出率由干预前的17.37%下降为7.78%,差别有显著意义。结论 早期干预对于减少儿童心理行为问题的发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The correspondence between temperament characteristics based on the Behavioural Style Questionnaire and the peer relations of normally developing and mildly developmentally delayed preschool-age children was examined in this study. Measures of the peer relations of 64 3- and 4-year-old boys were obtained through an analysis of children's social interactions in a series of specially designed playgroups. Maternal temperament ratings were found to be similar for the younger (3-year-olds) and older (4-year-olds) normally developing children as well as for the mildly delayed group (4-year-olds). Multiple regression analyses indicated that maternal-rated temperament dimensions of persistence and activity level were associated in a logical pattern with both the positive and negative aspects of children's peer relations. Issues related to the construct validity and situation-specificity of the temperament measure were discussed.  相似文献   

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