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BACKGROUND: Although intrathecal administration of midazolam has been found to produce analgesia, how midazolam exerts this effect is not understood fully at the neuronal level in the spinal cord. METHODS: The effects of midazolam on either electrically evoked or spontaneous inhibitory transmission and on a response to exogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a GABA(A)-receptor agonist, muscimol, or glycine were evaluated in substantia gelatinosa neurons of adult rat spinal cord slices by using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. RESULTS: Bath-applied midazolam (1 microM) prolonged the decay phase of evoked and miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs), mediated by GABA(A) receptors, without a change in amplitudes, while not affecting glycine receptor-mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in both the decay phase and the amplitude. Either GABA- or muscimol-induced currents were enhanced in amplitude by midazolam (0.1 microM) in a manner sensitive to a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, flumazenil (1 microM); glycine currents were, however, unaltered by midazolam. CONCLUSIONS: Midazolam augmented both the duration of GABA-mediated synaptic current and the amplitude of GABA-induced current by acting on the GABA(A)-benzodiazepine receptor in substantia gelatinosa neurons; this would increase the inhibitory GABAergic transmission. This may be a possible mechanism for antinociception by midazolam.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spinal substantia gelatinosa (SG) is a site of action of administered and endogenous opioid agonists and is an important element in the system of antinociception. However, little is known about the types of neurons serving as specific postsynaptic targets for opioid action within the SG. To study the spinal mechanisms of opioidergic analgesia, the authors compared the action of mu-opioid agonist [D-Ala, N-Me-Phe, Gly-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO) on SG neurons with different intrinsic firing properties. METHODS: Whole cell patch clamp recordings from spinal cord slices of Wistar rats were used to study the sensitivity of SG neurons to DAMGO. RESULTS: Three groups of neurons with distinct distributions in SG were classified: tonic-, adapting-, and delayed-firing neurons. DAMGO at 1 microm concentration selectively hyperpolarized all tonic-firing neurons tested, whereas none of the adapting- or delayed-firing neurons were affected. The effect of DAMGO on tonic-firing neurons was due to activation of G protein-coupled inward-rectifier K conductance, which could be blocked by 500 microm Ba and 500 microm Cs but increased by 50 microm baclofen. As a functional consequence of DAMGO action, a majority of tonic-firing neurons changed their pattern of intrinsic firing from tonic to adapting. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that tonic-firing neurons, presumably functioning as excitatory interneurons, are primary postsynaptic targets for administered and endogenous opioid agonists in spinal SG. Functional transition of cells in this group from tonic to adapting firing mode may represent an important mechanism facilitating opioidergic analgesia.  相似文献   

Volatile inhaled anesthetics and nitrous oxide (N2O) are often used together in clinical practice to produce analgesia. Because the analgesic effect of N2O is, at least in part, mediated by norepinephrine (NE) release in the spinal cord, we examined the interaction between isoflurane (ISO) and NE in the adult rat spinal cord with respect to central nociceptive information processing. The effects of clinically relevant concentrations of ISO (1 MAC) and NE (20 microM) on spontaneous inhibitory transmission in substantia gelatinosa (SG) neurons were examined using the blind whole-cell patch-clamp method. ISO prolonged the decay time and increased the total charge transfer of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents. NE increased the frequency and mean amplitude of inhibitory postsynaptic currents and the charge transfer as well. Coapplication of both drugs led to an additive increase of the charge transfer and frequent temporal summation of inhibitory postsynaptic currents. We conclude that both ISO and NE enhance the inhibitory synaptic transmission in the rat SG neurons and their interaction is additive, suggesting that ISO may add to the analgesic action of N2O at the spinal cord dorsal horn level.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been reported previously that norepinephrine, when applied to the spinal cord dorsal horn, excites a subpopulation of dorsal horn neurons, presumably inhibitory interneurons. In the current study, the authors tested whether norepinephrine could activate inhibitory interneurons, specifically those that are "GABAergic." METHODS: A transverse slice was obtained from a segment of the lumbar spinal cord isolated from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from substantia gelatinosa neurons using the blind patch-clamp technique. The effects of norepinephrine on spontaneous GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents were studied. RESULTS: In the majority of substantia gelatinosa neurons tested, norepinephrine (10-60 microM) significantly increased both the frequency and the amplitude of GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents. These increases were blocked by tetrodotoxin (1 microM). The effects of norepinephrine were mimicked by the alpha1-receptor agonist phenylephrine (10-80 microM) and inhibited by the alpha1-receptor-antagonist WB-4101 (0.5 microM). Primary-afferent-evoked polysynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials or excitatory postsynaptic currents in wide-dynamic-range neurons of the deep dorsal horn were also attenuated by phenylephrine (40 microM). CONCLUSION: The observations suggest that GABAergic interneurons possess somatodendritic alpha1 receptors, and activation of these receptors excites inhibitory interneurons. The alpha1 actions reported herein may contribute to the analgesic action of intrathecally administered phenylephrine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although isoflurane, a volatile anesthetic, can block the motor response to noxious stimulation (immobility and analgesia) and suppress autonomic responsiveness, how it exerts these effects at the neuronal level in the spinal cord is not fully understood. METHODS: The effects of a clinically relevant concentration (1 rat minimum alveolar concentration [MAC]) of isoflurane on electrically evoked and spontaneous excitatory/inhibitory transmission and on the response to exogenous administration of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor agonist muscimol were examined in lamina II neurons of adult rat spinal cord slices using the whole cell patch clamp technique. The effect of isoflurane on the action potential-generating membrane property was also examined. RESULTS: Bath-applied isoflurane (1.5%, 1 rat MAC) diminished dorsal root-evoked polysynaptic but not monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic currents. Glutamatergic miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents were also unaffected by isoflurane. In contrast, isoflurane prolonged the decay phase of evoked and miniature gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents and increased the amplitude of the muscimol-induced current. Isoflurane had little effect on action potential discharge activity. CONCLUSIONS: Isoflurane augments gamma-aminobutyric acid-mediated inhibitory transmission, leading to a decrease in the excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons. This may be a possible mechanism for the antinociceptive effect of isoflurane in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mechanism underlying the depressant effect of opioids on neuronal activity within the neocortex is still not clear. Three modes of action have been suggested: (1) inhibition by activation of postsynaptic potassium channels, (2) interaction with postsynaptic glutamate receptors, and (3) presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release. To address this issue, the authors investigated the effects of mu- and delta-receptor agonists on excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) and on membrane properties of neocortical neurons. METHODS: Intracellular recordings were performed in rat brain slices. Stimulus-evoked EPSCs mediated by different glutamate receptor subtypes were pharmacologically isolated, and opioids were applied by addition to the bathing medium. Possible postsynaptic interactions between glutamate and opioid receptors were investigated using microiontophoretic application of glutamate on neurons functionally isolated from presynaptic input. RESULTS: delta-Receptor activation by d-Ala2-d-Leu5-enkephalin (DADLE) reduced the amplitudes of EPSCs by maximum 60% in a naltrindole-reversible manner (EC50: 6-15 nm). In 30-40% of the neurons investigated, higher concentrations (0.1-1 micrometer) of DADLE activated small outward currents. The mu-receptor selective agonist d-Ala2-N-MePhe5-Gly5-ol-enkephalin (0.1-1 micrometer) depressed the amplitudes of EPSCs by maximum 30% without changes in postsynaptic membrane properties. In the absence of synaptic transmission, inward currents induced by microiontophoretic application of glutamate were not affected by DADLE. CONCLUSIONS: Activation of mu- and delta-opioid receptors depresses glutamatergic excitatory transmission evoked in neocortical neurons by presynaptic inhibition. A weak activation of a postsynaptic potassium conductance becomes evident only at high agonist concentrations. There is no evidence for a postsynaptic interaction between glutamate and opioid receptors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Noxious information through A delta and C afferent fibers is transmitted to substantia gelatinosa, a process that plays an important role in plastic changes of nociceptive processing in pathophysiological conditions. In this study, changes in properties of substantia gelatinosa neurons and their sensitivity to systemic administration of lidocaine after surgical incision were investigated using the in vivo patch-clamp technique. METHODS: Under urethane anesthesia, in the current clamp mode, spontaneous activities and responses of substantia gelatinosa neurons to nonnoxious air-puff stimuli and noxious pinch stimuli were recorded before and after 1-cm-long incisions had been made in hairy skin of the hindquarters of rats. Systemic administration of lidocaine (2 mg/kg) was applied at 30 min after the incision. RESULTS: Stable recordings for 30 min or more after the incision were obtained from 18 substantia gelatinosa neurons that were classified as multireceptive (n = 8), nociceptive (n = 5), and subthreshold (n = 5) neurons. Action potential firing disappeared immediately after completion of the wound closure in most multireceptive and nociceptive neurons, and sustained spontaneous action potential firing was observed in 23% of these substantia gelatinosa neurons. Responsiveness of these substantia gelatinosa neurons, but not that of subthreshold neurons, increased after the incision. Systemic administration of lidocaine suppressed spontaneous firings of action potentials of the substantia gelatinosa neurons and reversed the increased responsiveness of the neurons. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that (1) changes in properties of substantia gelatinosa neurons after incision vary depending on the classification of substantia gelatinosa neurons and (2) systemic administration of lidocaine can reverse increased responsiveness of substantia gelatinosa neurons after incision injury.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The activation of descending norepinephrine-containing fibers from the brain stem inhibits nociceptive transmission at the spinal level. How these descending noradrenergic pathways exert the analgesic effect is not understood fully. Membrane hyperpolarization of substantia gelatinosa (Rexed lamina II) neurons by the activation of alpha2 receptors may account for depression of pain transmission. In addition, it is possible that norepinephrine affects transmitter release in the substantia gelatinosa. METHODS: Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (9-10 weeks of age, 250-300 g) were used in this study. Transverse spinal cord slices were cut from the isolated lumbar cord. The blind whole-cell patch-clamp technique was used to record from neurons. The effects of norepinephrine on the frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents were evaluated. RESULTS: In the majority of substantia gelatinosa neurons tested, norepinephrine (10-100 microM) dose-dependently increased the frequency of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic and glycinergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents; miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents were unaffected. This augmentation was mimicked by an alpha1-receptor agonist, phenylephrine (10-60 microM), and inhibited by alpha1-receptor antagonists prazosin (0.5 microM) and 2-(2,6-dimethoxyphenoxyethyl) amino-methyl-1,4-benzodioxane (0.5 microM). Neither postsynaptic responsiveness to exogenously applied GABA and glycine nor the kinetics of GABAergic and glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents were affected by norepinephrine. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that norepinephrine enhances inhibitory synaptic transmission in the substantia gelatinosa through activation of presynaptic alpha1 receptors, thus providing a mechanism underlying the clinical use of alpha1 agonists with local anesthetics in spinal anesthesia.  相似文献   

The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of a volatile anesthetic defines anesthetic potency in terms of a suppressed motor response to a noxious stimulus. Therefore, the MAC of an anesthetic might in part reflect depression of motor neuron excitability. In the present study we evaluated the effect of isoflurane (ISO) on neurons in the substantia gelatinosa driven synaptically by putative nociceptive inputs in an in vitro spinal cord preparation of the rat. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed in neurons with their soma in the substantia gelatinosa of transverse rat spinal cord slices. We investigated the effect of ISO on excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) evoked by dorsal root stimulation (eEPSC), spontaneous (sEPSC), and miniature (mEPSC) EPSC. ISO reversibly reduced the amplitude of eEPSC to 39% +/- 22% versus control. ISO decreased the frequency of sEPSC and mEPSC to 39% +/- 26% and 63% +/- 7%. Neither the amplitudes nor the kinetics of mEPSC and sEPSC were altered by ISO. We conclude that ISO depresses glutamatergic synaptic transmission of putative nociceptive primary-afferent inputs, presumably by reducing the release of the excitatory transmitter. This effect may contribute to an antinociceptive action of volatile anesthetics at the spinal cord level. IMPLICATIONS: The present electrophysiological in vitro experiments provide evidence that the volatile anesthetic isoflurane reduces excitatory transmitter release at the first site of synaptic integration of nociceptive inputs, the spinal cord superficial dorsal horn. This effect may contribute to the anesthetic action of volatile anesthetics at the spinal cord level.  相似文献   

Ikoma M  Kohno T  Baba H 《Anesthesiology》2007,107(5):807-812
BACKGROUND: Although intrathecal administration of opioids produces antinociceptive effects in the spinal cord, it has not been established whether intrathecal opioid application more effectively terminates C fiber-mediated pain than A fiber-mediated pain. Here, the authors focus on the differences in opioid actions on Adelta- and C-afferent responses. METHODS: Using the whole cell patch clamp technique, the authors investigated the presynaptic inhibitory actions of micro-, delta-, and kappa-opioid receptor agonists on primary afferent-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in substantia gelatinosa neurons of adult rat spinal cord slices. RESULTS: The micro agonist DAMGO (0.1, 1 microM) reduced the amplitude of glutamatergic monosynaptic Adelta- or C fiber-evoked EPSCs. C fiber-evoked EPSCs were inhibited to a greater extent than Adelta fiber-evoked EPSCs. The delta agonist DPDPE (1, 10 microM) produced modest inhibition of Adelta- or C fiber-evoked EPSCs. In contrast, the kappa agonist U69593 (1 microM) did not affect the amplitude of either Adelta or C fiber-evoked EPSCs. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that opioids suppress excitatory synaptic transmission mainly through activation of micro receptors on primary afferent C fibers. Given that the substantia gelatinosa is the main termination of Adelta and C fibers transmitting nociceptive information, the current findings may partially explain the different potency of opioid agonists.  相似文献   

Xiao WH  Bennett GJ 《Anesthesiology》2007,107(5):813-821
BACKGROUND: Primary afferent nociceptor sensitization and its accompanying spontaneous discharge are believed to be the proximate cause of the spontaneous pain and hypersensitivity that follow an acute tissue injury. Evidence for this comes almost entirely from studies limited to the first few minutes to an hour or two after injury, when the inflammatory reaction to injury has just begun. However, there is evidence that inflammatory pain mechanisms differ from acute pain mechanisms and that the mechanisms that drive and modulate inflammatory pain may evolve over time. METHODS: The authors surveyed spontaneous afferent discharge in rats with hind paw inflammation evoked by complete Freund adjuvant over the entire 14 days of the inflammatory pain condition, as determined in parallel experiments assessing allodynia and hyperalgesia. RESULTS: Inflammation-evoked heat hyperalgesia, mechanoallodynia, and mechanohyperalgesia began within hours, persisted until at least day 7, and resolved by day 14. A large percentage (23%) of A fibers had spontaneous discharge 2 days after inflammation, but the incidence was much reduced (to 7-9%) by 7 and 14 days. At all times, the A-fiber discharge frequency was low (<3.0 Hz) or very low (<0.3 Hz). A large percentage (24%) of C fibers had spontaneous discharge 2 and 7 days after inflammation, but this also declined to near control levels by day 14; C-fiber discharge frequency was also always low (most at 0.3-1.0 Hz). CONCLUSIONS: The pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia associated with an established inflammatory condition are associated with a persistent low-frequency spontaneous discharge in both A-fiber and C-fiber sensory afferents.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neuropathic pain following injury to peripheral sensory neurons is a common clinical problem and frequently difficult to treat. Gabapentin (GBP), a novel anticonvulsant, has significant analgesic effects in clinical neuropathic states and in relevant preclinical models, but its mechanism of action remains unclear. Because calcium currents play a significant role in neuronal function, this study was designed to assess the effect of GBP on the membrane voltage-activated inward calcium currents (I(Ca)) in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) primary afferent neurons of neuropathic versus control rats. METHODS: Male rats were prepared according to the chronic constriction injury (CCI) model. The L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia of those selected as CCI or control after appropriate behavioral testing were removed, and neurons were enzymatically dissociated. Fluorescent dye (DiI) placed at the injury site allowed identification of neurons projecting to that site. These were acutely studied using whole-cell, perforated (with beta-escin) patch-clamp recordings. Additionally, neurons from sham or nonoperated rats were also studied. RESULTS: Although there was marked variability among cells, concentrations of GBP ranging from 0.1 to 300 micromol/L decreased neuronal peak ICa in midsized neurons (30 to 40 microm) of both sham and neuropathic rats, in a fast, reversible, and concentration-dependent manner. Intergroup differences were not significant, however the concentration-response EC50s were 2.7 micromol/L for the sham and 16.5 micromol/L for the CCI neurons. The drug suppressed I(Ca) in nonoperated rats to a lesser degree, but changes did not differ significantly from the operated groups. Calcium currents in either small or large diameter neurons were also variably decreased by 10 micromol/L of GBP in sham and CCI neurons. Current inhibition by GBP was partly voltage dependent. CONCLUSIONS: GBP, at clinically relevant concentrations, results in significant reduction of I(Ca) in both sham and neuropathic neurons, while in nonoperated rats reduced I(Ca) to a smaller degree. Sensitivity to drug was not affected by neuropathy. This current inhibition is partly voltage dependent. Depression of I(Ca) may be partly related to the binding of the drug to the alpha(2)delta modulatory subunit of the voltage activated calcium channels (VACC). Analgesia may be due to diminished release of neurotransmitter by sensory neurons, a Ca(2+)-dependent process.  相似文献   

In rat visual cortex neurons that are immunoreactive for the calcium-binding protein calretinin (CR+) constitute a distinct family which accounts for 17% of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-expressing cells. It is not clear, however, (i) whether CR is expressed exclusively in GABAergic neurons and (ii) how CR+ neurons are incorporated into neuronal circuits of rat visual cortex. To address these questions we studied synaptic relationships of CR+ neurons with GABA+ and GABA- elements in the neuropil of rat primary visual cortex (area 17). All CR+ neurons are nonpyramidal cells with smooth or sparsely spiny and often beaded dendrites. Of all CR+ neurons, 56% are located in layers 1 and 2/3. In layer 2/3, most CR+ neurons are bipolar-shaped and have vertically oriented dendrites. Many ascending dendritic branches reach layer 1 where they run parallel to pial surface. CR+ axons are thin, highly branched near the cell body and often send descending collaterals to layers 5 and 6. Double immunofluorescence labeling revealed GABA in 94% of CR+ cell bodies in layer 2/3. Electron microscopic analysis shows that all CR+ axon terminals contain elongated vesicles and form symmetric synapses. Postembedding staining shows that 98% of CR+ terminals are GABA+. GABA-immunoreactivity is also present in somata and thick dendrites of CR+ neurons but many thin dendrites are GABA-. CR+ somata, dendrites and axon terminals are enriched in mitochondria. Somata and thick CR+ dendrites are densely innervated. At least 68% of the targets of CR+ terminals in layer 2/3 are GABA+ and > or = 50% of these are other CR+ neurons. The remainder (32%) of targets of CR+ terminals are thin dendrites of GABA- cells. In contrast, in layers 5 and 6, 60% of CR+ terminals form synapses with GABA- somatic profiles. The preferential interactions of layer 2/3 CR+ neurons with GABAergic neurons, and with CR+ neurons in particular, suggests that these cells play a role in the inhibition of inhibitory neurons of the same layer. Through these interactions CR+ cells may reduce inhibition of pyramidal cells in layers 2/3, 5 and 6 and thus disinhibit a column of neurons.  相似文献   

Purpose Although general anesthetics may decrease neuronal excitation, their detailed effects on spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) remain controversial. We investigated and compared the effects of halothane on N-methyl-d-asparate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptor-mediated postsynaptic currents.Methods Spontaneous synaptic currents were recorded by the patch clamp technique in cultured rat cortical neurons. They were isolated by specific pharmacological blocking agents and their electrophysiologic properties were examined.Results The frequency of NMDA EPSCs was preferentially decreased as compared with that of non-NMDA EPSCs at halothane 1.2mM. The total net charge of EPSCs mediated by NMDA and non-NMDA receptors was depressed to 56% ± 6% (mean ± SD) and 71% ± 7% of control by halothane 0.6mM, and to 11% ± 9% and 59% ± 11% of control by halothane 1.2mM, respectively.Conclusion These results show that halothane causes decrease of excitatory synaptic activity, with NMDA EPSCs being more sensitive than non-NMDA EPSCs.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的:介绍一种改良原代胎鼠脊髓神经元的分离培养方法。方法:取育龄期雄、雌SD大鼠各36只,合笼配种怀孕。取受孕10~12d、13~15d及16~18d的SD大鼠各6只,解剖分离胚胎脊髓,按常规胰酶消化法制备单细胞悬液,应用细胞计数板及台盼蓝染色,在显微镜下数出蓝色细胞数和细胞总数,计算细胞存活率,明确最佳取材胎龄;接着以上述最佳取材胎龄为取材时间点,每组6只孕鼠,按无酶法、胰酶法和Accutase酶法消化三种不同的方法制备单细胞悬液,显微镜下数出蓝色细胞数和细胞总数,计算细胞存活率。接种、纯化细胞并培养1、3、7d后,用倒置相差显微镜观察脊髓神经元生长状态,利用神经元特异性标志物β tubulin Ⅲ与细胞核双标记法鉴定培养脊髓神经元的纯度。结果:孕13~15d组细胞总量和存活细胞量高于孕10~12d组,细胞存活率高于孕16~18d组(P<0.05)。Accutase酶组获取的细胞总量、存活细胞量以及细胞存活率均明显高于常规无酶组及胰酶组(P<0.05)。在倒置相差显微镜下观察发现,脊髓神经元培养7d后,胞体周围逐渐出现光圈,神经突起逐渐伸长,最终形成密集的神经突起网络;与无酶组及胰酶组相比,Accutase酶法分离的脊髓神经元分布更加均匀并且神经突起形成的网更密集。经β tubulin Ⅲ和hoechst33342荧光染色鉴定,Accutase酶组、无酶组及胰酶组三组分离提取培养的脊髓神经元纯度分别为(90.29±2.55)%、(83.51±6.20)%和(88.10±4.07)%,组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:13~15d胎龄是原代培养脊髓神经元的最佳取材时间;Accutase酶法相较于常规无酶法、胰酶法所获取的脊髓神经元产量更大、生长状态更好,可作为体外研究脊髓神经元病变的细胞模型。  相似文献   

Komai H  McDowell TS 《Anesthesiology》2001,94(6):1089-1095
BACKGROUND: Local anesthetic actions on the K+ channels of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and dorsal horn neurons may modulate sensory blockade during neuraxial anesthesia. In dorsal horn neurons, local anesthetics are known to inhibit transient but not sustained K+ currents. The authors characterized the effects of local anesthetics on K+ currents of isolated DRG neurons. METHODS: The effects of lidocaine, bupivacaine, and tetracaine on K+ currents in isolated rat DRG neurons were measured with use of a whole cell patch clamp method. The currents measured were fast-inactivating transient current (I(Af)), slow-inactivating transient current (I(As)), and noninactivating sustained current (I(Kn)). RESULTS: One group of cells (type 1) expressed I(Af) and I(Kn). The other group (type 2) expressed I(As) and I(Kn). The diameter of type 2 cells was smaller than that of type 1 cells. Lidocaine and bupivacaine inhibited all three K+ currents. Tetracaine inhibited I(As) and I(Kn) but not I(Af) For bupivacaine, the concentration for half-maximal inhibition (IC50) of I(Kn) in type 2 cells was lower than that for I(Kn) in type 1 cells (57 vs. 121 microM). Similar results were obtained for tetracaine (0.6 vs. 1.9 mM) and for lidocaine (2.2 vs. 5.1 mM). CONCLUSIONS: Local anesthetics inhibited both transient and sustained K+ currents in DRG neurons. Because K+ current inhibition is known to potentiate local anesthetic-induced impulse inhibition, the lower IC50 for I(Kn) of small type 2 cells may reflect preferential inhibition of impulses in nociceptive neurons. The overall modulatory actions of local anesthetics probably are determined by their differential effects on presynaptic (DRG) and postsynaptic (dorsal horn neurons) K+ currents.  相似文献   

目的研究罗哌卡因对交感神经节钠通道电流的影响,探讨交感神经节在局麻药诱发心肌毒性反应中的作用.方法酶消化法急性分离SD大鼠(7~10d)颈上交感神经节细胞,全细胞膜片钳技术记录罗哌卡因对其钠通道电流的影响.结果在钳制电压(Vh)-80mV,刺激电压(Vt)0mV条件下,0.01umol/L罗哌卡因使钠电流峰值降低30.02%(P<0.01),其抑制作用与浓度呈正相关(r=0.99,P<0.01),IC50为2.68μmol/L.钳制电位不同,抑制作用也不同(P<0.01),Vh-60mV时的IC50为1.55μmol/L.1.0μmol/L罗哌卡因使电流-电压曲线峰值电流平均降低30.66%,但不影响其形状;对激活曲线无明显的影响(P>0.05),用药前、后50%的通道激活时的去极化电压(V1/2)分别为-25.2mV、-22.64mV;使稳态失活曲线向超极化方向移动(3.56mV,P<0.01),用药前、后50%的通道灭活时的条件脉冲电压(V1/2)分别为-52.99mV、-56.44mV.结论低于致惊厥浓度的罗哌卡因对交感神经节钠通道电流有明显的抑制作用,且呈浓度及电压依赖性;其抑制作用主要与优先结合钠通道的失活状态而影响钠通道的失活有关.提示交感神经节参与介导了罗哌卡因的心肌毒性反应.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies on receptor knockout mice have so far shown that of the three alpha2-adrenoceptor subtypes, the alpha(2A) adrenoceptor has a major role in mediating the powerful central analgesia induced by synthetic alpha2-adrenoceptor agonists. However, because a knockout of the gene for the alpha(2A) adrenoceptor has produced only little if any change in the pain sensitivity of control, nerve-injured, or inflamed animals, it has not been clear whether activation of alpha(2A)-adrenoceptors by endogenous ligands has a significant pain regulatory role. METHODS: The authors assessed spontaneous pain behavior and mechanical hypersensitivity induced by administration of capsaicin in the colon or paw of alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor knockout mice versus their wild-type controls. RESULTS: Enhanced pain hypersensitivity was observed in alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor knockout mice 20 min or more after administration of capsaicin, but before, hypersensitivity and spontaneous pain were of equal magnitude in alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor knockout and wild-type mice. When wild-type mice were pretreated with an alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist, capsaicin-induced pain hypersensitivity increased to a level equal to that in alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor knockout mice. Capsaicin-induced hypersensitivity was suppressed in wild-type but not alpha(2A)-adrenoceptor knockout mice by a centrally acting alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist, whereas a peripherally acting alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist was without effect on hypersensitivity, although it attenuated capsaicin-induced spontaneous pain behavior in wild-type mice. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that central alpha(2A)-adrenoceptors contribute to feedback inhibition of pain hypersensitivity. Also, alpha(2A)-adrenoceptors are critical for not only somatic but also visceral antinociceptive effects induced by synthetic alpha2-adrenoceptor agonists.  相似文献   

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