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目的研究血卟啉衍生物介导的光动力(HPD-PDT)抑制胆管癌细胞生长状况及其机制。方法 MTT法用于评估人胆管癌细胞(QBC939)的生长状态;Hoechst33258染色和流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡;WesternBlotting法用于探测QBC939细胞中细胞色素C的释放情况;Caspases酶活性测定用于测定caspase-3、-8、-9的活化情况。结果 HPD-PDT在体外能够抑制胆管癌QBC939细胞生长,这一效应主要是通过诱导QBC939细胞线粒体凋亡达到的,在凋亡过程中,出现了细胞色素C释放,caspase-9和-3的活化。结论 HPD-PDT体外能够抑制胆管癌细胞生长,诱导胆管癌细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

The authors have studied the results of 120 experiments on 60 guinea-pigs and 110 rabbits who received the treatment of modelled fenestrated musculocutaneous wounds and trophic ulcers respectively on the replanted extremity and on the back with helium and neon laser until they healed completely. The authors have demonstrated that the laser therapy accelerates the process of reparative regeneration. In 50 intact rabbits who received local irradiation with helium and neon laser there was an increase in the activity of lysosome enzymes and in the protein metabolism values in the blood serum. The use of the helium and neon laser with the specific density of the irradiation rate of 2.5 mWt/cm2 and the exposition during 5 minutes in the treatment of trophic ulcers and persistent wounds in 56 patients as well as in 38 patients with consequences of injuries to the main blood vessels, the nerve trunks, the muscles and the tendons of the extremities before and after the reconstructive operations testifies to its high efficacy.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the effects of (HNLT) and (ILT) on diabetic foot ulcer. Sixty-five patients with diabetic foot ulcer (51 males and 14 females) aged 50–60 years. The participants were classified randomly to two groups, groups I and II. Group I received helium-neon laser therapy (HNLT) and conventional therapy with and group II received infrared laser therapy (ILT) and conventional therapy with for 8 weeks. Ulcer surface area was assessed using a sheet of cellophane paper at the beginning of the study, after 4 weeks, and after 8 weeks at the end of the study. At the beginning of the study, baseline clinical characteristics showed non-significant differences between the two groups (p?>?0.05). After 4 weeks intervention, there were significant improvements in ulcer surface area in the two groups (p?<?0.05). At the end of the study, after 8 weeks intervention, there were higher reduction in ulcer area in HNLT group more than ILT group, but this difference was statistically non- significant between the two groups (p?>?0.05). The present study demonstrates that HNLT and ILT have similar effects to control diabetic foot ulcer in a short-term (up to 8 weeks). Eight weeks of laser therapy have beneficial impacts in diabetic foot ulcer.  相似文献   

Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli are among the microorganisms that often lead to infection in pressure ulcers. Polarized current has emerged as a possible intervention to limit bacterial proliferation. We analyzed the effect of fixed diphasic – Bernard (FD‐B) and high voltage monophasic pulsed (HVMP) currents on bacteria S. aureus ATCC 25923 (Gram +), P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (Gram –), and E. coli ATCC 25922 (Gram –). After the bacterial strains were activated the bacteria were suspended in physiological solution (0.9%) and the concentration adjusted to 1.5 × 103 CFU/mL. The cultures were stimulated with FD‐B current at (3, 6, and 9 mA, 100 Hz, 15 and 30 minutes) and HVMP (32, 64, and 95 V, 100 Hz, 30 and 60 min) while monitoring the pH and temperature. After the stimulation, the suspensions were plated and incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. Then the counts were made of colony forming units (CFU). Data were submitted to normality Shapiro–Wilk test followed by nonparametric ANOVA test and post hoc Tukey test with p < 0.05. There was a decrease in the CFU for the two currents, but the most effective reduction was in FD‐B. The temperature remained constant and the pH measured alkaline at the negative pole and acid at the positive pole during stimulation. The application of FD‐B and HVMP currents promoted inhibition of bacterial proliferation when stimulated in vitro, acting as an adjuvant resource in the healing process.  相似文献   

Low-intensity laser therapy is based on the excitation of endogenous chromophores in biotissues and free-radical generation could be involved in its biological effects. In this work, the effects of the low-intensity infrared laser on plasma protein content and oxidative stress in blood from Wistar rats were studied. Blood samples from Wistar rats were exposed to low-intensity infrared laser in continuous wave and pulsed-emission modes at different fluencies. Plasma protein content and two oxidative stress markers (thiobarbituric acid-reactive species formation and myeloperoxidase activity) were carried out to assess the effects of laser irradiation on blood samples. Low-intensity infrared laser exposure increases plasma protein content, induces lipid peroxidation, and increases myeloperoxidase activity in a dose- and frequency-dependent way in blood samples. The low-intensity infrared laser increases plasma protein content and oxidative stress in blood samples, suggesting that laser therapy protocols should take into account fluencies, frequencies, and wavelengths of the laser before beginning treatment.  相似文献   

急性放射性皮肤溃疡形成早期表皮生长因子的表达及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨急性放射性皮肤溃疡形成早期表皮生长因子(EGF)的表达和意义。方法:以50Gy~(60)Coγ射线单次局部照射建立急性放射性皮肤溃疡动物模型,以手术方法建立单纯皮肤伤口动物模型,采用免疫组化、原位杂交等方法检测伤口及溃疡组织内EGF的表达。结果:创伤组伤后5~10d,肉芽组织内EGF表达呈强阳性;照射后21~28d,放射性溃疡肉芽组织内EGF表达呈弱阳性,较创伤后5~10d明显减弱。结论:辐射诱导的肉芽组织内EGF表达减弱与急性放射性皮肤溃疡愈合延迟有关。  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a bifunctional growth regulatory hormone which inhibits the growth of many normal and neoplastic epithelial cell lines in monolayer culture. Endogenous and exogenous TGF-beta may influence cell proliferation through autocrine and paracrine binding to specific TGF-beta receptors. Growth effects of TGF-beta on human renal cell carcinoma cell lines have not been thus far described. We have studied the effects of TGF-beta on one renal tumor-derived (UOK-39) and one established (SKRC-7) renal cell carcinoma cell line. Exogenous addition of biologically active TGF-beta to cell cultures at concentrations between two and five ng./ml. inhibited the anchorage-dependent growth of UOK-39 by 75% and SKRC-7 by 44%, relative to controls. Low numbers of high affinity TGF-beta receptors were identified on both cell lines in 125I-TGF-beta binding assays. UOK-39 cells bound radiolabeled TGF-beta with higher affinity than SKRC-7 cells, but had fewer receptor sites, by Scatchard analysis of binding data. These results suggest that TGF-beta inhibits proliferation of renal carcinoma cells in vitro which may be mediated through binding of exogenous TGF-beta to functional TGF-beta receptors on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Penetration of the laser light into the skin in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Knowledge of the optical parameters of the skin is important for all kinds of phototherapy. We analyzed penetration of laser light and proved different optical properties of in vitro specimens of normal skin and granular tissue from skin ulcers. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: An He-Ne laser (lambda = 632.8 nm, output 50 mW) and a semiconductor laser (lambda = 675 nm, output 21 mW) were used. The distribution of laser radiation was detected by a CCD camera and evaluated by the image analysis software DIPS. RESULTS: Transmittance in granular tissue was about 2.5 times higher than that in normal skin. In the thickest skin sample (2 cm), approximately 0.3% of He-Ne laser and 2.1% of semiconductor laser light penetrated. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate the percentage of incident light penetrating the individual skin layers in different localizations on the skin surface, which is a decisive factor for the selection of the radiation dose.  相似文献   

Foot ulcers are serious complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) and are known to be resistant to conventional treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in a tertiary care centre (Department of Surgery, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College and Maharaja Yashwantrao Hospital, A.B. Road, Indore). A total of 30 patients with type 2 DM having Meggitt-Wagner grade I foot ulcers of more than 6 weeks duration with negative culture were studied. Patients were randomized into two groups of 15 each. Patients in study group received LLLT (660?±?20 nm, 3 J/cm2) along with conventional therapy and those in control group were treated with conventional therapy alone. The primary outcome measure was the absolute and relative wound size reduction at 2 weeks compared to the baseline parameter. Percentage ulcer area reduction was 37?±?9% in the LLLT group and 15?±?5.4% in the control group (p?<?0.001). For ~75% of wounds of the treatment group, wound area reduction of 30–50% was observed. In contrast, for the control group, ~80% of wounds showed a wound area reduction of <20% on day 15. Further, the wounds with initial wound area 1000–2000 mm2 seems to have better final outcome than the groups with larger areas. The treated groups showed higher amount of granulation than the control group. The results suggest that LLLT is beneficial as an adjunct to conventional therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.  相似文献   

Alpha-tocopherol succinate inhibits growth of gastric cancer cells in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol succinate (ATS) has been shown to inhibit growth of several cancer cell lines in vitro, including pancreas, breast, and prostate. No data exist on the effect of ATS on gastric cancer cell viability. METHODS: A gastric cancer cell line in suspension form, KATO-III, was plated in 96-well plates at 30,000 cells per well with 100 microl RPMI media. The cells were allowed to incubate for 24 h and were then treated with ATS at doses of 25, 50, or 100 microg/ml. The ATS was dissolved in 1% EtOH solution and control cells received an identical solution of EtOH without ATS. Treated cells were incubated for 24, 48, or 72 h. At the completion of the treatment period, MTT assay was performed to determine cell viability. Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t test. RESULTS: All doses of ATS resulted in inhibition of growth of the KATO-III cells. Both 100 and 50 microg/cc doses inhibited growth at all time points (P<0.005), with 48- and 72-h treatments more effective than 24-h treatment. At 24 and 48 h, 100 microg/cc was more effective at inhibition of growth than 50 microg/ml (P<0.005), but by 72 h the effects of the doses were equivalent; 25 microg/ml inhibited cell growth only at 48 and 72 h. At all time points, 50 and 100 microg/ml doses were more effective at inhibiting cell growth than 25 microg/ml. Conclusions. ATS inhibits gastric carcinoma cell growth in vitro in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. In vivo studies are indicated to further evaluate the potential benefit of this antioxidant against gastric cancer.  相似文献   

金桔液预防草酸钙肾结石的实验与临床研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:观察金桔液体外对草酸钙晶体生长的影响,探讨金桔液预防草酸钙肾结石的作用机制,研究金桔液对草酸钙肾结石的预防作用。方法:使用体外45Ca-CaCl2示踪的草酸钙晶体生长动力学方法,用金桔液对草酸钙肾结石模型小鼠进行抑制实验研究。13例草酸钙肾结石患者口服金桔液,观察服用金桔液前后24 h尿钙、尿镁、尿磷、尿尿酸、尿草酸及尿液pH的变化。结果:金桔液组加籽晶后滤液各时间点45Ca每分钟放射性计数百分比(cpm%)分别为96.6%(5 min)、94.8%(10 min)、100%(20 min)、98.0%(40 min)、93.2%(60 min)和93.6%(120 min),而对照组分别为61.8%(5 min)、59.0%(10 min)、53.3%(20 min)5、2.4%(40 min)、52.7%(60min)和44.3%(120 min)。在动物实验中,金桔液组肾组织草酸含量为(0.43±0.18)μmol/g,与对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);金桔液组肾组织钙含量为(12.20±5.34)μmol/g,与对照组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);偏光显微镜观察显示金桔液组肾中草酸钙晶体形成程度较对照组减轻。在临床观察中使用金桔液前后24 h尿钙由(4.79±1.42)mmol降至(4.01±1.48)mmol,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),24 h尿草酸由(3.39±2.02)mmol降至(2.41±1.52)mmol,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:金桔液可显著抑制体外草酸钙晶体生长。在动物实验中,金桔液可显著降低肾组织草酸含量,对草酸钙晶体形成有明显抑制作用。在临床观察中,金桔液可显著降低尿草酸及尿钙排泄。因此,金桔液对防治草酸钙肾结石有应用价值,不失为一种防治草酸钙肾结石的有效饮液及有效途径。  相似文献   

Laser therapy and laser reflexotherapy are perspective for the treatment of atonic trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in patients with chronic venous insufficiency and late radiation ulcers of the skin.  相似文献   

Management of intractable venous ulceration remains an unrewarding task which is increasingly delegated to the realm of the vascular surgeon. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the ulcer-healing effects of the newest form of biostimulation—the low power laser. Twelve patients with chronic venous ulcers unresponsive to conservative measures were treated with infrared laser irradiation for twelve weeks. Two ulcers healed completely and there was a 27% (p<0.01) reduction in size of the remaining ulcers. Treatment resulted in a 44% (p<0.01) increase in ulcer floor area occupied by healthy granulation tissue. The most dramatic effect of laser treatment was the reduction in ulcer pain, from 7.5 to 3.5 (linear analogue scale) (p<0.001). Laser irradiation had no effect on TcPO2, number of skin capillaries or pericapillary fibrin deposition in the lipodermatosclerotic area around the ulcer. The results of this pilot study are encouraging and a carefully controlled randomized study is indicated to compare low power laser irradiation to conventional treatment in the management of venous ulcers.  相似文献   

The complex laser therapy with the use of a helium-neon laser was employed in 115 patients with bacterial destruction of the lungs at the age of from 3 mos to 14 years. The indications for endothoracic, external and intravascular laser therapy and their combination are substantiated. The calculations of the optimal parameters of laser influence, depending on the stage of the disease and optical characteristics of the damaged lung surface, are presented.  相似文献   

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