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排球运动是一项对运动员腿部肌肉力量要求很高的运动,需要运动员瞬间的身体位置调整和频繁的爆发性用力起跳,很容易导致膝关节损伤。本文对天津女子排球运动员膝关节损伤进行调查,研究了排球运动员膝关节创伤的特点,分析了创伤原因;讨论了膝关节损伤的具体部位及常见损伤部位,提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

篮球运动员膝关节软骨化的治疗措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膝关节软骨化是篮球运动员常患的职业病,严重困扰着篮球运动员的正常生活和训练.通过体育康复训练法,按摩与中医中药治疗,髌骨滑移法和研磨法体位等,可以使软骨化的病况减轻和痊愈.预防与治疗有机结合可以做到有备无患.  相似文献   

王林 《现代预防医学》2015,(14):2527-2528
摘要:目的 探讨体育院校篮球专项大学生造成膝关节损伤的原因及预防措施。方法 首先采用问卷调查法对某校在校的548名篮球专项大学生进行调查,然后对本校篮球专项大学生膝关节损伤的原因归类总结,再参考相关文献后,对膝关节损伤的原因进行分析及提出有效预防措施。结果 篮球运动中导致膝关节损伤的内因归咎于膝关节解剖结构的特殊性,外因则与运动员本身的技术水平高低、保护意识的强弱、教学与课下运动量的多少、医务监督的力度等原因有关系。调查显示影响膝关节损伤前五名的因素是热身准备活动不充分占89.6%,不合理的技术动作占84.5%,自我保护意识差占82.8%,运动中超负荷占78.9%,场地因素占75.2%。结论 通过对篮球运动中膝关节损伤的原因分析,并加强膝关节损伤的防治和进行相关知识的普及,更有利于在校篮球专项大学生的教学合理安排,最终达到延长学生篮球运动生涯的效果。  相似文献   

伍淑凤  王林 《中国校医》2014,(6):432-434
目的了解体育学院篮球专项大学生膝关节损伤的发生情况及原因,并给予相关建议,以求能有效对膝关节损伤进行预防,保护篮球运动员的身体安全及延长其运动生涯。方法通过对我校大一至大三548名在校篮球专项大学生进行调查,运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法等方法进行研究,了解本校体育学院篮球专项大学生在篮球活动中膝关节损伤的情况,并针对其损伤的现状进行分析。结果篮球专项大学生在篮球运动中造成膝关节损伤的主要是因为自身保护意识不强、技术动作失误、运动前准备活动不足、运动负荷量、场地影响等原因导致。结论在校篮球专项大学生需通过加强技术动作练习,提高运动中的自我保护意识,妥善安排运动量,并完善运动场地的相关设施等方法,才能有效的减少膝关节损伤的发生率。  相似文献   

正任何一个军事训练科目都需要双下肢的协调运动,无形之中增加了下肢训练伤的损伤概率,特别是膝关节的损伤。预防和减少膝关节的损伤,不仅可以更好地避免对官兵身体和心理健康的直接影响,也能有效提高官兵训练效果,促进部队整体战斗力的生成,避免非战斗性减员。1流行病学调查现状相关研究表明军事训练致膝关节损伤在基层部队普遍存在,徐洪波等~([1])的调查发现,2013~2015年的发病率分别为6.6%、7.0%、7.5%,其中骨关节损伤6.8%、韧带损伤  相似文献   

滕腾 《中国校医》2012,26(4):307-308
目的对高校体育课篮球训练中出现膝关节损伤的原因进行分析。方法采取文献资料法和病理分析法,针对膝关节的损伤机理进行分析研究。结果篮球训练课中准备活动不足和技术动作不合理等是导致学生膝关节损伤的主要原因。运动损伤所造成的影响是严重的,轻则造成行动不便,重则可能引起残疾。在大学生篮球课训练中膝关节损伤原因的基础上,重点提出了大学生膝关节损伤的预防措施。结论在篮球的教学和训练中,教师和学生对膝关节的损伤应引起足够的重视,最大限度地减少或避免膝关节损伤,保证大学生正常的学习生活和篮球训练。  相似文献   

目的了解普通高校篮球运动员的膳食状况。方法采用定量食物频率法,于2012年对河北省不同地域4所普通高校的全部137名篮球运动员进行膳食调查。结果谷类、薯类和蛋类的摄入量都达到了中国居民膳食宝塔推荐标准;蔬菜水果类和奶类摄入量低于推荐摄入量的50%;鱼虾类摄入量低于推荐摄入量的20%,摄入频率每周不到1次;能量摄入来源比例不合理。维生素B1摄取严重不足;蛋白质质量较好。以中国运动员食物推荐摄入量为参考,各类食物远低于推荐标准。结论调查对象膳食结构基本符合中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的构成,食物种类合理,但是食物量偏低,饮食行为不合理,应加强营养教育,促进学生膳食均衡。  相似文献   

目的了解羽毛球运动员的损伤特征,分析羽毛球运动项目技战术特点对损伤形成的相关因素以及对运动功能的影响,提出相应的预防对策。方法对2012-12参加全国羽毛球团体锦标赛的参赛运动员387名采用填写《运动损伤调查表》和访谈、观察的方式,调查1年内训练比赛中发生的损伤情况及其原因。结果羽毛球运动的动作突然性和大负荷量造成运动员损伤率高达82.17%(318/387),男女运动员损伤差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.089,P〉0.05)。损伤部位以踝(20.52%)、膝(18.84%)、腰(16.79%)、肩(8.96%)、足(8.40%)腕(7.84%)为主,并与项目技术特点伴随的不同部位多种较强损伤因素相关,损伤类型多达18种,以关节囊及韧带损伤(20.34%)、肌肉拉伤(15.11%)和末端病(11.01%)排位前3。结论重视损伤特征及其影响因素,平时训练与比赛应战相结合针对性加强保护意识和相关措施,有利于促进运动员损伤率降低。  相似文献   

邓永明 《现代预防医学》2008,35(13):2469-2471
[目的]了解山东省武术套路运动员膝关节损伤情况,旨在引起在武术教学、训练、比赛时减步膝关节损伤及其预防的重视.[方法]采用文献资料法、调查访问法、专家访谈等方法,以山东省高校武术套路运动员为研究对象,从运动解剖学、运动生物力学方面的知识分析膝关节的受伤原因,提出预防措施,从而为武术教学、训练、比赛提供理论指导.[结果]在被调查的各类损伤中,膝关节损伤是常见而严重的,高于其它损伤部位.[结论]武术套路运动员膝关节损伤的部位主要是髌骨劳损、半月板损伤和侧副韧带损伤.技术动作错误、准备活动不充分、局部负荷过重等是损伤的主要原因.  相似文献   

南宁市业余羽毛球运动人群慢性损伤原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄昀  李杰  宁小眷  许健 《中国公共卫生》2009,25(11):1385-1386
目的 了解广西南宁市参加业余羽毛球运动人群慢性损伤发生的情况和特点,分析身体素质与慢性损伤发生的关系及规律,探讨在业余羽毛球运动中防治慢性损伤的措施和方法.方法 自制调查问卷,对南宁市217名业余羽毛球爱好者进行慢性损伤相关问卷调查.参照<2005国民体质监测工作手册>要求,用国民体质监测专用仪器,对全部调查对象的握力、背力、闭眼单腿站立,选择反应时,纵跳摸高,坐位体前屈等身体素质指标进行测试.采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析.结果 南宁市业余羽毛球运动中慢性损伤发生率较高,为28.6%;慢性损伤发生的原因居前4位分别为运动强度过大(64.5%)、准备活动不充分(59.7%)、技术动作不佳(24.2%)和身体素质不佳(24.5%);损伤部位以腰背(45.2%)、膝(30.6%)、足踝(29.0%)最为多见,肩部、肘、手腕部也是损伤好发部位,发生率分别为20.9%,12.9%和12.9%.结论 业余羽毛球运动中慢性损伤的发生较常见,进行身体锻炼过程中缺乏科学、具体的指导,是业余羽毛球爱好者发生慢性损伤的主要原因;身体素质不佳,达不到技术动作要求是发生慢性损伤原因之一.  相似文献   

Promotion of mouthguards among amateur football players in Victoria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Wearing mouthguards while playing contact sports reduces the prevalence and severity of orofacial injuries. We report on a 1991–92 promotion of mouthguard use among amateur football players in Melbourne. Four questionnaires were completed by players (1991 season: middle: n =638, 49 per cent response; late: n =770, 51 per cent; 1992: early: n =505, 26 per cent; late: n =698, 54 per cent), in four age groups (16–19, 20–23, 24–29, 30–44 years), about perceived mouthguard value and usage, injury experience, and awareness of a promotional message. Over the two seasons, mouthguard ownership and consistent wear increased and dental injuries decreased. Ownership of mouthguards increased among: 20–23 year olds and 30–44 year olds (13 and 16 per cent); managers, tradespersons, salespersons, labourers and the unemployed (14–19 per cent); residents of northern and western regions (12 and 13 per cent); those with 6 to 10 years of education (29 per cent); players in old boys' networks (13 per cent); and those with English as a first language (8 per cent). Consistent wear was high at matches (89 per cent) but low at training (13 per cent), owing to perceived lack of physical contact. Of dental injuries reported by 25–31 per cent, fractures predominated over luxations and avulsions. Fractures and avulsions were more common at matches than training; luxations predominated at training. When a mouthguard was not worn, the likelihood of a fractured or avulsed tooth was at least twice that when a mouthguard was worn. Some injuries occurred despite the wearing of mouthguards. The promotional message appeared effective in increasing mouthguard use; newspapers and football journals provided effective message locations for players, and ground signs and the electronic scoreboard for spectators.  相似文献   

A review of sharps injuries and preventative strategies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Exposure to bloodborne pathogens from sharps injuries continues to pose a significant risk to healthcare workers (HCW). The number of sharps injuries sustained by HCW is still unclear, primarily due to under-reporting. In this review a mean rate of 4.0% (range 1.0-6.2%) sharps injuries per 10000 HCW was calculated from eight studies involving more than 7000 HCW. Nurses and doctors were most at risk of sharps injuries, frequently from hollow-bore needles. Approaches to reduce this risk have included education and training on the safe handling and disposal of sharp devices, awareness campaigns and legislative action. More recently, preventative strategies have focused on needle protective devices, which may reduce the rate of sharps injuries. Introducing needle protective devices should be considered particularly in high-risk areas, after training, education, evaluation and cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

Prevalence of iron depletion and anemia in top-level basketball players   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Iron depletion, with or without anemia, may have a negative effect on physical and mental performance. Even with current recognition of the problem, its incidence among athletes remains high. Most studies describe iron status in endurance athletes. This study examined the prevalence of iron depletion and anemia among male and female top-level basketball players. Adolescents and adults (N = 103) from 8 national basketball teams were screened for anemia and iron stores status, which included a complete blood count and levels of plasma ferritin, transferrin, and serum iron. Iron depletion, defined by a ferritin level below 20 microg/L, was found among 22% of study participants (15% in males vs. 35% in females, p = .019). Anemia was found among 25% of athletes (18% in males vs. 38% in females, p = .028). Iron deficiency anemia, defined by the presence of anemia, ferritin levels below 12 microg/L, and transferrin saturation below 16%, was found among 7% of players (3% in males vs. 14% in females, p = .043). In summary, a high prevalence of iron depletion, anemia, and iron deficiency anemia was found among basketball players of both genders. We recommend screening ballgame players for blood count and iron store status, and providing nutritional counseling and iron supplementation when necessary.  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is increasing rapidly. This is alarming because obesity is associated with severe chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity at young age is related to obesity at adult age. Consequently, the prevention of overweight from childhood onwards is an important issue. Apart from diabetes mellitus type 2 there is an increased risk of orthopaedic complications, respiratory problems, fertility problems, cardiovascular diseases and psychosocial consequences in the form of a negative self-image, emotional and behavioural problems and depression. Environmental and behavioural factors are regarded as the most important causes of the rapid increase in the prevalence of overweight and as the most important starting points for prevention. Most prevention programmes are still in the initial stages. Prevention programmes aimed at stimulating breast feeding and daily physical activity (playing outside) and the restriction of sweetened drinks and watching TV are very promising. With such preventive measures the involvement of both the school and the parents is important.  相似文献   

Increasing mouthguards usage among junior rugby and basketball players   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a Western Australian mouthguard promotion campaign, launched at the start of the 1997/98 junior rugby union and junior basketball seasons, aimed at increasing mouthguard usage at competition and training. METHOD: A quasi-experimental field design was used to assess the impact of the mouthguard campaign on behavioural change. Observational data were collected pre- and post-campaign on mouthguard usage by players present at a rugby and basketball competition event and at a training session. Junior Australian Rules Football players were used as a control group. RESULTS: Pre-post observational surveys showed a significantly greater increase in mouthguard usage in competition games among rugby union (77% to 84%) and basketball players (23% to 43%) compared with the control group (72% to 73%). All codes showed a post-campaign increase in mouthguard usage at training, but the intervention codes' increases were greater than the control's increase (rugby union: 29% to 40%; basketball: 11% to 36%; football: 34% to 40%). CONCLUSIONS: The campaign had a significant and substantial effect on behaviour and provides evidence of the benefits of leveraging a sponsorship to modify the behaviour of the target group. IMPLICATIONS: This campaign provides a model for promoting mouthguard usage in other sports among junior players.  相似文献   

目的:探讨乡镇医院对产后出血的防治措施.方法:回顾性分析62例产后出血的发病病因和处理过程.结果:62例产后出血的患者,其中宫缩乏力54例,胎盘因素3例,软产道裂伤5例,经对症处理全部好转康复.结论:产后出血的防治要做到从导致出血的原因上加以预防,以降低发生率,同时加强产后出血的监测,做到早发现早处理,减少危重症及死亡的发生.  相似文献   

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