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A monoclonal human IgG1, Campath-1H, was digested with glycosidases to assess the effect of carbohydrate on the functional activities of an IgG1. Removal of the complete carbohydrate moiety abolished complement lysis activity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, but left antigen binding activity and protein A binding activity intact. Removal of terminal sialic acid residues through glycopeptidase F digestion was not found to effect any of the tested IgG activities. Removal of the majority of the galactose residues from desialylated Campath-1H was found to reduce but not abolish complement lysis activity. Other activities were not affected by degalactosylation. This indicates a rare separation of complement lysis activity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of IgG in the way they behave under controlled conditions. This paper underlines the overall importance of carbohydrate in IgG function and stresses the relative contributions of some of the carbohydrate residues.  相似文献   

Recombinant fusion proteins consisting of the extracellular domain of immunoregulatory proteins and the constant domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG) are a novel class of human therapeutics. IgG isoforms exert different levels of immune effector functions, such as complement lysis and antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC). Several OX40-Ig fusion proteins were generated and compared in their potency to inhibit immune reactions. OX40-IgG fusion proteins act as decoys and inhibit T cell costimulation and extravasation induced by OX40 ligand-expressing antigen-presenting cells (APC) and vascular endothelial cells, respectively. In addition, OX40-IgG1 protein induces ADCC and complement lysis in OX40 ligand-expressing cells. Replacement of the IgG1 by the IgG4 domain (OX40-IgG4) eliminated complement lysis and reduced ADCC by half. Mutation of Leu(235) to Glu in IgG4 eliminated the remaining ADCC activity and generated a protein devoid of immune effector functions (OX40-IgG4mut). In vitro, OX40-IgG1 was more potent in inhibiting proliferation and cytokine release by peripheral blood mononuclear cells than OX40-IgG4mut, as OX40-IgG1 induced cell death in APC. However, both proteins reduced T cell-mediated colitis in mice to the same extent, indicating that in vivo neutralization of OX40L is sufficient. This study also demonstrates that effector functions of antibodies are retained and can be rationally designed in receptor-IgG fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Normal human blood lymphocytes with affinity for ox red cells sensitized with IgG antibody, for normal or papain-treated sheep red cells and for ox red cells coated with mouse complement were used for rosette formation and the rosetting cells separated by density gradient centrifugation on Ficoll/hypaque. The non-rosetting cells at the interface were collected and compared with cell suspensions before treatment for direct and antibody-dependent cytotoxicity of human target cells. Depletion of Fc-receptor-bearing lymphocytes strongly decreased antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; reduction in the number (or depletion) of T cells and cells with C'3 receptor had no effect, showing the same or enhanced K-cell activity. It is concluded that one type of K or killer cell has Fc receptors but lacks C'3 receptors.  相似文献   

The effector cells responsible for cytotoxic activity induced by phytohaemagglutinin, (PHA) pokeweed mitogen (PWM) target cells complexes with IgG antibody has been investigated using cell separation techniques based on rosette formation and separation through Hypaque-Ficoll mixtures. It was shown the PHA-induced cytotoxicity is predominantly a function of T cells and that Fc receptor-bearing cells are not involved to any major extent. Antibody-dependent killing is conversely a function of Fc receptor-bearing cells among which two subtypes can be distinguished. One of these has receptors for activated complement while the other bears Fc receptors only and has no detectable receptors for complement. PWM appears to induce cytotoxicity in both T- and non-T-cell populations but the major cell type involved appears to be Fc receptor-bearing cells similar to those mediating antibody-dependent killing. It is concluded that PHA and antibody-dependent killing are the two most useful assays for discriminating between the cytotoxic activity of T and non-T cell in clinical studies.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were incubated (stripped) with pronase or papain and compared with unstripped lymphocytes for their ability to mediate antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Despite marked removal or inactivation of receptors for heat-aggregated IgG (aggG) by proteolytic digestion, and pronounced changes in the percentages of cells rosetting with IgG-sensitized erythrocytes (EA) (decreased by papain, increased by pronase), stripped PBL functioned normally in ADCC.

Stripped and unstripped lymphocytes were pre-treated with aggG to determine the role of aggG receptors in ADCC. AggG almost totally abolished ADCC by unstripped PBL, but inhibited ADCC by enzyme-stripped lymphocytes relatively poorly. Neither untreated nor stripped PBL were able to induce cytotoxicity of chicken erythrocyte (CRBC) target cells sensitized with the Fab'2 fragment of anti-CRBC IgG antibody (CRBC-A).

Exposure of PBL to EA monolayers composed of CRBC-A or of sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) sensitized with rabbit anti-SRBC IgG antibody (SRBC-A) depleted PBL of cells that rosetted with CRBC-A and with human Rh-positive, type O erythrocytes sensitized with the human anti-Rh serum Ripley (HRBC-A Ripley). Non-adherent cells were incapable of binding aggG and had markedly diminished cytotoxicity in ADCC. Similarly, exposure of PBL to HRBC-A Ripley monolayers resulted in non-adherent cells that were incapable of rosette formation with HRBC-A or CRBC-A, failed to bind aggG, and exhibited significantly diminished ADCC activity.

These studies indicated that: (1) cytotoxic effector PBL active in ADCC (K cells) have receptors for aggG and for EA; (2) PBL deficient in functional aggG receptors (enzymatically inactivated or removed) are capable of inducing normal levels of ADCC; (3) aggG and EA receptors appear to be closely associated on native K-cell membranes; (4) there is no clear-cut relationship in a given lymphocyte population between the presence of either aggG or EA receptors and ADCC activity; and (5) populations of PBL binding HRBC-A Ripley overlap with, and may be identical to, those binding aggG and other types of EA complexes.


A total of 17 children, aged 1 to 15 years, with gingivostomatitis were investigated to follow the development of immune parameters in those who suffered from herpes simplex virus stomatitis. Mouth swabs were obtained during the acute attack. Blood samples were collected on this occasion and again about 3 weeks later. Humoral immunity to herpes simplex virus was investigated by a complement fixation test and by an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity test. Cell-mediated immunity was investigated in a blast transformation assay with herpes simplex virus type 1 antigen and phytohemagglutinin. Interferon production in herpes-stimulated cultures was measured. Thirteen patients had a herpes simplex stomatitis. Twelve of these children were negative in the complement fixation test on the first serum specimen, but only five were negative in the antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity test. These five were still febrile at the time of investigation. Blast transformation was negative at the first investigation in most children, whereas interferon was produced both in leukocyte cultures obtained during the infection and also in cultures made 3 to 4 weeks after the infection. An increase in immune parameters was seen in all patients with herpes stomatitis. From results in blast transformation and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, it is seen that cell-mediated and humoral immunity can be found at the same time during recovery from this type of infection.  相似文献   

On activation of cells membrane-associated proteases--including serine esterases known to cleave the third component of complement (C3)--become expressed. In this paper it is shown that as a consequence of this enzyme activity isolated native human C3 added to concanavalin A (Con A)-activated human lymphocytes is cleaved on the surface of the blast cells. This enables the immediate fixation of nascent C3b (C3bx) through its short-lived metastable binding site to C3b acceptors (C3bA's) newly expressed on Con A-stimulated cells. Acceptor-bound C3b is detected by the immune adherence rosette formation of the C3-treated Con A blasts with the C3b receptor (C3bR)-bearing O, Rh+ erythrocytes (32 +/- 4%). The cleavage of C3 and the covalent fixation of C3b are shown to be inhibited by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride and methylamine, respectively. As a functional consequence of the covalent fixation of C3b to the mitogen-activated lymphocytes it is demonstrated that the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of these cells against O, Rh+ erythrocytes sensitized with anti-D IgG is significantly enhanced. The C3 specificity of the process and the role of C3bR's of the target cells are proved. It is postulated that effector cell-bound C3b amplifies ADCC by improving effector cell-target cell contact.  相似文献   

A simple model system was developed for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) using antibody-coated synthetic membranes (liposomes) as a target cell model. A synthetic hapten, dinitrophenyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DNP-PE), was incorporated into fluorophore-quencher-loaded liposomes and the latter were coated with pure anti-DNP antibodies. Normal spleen lymphocytes were capable of binding and subsequently lysing these liposomes. This process is dependent upon the presence of an intact (Fc-containing) IgG molecule and independent of exogenous serum complement. The effector lymphocytes are nylon non-adherent, devoid of Thy-1 antigen and present in nude mice, suggesting an identity with K (Fc receptor positive) lymphocytes. These studies indicate that liposomes may be used as a model to study the requirements for the binding and lysis of target cells in this cell-mediated cytotoxic system.  相似文献   

The apparent nonselective reactions of natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NCMC) are selective when tested by inhibition of cytotoxicity with competitor cells indicating a recognition of specificities by the effector cell. N cells that mediate this NCMC in humans have most of the characteristics of K cells that mediate antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and possess Fc receptors. IgG antibodies attached loosely to N cells through their Fc region, form part of the class of lymphocytes with surface immunoglobulin. We hypothesized that ADCC and NCMS involved similar mechanisms but with the specificity of NCMC directed by the natural IgG antibodies already attached to N cells. Removal of the antibodies with trypsin and reconstitution with specific anti-HLA antibodies produced specific effector cells supporting the role of antibodies on N cells as directors of specificity in NCMC.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A (SpA) is known to bind the Fc region of IgG of most mammalians and to possess biologic activity both in vivo and in vitro, where it acts as a lymphocyte polyclonal mitogen. Its binding to the Fc gamma portion bears many features of the antibody-antigen interaction, such as the dissociation constant, lattice formation, and complement activation. Moreover, SpA seems to compete with membrane Fc receptors for IgG so that the possibility of an interaction with the same CH domain(s) of IgG can be considered. In the present study, evidence is given that anti-SpA antisera obtained from chickens and rabbits are able to inhibit EA rosette formation by normal human lymphocytes and that they are able to recognize, with immunofluorescent staining, a subpopulation of normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) that closely resembles that of EA rosette-forming cells (RFC). Moreover, the depletion of EA RFC by means of a single gradient centrifugation is accomplished by the parallel depletion of PBL stainable by anti-SpA antisera. The relevance of these results in the hypothesis of a similarity between the combining sites of SpA and membrane Fc receptor(s) for IgG is discussed.  相似文献   

In some rat strain combinations, pre-operative donor-specific blood transfusion produces long-term renal allograft survival, although the underlying mechanisms are unclear. This study has examined whether Fc receptor (FcR)-blocking activity could be detected in the serum of unmodified PVG strain recipients bearing a rejecting renal allograft and in recipients bearing an actively enhanced graft following pre-operative blood transfusion. Serum harvested on Day 5 from actively enhanced PVG recipients of DA rat renal allografts was shown to specifically inhibit erythrocyte-antibody (EA) rosette formation with donor strain, but not third-party, splenocytes, while the levels of EA rosette inhibition (EAI) in Day 5 serum from rejecting rats remained markedly lower. This FcR-blocking activity was present in enhanced serum fractions, prepared by discontinuous density gradient centrifugation, which corresponded to the 7 S peak. Purified IgG prepared from enhanced serum was also found to inhibit EA rosette formation with donor splenocytes, and absorption of the IgG preparations with donor strain erythrocytes failed to abrogate EA rosette inhibition. Further experiments, in which absorbed IgG from enhanced animals was tested for FcR blocking activity against splenocytes of defined major histocompatability complex (MHC) subregion specificities, established that FcR-blocking activity was mediated by IgG alloantibodies directed against donor MHC class II antigens. Whether the presence of such antibodies early after transplantation contributes to the beneficial effect of blood transfusion on graft survival remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Lymphoid cells bearing Fc receptors are able to lyse antibody-coated animal target Cells in an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity reaction. The results presented here show that liposomes consisting of sphingomyelin, cholesterol, and cardiolipid and coated by cardiolipidic antibodies could be destroyed by spleen or thymus cells. No alteration of liposomes was observed when normal rabbit serum was used or when the effector cell population was depleted of cells bearing Fc receptors. The lysis of antibody-coated liposomes by effector cells could be carried out in two steps. In the first step, the fixation of antibodies on the cardiolipidic antigens could lead to a reorganization of the liposomal membrane. In the second step, the effector Fc-receptor-bearing cells might amplify this alteration of the liposomes.  相似文献   

When lymphocytes from healthy donors were tested as effector cells, the cytotoxic activities observed in spontaneous and in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity were positively correlated. However, with lymphocyte preparations obtained from renal patients, a dissociation between the two activities was occasionally observed. Human natural killer cells are lymphocytes, with receptors for the Fc fragment of IgG molecules, but with no surface immunoglobulin. Their cytotoxicity is reduced by the presence of granulocytes or monocytes. After separation of rosetting and non-rosetting cells with AET- (2-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide hydrobromide) or neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes, the majority of the activity was recovered in the non-rosetting fraction, but a portion of it was present consistently in the rosetting cell fraction. Cells in the latter fraction also displayed receptors for the Fc fragment of immunoglobulin G.  相似文献   

Killing of Schistosoma mansoni larvae by human eosinophils via antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanisms requires adherence between effector cells and parasite targets. The role of adhesion molecules in this mechanism was investigated using blocking monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and soluble ligands. We show that, along with the Mac-1 alpha chain, interactions between selectins and LewisX-related structures, both expressed by eosinophils and parasite targets, play a critical part in the antibody-dependent cytotoxic function of eosinophils. To further elucidate the interactions between adhesion molecules and eosinophil Fc receptors, ADCC was performed with IgG1 or IgA mAb. We found that mAb directed against Mac-1 alpha chain or against LewisX could significantly inhibit the IgG1-, but not IgA cytotoxicity. This result might be explained, at least in part, by the inhibitory effect of these mAb on the release by eosinophils of eosinophil cationic protein, one of the major mediators involved in target killing. Taken together, these results suggest novel interactions between Fc receptors and selectins and LewisX-related structures which might act as co-receptors for eosinophil-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Several phenothiazines have been shown to inhibit NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NKC) and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) effected by human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Of those tested, chlorpromazine was found to inhibit at the lowest concentration (5 microM) with a 90% inhibition at 10 microM for NKC and 70% inhibition for ADCC. Pre-incubation of either effector or target cells with chlorpromazine did not provide any evidence of inhibition in subsequent cytotoxicity assays. The data for chlorpromazine in particular may be of clinical significance. In vivo inhibition would presumably require the presence of the drug since preincubation did not produce inhibition of NK or K cell function.  相似文献   

The effector cells in antibody-dependent lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity (ADLMC) have been studied. The cells do not adhere to glass and bear Fc receptors independent of surface Ig and complement receptors. Whereas monocytes have IgG1 and IgG3 Fc receptors, these Fc receptor lymphocytes appear to have receptors for aggregates of all four IgG subclasses.  相似文献   

We have studied the use of a mathematical transformation, the Hill transformation, in natural and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity as a function of effector cell concentration. It can be concluded that when adherent cells are removed from the effector cell suspension, cooperation between binding sites for effector cells on the target cell changes from negative to zero. After stimulation of nonadherent cells with α-interferon, the binding sites still remain noninteracting. This is the case both in natural and in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity experiments. The Hill transformation seems to be an easy and easily reproducible way of quantitating cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Previous data from this laboratory indicate that normal murine nylon wool nonadherent splenic cells with characteristics of natural killer (NK) cells effectively inhibit in vitro growth of Cryptococcus neoformans, a yeastlike pathogen. Since NK cells have been shown to be involved in antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity against immunoglobulin G (IgG)-coated tumor cells and xenogenic erythrocytes, we were interested in assessing the effects of the IgG fraction of rabbit anticryptococcal serum on NK cell-mediated inhibition of C. neoformans growth. Early in the study it became apparent that the conventional method of determining the numbers of CFU that was used previously for assessment of viable cryptococci at the end of the growth inhibition assay was not reliable for these studies, owing to minor clumping of the organisms in the presence of anticryptococcal antibody. Therefore, the BACTEC radiometric system was evaluated and determined to be a reliable replacement for the CFU count method. Using the BACTEC methodology, we showed that the anticryptococcal antibody significantly augmented the in vitro ability of NK cells to inhibit the growth of C. neoformans compared with normal rabbit serum or tissue culture medium. Furthermore, the antibody alone did not have an adverse effect on the organism, confirming that reduced growth indices obtained from test wells containing antibody, NK cells, and cryptococci were due to the effects of the NK cells. Maximum anticryptococcal activity of the NK cells was observed in the presence of 16 micrograms of IgG per ml; however, significant augmentation of anticryptococcal activity was seen with antibody concentrations as low as 3 micrograms/ml. Using different populations of murine splenic cells which had varying degrees of NK cell activity, we were able to show that NK cell activities, as determined by 51Cr release from YAC-1 targets, directly correlated with antibody-dependent, cell-mediated growth inhibition against cryptococci, suggesting that NK cells were effector cells in the antibody-dependent assays. Furthermore, in every case, the antibody-dependent activity of NK cells against C. neoformans was higher than the spontaneous activity of NK cells against the organism, emphasizing that NK cell activity against cryptococci can be augmented by specific antibody. When NK cell numbers were enriched by Percoll fractionation of nylon wool nonadherent splenic cells, antibody-dependent and spontaneous growth inhibitory activities of the effector cells were concomitantly augmented, confirming that NK cells were the effector cells in antibody-dependent growth inhibition of cryptococci.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Radiolabeled protein A from Staphylococcus aureus (SpA) injected i.v. into mice and rabbits forms a soluble [(IgG)2-(SpA)1]2 complex (Mr = 684 000) which is identical in composition to that formed by SpA in vitro with an equivalent amount or an excess of IgG. A soluble rabbit IgG-SpA complex injected into a mice or rabbits dissociates completely in vivo and a new complex is formed with the IgG of the recipient animal. The half-life of SpA administered to a mouse or a rabbit is therefore the half-life of the IgG-SpA complex formed in vivo. In mice and rabbits the half-life of the complexes formed is 9 and 30 h, respectively, whereas the half-life of rabbit IgG in these animals is 106 and 153 h, respectively. Fragment B of SpA (fSpA) reacts with IgG of mouse and rabbit and forms an (IgG)1-(fSpA)1 complex. Complexes of identical composition are formed if fSpA is injected i.v. into mice and rabbits. The half-life of the complexes in mice and rabbits are much shorter than those of the corresponding free IgG in these animals (up to 15 times). This result suggests that the binding of fSpA to the CH2 and the CH3 domains of IgG alters the function of the site, which controls the catabolism of IgG and is located in the CH2 domain. By contrast, fSpA does not change the Fc receptor-binding site of IgG, indicating that the Fc receptor site and the catabolic site are unrelated to each other.  相似文献   

A complex of rabbit IgG antibody with horseradish peroxidase covalently linked to Sepharose 4B was used as an insoluble immune complex for studying the binding of complement factor C1q protein A from Staphylococcus aureus, and its IgG-binding fragments AB and B, to rabbit IgG. It was shown that protein A (mol. wt approx. 42,000) and fragments AB and B (mol. wts approx. 14,000 and 7000, respectively) inhibited the binding of C1q to insoluble immune complex at 4 degrees C. However, at 37 degrees C fragment B did not inhibit this binding. On the other hand, C1q, when bound to an insoluble immune complex, almost completely blocked the binding of protein A and fragment B at both temps. The higher affinity of C1q for its CH2-binding site than of fragment B for its CH2-binding site may explain the displacement of the latter from the CH2 domain. The mutual inhibition of the binding of C1q and protein A (and its smaller fragments) indicates that the binding sites for C1q and protein A are closely located in the CH2 domain.  相似文献   

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