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目的:探讨1例胃腺癌牙龈转移的诊断、治疗及预后情况,为临床上胃癌合并口腔肿物患者的诊断提供参考。方法:报道扬州大学附属苏北人民医院1例胃腺癌牙龈转移患者的临床表现、治疗过程及预后情况,同时结合文献对此类病例的临床特点与诊治进行回顾分析。结果:患者因“右侧下颌后牙区牙龈肿块6个月”来我院就诊,确诊胃腺癌病史1个月。经口腔活检,结合病史考虑为转移性腺癌(牙龈)。收入院后,择期行手术切除牙龈转移瘤,并进行术后化疗。患者目前伤口愈合良好。临床上此类患者较少见,一般胃癌发生口腔转移多为疾病晚期,预后较差,生存时间较短。结论:胃腺癌合并口腔转移病例在临床上较少见,其准确诊断应多结合病史、影像学及病理结果,患者多处于癌症晚期,预后一般较差。临床上对于胃癌患者的口腔肿物需予以重视,避免误诊。  相似文献   

乳腺癌牙龈转移1例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者女 ,5 4岁。因右下颌牙龈肿块 10d来我院就诊。患者述 10d前发现右下颌牙龈有一黄豆大小的肿块 ,无明显疼痛 ,后肿块迅速增大 ,并逐渐感觉到轻度疼痛 ,在当地医院用“青霉素、甲硝唑”等抗炎治疗 5d无效 ,且肿块继续增大 ,遂来我院就诊。追问病史 ,患者曾患左侧乳腺浸润导管癌(Ⅲb期 ) ,一年前在本院接受过“左侧乳腺癌根治术”及术后化疗。体检 :患者一般情况尚好 ,神志清楚 ,精神好 ,步入病房 ,检查合作。全身检查未见明显异常。口腔检查发现 43|区牙龈肿块 ,呈哑铃形 ,分别向颊舌侧生长 ,颊侧大小约 2 .0cm× 1.8cm× 1.8c…  相似文献   

牙龈转移性腺癌2例及文献复习   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周瑞庆  张瑛  黄胜春 《口腔医学》2000,20(3):137-138
目的 :探讨牙龈转移性癌的临床特点和诊断标准。方法 :对 2例牙龈转移性腺癌的报道 ,结合对国内外 49例文献报道的复习。结果 :牙龈转移性癌临床上易于血管性龈瘤、周边性巨细胞肉芽肿、肉芽肿性龈瘤和纤维性龈瘤相混淆 ,但有其独特性。结论 :牙龈转移性癌的预后较差 ,故及时发现、诊断和治疗 ,有助于提高患者的生存质量和生存率。  相似文献   

患者 ,男 ,6 3岁 ,5年前左颊侧牙龈肿物 2cm× 1cm大小 ,溃疡状。在当地医院按牙龈瘤手术切除 ,未做病理检查。4年前局部肿物复发 ,伴右下唇麻木 ,病理报告 :高分化鳞癌。行左下颌骨切除左舌骨上淋巴清扫术 ,2年后右膝部疼痛 ,抗风湿治疗无效 ,疼痛逐渐加重 ,活动受限。右髌骨 ,正位及轴位X线片显示 :右胫骨上端内缘骨皮质缺损 ,上下范围约 4cm ,累及骨髓。ECT骨扫描 :右胫骨上端可见片状放射性分布中度浓集影。考虑 :右胫骨上端骨转移癌。给与放射治疗 (DT30GY/ 10f/ 2W ) ,右膝部疼痛明显减轻 ,活动尚可 ,X线片显示 :右…  相似文献   

基底细胞腺癌以腮腺为好发部位,也可累及唇、腭等,临床较为少见。由于其临床特点不显著,常常易误诊误治。治疗方法包括手术、放疗、化疗等,治疗后有局部复发和远处转移的可能。本文报告1例腭部基底细胞腺癌病例,并结合文献对其诊断和治疗进行了讨论。  相似文献   

睑板腺癌常发生于上眼睑,转移至腮腺及下颌下淋巴结者较为少见,临床上需与腮腺原发肿瘤相鉴别。本文报告1例上眼睑睑板腺癌转移至腮腺及下颌下区淋巴结病例,为此类疾病的诊断及治疗提供指导。  相似文献   

涎腺癌血道转移(附21例病例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涎腺癌瘤的血道转移是一个十分重要的临床问题,是否存在着血道的转移不但会影响患者的预后,也是决定治疗方案的关键。近来由于肿瘤治疗学的水平不断提高,较好地控制了原发病灶,使患者的生命延长和检查诊断肿瘤的水平也不断提高,能够检查出过去无法检查出的隐匿转移灶。所以涎腺癌瘤  相似文献   

皮脂腺癌是极为罕见的恶性肿瘤,以眼睑多发,发生于唾液腺者甚为少见,主要发生于腮腺。本文旨在报告1例发生在61岁男性右侧腮腺区的皮脂腺癌,并根据国内外文献报告,对其临床表现、诊断、组织学特点、治疗及其预后做进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

嗜酸细胞腺癌是发生于诞腺的一类罕见恶性肿瘤,发病部位以腮腺多见,也有发生于源部、颗部及舌下腺的报道。但是,发生于下颌骨的嗜酸细胞腺癌实属罕见,作者曾遇一例,现报道如下:1病例资料患者武某某,女性,48岁。主因左侧下颌骨肿物六个月入院。患者发现左侧下颌骨肿物后曾在当地医院行抗炎治疗,但无效,肿物生长迅速,伴自发性痛。既往体健。口腔颌面外科情况:左侧下颌骨以角部为中心膨隆,并累及同侧支部及部分体部,肿物体积为6cm×5cm×3cm,表面皮肤色泽正常,肿物周界不清,固定,质硬,压痛不显著,张口度3cm。左侧下颌磨牙…  相似文献   

肾透明细胞癌早期症状不明显,容易发生远处转移。作者报告1例肾透明细胞癌伴下颌骨转移病例,并复习相关文献,对该病的临床诊治进行讨论。  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the cause of 10% of cancer-related deaths in males in the United States. Metastases are found late in the course of the disease. Metastatic tumors of the oral cavity are rare, representing about 1% of oral tumors and affect jaws much more frequently than soft tissues. Metastatic prostate cancer tends to involve the bones of the axial skeleton. In a recent review, 22 cases of metastases to the jawbones from prostate cancer were found in 390 cases. On the other hand, only 1 case of a metastasis to the oral soft tissues was reported. The authors describe the second case of oral soft tissue metastasis from a prostate cancer. The metastatic lesion was located in the gingiva. Clinicians should be aware of oral soft tissue metastases since they can be the first sign of a not yet diagnosed malignant tumor and they can be very easily confused with several different benign lesions.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 64-year-old patient suffering from a multiple metastatic bronchial adenocarcinoma, referred to our department for a gingival tumefaction. The diagnostic assumptions considered were those of a pyogenic granuloma, of a primary gingival carcinoma, or of a metastasis of the bronchial tumor. An excisional biopsy was carried out and the histopathologic examination confirmed the latter diagnosis. No complementary care was performed because of the multiple localizations and unfavorable prognosis. If metastases of pulmonary cancers represent the majority of gingival metastases, those of bronchial adenocarcinoma are very rare. Metastatic process could be facilitated by Batson's plexus, through the periodontal inflammation or the direct bronchotracheal way. The main clinical diagnostic difficulty is the distinction between benign lesion and malignant lesion, and between primary lesion and metastasis. Even if gingival metastases are rare, their semiological value incites the histopathologic examination of any presumedly benign tumor of the gingiva.  相似文献   

Diagnosing gingival metastases is difficult because clinically they can mimic benign oral lesions. The authors report an unusual case of metastatic ovarian carcinoma in the gingiva of a 46-year-old woman 5 years after ovariectomy. The tumor presented as an exophytic growth at the molar region of the mandible. Histological examination showed invasive proliferation of atypical glandular structures composed of mucin-producing cells laying in a fibrous stroma. Tumor cells were immunopositive for carcinoembryonic antigen, MUC1 mucin, and lysozyme, while stromal fibroblasts were immunopositive for vimentin and estrogen receptor. The diagnosis of metastatic ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma was made. A review of the English literature revealed this to be the first report of gingival metastasis of an ovarian carcinoma.  相似文献   



Metastasis of a malignant tumor to the oral cavity is rare and can indicate an unknown primary tumor.


Described is a case of metastatic tumor in the right jaw. The patient was a 50-year-old woman who consulted her dentist with complaints of tooth pain and an abscess. The clinical examination showed an abscess around the mandibular right first molar and second premolar tooth. Teeth were extracted and two periapical, nontypical cystic lesions were excised.


The histopathological analysis revealed mucinous malignant cells embedded in an inflammatory infiltration and fibrinous tissue. The diagnosis was metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma. The lesion at the apex of teeth was the initial presenting site of the patient’s lung cancer. There was no other site of metastasis.


There are typical dental apical cysts that do not usually require a histopathological examination, but mucinous and nontypical cysts must be sent for a histopathological examination. The case emphasizes the important role of dentists in diagnosing metastatic oral lesions and shows that even apparently benign atypical lesions in healthy patients need to be examined histopathogically.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metastatic tumors to the oral cavity are rare, representing about 1% of oral tumors, and they affect jaws more often than the oral soft tissues. METHODS: Fifteen cases of metastases to the jaw bones from thyroid carcinoma were found in a recent review, with no cases located in the oral mucosa. RESULTS: The authors describe the first cases of gingival metastasis from a thyroid medullary carcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: Periodontists must recognize oral soft tissue metastases because they can be the first sign of an undiscovered malignancy, and they can be easily mistaken with several different benign lesions.  相似文献   

黏液腺癌是一种少见的上皮性恶性肿瘤,好发于阑尾、胰腺、乳腺等部位,发生于涎腺者罕见。本文报道1例发生在涎腺的黏液腺癌,并对相关文献进行复习。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to define the incidence of cervical metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the maxillary alveolus, hard palate and gingiva; to identify patterns of locoregional failure and to assess survival outcomes. We retrospectively analysed 30 patients treated for SCC of the maxillary alveolus and hard palate between 2000 and 2010. Parameters assessed included the incidence of cervical metastasis at presentation and recurrence, paying particular attention to tumour staging and survival outcomes. Of our 30 patients, 25 were confirmed to have T4 SCC of the maxillary alveolus and hard palate with bone invasion. Cervical metastases had been noted in 7 (23%) patients at initial presentation. A total of 9 (36%) patients developed regional failure in the pT4 SCC group shortly after primary resection. Patients with advanced primary SCC of the hard palate and maxillary alveolus (particularly when there was bone invasion) showed high rates of regional failure, and in most cases successful salvage was not achieved. Based on our findings and a review of the existing literature we strongly recommend elective neck dissection for patients with pT4 SCC of the maxillary alveolus and hard palate.  相似文献   

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