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睑松弛症的手术治疗   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的:探讨睑松弛症的发病机理和手术治疗方法。方法:对30例睑松弛症患者采用手术方法分别治疗上睑皮肤松弛、泪腺脱垂、上睑下垂和睑裂横径缩短,取上睑组织作组织学检查。结果:随访6月~5年,30例患者的上睑皮肤松弛均得到明显改善,3例4眼残留部分泪腺脱垂,上睑下垂和睑裂横径缩短均得到满意矫正。组织学检查显示病变区皮下灶性淋巴细胞浸润,弹力纤维断裂崩解。结论:睑松弛症的发生与慢性炎症有关,手术治疗可有效改善症状。  相似文献   

目的 探讨泪腺脱垂复位并重睑成形治疗泪腺脱垂的临床效果.方法 对18例(36眼)泪腺脱垂按照重睑成形术设计手术切口,根据上睑皮肤松弛和眼睑饱满程度决定皮肤及脂肪的去除量,用4-0线褥式缝合泪腺前缘及泪腺筋膜将脱垂的眶部或睑部泪腺分别固定于眶上缘内及眶外侧壁的骨膜上,并将切开的眶隔拉紧加固间断缝合,上睑皮肤以重睑成形方式缝合,外侧皮肤间断缝合.术后随访6个月~3年.结果 17例34眼(94.44%)术后泪腺复位良好,无复发.1例2眼(5.56%)在术后2年轻度复发,但症状较术前明显改善.18例36眼全部双眼睑裂对称,重睑形态良好自然.结论 泪腺脱垂复位、眶隔加固并重睑成形术治疗泪腺脱垂效果良好,实现了功能治愈与美容效果的双重目的.  相似文献   

上睑成形术治疗泪腺脱垂并眼睑松弛症   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨泪腺脱垂并眼睑松弛症的手术矫正方法及效果。方法 28例(56眼),年龄17-43岁。采用上睑成形术治疗泪腺脱垂并眼睑松弛症:距睑缘6-8mm画出满意弧度的重睑线,切除多余皮肤,切除眶隔处脱出的眶脂肪,通过眶隔缩短加固使脱垂泪腺复于原位。结果 56眼术后均泪腺复位,重睑线美观,睑松弛症消失,随访6月至3年无复发。结论 此法操作简单,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的 探讨眼睑松弛症合并泪腺脱垂的手术疗效.方法 采用双重睑切口的皮肤松弛矫正术联合泪腺复位固定术,对12例(24只眼)眼睑松弛症合伴泪腺脱垂患者进行手术治疗.结果 随访6月至6年,12例患者术后眼睑皮肤松弛均得到明显改善,泪腺脱垂,上睑下垂均得到满意矫正.结论 眼睑松弛症合并脱垂泪腺,采用双重睑切口的皮肤松弛矫正术联合泪腺复位固定术可有效改善其症状,实现患者美观与功能的双重疗效.  相似文献   

目的 评价眼睑皮肤松弛症及其伴发畸形的手术整复效果.设计 回顾性病例系列.研究对象 35例(52眼)眼睑皮肤松弛症稳定期患者.方法 所有患者实施上睑畸形矫正术,做上睑重睑切口,切除多余松弛皮肤及眶脂肪,18例(36眼)联合行泪腺脱垂复位术;10例(16眼)联合上睑下垂矫正术.4例(6眼)行下睑缩矫正术.7例(14眼)行外眦畸形矫正术,联合或二期行眼睑皮肤松弛矫正或上睑下垂矫正术.主要指标 双眼重睑形态,眼睑位置,眼睑运动功能,泪腺的位置,有无泪液分泌异常.结果 随访6~60个月,所有患者双眼上睑重睑基本对称,双上睑形态良好,眦角位置接近正常,无溢泪及干眼症状.2例(3眼)患者于术后29及36个月复诊时发现泪腺脱垂复发,再次行泪腺脱垂复位术,术后分别随访18、24个月,未发现泪腺再脱垂.结论 采用眼部整复手术矫正眼睑皮肤松弛症及伴发畸形安全有效,术后复发率较低.  相似文献   

目的 探讨眼睑皮肤松弛合并泪腺脱垂症手术治疗效果.方法 采用切开法重睑成形术设计手术切口.按拟定的重睑高度嘶出第一条切口线,再于第一条重睑线处用平镊夹起松弛皮肤,以睫毛微翘无睑裂闭合不全为度,画出第二条切口线与第一条线相连,两线间的距离即为拟切除的皮肤量.术中去除部分松弛皮肤、部分眼轮匝肌及疝出之眶隔脂肪,同时将脱垂的泪腺一并固定于泪腺窝内.皮肤缝合同美容性重睑术.结果 9例患者术后眼睑重新塑造,泪腺复位,随访6~12个月,眼睑形态良好,泪腺脱垂无复发,外观显著改善.结论 经双重睑切口联合脱垂泪腺复位手术效果良好,实现患者美观与功能的双重恢复.  相似文献   

目的探讨眼睑松弛症伴泪腺脱垂的手术矫正方法及效果,方法按照切开法重睑成形术设计手术切口,将脱垂的泪腺复位于眶外上方的泪腺窝内,然后去除上睑松弛的皮肤及疝出的脂肪,形成弧度自然、流畅的重睑。结果28例(56眼)上睑皮肤松弛得到充分矫正,恢复皮肤弹性,3例(4眼)术后6个月时在颞上方触到泪腺,目前仍处于观察中。结论治疗眼睑松弛症的重点是通过手术将汨腺复位下泪腺窝内,可达到美容与功能治疗的目的,手术效果稳定易于掌握。  相似文献   

目的 探讨下睑内翻和上睑肥厚性单睑及内眦赘皮一期进行的手术方法和美容效果.方法 先进行睑裂横径和内眦间距的测量,根据测量值设计新内眦点,采用睫毛周边切口矫治内眦赘皮.平行上下睑缘剪开内眦赘皮达新内眦点,分离上下皮瓣与眼轮匝肌,将原内眦点的皮肤与新内眦点皮肤缝合.下睑睫毛下1.5 mm横贯切口与内眦皮瓣相连,分离皮肤达眶下缘,白睑缘下2 mm分出宽4 mm肌肉瓣,在近外眦处将其缩短3~4 mm,7-0尼龙线间断缝合皮肤.上睑沿重睑设计线切开,下唇分离至睫毛根部,剪除其下多余组织,上唇去除一窄条皮肤直达内眦皮瓣并将其多余处剪除,打开眶隔剪除脱出脂肪组织,中间挂提上睑肌腱膜后间断缝合皮肤.结果 本组16例32只眼,上、下睑内翻均得到矫正,重睑自然,睑裂明显变长开大,内眦赘皮消失.结论 采用此种联合手术方法做出的眼睛,不但治疗了疾病,而且达到了美容的目的,值的推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨预防上睑整形术后睑闭合不全,同时纠正下睑退缩及老年性睑外翻的手术方法。方法 传统上睑重睑切口线,平视状态下确定皮肤去除量,缩短上睑提肌腱膜,内外眦韧带悬吊,恢复睑裂横径。结果 术后上睑下垂及眼睑皮肤松弛同时得到纠正。提紧下睑及上提外眦水平,舒平外眦皱纹,术后恢复快,形态自然。结论 此术式更加符合老年人生理特点和心理状态,既改善了眼睑功能又达到美容效果。  相似文献   

眼睑松弛综合征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李刚  彭秀军 《国际眼科杂志》2007,7(6):1692-1693
眼睑松弛综合征是一种少见眼睑疾病,以青少年反复发作性眼睑水肿为特征.可并发泪腺脱垂、上睑下垂和睑裂横径缩短等.发病机制可能与自身免疫反应弹性纤维丢失有关.诊断方面需注意与多发生于青年人中的双侧上睑肿胀疾病进行鉴别.治疗以上睑成形术为首选,手术时机应选择病情静止1a以上进行.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present a patient with congenital entropion of the upper eyelid caused by levator aponeurosis disinsertion. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: Surgical correction of the levator aponeurosis disinsertion corrected the upper eyelid entropion. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital upper eyelid entropion may be caused by levator aponeurosis disinsertion and treated effectively by repairing the anatomic defect.  相似文献   

同期手术矫正上睑内翻倒睫合并老年性上睑下垂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  结果:术中全部矫正良好,分别于1 wk;1,6 mo对参选患者内翻及倒睫矫正情况及上睑遮盖上方角膜缘程度进行观察。上睑内翻倒睫得到完全矫正。上睑遮盖上方角膜缘垂直距离术后1wk 为1.68±0.71mm,1mo 为1.71±0.69mm,6mo为1.70±0.65mm,均较术前相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后无暴露性角膜炎,无过矫发生。
  结论:多数患有上睑内翻倒睫的老年人同时合并有老年性上睑下垂,眼科医生应该重视上述两种病变的合并存在,并同时矫正。同期行上睑内翻矫正合并提上睑肌缩短的方法治疗上睑内翻倒睫合并老年性上睑下垂,可取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

Congenital cutis laxa is a rare generalized inherited elastosis, characterized by the appearance of premature aging and skin laxity with mild to severe systemic anomalies. Ocular manifestations include excess skin in the eyelids, ptosis and lower lid ectropion. Of the hyperelasticity syndromes - Ehlers Danlos, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum and cutis laxa - only cutis laxa has normal skin wound healing. The diagnosis must therefore be established before surgical options for treatment are considered. We report an unusual case of a 5-month-old male child with cutis laxa who presented with upper lid entropion secondary to severe redundant upper eyelid skin. An anterior lamellar repositioning procedure successfully corrected the lid margin malposition with complete relief of symptoms.  相似文献   

Congenital cutis laxa is a rare generalized inherited elastosis, characterized by the appearance of premature aging and skin laxity with mild to severe systemic anomalies. Ocular manifestations include excess skin in the eyelids, ptosis and lower lid ectropion. Of the hyperelasticity syndromes – Ehlers Danlos, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum and cutis laxa – only cutis laxa has normal skin wound healing. The diagnosis must therefore be established before surgical options for treatment are considered. We report an unusual case of a 5-month-old male child with cutis laxa who presented with upper lid entropion secondary to severe redundant upper eyelid skin. An anterior lamellar repositioning procedure successfully corrected the lid margin malposition with complete relief of symptoms.  相似文献   

王国华  霍鸣  罗彤  靳昆 《国际眼科杂志》2009,9(9):1829-1830
目的:探讨改良提上睑肌缩短术矫正上睑下垂的效果。方法:保留提上睑肌腱膜与上睑的连接方式不变,采用提上睑肌腱膜复合瓣与缩短的提上睑肌腱膜吻合术矫正19例20眼上睑下垂。结果:术后4~10mo随访,治愈18例19眼,欠矫1例1眼,无过矫病例。结论:改良提上睑肌缩短术与常规手术比较有改进,术后的睑缘高度易保持在上方角膜缘,弧度与健侧对称自然,不易形成眼角畸形,能较好提高矫治效果。  相似文献   

Surgical exploration of the upper eyelid was undertaken in two patients who developed blepharoptosis after cataract extraction. Disinsertion of the aponeurosis of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle from its epitarsal attachments was discovered and repaired in each patient to correct the blepharoptosis.  相似文献   

In two patients (a 60-year-old man and a 69-year-old woman) vertical buckling of the superior tarsus followed surgery to correct levator aponeurosis disinsertions for the management of acquired upper eyelid blepharoptosis. The superior tarsus rotated posteriorly and folded on itself because the sutures reattaching the levator aponeurosis to the tarsus were placed too low on the anterior tarsal plate. This complication can be prevented by placing the tarsal sutures above the vertical midpoint of the tarsus. If this complication develops, early correction is possible by revising the suture heights and keeping the tarsus flat with a symblepharon ring. This led to a satisfactory outcome in one of our cases. Late correction of vertical tarsal buckling requires excision of the buckled tarsus and repositioning the levator aponeurosis sutures. In one of our patients, an entropion developed as a result of insufficient vertical tarsal height that caused instability of the upper eyelid. The outcome was otherwise satisfactory.  相似文献   

A 72-year-old woman suffered from a sebaceous gland carcinoma on her left upper eyelid. The tumour was 13 × 5 mm without metastasis. The tumour was excised with a 5-mm safety margin, resulting in a large, full-thickness defect in which almost all of the tarsal plate, approximately half of the orbicularis oculi muscle, and part of the levator aponeurosis were lost. Reconstruction of the upper eyelid was successfully performed with a levator aponeurosis sandwich flap, upon which the posterior lamella was covered by a free tarsal graft with medial and lateral periosteal flaps, and a skin graft from the contralateral upper eyelid for the anterior lamella. No lagophthalmos was demonstrated after the operation. Six months postoperatively, there was no tumour recurrence, no ocular complications, and good cosmetic results.  相似文献   

A 72-year-old woman suffered from a sebaceous gland carcinoma on her left upper eyelid. The tumour was 13 × 5 mm without metastasis. The tumour was excised with a 5-mm safety margin, resulting in a large, full-thickness defect in which almost all of the tarsal plate, approximately half of the orbicularis oculi muscle, and part of the levator aponeurosis were lost. Reconstruction of the upper eyelid was successfully performed with a levator aponeurosis sandwich flap, upon which the posterior lamella was covered by a free tarsal graft with medial and lateral periosteal flaps, and a skin graft from the contralateral upper eyelid for the anterior lamella. No lagophthalmos was demonstrated after the operation. Six months postoperatively, there was no tumour recurrence, no ocular complications, and good cosmetic results.  相似文献   

A simple posterior approach operation for correcting ptosis due to a disinsertion of the aponeurosis of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is presented. Müller's muscle is restored to its normal length. Pull-out sutures are used which give some postoperative control of eyelid level and allow the procedure to be done under general anaesthesia if required.  相似文献   

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