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Insight and the clinical outcome of schizophrenic patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At the time of discharge from their index hospitalizations, 52 schizophrenic patients initially admitted for acute psychotic episodes were assessed on an Insight and Treatment Attitudes Questionnaire. When these patients were followed up 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years later, adequate information on their clinical courses and outcomes was available in 46 cases. A global assessment of aftercare environment was made in each case, reflecting the degree to which individuals other than the patient were helpfully invested in maintaining the patient in treatment, whether these individuals were in the patient's living or treatment situations. Five factual outcome variables were also assessed: a) compliance with treatment 30 days after discharge; b) long-term compliance; c) whether or not patients were readmitted; d) readmissions per year; and e) percent of time spent in the hospital. As expected, aftercare environment was significantly related to outcome (p = .039). The overall relationship between insight and the outcome variables closely approached statistical significance (p = .053). Patients with more insight were significantly less likely to be readmitted over the course of follow-up. There was a trend for patients with more insight to be compliant with treatment 30 days after discharge. No significant interaction between aftercare environment and insight was found, suggesting that insight may influence outcome independently of aftercare environment.  相似文献   

This study has demonstrated that among low-income, relatively unacculturated Mexican-American households, a high level of expressed emotion on the part of key relatives significantly increases the risk of relapse for remitted schizophrenics who return home to live with their families after hospital discharge. This cross-cultural replication of earlier research findings in London and southern California suggests that critical, hostile, or emotionally overinvolved attitudes and behaviors may be general major stressors that adversely influence the fragile adaptation of schizophrenic individuals in diverse cultural settings. The finding of a lower prevalence of high levels of expressed emotion among Mexican-American compared to Anglo-American and British households lends support to the hypothesis that intrafamilial behaviors may account for different schizophrenic outcomes in different cultures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study was designed specifically to assess the relationship between brain morphology and outcome in schizophrenia. METHOD: Fifty-six schizophrenic patients and a matched group of 32 healthy subjects were studied with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging scans. Clinical assessment included the Krawiecka-Manchester Scale (K-MS) and the Outcome scale by Strauss and Carpenter. RESULTS: Along several neuromorphological measures the patients differed from controls only for right and left ventricular volumes. The 'poor outcome' patients had a left and right ventricular enlargement when compared to the 'good outcome' patients and healthy controls. A regression analysis showed that right ventricle volume, left temporal lobe volume and left hippocampal volume entered into the regression equation, accounting for a 27% of the outcome measure. CONCLUSION: The outcome does not seem to be predicted by one particular morphological site but involves different brain regions; however, the ventricular enlargement identifies a subgroup of patients with poor outcome.  相似文献   

The psychiatric and ambulatory course of 21 older chronic schizophrenic patients who sustained hip fractures was studied prospectively, and their walking ability after the fractures was compared to that of 25 nonpsychiatric hip fracture patients. Although the schizophrenic patients were younger when the hip fractures occurred, their recuperation and ambulatory outcome were significantly worse. The psychiatric course was assessed with a standardized rating scale that was administered 6 months and 1 year after the fractures and compared to similar ratings done before the fractures. Significant mental deterioration was found at 6 months after the fractures, with no further changes later.  相似文献   

The authors report on the outcome of treatment of 116 outpatients with chronic schizophrenia who were assigned to a 2-year, single-blind course of treatment with either targeted or continuous medication. These patients were not restricted to those who were good candidates for a medication reduction strategy. Continuous medication was superior to targeted medication in preventing decompensations and hospitalizations and in extent of employment at 2 years. Other measures of psychopathology and functioning at 1 and 2 years did not differentiate the two groups of patients. The targeted approach achieved a substantial reduction in total medication through a reduction in the number of days of medication administration.  相似文献   

The relation between premorbid social competence and outcome was examined with 381 male state hospital patients in four diagnostic categories: schizophrenia, affective reaction, psychoneurotic disorder, and personality disorder. Outcome was assessed using the measures of length of initial hospitalization, total length of rehospitalization, and number of readmissions. The follow-up period was 3 years after discharge from the first hospitalization. On all outcome measures, higher social competence was significantly related to favorable outcome. The four diagnostic groups differed significantly in social competence level, but no evidence was found to indicate that the social competence-outcome relation was influenced by diagnosis. Results were interpreted as consistent with a developmental formulation and as indicating that the relation between premorbid social competence and outcome is not unique to schizophrenia but obtains over a broad range of diagnoses.  相似文献   

In an ongoing prospective investigation of the course and outcome of schizophrenia, the global functioning (employment, social contacts, symptoms) and rehospitalization rate of 72 patients were assessed one year after clinical discharge. With regard to chronicity of illness, the global outcome was better for first admissions than for multiple admissions. On controlling the patients' functioning one year before index admission, this difference did not hold true. Hence, there must be difference in the functioning of the two groups which dates back a rather long time. However, multiple admissions showed an actual downward trend in their work functioning (p less than 0.05). Rehospitalization rates of the two groups did not differ significantly (33% for first admissions versus 40% for multiple admissions). Evaluation of differences in drug-taking behavior revealed that patients with better global functioning tended to take their neuroleptics not as regularly as prescribed. Whereas for good functioning first admissions, taking into account, their better spontaneous course (rehospitalization rate 27%), an intermittent neuroleptic strategy may be in order, for multiple admissions the reversal seems to be true (rehospitalization rate for compliant patients 27%, for non-compliant patients 73%, p less than 0.01). However, a small group of good functioning multiple admissions did not have to be rehospitalized in spite of non-compliance, whereas the patients with the poorest function relapsed despite their compliance. We conclude that, whereas for first admissions long-term neuroleptic medication may not be generally indicated on account of their prognostic heterogeneity most of the multiple admissions will profit by this therapeutic strategy in respect of rehospitalization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The long-term outcome of 72 schizoaffective and 97 schizophrenic patients with a mean duration of illness of 25.6 years and 19.6 years respectively was investigated. The outcome was assessed using the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO/DAS), the Psychological Impairment Rating Schedule (PIRS) (also developed by the WHO), the Global Assessment Scale (GAS), and the Bonn Psychopathological Criteria of Outcome. The outcome of schizoaffective disorders was found to differ from that of schizophrenia in several ways: (a) schizoaffectives achieve a full remission significantly more frequently than schizophrenics (50% vs 10%); (b) the development of so-called characteristic schizophrenic residua is the exception in schizoaffective disorders, but is frequent in schizophrenia; (c) disability, psychological impairment and disturbances of the level of functioning are not only significantly less frequent in schizoaffective disorders but are also less intense than in the schizophrenic group. The factors influencing the outcome of the two disorders are different (see part 11), as are the social consequences (part III).Supported by the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) grants Ma 915-1/1 and Ma 915-1/2  相似文献   

The outcome of first-admission schizophrenic patients at Jichi Medical School Hospital was investigated to identify outcome predictors of schizophrenia among the symptoms at the time of the first hospitalization. The subjects were 62 schizophrenic patients, 29 females and 33 males, consecutively discharged from the Department of Psychiatry, Jichi Medical School Hospital, between June 1983 and May 1988. The mean interval between first admission and follow-up was 13 years. Eguma's Social Adjustment Scale was used to measure social outcome. The subjects were divided into two groups according to their rating on Eguma's Scale; a favorable outcome group and an unfavorable outcome group. Information on premorbid status and psychopathology at the time of the first hospitalization was obtained from clinical records and analyzed by comparing them between the two groups. Of the 62 patients, 56 were followed-up. Nine of the 56 patients followed-up had died. While 47 patients were alive; 39 were receiving psychiatric treatment and eight were not. The 47 patients who were still living were divided into two groups; a favorable outcome group (n = 22), and an unfavorable outcome group (n = 25). No significant differences in premorbid status were found. Comparison of psychopathology at the time of the first hospitalization between the outcome groups revealed significant differences in lack of spontaneity and hypochondriac-cenestopathic symptoms. Lack of spontaneity may reflect negative symptomatology, while hypochondriac-cenestopathic symptoms may reflect a serious disturbance of ego function. There is a strong possibility that evaluation of body-related symptoms in schizophrenia will be helpful in predicting outcome.  相似文献   

The ventricle-brain ratio (VBR) of 42 chronic schizophrenic patients was compared with that of 42 age-matched medical controls. For the schizophrenics, the relationship of various clinical parameters to the VBR was assessed, and the outcome of 12 weeks of double-blind treatment with either risperidone or haloperidol. The results confirm that schizophrenic patients have slightly enlarged lateral ventricles compared with medical controls. Only for schizophrenics, an effect of age, but not of duration of illness, was noticed. This study does not support the validity of a clinical subdivision of chronic schizophrenic patients on the basis of the VBR. Neither negative, positive nor general psychopathological symptoms, as measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia (PANSS), were related to the VBR, nor were abnormal involuntary movements or extrapyramidal symptoms. No association between season of birth or a family history of major mental disorder and VBR could be demonstrated. Treatment response was predicted by the total PANSS score and the PANSS general psychopathology subscale score at baseline. There was a trend for patients with higher VBR to have a more or haloperidol). or haloperidol).  相似文献   

The evolution and structure of a treatment program in a psychiatric hospital including a specialized sequential school and task curriculum, for autistic and schizophrenic children is presented and discussed. Therapeutic outcome for 57 patients treated in a specially designed unit over an 11-year period is reported. One-third of the children ultimately were discharged to their own homes. The rate of discharge showed a positive correlation with late onset, development of speech by age 5, and completion of bowel and bladder training at the time of admission. The 33 patients of the sample with early infantile autism tended to remain chronically hospitalized compared to cases with later onset. A suggestion is made for a profile of behavioral function as a useful prognostic indicator and method for classifying populations so that comparative treatment effectiveness in different samples can be meaningfully measured.  相似文献   

A sample of 110 consecutive first admission young schizophrenic patients treated between 1964 and 1967 was rediagnosed in 1981. Among 92 survivors, 27 could be labelled as paraphrenics. From information available at inception 97 variables were coded covering such areas as personality, previous disturbances, age and type of onset, and symptoms around admission. Sixty-three out of 97 variables were hypothesized to differentiate, at admission, future paraphrenics from the rest of the sample. Paraphrenics were found to have had less contact disturbance, better self-esteem, less neurotic symptoms in adolescence and childhood, and less complaints of unhappiness when growing up. They had more regressive and paranoid symptoms at admission, were older at onset of the disease, which was more acute, more often connected with precipitating events, and confusion. Certain non-regressive symptoms such as brooding, anhedonia and concentration difficulties were less common. A discriminant analysis yielded a proportion of correct predictions = 0.64 (p less than 0.05). The results are in accordance with the theory of more favourable energetic and organizational capacity in paranoid schizophrenics as compared with non-paranoids.  相似文献   

We examined the outcome with fluphenazine treatment and ECT in a group of 120 patients according to the incidence of psychopathological symptoms, the patients' status on a variety of sociodemographic and anamnestic variables, and their diagnoses according to 13 systems for diagnosing schizophrenia. All had previously been considered to be schizophrenic patients at least once in hospital settings. The outcome with fluphenazine was better in patients with passivity feelings, auditory hallucinations and other hallucinations and delusions. The outcome with patients who had ECT, as judged from the hospital files, was better in those who were preoccupied with delusions or hallucinations and less successful in those who had been diagnosed as having schizophrenia on the first previous occasion when they had been discharged from the hospital.  相似文献   

首发精神分裂症住院患者近期结局的影响因素   总被引:73,自引:2,他引:73  
目的 系统探讨首发精神分裂症患者近期结局的影响因素。方法 采用一系列标准化评定工具对201例首发精神分裂症住院患者在出院后1年时进行随评估。结果 逐步回归分析表明,影响近期结局的主要因素依次为:随访期间的服药情况、家庭社会支持、注意障碍、意志减退、病前职业功能水平、思维贫乏、情感淡漠及起病形式(R^2=0.5526)。结论 精神分裂症患者的近期结局受生物、心理及社会多种因素的影响,而可干预因素起重  相似文献   

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