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Cytogenetic heteromorphisms and restriction fragment length polymorphisms were used to assign the parental origins of 30 de novo non-homologous Robertsonian translocations. The balanced and unbalanced translocations studied included 20 rob(14q21q) four rob(13q14q)four rob(15q21q) one rob(13q15q), and one rob(13q21q). Significantly more maternally (26/30) than paternally (4/30) derived de novo translocations were noted and all rob(14q21q) ascertained through unbalanced probands (20/20) were maternal in origin. Interestingly, 12/13 probands who were trisomic and informative for proximal chromosome 21q loci were homozygous for the markers tested. Segregation (2:1) of the Robertsonian translocation into one daughter cell in meiosis I and subsequent failure of the chromosome 21 chromatids to separate in meiosis II may account for our observation of homozygosity for proximal chromosome 21 loci in the majority of de novo rearrangements tested.  相似文献   

Robertsonian translocations (ROBs) involving chromosome 21 occur in about 5% of individuals with Down syndrome. ROBs are the most common chromosomal rearrangements in humans and are formed through whole arm exchanges of any two acrocentric chromosomes. The de novo formation of ROBs occurs at exceptionally high rates. The present case concerns a child with mosaic Down syndrome who has two cell lines that contain two different de novo ROBs: 45,XX,rob(14;21)(q10;q10) and 46,XX,rea(21;21)(q10;q10),+21. To elucidate the mechanisms by which the rearrangements formed, somatic cell hybrids were constructed to allow the parental origins of the chromosomes involved in the ROBs to be distinguished. The analysis of the hybrids showed that the rob(14q21q) must have formed postzygotically because it contained a maternal chromosome 14 and a paternal chromosome 21. Furthermore, hybrid analysis of the rea(21q21q) demonstrated two copies of the same chromosome from the mother and thus, by definition, was an isochromosome [i(21q)]. All free-lying chromosomes 21 isolated in hybrids were of maternal origin. These chromosomes may have originated from either of the patient's cell lines. We present four hypotheses for the formation of the two cell lines of this child. This case is part of an ongoing project to determine the mechanism(s) of de novo ROB formation and the results differ from the other de novo rob(14q21q) studied in our laboratory (n = 7) in that all previously studied translocations were maternally derived, leading to the conclusion that most de novo rob(14q21q) occur in oogenesis. The current case illustrates that other mechanisms may contribute to ROB formation. Am. J. Med. Genet. 80:252–259, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic, FISH, and molecular results of 20 cases with de novo tandem duplications of 18 different autosomal chromosome segments are reported. There were 12 cases with direct duplications, three cases with inverted duplications, and five in whom determination of direction was not possible. In seven cases a rearrangement between non-sister chromatids (N-SCR) was found, whereas in the remaining 13 cases sister chromatids (SCR) were involved. Paternal and maternal origin (7:7) was found almost equally in cases with SCR (3:4) and N-SCR (4:3). In the cases with proven inversion, there was maternal and paternal origin in one case each. Twenty three out of 43 cytogenetically determined breakpoints correlated with common or rare fragile sites. In five cases, including all those with proven inverse orientation, all breakpoints corresponded to common or rare fragile sites. In at least two cases, one with an interstitial duplication (dup(19)(q11q13)) and one with a terminal duplication (dup(8) (p10p23)), concomitant deletions (del(8) (p23p23.3) and del(19)(q13q13)) were found.  相似文献   

A case of Prader-Willi syndrome is presented in which high resolution chromosome analysis revealed not only a familial Robertsonian translocation [t(13q15q)], but also a del(15) (q11.2q13) of the chromosome 15 not involved in the translocation. While there have been numerous reports of Robertsonian translocations involving chromosome 15 in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome, in this case, the Robertsonian translocation was shown to be unrelated to the clinical findings.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated six Robertsonian translocations, including two cases of rob(13q14q), one of rob(14q21q), one of rob(13q22q), and two of rob(21q21q), by means of fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) using five repetitive DNA probes: two alpha-satellite DNAs (D21Z1/D13Z1 and D14Z1/D22Z1), satellite III DNA, beta-satellite DNA, and ribosomal DNA. Single color FISH successfully defined the breakpoints in four cases of the six. Since the remaining two cases, rob(13q22q) and rob(21q21q), revealed to retain rDNA, we tried to define the breakpoints in detail by dual color FISH in these rare types. In the rob(13q22q) the chromosomal breakage on chromosome 22 was likely to have occurred within the rDNA region and that the chromosome 13 breakpoint was within the alpha-satellite region. In one rob(21q21q) case we defined the breakpoint on one chromosome distal to, or within, the beta-satellite region distal to the rDNA, and the other chromosome breakage had occurred within alpha-satellite DNA. Our results underscored the power of dual-color FISH for defining the precise locations of breakpoints in Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

Robertsonian translocation carriers are at increased risk for infertility, spontaneous abortions, or chromosomally unbalanced offspring. Reproductive counseling of these carriers is challenging. We performed a retrospective analysis of all prenatal diagnoses from Robertsonian translocation carriers during the time period January 1, 1992 through December 31, 2007. Data on the carriers and the results of their prenatal analyses were retrieved as well as data on their previous pregnancies. We identified 28 female and 20 male carriers of Robertsonian translocations and results on 79 prenatal samples were obtained. Among female carriers, 10.3% of chorionic villus sampling and 5.9% of amniocentesis results were unbalanced, whereas for male carriers, this was 3.6% and 0%, respectively. When considering all pregnancies involving carriers, 52.7% of those to female carriers and 61.8% of those to male carriers led to the birth of a healthy child. Male carriers in whom the translocation was ascertained because of infertility or recurrent miscarriages appear to be at higher risk, whereas carriers in whom ascertainment was because of a family history are at lower risk. We conclude that pregnancies of Robertsonian translocation carriers are at increased risk for chromosomal imbalance, and prenatal chromosomal testing should be discussed. More than half of the pregnancies led to the birth of a healthy child, but prediction of which couples will be successful in obtaining a pregnancy with or without assisted reproductive technologies and/or embryo selection remains difficult. The reason for ascertainment of the translocation should be taken into account when counseling these couples. The possibility of preimplantation genetic diagnosis should also be discussed with the couples.  相似文献   

Parental origin of the supernumerary chromosome in trisomy 18   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ya-gang X, Robinson WP, Spiegel R, Binkert F, Ruefenacht U, Schinzel AA. Parental origin of the supernumerary chromosome in trisomy 18. Clin Genet 1993: 44: 57–61. Munksgaard, 1993
The parental origin of an extra chromosome in Edwards syndrome has been investigated in 23 families by the combination of the VNTR probe pERT25, two microsatellite polymorphisms for D18S34 and D18S40, and several two-allele polymorphisms. Of the 23 cases, 22 were informative, with 17 (77%) being maternal and 5 (23%) paternal in origin. These results support the previous investigations, suggesting that trisomy 18 is predominantly of maternal origin, although a higher rate of paternally derived cases was observed than previously reported. A significant increase in maternal age was found to be associated with meiotic nondisjunction. Parental age was increased in both the maternally and paternally derived cases, but the size of the latter class was small and did not reach statistical significance.  相似文献   

A family is described in which two cases of trisomy 21 occurred in, respectively, a newborn infant and a prenatally diagnosed fetus. Using fluorescent chromosomal polymorphisms, it was established that in both cases the extra chromosome resulted from a first meiotic division error in the mother and that the father contributed the same centromeric region to both children. RFLP-associated probes were used to examine the genetic content of the chromosomes. It was noted that the polymorphism patterns of the chromosomes 21 which both children inherited from their parents were identical for three, but not identical for one of the probes studied. This difference must be the result of recombination. This result is discussed in relation to the suggestion that the increased recurrence rate in mothers with a trisomic child could be due to a reduced recombination rate.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in v-Ha-ras Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (HRAS) have recently been identified as the molecular cause underlying Costello syndrome (CS). To further investigate the phenotypic spectrum associated with germline HRAS mutations and characterize their molecular diversity, subjects with a diagnosis of CS (N = 9), Noonan syndrome (NS; N = 36), cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome (CFCS; N = 4), or with a phenotype suggestive of these conditions but without a definitive diagnosis (N = 12) were screened for the entire coding sequence of the gene. A de novo heterozygous HRAS change was detected in all the subjects diagnosed with CS, while no lesion was observed with any of the other phenotypes. While eight cases shared the recurrent c.34G>A change, a novel c.436G>A transition was observed in one individual. The latter affected residue, p.Ala146, which contributes to guanosine triphosphate (GTP)/guanosine diphosphate (GDP) binding, defining a novel class of activating HRAS lesions that perturb development. Clinical characterization indicated that p.Gly12Ser was associated with a homogeneous phenotype. By analyzing the genomic region flanking the HRAS mutations, we traced the parental origin of lesions in nine informative families and demonstrated that de novo mutations were inherited from the father in all cases. We noted an advanced age at conception in unaffected fathers transmitting the mutation.  相似文献   

Triploidy is a common finding both in early spontaneous abortions and in the fetal period. Previous studies suggested that the majority of triploidy was the result of diandry, specifically dispermy. Molecular determination of parental origin in fetal triploids has shown that digyny accounts for the majority of triploids in the fetal period. The aim of this study was to determine the meiotic level at which the error leading to digynic triploidy occurs and to extend the molecular analysis of parental origin of triploidy into the embryonic period. Maternal age of digynic triploids was compared with that of the diandric cases. Using polymorphic pericentromeric markers, we have shown that the majority of digynic triploidy is the result of errors in the second meiotic division. Digyny accounted for the majority of triploids, even in the nonfetal cases. Diandry predominated in a subset of the non-fetal cases in which embryos were not present and in which the placental findings of partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) were encountered. Maternal age differed between the digynic and diandric groups only for the non-fetal cases; this was attributed to differences in ascertainment.  相似文献   

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) using the first polar body (1PB) is a modality of PGD that can be used when the woman is the carrier of a genetic disease or of a balanced chromosomal reorganization. PGD using 1PB biopsy in carriers of balanced chromosome reorganizations has not become generalized. Here, we describe our experience based on the analysis of unfertilized or fresh, non-inseminated control oocytes, by fixing separately the 1PB and the corresponding oocyte, and on the study of six clinical cases of PGD using 1PB biopsy (four Robertsonian translocations and two reciprocal translocations). In fresh oocytes, the chromosome morphology of the 1PB was well preserved, and the results were always concordant for each oocyte-1PB pair. This indicates that the 1PB can be reliably used for the diagnosis of chromosome reorganizations. In these studies the technical problems encountered when performing PGD using 1PB biopsies for chromosome studies are also addressed. Three different strategies of 1PB biopsy (laser beam, partial zona dissection and acid Tyrode's) and two different protocols (intracytoplasmic sperm injection before or after 1PB biopsy) and their effect on the percentage of oocytes diagnosed and the fertilization rate, are discussed. In reciprocal translocation cases, published in the literature or studied by us, in which at least nine oocytes had been diagnosed, a correlation has been found between the frequency of nondisjunction observed and the theoretical recombination rate. To date, PGD by 1PB analysis alone or combined with blastomere biopsies in female carriers of chromosomal rearrangements has been used in 18 cases, with a further six cases reported here. A total of 325 cumulus-oocyte complexes have been obtained, of which 294 were biopsied and 224 were diagnosed. A total of 52 embryos was transferred, 19 of which implanted and 17 produced full-term pregnancies.  相似文献   

Individuals with translocation Down syndrome (DS) often inherit the rearranged chromosome from a carrier parent. DS due to inheritance of one Robertsonian or derivative (14q21q) from one parent and a second der(14q21q) in addition to a free chromosome 21 from the other parent are rarely documented in liveborn infants. Presented here is such a propositus with DS and with a unique karyotype 45,XY,der(14;21) (p11.1;p11.1)pat,der(14;21)(p11.1.;q11.1)mat, +21mat. Using conventional chromosome heteromorphisms, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and microsatellite polymorphism analyses, we established the biparental origin of the 2 der(14q21q) and the maternal origin of the extra chromosome 21 in the patient. A combination of both cytogenetic and molecular genetic techniques also enabled us to show that the 2 der(14q21q) were not identical by descent and hence the parents were nonconsanguineous. It has been a well-established fact that mothers with Robertsonian translocations have higher risk for nondisjunction than do carrier fathers. Our case, wherein the non-disjunctional event occurred in the mother, even though both parents are carriers of a 14;21 Robertsonian translocation, is yet another example of this. Am. J. Med. Genet. 70:43–47, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have used 9 conventional RFLPs and 6 dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms on chromosome 21q to demonstrate that 17 of 19 cases of rea(21q21q) were consistent with isochromosomes i(21q) with the remaining 2 being true Robertsonian translocations. Eight of the 17 isochromosomes were of maternal origin and 9 cases were paternally derived. The 2 Robertsonian translocations were both maternally derived. Of the 17 isochromosomes, 7 were dicentric Wc(21q)I and 10 were monocentric M21q)l. Both rob(21q21q) were monocentric. Our findings agree with those made in 17 previously published cases of rea(21q21q). The parental origins of the i(21q) were equally divided between maternal (n = 17) and paternal (n = 15) origins. All 4 true rob(21q21q) reported to date are of maternal origin. Collectively, it appears that most homologous rearrangements of chromosome 21 are isochromosomes and only a small proportion are consistent with true Robertsonian translocations. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A familial translocation, t(14;21)(14p21p;14q21q), in a mother and her child is described. The translocation was ascertained through the birth of a Down syndrome baby with the chromosome constitution 47,XX,-14, +der 14, +der 21,t(14;21)(q11; p12) mat. A 1:3 segregation in the maternal meiosis is suggested for the evolution of the unbalanced chromosome state. The main translocated chromosome 14q21q mimics the product of a Robertsonian translocation, while the 14p21p chromosome has the morphology of a satellited microchromosome. The cytogenetic nature of this translocation is discussed.  相似文献   

The constitutional t(11;22)(q23;q11) is a well-known recurrent non-Robertsonian translocation in humans. Although translocations generally occur in a random fashion, the break points of t(11;22)s are concentrated within several hundred base pairs on 11q23 and 22q11. These regions are characterized by palindromic AT-rich repeats (PATRRs), which appear to be responsible for the genomic instability. Translocation-specific PCR detects de novo t(11;22)s in sperm from healthy males at a frequency of 1/104–105, but never in lymphoblasts, fibroblasts or other human somatic cell lines. This suggests that the generation of t(11;22) rearrangement is linked to gametogenesis, although female germ cells have not been tested. Here, we have studied eight cases of de novo t(11;22) to determine the parental origin of the translocation using the polymorphisms on the relevant PATRRs. All of the eight translocations were found to be of paternal origin. This result implicates a possible novel mechanism of sperm-specific generation of palindrome-mediated chromosomal translocations.  相似文献   

目的建立并鉴定13/21易位与21/21罗伯逊易位21三体永生淋巴细胞株,为21三体罗伯逊易位的遗传学研究提供实验材料。方法筛查获得易位型21三体患者并收集外周血,培养B95-8细胞制备EB病毒感染液,采用EB病毒转化法获得永生淋巴细胞株,对第10、15、20代细胞进行G显带染色体分析。结果筛检出1例罕见的13/21易位与4例121/21罗伯逊易位型21三体患儿并成功建立永生淋巴细胞株,传代至第10、15、20代细胞的核型无显著差异。结论明病毒转化法可用于易位型21三体永生淋巴细胞株的建立,早期转化的细胞可为该病的研究提供实验基础。  相似文献   

A balanced Robertsonian translocation 45,XY,t(15q15q) was detected in a patient with mental retardation, microcephaly, and hypertonia. Deletion of the 15q11q13 region was unlikely based on fluorescence in situ hybridization studies that revealed hybridization of appropriate DNA probes to both arms of the Robertsonian chromosome. Inheritance of alleles from 13 highly polymorphic DNA markers on chromosome 15 showed paternal uniparental isodisomy. The clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular results are consistent with a diagnosis of Angelman syndrome. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which all or part of one X chromosome is missing. The meiotic or mitotic origin of most cases remains unknown due to the difficulty in detecting hidden mosaicism and to the lack of meiotic segregation studies. We analyzed 15 Turner patients, 10 with a 45,X whereas the rest had a second cell line with abnormal X‐chromosomes: a pseudodicentric, an isochromosome, one large and one small ring, and the last with a long arm deletion. Our aims were: to detect X cryptic mosaicism in patients with a 45,X constitution; to determine the parental origin of the abnormality; to infer the zygotic origin of the karyotype and to suggest the timing and mechanism of the error(s) leading to the formation of abnormal X chromosomes from maternal origin. Molecular investigation did not revealed heterozygosity for any microsatellite, excluding X mosaicism in the 45,X cases. Parental origin of the single X chromosome was maternal in 90% of these patients. Three of the structurally abnormal Xs were maternally derived whereas the other two were paternal. These results allowed us to corroborate breakpoints in these abnormal X chromosomes and suggest that the pseudodicentric chromosome originated from post‐zygotic sister chromatid exchange, whereas the Xq deleted chromosome probably arose after a recombination event during maternal meiosis. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Complex Robertsonian translocation heterozygosities in the mouse have been used to test different hypotheses regarding the correlation between male hybrid sterility and chromosomal abnormality. Synaptonemal complexes of meiotic super-chains and super-rings involving 15 to 18 metacentric chromosomes were studied in relation to spermatogenic histology. Both types of multivalents showed a characteristic pachytene pattern of alternating paired and non-paired segments. The amount of unpaired segments in rings was about 18% and in chains about 23% of the total length of multivalent chromosomes. The meiotic chains were associated with the proximal part of the X chromosomes in more than 60% of pachytene cells; a similar tight proximity of rings with X or Y chromosomes was never found. Complete arrest of germ cell maturation correlated with super-chains and inconspicuous testicular histology with super-rings. This demonstrates that an excessive amount of unpaired chromosomal axes does not leadper se to male infertility through gametogenic breakdown. On the contrary, the results clearly indicate spermatogenic impairment in this system of multimetacentric heterozygosity as a reflection of X chromosome super-chain interference.  相似文献   

Pallister-Killian syndrome is a clinically recognizable syndrome characterized by tissue-limited mosaicism for an extra 12p isochromosome. Very little is known about the underlying mechanism of this rare rearrangement. Microsatellite markers were studied from three fetuses with Pallister-Killian syndrome and their parents to determine the parent of origin and the cell division yielding the additional isochromosome. In two cases the isochromosome contained the same allele(s) as a normal transmitted chromosome 12, one paternal and one maternal in origin. A third case showed inheritance of two different maternal alleles, indicating that at least one meiotic error was involved in the ultimate formation of the extra isochromosome.  相似文献   

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