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Predicting the behavior of phobic patients in a confrontational situation is challenging. While avoidance as a major clinical component of phobias suggests that patients orient away from threat, findings based on cognitive paradigms indicate an attentional bias towards threat. Here we present eye movement data from 21 spider phobics and 21 control subjects, based on 3 basic oculomotor tasks and a visual exploration task that included close-up views of spiders. Relative to the control group, patients showed accelerated reflexive saccades in one of the basic oculomotor tasks, while the fear-relevant exploration task evoked a general slowing in their scanning behavior and pronounced oculomotor avoidance. However, this avoidance strongly varied within the patient group and was not associated with the scores from spider avoidance-sensitive questionnaire scales. We suggest that variation of oculomotor avoidance between phobics reflects different strategies of how they cope with threat in confrontational situations.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary research suggests that autistic children's limitations in responding to environmental stimuli may be directly related to the number of components contained in the stimuli; as the number of components increases, such children hypothetically would exhibit greater difficulties in responding. The central purpose of this experiment was to assess whether such children indeed exhibit greater difficulties in responding as the number of components contained in an environmental stimulus was increased from one to four. If the children's responsivity was a function of stimulus complexity, a second focus of this experiment was to assess the feasibility of teaching them to respond to a complex environmental stimulus containing up to four components and to determine whether the effects of the intervention would generalize to other situations involving complex structured and social stimuli. Data gathered using a multiple baseline design across behaviors and children indicate that all of the children exhibited fewer correct responses to a stimulus as the number of stimulus components was increased from one to four. The results further showed that the training program used in this investigation was effective in producing some generalized increases in the children's responses to complex structured and social stimuli. Conceptualizing autistic children's responses to complex multicomponent stimuli as a pivotal target behavior that can be operationally defined may have important implications for understanding and altering the children's responsivity and development.This investigation was supported in part by U.S. Department of Education, Special Education Program Research Contract No. RFP82-021 and U.S. Public Health Service Research Grants MH28210 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The investigation was conducted as the first author's dissertation while in the joint doctoral program at the University of California, Sant Barbara, and the University of California, San Francisco Medical School. The authors are grateful to Robert L. Koegel, Sanford E. Gerber, Thomas G. Haring, Michael M. Merzenich, and Roberta Babbitt for their valuable comments and to Terry Antonious, Shannon Bliss, Tricia Krakauer, Sarah Mitnick, Clodagh Murphy, and Erica Styles who provided assistance during the investigation.  相似文献   

Using an experimental bias modification task, an interpretation bias towards or away from threat was induced about animal or social situations in a sample of 103 children split into a young (7-10 years) and old age group (11-15 years). Children rapidly learned to select outcomes of ambiguous situations which were congruent with their assigned modification condition. Following positive modification, children's threat interpretation biases significantly decreased, while threat biases increased (non-significantly) after negative modification. Bias modification effects also varied as a function of age with children appearing particularly vulnerable to acquiring biases about stimuli that were congruent with the normative fears for their age group. Weak age-related modification-congruent effects on younger but not older children's anxiety vulnerability in response to a behavioral task were also observed. However, no consistent effects of bias modification on avoidance behavior were found.  相似文献   

In the antecedent functional assessment literature, researchers have introduced task demands and social attention simultaneously while varying the level of task difficulty. Though research has demonstrated situations in which a combination of social and task antecedents occasion socially avoidant responses from children with disabilities, no current studies have been offered to assess the impact of high levels of adult attention devoid of task demands on problem behaviors exhibited by children of typical development. A multiple element design was used to assess the specific effects of task and social antecedents on the problem behaviors of four children of typical development. Results identified two children whose behavior was associated with a combination of difficult task demands and attention in the form of commands and redirections and two children whose behavior was associated only with high levels of adult attention that did not include commands or redirections. These results suggest that antecedent functional assessment procedures can assess the impact of high levels of attention without the presence of task demands.  相似文献   

Seven cats with chronically implanted electrodes were trained to learn conditioned avoidance behavior, and changes of the cortical evoked potentials to repetitive optic nerve stimulation during that behavior were observed in two experimental situations; (1) CS was buzzer and (2) CS was the optic nerve stimulation itself. And the changes were compared in the same animals. (1) Repetitive stimulation of the optic nerve was capable of becoming the conditioning signal which induces the cat to perform the avoidance movement. Even with 1 c/sec. stimulation, the cat was able to respond to it within 5 seconds. (2) Grouped facilitations of the evoked potentials intermittently appeared during conditioned behavior. Except for the initial augmentation of the potentials following the onset of CS, there was no distinct difference between the two experimental situations. The initial augmentations were associated with the startle or orientation reflex of the animal and, when buzzer was used as a CS, their latencies were shorter than in the case in which optic nerve stimulation was used as a CS. Whether buzzer or optic nerve stimulation was used as a CS, augmentations of the evoked potentials were highly associated with the animal's aroused behaviors; startle, looking around, intention to move, etc. (3) A comparison was made of the evoked potentials during successful and failed avoidance behaviors with optic nerve stimulation as CS. Mean amplitude of the responses in avoidance group was greater and the variability of the responses was smaller than in non-avoidance group. On the basis of the above data, it is considered that the fluctuation of the primary cortical evoked potentials to optic nerve simulation might be related with nonspecific arousal level of the animal rather than sense-modality-specific attention effect.  相似文献   

Aggression and stereotyped behaviors are not uncommon among people with intellectual disabilities and they are often treated separately as operant behaviors. In this single case study, it is argued that the function of a young woman's aggressive behavior appeared to be that of avoiding or escaping the termination of a chain of complex stereotyped behavior (or "ritual"). She became aggressive only when this chain of stereotyped behavior was terminated and the aggression appeared to extinguish when it no longer led to escape from the termination of the "ritual". It is suggested that this is an example of a complex interaction between two behaviors and that it illustrates the need for very careful analysis of the functions of challenging behavior. Furthermore, it is proposed that the lengthening list of variables already documented as determinants of challenging behavior (provision of attention (verbal and physical), mechanical restraint, sensory or tangible events, escape from demands or from social attention, denials, escape from intrusive medical procedures, escape from task difficulty) be lengthened to include the possibility of escape from (or avoidance of) the interruption of a chain of complex stereotyped behavior or "ritual".  相似文献   

Mid-adolescence is considered as the time of onset for social phobia and is assumed to be related to a normative increase of social fears. People diagnosed with social phobia, however, do not only experience high levels of fear or distress, but also report avoidance behavior. Little attention has been paid to the development of avoidance behavior during adolescence.In the current study, a community sample with 9–17 year olds (n = 260) completed a questionnaire derived from the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Children (ADIS-C) [Silverman, W. K., & Albano, A. M. (1996). Anxiety disorders interview schedule for DSM-IV child version, child interview schedule. San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation]. They rated their levels of distress and avoidance in a variety of social situations. The results showed an age related increase for formal speaking and interaction situations in both avoidance and distress, with a stronger increase in avoidance than in distress. The same pattern was found for girls for situations regarding observation by others. No effects were observed for informal speaking and interaction situations.  相似文献   

Rapid testosterone fluctuations in response to social stimuli are observed across a wide range of species, and the highly conserved nature of these fluctuations suggests an adaptive function. This paper reviews the current literature on testosterone reactivity, primarily in human males, and illustrates how life-history theory provides an adequate theoretical framework to interpret findings. The review is structured around supporting evidence suggesting that situations implicated in mating effort either directly (e.g., interactions with a mate) or indirectly (e.g., intrasexual competition) are generally associated with a brief elevation of testosterone, while situations implicated in parenting effort (e.g., nurturant interactions with offspring) are generally associated with a decline in testosterone. Further, we discuss how these fluctuations in testosterone have been linked to future behaviors, and how situational, motivational, and physiological variables moderate the interplay between social stimuli, testosterone reactivity, and behavior. Supporting the notion that testosterone can play a causal role in modulating behavior in response to social stimuli, we also summarize recent single administration studies examining the effects of testosterone on physiology, neurobiology, and behavior. A conceptual model provides links between supported findings, and hypothesized pathways requiring future testing.  相似文献   

Studies concerning the functional analysis of severe problem behaviors have suggested that it is important to identify the different categories of stimuli that control problem behavior because each has unique treatment implications. The present study explored the differential effects of adult attention on the severe problem behaviors of two groups of children with developmental disabilities. A third group of nonproblem children was examined for comparison purposes. Children participated in three experimental conditions in which the level of adult attention was manipulated: noncontingent high attention, noncontingent low attention, and contingent attention. Results validated the existence of two groups of children who differed as to their social orientation: (a) One group of children commonly initiated social interactions and was most likely to exhibit problem behaviors under conditions of low adult attention, and (b) the other group of children rarely initiated social interactions and exhibited frequent problem behaviors under conditions of high adult attention. Implications of these data for escape and attention theories of child problem behavior are discussed, as are the applied implications for reinforcer assessment and teaching strategies.  相似文献   

Rodent models of social behavior provide powerful experimental tools for elucidating the molecular, cellular, and neurobiological mechanisms regulating social behavior. Here I discuss several rodent models that have been particularly useful in understanding the neurobiology of the discrimination of social verses nonsocial stimuli, affiliative behavior, and social avoidance. The oxytocin knockout mouse model has been useful for understanding how, in the context of social recognition, the brain may process social stimuli differently from nonsocial stimuli. Vole species that are either highly social and monogamous or solitary and promiscuous have provided a model for investigating the brain mechanisms involved in promoting social interactions. Comparative studies in these species strongly implicate the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin in the regulation of affiliative behavior as well as social attachment. A conditioned defeat model in hamsters may provide a useful model to understand how adverse social experiences may facilitate social avoidance. These models have yielded valuable insights into the regulation of social behaviors, and the findings of these studies may prove useful in understanding the neural mechanisms that underlie individual differences in human personality traits.  相似文献   

The basal ganglia (BG) are involved in motivation and goal‐directed behavior. Recent studies suggest that limbic territories of BG not only support reward seeking (appetitive approach) but also the encoding of aversive conditioned stimuli (CS) and the production of aversive‐related behaviors (avoidance or escape). This study aimed to identify inside two BG nuclei, the striatum and pallidum, the territories involved in aversive behaviors and to compare the effects of stimulating these territories to those resulting from stimulation of the anterior Insula (aIns), a region that is well‐known to be involved in aversive encoding and associated behaviors. Two monkeys performed an approach/avoidance task in which they had to choose a behavior (approach or avoidance) in an appetitive (reward) or aversive (air‐puff) context. During this task, either one (single‐cue) or two (dual‐cue) CS provided essential information about which context‐adapted behavior should be selected. Microstimulation was applied during the CS presentation. Stimulation generally reduced approaches in the appetitive contexts and increased escape behaviors (premature responses) and/or passive avoidance (noninitiated action) in aversive context. These effects were more pronounced in ventral parts of all examined structures, with significant differences observed between stimulated structures. Thresholds to induce effects were lowest in the pallidum. Striatal stimulation led to the largest diversity of effects, with a subregion even leading to enhanced active avoidance. Finally, aIns stimulations produced stronger effects in the dual‐cue context. These results provide causal evidence that limbic territories of BG, like aIns, play crucial roles in the selection of context‐motivated behaviors.  相似文献   

《Social neuroscience》2013,8(5):400-406
There is growing evidence that the serotonin system influences prosocial behavior. We examined whether anxiety mediated the association between variation in the serotonin transporter gene regulatory region (5-HTTLPR) and prosocial behavior. We collected self-reported tendencies to avoid certain situations and history of helping others using standard instruments and buccal cells for standard 5-HTTLPR genotyping from 398 undergraduate students. Triallelic 5-HTTLPR genotype was significantly associated with prosocial behavior and the effect was partially mediated by social anxiety, such that those carrying the S′ allele reported higher levels of social avoidance and lower rates of helping others. These results are consistent with accounts of the role of serotonin on anxiety and prosocial behavior and suggest that targeted efforts to reduce social anxiety in S′ allele carriers may enhance prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

The advantages of using predator-related odor stimuli to study emotional responses in laboratory tests depend on whether such stimuli do elicit a relatively complete pattern of emotionality. This has been confirmed for cat fur/skin odor stimuli, which elicit a range of defensive behaviors in rats that may be reduced by anxiolytic drugs, produce residual anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus maze and support rapid aversive conditioning to the context in which they were encountered. Although the synthetic fox fecal odor, trimethylthiazoline (TMT), elicits avoidance similar to that seen in response to cat fur/skin odor, this avoidance does not respond to anxiolytic drugs. In addition, TMT does not produce residual anxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus maze, nor does it support conditioning.

As natural cat feces also elicit avoidance but fail to support conditioning, it is possible that the ability of a predator-related odor to serve as an effective unconditioned stimulus (US) relates to its predictive status with reference to the actual presence of the predator. Avoidance per se may reflect that a stimulus is aversive but not necessarily capable of eliciting an emotional response. This view is consonant with findings in a Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB) measuring a wide range of defensive responses to predator exposure. A contextual defense measure that may reflect either conditioned or residual but unconditioned emotional responses was almost never reduced by drug effects unless these also reduced risk assessment or defensive threat/attack measures. However, reductions in contextual defense without changes in flight/avoidance measures were much more common.

These findings suggest that flight/avoidance, although it obviously may occur as one component of a full pattern of defensive and emotional behaviors, is also somewhat separable from the others. When—as appears to be the case with TMT—it is the major or perhaps only consistent defensive behavior elicited, this may reflect a stimulus that is aversive or noxious but with little ability to predict the presence of threat or danger. That such stimuli fail to support rapid aversive conditioning suggests the need for a reanalysis of the characteristics required for an effective aversive US.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of two levels of teacher intrusion upon the behavior of elementary age children with autism and nonhandicapped peers during dyadic play interactions occurring in two special education classrooms. High versus low levels of teacher intrusion were contrasted in a mixed between- and within-subjects design counterbalanced for order across the two conditions. There were few differences in behavior across the two conditions, though the low-intrusion condition was associated with higher levels of toy contact, appropriate and inappropriate play, and lower levels of spontaneous verbalizations by the students with autism. There was no difference in the occurrence of excess behavior by condition. Results are discussed with respect to future investigations of effective teacher mediation to prepare children for positive peer interactions.This work was supported in part by Contract #300-82-0363 from Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education, awarded to the University of Minnesota. The material does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and no official endorsement should be inferred. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance and support of Bonnie Biel, Marie Blackburn, Dennis McGuire, Ralph McQuarter, May Ross, Jeanne LaMere, Etta Overland, Barbara Pollster, and Mary Porter in the conduct of this study.  相似文献   

Symptoms of anxiety and depression often occur in young women after complete hysterectomy and in older women during menopause. There are many variables that are hard to control in human population studies, but that are absent to a large extent in stable nonhuman primate troops. However, macaques exhibit depressive and anxious behaviors in response to similar situations as humans such as isolation, stress, instability or aggression. Therefore, we hypothesized that examination of behavior in ovariectomized individuals in a stable macaque troop organized along matriarchal lineages and in which individuals have social support from extended family, would reveal effects that were due to the withdrawal of ovarian steroids without many of the confounds of human society. We also tested the hypothesis that ovariectomy would elicit and increase anxious behavior in a stressful situation such as brief exposure to single caging. Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) were ovariectomized (Ovx) or tubal-ligated (intact controls) at 3 years of age and allowed to mature for 3 years in a stable troop of approximately 300 individuals. Behaviors were recorded in the outdoor corral in the third year followed by individual temperament tests in single cages. There was no obvious difference in anxiety-related behaviors such as scratching between Ovx and tubal-ligated animals in the corral. Nonetheless, compared to tubal-ligated animals, Ovx animals exhibited a significant decrease in (1) positive social behavior, (2) initiating dominance behavior, (3) time receiving grooming, (4) locomoting, (5) mounting behavior, and in (6) consort behavior. However, Ovx females exhibited a significant increase in (1) consummatory behavior and (2) object play compared to tubal-ligated controls. In the individual temperament tests, Ovx individuals exhibited an increase in anxiety-related behaviors. There was no difference in adrenal weight/body weight suggesting that neither group was under chronic stress. These data indicate that ovarian hormones enable females to successfully navigate their social situation and may reduce anxiety in novel situations.  相似文献   

Harassment and bullying among 186 students with intellectual disabilities, ages 12 to 21 years, in special education schools were examined. The differences between bullies and victims in terms of social adjustment and social skills were investigated. No prototypes characterizing differences in social skills were found between the three subgroups: victim, bully, and victim-bully. However, bullies and victim-bullies exhibited significantly higher levels of challenging behaviors, such as temper tantrums, unruly and quarrelsome behavior, and a tendency to lie and steal. Significant correlations were also found among actions as a bully, violent behavior, and hyperactivity. Being a victim was correlated with emotional and interpersonal problems.  相似文献   

Setting perceptual expectations can be based on different sources of information that determine which functional networks will be involved in implementing preparatory top-down influences and dealing with situations in which expectations are violated. The goal of the present study was to investigate and directly compare brain activations triggered by violating expectations within two different task contexts. In the serial prediction task, participants monitored ordered perceptual sequences for predefined sequential deviants. In contrast, the target detection task entailed a presentation of stimuli which had to be monitored for predefined nonsequential deviants. Detection of sequential deviants triggered an increase of activity in premotor and cerebellar components of the "standard" sequencing network and activations in additional frontal areas initially not involved in sequencing. This pattern of activity reflects the detection of a mismatch between the expected and presented stimuli, updating of the underlying sequence representation (i.e., forward model), and elaboration of the violation. In contrast, target detection elicited activations in posterior temporal and parietal areas, reflecting an increase in perceptual processing evoked by the nonsequential deviant. The obtained results suggest that distinct functional networks involved in detecting deviants in different contexts reflect the origin and the nature of expectations being violated.  相似文献   

The prevalence of challenging behaviors: a total population study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A total population study was undertaken in two areas of England to identify the situation and characteristics of people reported to exhibit challenging behaviors. We found that: (1) challenging behaviors are shown by 10-15% of people with mental retardation who are in contact with educational, health or social care services for people with mental retardation; (2) the most common forms of challenging behaviors reported were 'other' behavior (shown by 9%-12% of all people screened), aggression (7%), destructive behavior (4%-5%) and self-injury (4%); (3) the majority of people identified showed two or more of these four general forms of challenging behavior; (4) approximately two-thirds of the people identified were boys/men; (5) close to two-thirds of the people identified were adolescents or young adults; (6) approximately 50% of the people identified as showing more demanding challenging behavior were living with their families; (7) people who showed more demanding challenging behavior were more likely to need greater levels of assistance in eating, dressing and washing, be incontinent and have more restricted expressive and receptive communication.  相似文献   

Response selection is the mental process of choosing representations for appropriate motor behaviors given particular environmental stimuli and one's current task situation and goals. Many cognitive theories of response selection postulate a unitary process. That is, one central response-selection mechanism chooses appropriate responses in most, if not all, task situations. However, neuroscience research shows that neural processing is often localized based on the type of information processed. Our current experiments investigate whether response selection is unitary or stimulus specific by manipulating response-selection difficulty in two functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments using spatial and nonspatial stimuli. The same participants were used in both experiments. We found spatial response selection involves the right prefrontal cortex, the bilateral premotor cortex, and the dorsal parietal cortical regions (precuneus and superior parietal lobule). Nonspatial response selection, conversely, involves the left prefrontal cortex and the more ventral posterior cortical regions (left middle temporal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobule, and right extrastriate cortex). Our brain activation data suggest a cognitive model for response selection in which different brain networks mediate the choice of appropriate responses for different types of stimuli. This model is consistent with behavioral research suggesting that response-selection processing may be more flexible and adaptive than originally proposed.  相似文献   

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