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Acquired inhibitors to factor V are considered rare events and the cause is often unknown. Diagnostic haemostasis assays to correctly assess this phenomenon are not always perfect and reproducible. Various treatments have been attempted but a standardised management of patients is still lacking. We report the case of a patient who developed a factor V inhibitor and we take the opportunity to make an inventory of the latest data.  相似文献   

Anemia is the most common pathology encountered in hematology. Etiologies are numerous, so it is important to adopt a rigorous approach. Complementary examinations must be specific to the clinical situation in order to determine the mechanisms on the one hand and decide the therapeutic management on the other. We report the observation of a case of sudden onset of profound pancytopenia. Investigation led to the diagnosis of major folic acid deficiency with favorable evolution. Through this case, we describe the diagnostic approach towards anemia and the mechanisms involved in the formation of folate deficiency.  相似文献   

Primary peritoneal pregnancy has been reported and debated for almost a century. Case reports using Studdiford's criteria and later modified criteria have substantiated the entity, but the pathogenesis remains an enigma. This article fulfills both criteria and discusses the factors related to the pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Factor VII deficiency is a rare congenital blood disorder. Its clinical features are rather variable and ranges from epistaxis to massive intracranial haemorrhage. Treatment involves replacement therapy, which constitutes use of fresh frozen plasma, prothrombin complex concentrates or recombinant activated factor VII. Although it is a rare entity, one still needs to consider it as a probable diagnosis in a newborn with coagulopathy. We report here a case of Factor VII deficiency in a newborn who presented with subdural haemorrhage at day 4 of life.  相似文献   

R M Berlin 《Sleep》1988,11(3):298-300
This report describes a case of sleepwalking during pregnancy. The author reviews the literature on sleepwalking during pregnancy and suggests that sleep during pregnancy merits renewed attention.  相似文献   

This report describes the case of a 28 year old woman with virilisation occurring in two successive pregnancies. Recurrent maternal virilisation is rare (seven previous reports) and this case is unique in its severity. Differential diagnoses include ovarian disease and fetal aromatase deficiency. New techniques to exclude a fetal cause were used in this case. This patient presented during the third trimester of her first pregnancy with rapid onset of hirsuitism, increased musculature, and deepening voice. A blood hormone profile revealed significant hyperandrogenism (testosterone, 72.4 nmol/litre; normal range, 0.5-3.0). She delivered a normal boy and maternal androgen concentrations returned rapidly to normal (testosterone, 0.8 nmol/litre). She presented two years later, during her second pregnancy, with similar symptoms and biochemistry (testosterone, 47.5 nmol/litre). Again, she delivered a healthy normal boy and androgens returned immediately to normal (serum testosterone, 2.0 nmol/litre). Ultrasonography revealed no evidence of ovarian (or adrenal) masses in either pregnancy. Umbilical cord venous blood sampling and placental assays revealed no evidence of fetal aromatase deficiency. Recurrent hyperandrogenism during pregnancy is rare. Ovarian luteoma rarely recurs and hyperreactio luteinalis does not lead to such pronounced androgen concentrations. Therefore, this patient has a unique ovarian condition that could be harmful to offspring and mother.  相似文献   

A 19-year-old thalassemic woman had tissue from one of her ovaries cryopreserved prior to bone marrow transplantation, total body irradiation and sterilizing chemotherapy. As expected, premature ovarian failure resulted from this treatment. Transplantation of her thawed ovarian tissue resulted in return of menstrual cycling and the patient then underwent several IVF cycles. The patient, however, had poor ovarian response to hyperstimulation. We thus considered an alternative approach based on the observation that very thin ovarian fragments that preserve the basic ovarian structure [ovarian micro-organs (MOs)] induce angiogenesis and remained viable after autologous transplantation in animals. We report that preparation of autologous tiny ovarian fragments (MO)s and reimplantation into our patient resulted in IVF pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby.  相似文献   

Primary cardiac sarcoma is a rare disease in adults. It is also associated with poor prognoses, due to diagnostic delay, therapeutic difficulty, and high metastatic potential. The coincidence of pregnancy and a primary cardiac intimal sarcoma is extremely rare. We report a pregnant woman at 27(+5) weeks gestation who was admitted to the hospital with acute-onset dyspnea. A mass was found on the left atrium by transthoracic echocardiography. Subsequently, the intracardiac mass was removed, and mitral valve replacement and modified DeVega tricuspid annuloplasty were performed. The patient was diagnosed with a undifferentiated sarcoma, and gave birth to a 1,230 g living baby boy by Caesarean section from preterm contraction at 29(+5) weeks gestation. The patient then received systemic chemotherapy. However, 10 months after the initial clinical onset, the patient suddenly died. Surgery is the standard treatment for cardiac tumors, and their removal should always be attempted, even in pregnant women. Although the overall survival rates of the patients are rather poor, palliative cardiac surgery allows the prolonging of pregnancy, until an acceptable fetal viability level is reached.  相似文献   

Omental pregnancy is a very rare form of ectopic pregnancy. Here we presented a case of primary omental pregnancy diagnosed at surgical exploration. A 28 year old woman submitted with severe abdominal pain, without any delay of menstruation. History of the patient revealed no use of contraceptive method. There was no gestational sac in the endometrial cavity and no tubal ring in the adnexa, but free peritoneal fluid in the pouch of Douglas was detected at ultrasonography. Laparotomy was done according to pre-operative diagnosis of ruptured tubal pregnancy. Bilateral tubes and ovaries were intact; omental pregnancy was detected and partial omentectomy was performed. Although 16 cases of omental pregnancy (mostly secondary) were reported in the literature, herein we describe a primary omental pregnancy without adnexial involvement.  相似文献   

The first report of an ectopic pregnancy following IVF was published in 1976, and since then heterotopic pregnancies (HPs) have been reported at an increasing rate. Although cases of the co-existence of a bilateral tubal and an intrauterine pregnancy following IVF-embryo transfer have been reported, a case of heterotopic triplet pregnancy caused by unilateral tubal embryo transfer has not yet been published in the literature. Here we report on a 38-year-old women (gravida 3, para 1) with a history of infertility who presented to our infertility clinic for evaluation. Hysterosalpingography revealed bilaterally patent Fallopian tubes and stricture of the cervical canal. She conceived after receiving HMG combined with pure FSH, followed by IVF-tubal embryo transfer. Four embryos were replaced into the right tube. Approximately 5 weeks after tubal embryo transfer, the patient presented with lower abdominal tenderness and shock due to internal bleeding. She underwent an emergency laparotomy under the impression of HP. Bilateral tubal pregnancy with right tubal rupture was noted during the operation. The post-operative course was uneventful. Early intervention and thorough inspection of the peritoneal cavity in patients with haemodynamic instability can prevent jeopardizing the life of the mother as well as the ongoing pregnancy.  相似文献   

Primary splenic pregnancy is the least common form of extrauterine pregnancy. We report a case of splenic pregnancy occurring in a 29-year-old woman presenting with acute abdomen and hemoperitoneum. Recognition of this rare form of gestation is of critical importance, owing to the risk of exsanguination and death, and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in women of reproductive age.  相似文献   

Cervical pregnancy is gaining recognition as a serious complication of early pregnancy. In view of the increasing incidence of the condition and the formidable therapeutic problems posed, a review of the literature is timely. This paper also presents a case report illustrating many of the typical features associated with cervical pregnancy.  相似文献   

Malignant ovarian tumor co-existing with pregnancy: a case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian tumors have occasionally been reported in pregnant women, the incidence as per literature being 1 in 81 to 1 in 2000 pregnancies. Out of this, about 2-5% are malignant, thus contributing to the rarity of malignant ovarian tumors in pregnant women. One such occurrence in a 24-year old female patient is reported here considering its extreme rarity.  相似文献   

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