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Previous studies have found an association between elevated second trimester maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MS-AFP), in the absence of fetal anomalies, and adverse pregnancy outcome. We studied the association between elevated second trimester maternal serum beta-HCG, now also routinely measured by prenatal screening programs, and adverse pregnancy outcome by reviewing retrospectively the pregnancy outcomes among women with markedly elevated midtrimester beta-HCG in our prenatal screening program. Seven (0.23%) of 3,000 consecutively screened women had a serum beta-HCG above 5 MOM. Four (57%) of these 7 women had an adverse pregnancy outcome including severe preeclampsia (n = 2), abruptio placentae (n = 1), or preterm labor (n = 1). A concurrently elevated MS-AFP was found in only one of these 4 patients. Elevated mid-trimester maternal serum beta-HCG may be an independent risk factor for subsequent adverse pregnancy outcomes.  相似文献   

Commitment of the αβ and γδ T cell lineages within the thymus has been studied in T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic and TCR mutant murine strains. TCRγδ-transgenic or TCRβ knockout mice, both of which are unable to generate TCRαβ-positive T cells, develop phenotypically αβ-like thymocytes in significant proportions. We provide evidence that in the absence of functional TCRβ protein, the γδTCR can promote the development of αβ-like thymocytes, which, however, do not expand significantly and do not mature into γδ T cells. These results show that commitment to the αβ lineage can be determined independently of the isotype of the TCR, and suggest that αβ versus γδ T cell lineage commitment is principally regulated by mechanisms distinct from TCR-mediated selection. To accommodate our data and those reported previously on the effect of TCRγ and δ gene rearrangements on αβ T cell development, we propose a model in which lineage commitment occurs independently of TCR gene rearrangement.  相似文献   

To examine the role of T cell subpopulations in an acute graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction, γδ T cells and αβ T cells expressing one of the two prototypic Vβ gene families were negatively isolated from adult blood samples and injected into allogeneic chick embryos. CD4+ αβ T cells expressing either Vβ1 or Vβ2 receptors were equally capable of inducing acute GVH reactions, consistent with the idea that αβ T cell alloreactivity is determined by CDR3 variability. By themselves, the γδ T cells were incapable of inducing GVH reactions. However, host γδ T cells were recruited into the donor αβ T cell-initiated lesions, where they were activated and induced to proliferate. The data suggest that γβ T cells may play a secondary role in GVH reactions.  相似文献   

An inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comparable to human ulcerative colitis is induced upon transfer of T cell-depleted wild-type (F1) bone marrow into syngeneic T cell-deficient (tgε26) mice (F1 → tgε26). Previously we have shown that activated CD4+ T cells predominate in transplanted tgε26 mice, and adoptive transfer experiments verified the potential of these cells to cause disease in immunodeficient recipient mice. Using flow cytometry for the detection of intracellular cytokine expression, we demonstrate in the present study that large numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ TCRαβ+ T cells from the intraepithelial region and lamina propria of the colon of diseased, but not from disease-free mice, produced interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Large numbers of T cells from peripheral lymphoid tissues of these animals also expressed IFN-α and TNF-α, but few expressed interleukin-4, demonstrating g strong bias towards Th1-type T cell responses in these animals. TCRγδ+ T cells, typically minor constituents of the inflammatory infiltrate of the colon in F1 → tgε26 mice, also expressed IFN-γ at a high frequency upon CD3 stimulation. In light of these findings we examined the potential involvement of TCRγδ+ T cells by testing their ability to induce colitis in tgε26 mice. We report here that tgε26 mice transplanted with T cell-depleted bone marrow from TCRαnull and TCRβnull animals developed IBD. Furthermore, disease in these mice correlated with the development of peripheral and colonic TCRαδ+ T cells capable of IFN-γ production. These results suggest that IFN-γ may be a common mediator of IBD utilized by pathogenic T cells of distinct phenotype.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: T cells bearing αβ T cell receptor (TcR) and γδ TcR are present at the fetomaternal interface, and the latter, which express surface activation markers, can react with fetal trophoblast cell antigens. What is the role of these cells? METHOD: Using stress-abortion-prone DBA/2-mated CBA/J and abortion-resistant C57/B16 mice, αβ, γδ, and CD8+/- T cell subsets were measured in spleen and uterine decidua. The effect of immunization against abortion and administration of anti-TcR antibody in vivo was examined. Cytokine synthesis was measured by intracellular staining of Brefeldin A-treated cells. RESULTS: Abortion-prone matings showed an unexpected accumulation of γδ T cells beginning in the peri-implantation period and this was suppressed by immunization against abortion. The immunization deleted γδ T cells producing the abortogenic cytokines, TNF-α and γ-interferon, and increased production of the anti-abortive cytokines, IL-10 and transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2). Immunization also boosted the number of αβ T cells which were present in the decidua as early as 2 days after implantation. In vivo injection of GL4 (anti-δ) depleted γδ T cells producing Th1 cytokines in the peri-implantation period, and prevented abortions, whereas H57 (anti-β) decreased the number of αβ T cells and led to 100% abortions. CD8+ T cells present in peri-implant decidua before onset of abortions were mostly αβ TcR+, although some were γδ+. Changes in γδ and αβ T cells in pregnancy were most dramatic in uterine tissue. CONCLUSION: Although decidual γδ T cells after formation of a distinct placenta and fetus produce anti-abortive TGF-β2-like molecules and IL-10, prior events can lead to abortion. High local production of TNF-α and γ-interferon develop during the peri-implantation phase because of an excessive increase in the Th1 cytokine+ subset of γδ cells; these cytokines may be contributed by other tissues in decidua, and the contribution of bioactive factors by γδ T cells may augment the cytokine pool. In contrast, αβ T cells (which may be inactivated by stress that causes abortions) may mediate the anti-abortive effect of alloimmunization. Alloimmunization involves a shift from a Th1 to a Th2 pattern in the γδ T cells in decidua.  相似文献   

The thymus plays an essential role in the generation and selection of T cells and exports approximately 0.5–1% of thymocytes per day in young animals and considerably fewer in older animals. To date there have been no studies directly examining fetal thymic export in any species. Using the technique of intrathymic injection of fluorescein isothiocyanate, followed by an assay for green fluorescent cells in the periphery and for the expression of cell surface antigens on these cells, we have compared directly the export of T cells from the fetal and postnatal ovine thymus. While the thymus exports both αβ and γδ T cells, our results demonstrate that the proportion of thymic γδ T cells that are exported per day is much higher than that of thymic αβ T cells. Moreover, the export rate of γδ T cells increased from approximately 1 in every 60 γδ thymocytes per day emigrating from the fetal thymus to 1 in every 20 from the postnatal thymus. In addition, we identify a population of CD5+CD4?CD8?γδ? T cells emigrating from the fetal thymus but greatly reduced among thymic emigrants after birth. These findings have several implications regarding the mechanisms and control of selection of both γδ and αβ T cells.  相似文献   

Expression of the γ/δ T cell receptor (TCR) on CD3+ intracpithclial lymphocytes (IELs) was studied by two-colour immunofluorescence in duodenal tissue sections from healthy (n= 6) or infection-prone (n = 7) subjects with selective IgA deficiency (IgAD), and subjects (n= 4) with combined IgAD and IgG subclass deficiency. TCRγ/δ+ IEL proportions in selective IgAD subjects (median 6.3%, range 1.0–41%) and in those with combined deficiency (median 4.5%, range 1±2.33%) were well within the range (0.3.38%) for histologically normal controls (n= 11), but the healthy IgAD subgroup tended to show raised TCRγ/δ+ IEL proportions (median 13.6%) compared with the other two subgroups. Also the number of TCRγ/δ+ IELs per intestinal length unit was relatively high (median 13.9/mm) in the healthy IgAD subjects, and significantly raised (P < 0.03) compared with controls (median 3.2/mm). Paired staining revealed that most TCRγ/δ+ IELs in both selective IgAD (98%) and combined deficiency (99%) were CD8, and a large fraction (median 84% and 63%, respectively) expressed the Vδ1/Jδ1-encoded epitope. The total number of CD3’ IELs (mostly CD8+) was similar to controls. IgAD subjects, and especially the healthy subgroup, had significantly increased serum concentrations of soluble CD8 (P < 0.0002), neopterin (P < 0.005), and β2-microglobulin (P < 0.007). which was similar to our previous observations in common variable immunodeficiency, and probably reflected stimulation of cell-mediated immunity. In addition, the increased TCRγ/δ+ IELs might reflect a component of compensatory surface protection in the healthy IgAD subgroup.  相似文献   

We have compared the cytogenetic abnormalities diagnosed prenatally in 1,098 patients referred for amniocentesis because of low maternal serum α-fetoprotein (MSAFP) to those of 445 patients whose indication was elevated MSAFP and those of 361 patients who had amniocentesis for “maternal anxiety.” Autosomal trisomies, sex chromosome aberrations, and various structural rearrangements were detected in all 3 groups and actually exceeded the age-related incidence estimates. The frequency of chromosome anomalies in cases studied because of “maternal anxiety” with no prior screening was similar to that in the group referred for low MSAFP (1.38 and 1.27%, respectively). A relatively higher frequency (2.02%) was detected in the group whose indication was elevated MSAFP. Maternal serum screening is designed primarily to recalculate risk figures for Down syndrome, but not for other major chromosome abnormalities. The concept of prenatal screening for chromosome aberrations must therefore be reevaluated. We think that efforts should be directed at making amniocenteses more accessible to patients who request it. “Lowering” maternal age limits to 30 would encompass a greater proportion of pregnancies at risk and would be a step toward more effective prenatal diagnosis for chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

The two β7 integrins αEβ7 and α4β7 are the most recently described members of the integrins participating in intercellular binding. Their expression has been shown to be restricted to leukocytes and they have been suggested to be predominantly found in lymphocytes associating with the epithelium. Expression of β7 has mainly been studied on lymphocytes whereas macrophages have been reported not to express the β7 integrins. In this paper we have studied the expression of β7 integrins in monocytoid cells. The myelomonocytic cell lines HL-60 and THP-1 did not express β7 mRNA or protein, but differentiation of these cell lines to macrophages with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) led to a strong induction of the β7 mRNA expression. A clear but less pronounced up-regulation of β7 mRNA-expression was also seen after treatment of HL-60 and THP-1 cells with interferon-γ (IFN-γ). However, its up-regulating effect on the surface expression of α4β7 and αE7 complexes (detected by the monoclonal antibodies Act I and HML-1, respectively) exceeded that observed with PMA. To verify the in vitro cell line observations with normal cells, we also studied peripheral blood monocytes and tissue macrophages. Peripheral blood monocytes were Act I? and HML-1? in flow cytometry, but their expression was increased after a 72-h culture in the presence of PMA or IFN-γ. Also, several Act I+ and HML-1+ macrophages were found in immunohistochemical stainings of both liver and edemic lung biopsies as well as in lymph node sinuses. We therefore conclude that while monocytes do not express β7 integrins the more differentiated cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage do express both the α4β7 and αEβ7 integrins, which might play a role in their intraepithelial homing.  相似文献   

β7 is expressed on subsets of thymocytes, while T and B lymphocytes show heterogeneous expression of β7. Here, we examine the phenotype of the thymocyte and lymphocyte subsets which express α4β7 and αEβ7 using mAb against αEβ7 and mAb DATK32 which recognizes a combinatorial epitope on α4β7. β7+ thymocytes have a mature phenotype: TcR+, CD11ahi CD44hi HSAdull. Small subsets of double-negative CD4?CD8?, single-positive CD4+ and CD8+ thymocytes express α7, while double-positive CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes are β7. However, two integrins αEβ7 and α4β7 recognized by anti-β7 are not expressed on an identical subpopulation of thymocytes, as βEα7+α4β7?, αEβ7+α4β7+ and αEβ7?α4β7+ thymocyte subsets are evident. Similarly, intraepithelial lymphocytes express high levels of αEβ7 but little α4β7. In the spleen, Peyer's patches and lymph nodes, α4β7 is expressed at higher levels on most B lymphocytes than on the majority of T lymphocytes, while a small subset of T lymphocytes, which includes both CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes, express high levels of β7 in the form of α4β7 and αEβ7, although, as observed with lymphocytes, not all α4β7hi CD4? lymphocytes expressed α4β7. The population of α4β7hi CD4 lymphocytes are enriched in Peyer's patches and form subsets of the memory CD4+ lymphocyte population, which can be further subdivided on the basis of αEβ7, L-selectin and α4 expression. Therefore, memory CD4+ lymphocytes are highly heterogeneous in their expression of adhesion receptors, and presumably these subpopulations will exhibit very different trafficking properties.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated nonpeptide compounds have recently been identified as potent mycobacteria-derived ligands for human Vγ9/Vδ2-expressing γδ T cells. Crude mycobacterial extracts also contain protein antigens which stimulate CD4 αβ T cells to produce growth factors that are used by γδ T cells for clonal expansion. We have investigated the dynamics in vitro of expansion of CD4 T cells and Vγ9 cells in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with synthetic isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) in the absence or presence of additional stimuli. The results indicated that following stimulation with IPP, γδ T cells express CD25 and CD69 antigens, but fail to proliferate unless growth factors are provided exogenously or endogenously through activation of CD4 T cells by additional stimuli such as tetanus toxoid, alloantigen, or superantigens. Furthermore, the presence of antigen presenting cells are required for expansion of γδ T cells. In response to IPP stimulation, purified CD4 T cells neither express CD25 or CD69, nor do they proliferate even in the presence of exogenous IL-2. Apart from IL-2, IL-15 and, less efficiently, IL-4, IL-7, and IL-12 can contribute to cellular expansion of IPP-reactive Vγ9 cells. Together, the results demonstrate that peripheral blood γδ T cells proliferate in response to IPP only if CD4 T cells are simultaneously activated by an additional stimulus. This mechanism provides a tight control of the reactivity of γδ T cells towards phosphorylated nonpeptide antigens.  相似文献   

We obtained blood samples in a screening program designed to detect β-thalassemia heterozygotes in Montreal; additional samples were obtained from referred persons. We analyzed DNA for variant numbers of α-globin genes, notably the α-thalassemia2 (- α/), α-thalassemia1, (– –/), and triplicated ζ-globin gene (ααα/) haplotypes using restriction enzymes and probes for α-globin and α-globin gene sequences. We estimated the numbers of Montreal residents of Italian and Greek ethnic origin with –α/αα genotype. Thus, 4.3% of Italians and 1.5% of Greeks, or about 7,500 persons, are estimated to be α-thalassemia2, trait (silent carriers), largely (80%) in the –α3.7/type I form. The triplicated α-globin gene haplotype was also found. The risk of a severe (α-thalassemia1) phenotype associated with inheritance of – –;/αα or –α/ –α genotypes was low and was found predominantly in this study, in persons of Asian ethnic origin. The sample of Asians was too small to estimate carrier frequencies; however, based on results from the β-thalassemia screening program, we estimated that about 4% of Asians (about 1,300 persons) in Montreal are α-thalassemia carriers. We identified persons heterozygous for both β-thalassemia and α-thalassemia mutations. In these double heterozygotes, the effect of the triplicated α-globin gene was to make the erythrocyte parameters used for screening (MCV and %HbA2) more deviant from normal whereas deletion of 2 α-globin genes tended to normalize the erythrocyte values. These findings have implications for the screening program and reproductive counseling.  相似文献   

Two subpopulations of human T lymphocytes expressing different antigen receptors, α / β and γ / δ, emigrate into inflamed tissues in distinctive patterns. We compared the transmigration of α / β and γ / δ T cells to C-C and C-X-C chemokines using an in vitro transendothelial chemotaxis assay. The C-C chemokines monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, RANTES, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α and MIP-1β stimulated similar, dose-dependent chemotaxis of purified γ / δ T cells, whereas MCP-1, RANTES, and MIP-1α pro duced greater chemotaxis of purified α / β T cells than MIP-1β. In contrast, the C-X-C chemokines interleukin (IL)-8 and interferon-γ inducible protein-10 (IP-10) did not promote chemotaxis of either α / β or γ / δ T cells. Three γ / δ T cell clones with differing CD4 and CD8 phenotypes also migrated exclusively to C-C chemokines. Phenotypic analysis of mononuclear cells that transmigrated from an input population of unfractionated peripheral blood mono nuclear cells confirmed the results with purified γ / δ T cells. Our data demonstrate that human peripheral blood α / β and γ / δ T cells can transmigrate to MCP-1, RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β, and suggest that both T lymphocyte subpopulations share the capacity to emigrate in response to C-C chemokines during inflammation.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to compare CD3 expression on γδ T cells and αβ T cells in human patients. The antigen density of TCR and CD3 on both subsets was assessed by a quantitative method in eight patients. In parallel, we developed and validated a reliable direct tricolor staining protocol that we tested on samples from hospitalized and healthy individuals (n = 60). Our results demonstrate that human γδ T cells constitutively express approximately twofold more of the TCR/CD3 complex than αβ T cells. We suggest that this enhanced expression of the TCR/CD3 complex could contribute to the higher reactivity of γδ T cells compared to αβ T cells. These clinical laboratory results confirm the fundamental data described elsewhere. γδ T cells deserve further clinical investigations to understand their precise role in human immunity.  相似文献   

A candidate avian CD6 homolog is identified by the S3 monoclonal antibody. The S3 antigen exists in a phosphorylated glycoprotein form of 130 kDa and a nonphosphorylated form of 110 kDa. Removal of phosphate groups and N-linked carbohydrates indicates a 78-kDa protein core. During thymocyte differentiation, the γδ T cells do not express S3, whereas mature CD4+ and CD8+ cells of αβ lineage acquire S3 antigen. All αβ T cells in the blood and spleen express the S3 antigen at relatively high levels. In contrast, only the CD8+ sub-population of γδ T cells in the spleen expresses the antigen and neither αβ nor γδ T cells in the intestinal epithelium express the S3 antigen. The S3 antigen is also found on embryonic splenocytes with a phenotypic profile characteristic of avian natural killer cells. The biochemical characteristics and this cellular expression pattern imply that the S3 antigen is the chicken CD6 homolog.  相似文献   

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