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Three probands with autistic disorder and isodicentric chromosome 15   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have identified three unrelated probands with autistic disorder (AD) and isodicentric chromosomes that encompass the proximal region of 15q11.2. All three probands met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition [DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994], and International Classification of Diseases ( ICD-10) diagnostic criteria for AD, confirmed with the Autism Diagnostic Interview -Revised (ADI-R). Chromosome analysis revealed the following karyotypes: 47,XX,+idic(15)(q11.2), 47,XX, +idic(15) (q11.2), and 47,XY,+idic(15)(q11.2). Haplotype analysis of genotypic maker data in the probands and their parents showed that marker chromosomes in all three instances were of maternal origin. Comparison of the clinical findings of the three AD probands with case reports in the published literature (N = 20) reveals a clustering of physical and developmental features. Specifically, these three probands and the majority of reported probands in the literature exhibited hypotonia (n = 13), seizures (n = 13), and delayed gross motor development (n = 13). In addition, clustering of the following clinical signs was seen with respect to exhibited speech delay (n = 13), lack of social reciprocity (n = 11), and stereotyped behaviors (n = 12). Collectively, these data provide further evidence for the involvement of chromosome 15 in AD as well as present preliminary data suggesting a clustering of clinical features in AD probands with proximal 15q anomalies.  相似文献   

Several kindreds of Volga German (VG) ancestry have a single PS2 mutation that causes an autosomal dominant form of Alzheimer's disease (AD). These families show a wide range in age-at-onset, which suggests the existence of modifying factors other than the PS2 mutation. To examine evidence for a genetic basis of variation in onset age, we performed a Bayesian oligogenic segregation and linkage analysis on nine VG families confirmed to have at least one affected PS2 carrier. This analysis simultaneously estimated the effects of APOE and PS2 and the number and effects of additional loci affecting AD age-at-onset. In addition, a family effect accounted for shared environmental effects. This analysis approach has the advantage of full use of the complete pedigree structure, as well as use of information on unsampled individuals with phenotypic data. These analyses provide evidence that APOE plays a small, but significant, role in modifying the age-at-onset in these VG families. The effects estimated for the APOE epsilon3 and epsilon4 genotypes were consistent with those estimated in previous analysis of late-onset AD families, with evidence for a dose-dependent relationship between number of epsilon4 alleles and age-at-onset. We estimated an approximately 83% posterior probability of at least one modifier locus in addition to APOE, and that the fraction of the variance in age-at-onset attributable to PS2, APOE, other loci, and family effects is approximately 70, approximately 2, approximately 6.5, and approximately 8.5%, respectively. These results provide evidence that APOE and other loci modify onset in AD caused by PS2 mutation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with an estimated genetic origin of 90%. Previous studies have reported an increase in brain volume of approximately 5% in autistic subjects, especially in children. If this increase in brain volume is genetically determined, biological parents of autistic probands might be expected to show brain enlargement, or at least intracranial enlargement, as well. Identifying structural brain abnormalities under genetic control is of particular importance as these could represent endophenotypes of autism. METHOD: Using quantitative anatomic brain magnetic resonance imaging, volumes of intracranial, total brain, frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobe, cerebral and cortical gray and white matter, cerebellum, lateral ventricle, and third ventricle were measured in biological, non-affected parents of autistic probands (19 couples) and in healthy, closely matched control subjects (20 couples). RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the parents of the autistic probands and healthy control couples in any of the brain volumes. Adding gender as a factor in a second analysis did not reveal a significant interaction effect of gender by group. CONCLUSIONS: The present sample of biological, non-affected parents of autistic probands did not show brain enlargements. As the intracranium is not enlarged, it is unlikely that the brain volumes of the parents of autistic probands have originally been enlarged and have been normalized. Thus, increased brain volume in autism might be caused by the interaction of paternal and maternal genes, possibly with an additional effect of environmental factors, or increased brain volumes might reflect phenotypes of autism.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify chromosomal regions likely to contain susceptibility alleles for early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). A genome scan was done in 56 individuals from seven families ascertained through pediatric OCD probands; 27 of the 56 subjects had a lifetime diagnosis of definite OCD. Denser mapping of regions on chromosomes 2, 9, and 16 was subsequently done with those subjects and ten additional subjects from the largest family in the study. Direct interviews were completed with 65 of the 66 genotyped individuals. Relatives were interviewed blind to proband status. Of the 65 interviewed individuals, 32 had a lifetime diagnosis of definite OCD. Three of the seven probands had a history of Tourette disorder. Two of the 25 relatives with OCD had a tic history, whereas none of the 33 relatives without OCD had tics. The genome scan consisted of 349 microsatellite markers with an average between-marker distance of 11.3 centiMorgan (cM). Fine mapping was done with 24 additional markers at an average spacing of 1.6 cM. Parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses were conducted using GENEHUNTER(+). The maximum multipoint LOD score with a dominant model was 2.25 on 9p. However, with fine mapping and additional subjects, that LOD score decreased to 1.97. The maximum multipoint nonparametric LOD* score was 1.73 on 19q. The maximum multipoint LOD score with a recessive model was 1.40 on 6p. The results provide suggestive evidence for linkage on 9p and identify regions requiring further study with much larger samples.  相似文献   

Nager acrofacial dysostosis: male-to-male transmission in 2 families   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe 2 unrelated families with male-to-male transmission of Nager syndrome. All 5 affected individuals have moderate expression of the phenotype. One affected boy also has Hirschsprung disease. Although Nager acrofacial dysostosis usually occurs sporadically, both recessive and dominant inheritance have been suggested on the basis of reported familial cases. The 2 families described here with father-to-son transmission strongly support the hypothesis that some cases of Nager acrofacial dysostosis occur in individuals who are heterozygous for dominantly expressed, autosomal mutations.  相似文献   

163 subjects from families whose probands developed myocardial infarction under the age of 50 were examined for plasma levels of total cholesterol, HDLP cholesterol, triglycerides, T3, T4, immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and cortisol. Four family groups were selected: probands (58), wives (41), sons (33), daughters (31). Lipid composition was investigated by standard techniques on Technicon AAP, a hormonal spectrum--by RIA using Soviet kits. It was established that alpha-cholesterolemia in the families was a common finding. Probands and their families combine reduced plasma T3 levels with high incidence of atherogenic dyslipoproteinemia (ADLPE). Probands and their sons had hyperinsulinemia resultant in more frequent AFLPE while in probands' wives and daughters higher IRI levels brought about opposite results.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of commingling and genetic segregation analyses performed on a quantitative reading phenotype in 125 families ascertained through normal, nondisabled readers. Commingling analysis using SKUMIX suggested that the reading phenotype best fit a skewed, single distribution model. Complex segregation using POINTER was then performed on the power adjusted data. While there were some analytical ambiguities and complexities, the segregation analysis indicated that there was familial transmission of the phenotype and that a significant percentage of the variance in this phenotype could be attributed to a major gene with dominance. Because the estimated frequency of the putative dominant allele is 35, 57% of the population would carry at least one copy of this allele. This common allele, with low penetrance, accounted for 54% of the phenotypic variance in reading scores. These findings are considered in the context of our earlier report of major gene influence on a qualitative dyslexic phenotype in a sample of 133 dyslexic proband families that were originally matched to the present sample of control families (Penningtonet al., 1991). The applicability of a classic single gene, multifactorial-polygenic, and oligogenic or QTL models for reading ability/disability is discussed.  相似文献   

Periconceptional vitamin supplementation with folate prevents about three-quarters of expected cases of neural tube defects (NTDs) in clinical trials. However, vitamin action may be regulated at the level of the gene, and individual susceptibility to environmental agents, including dietary components, also may be under genetic control. We investigated the presence of familial factors in a retrospective case control study of neural tube defects in Genoa, Italy. Cases included all patients treated at a single pediatric neurosurgical service. Controls matched on age and sex came from the same hospital. We found strong evidence for the contribution of genetic factors in this study. There was an excess risk of 14 for the occurrence of NTDs in first-degree relatives compared to controls (P < .0005). There was no difference in sex ratio in any group of relatives, but maternal grandparents of children with a high spinal lesion had 14% fewer offspring than paternal grandparents (P < .005), possibly because of excess miscarriages. Our study is the first to show complex patterns of inheritance in spina bifida families affecting three generations in one clinical subgroup and preferentially on the mother's side. These results support a role for genomic imprinting and highlight the value of multidisciplinary epidemiologic and clinical studies that include multiple generations. New studies incorporating dietary and genetic approaches will help clarify and extend these findings. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Idiopathic congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a very rare syndrome with major respiratory complications. Hypothesizing that CCHS is the most severe manifestation of general autonomic nervous system dysfunction (ANSD), we applied a case-control family study design to investigate the genetics of ANSD. Fifty-two probands with CCHS were identified, as well as 52 age-, race-, and gender-matched controls. ANSD phenotypic features were characterized in the cases, controls, and their family members. Our earlier studies found that most ANSD symptoms were more likely in CCHS cases and their relatives than in controls and their relatives (P < 0.05). The goal of the current study was to determine if the familiality of ANSD was consistent with a genetic pattern. We performed major locus segregation analysis of ANSD utilizing regressive models. CCHS probands were assumed to be affected; controls and relatives were designated as affected if they had two or more relevant symptoms. The hypothesis of "no transmission and no familial effects" was rejected in both case and control families. Case families were consistent with transmission of a major effect; control families were not (the difference in the pattern of results was significant, P < 0.0001). In the total data set, the best-fitting model was codominant Mendelian inheritance of a major gene for ANSD. These case-control family studies support our hypothesis that CCHS is the most severe manifestation of a general ANSD, with a family pattern consistent with Mendelian transmission, and demonstrate the potential utility of the approach to studies of other, similarly intractable disorders.  相似文献   

Insulin release and sensitivity were estimated from glucose and insulin curves obtained at a glucose infusion test performed on altogether 601 subjects belonging to 155 nuclear families. Ascertainment was through one of the parents, and 96 of the probands had diabetes with clinical onset after the age of 30 years, while 59 were healthy subjects. Three variables obtained by a computer model were analysed, i.e. the glucose regulation of insulin release by a direct stimulatory event (KI) and time-dependent modulatory events (KP) as well as insulin sensitivity (KG). Complex segregation analysis revealed that the variables are genetically regulated, but there was no evidence for a major locus. The children of the diabetics did not differ from those of the non-diabetics as far as insulin release is concerned.  相似文献   

Probands affected with eating disorders (ED) present a higher number of relatives affected with obsessive-compulsive disorders/tic disorders than a comparison population. Therefore, we hypothesized that ED and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) might share the same biological liability, and that a single major gene might account for that liability. We tested this hypothesis by applying a complex segregation analysis to 141 families of probands affected with ED (89 with anorexia nervosa, restricting and binge-eating types, 52 with bulimia nervosa). Given the hypothesized relationship between OCD and genetic spectrum disorders, we considered these diagnoses as affected phenotype in relatives. In Italian ED families, ED and OCD followed a Mendelian dominant model of transmission. When probands were divided according to co-diagnosis of OCD, best fit in the subgroup of families of 114 probands without OCD co-diagnosis was for a Mendelian dominant model of transmission whereas a Mendelian additive model of transmission represented best fit in the subgroup of families of 27 probands with an OCD co-diagnosis. Genetic transmission was not shown in those families where the only affected phenotype was ED. The existence of a Mendelian mode of genetic transmission within ED families supports the hypothesis that a common genetic liability could account for both ED and OCD.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify chromosomal regions likely to contain susceptibility alleles for early‐onset obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD). A genome scan was done in 56 individuals from seven families ascertained through pediatric OCD probands; 27 of the 56 subjects had a lifetime diagnosis of definite OCD. Denser mapping of regions on chromosomes 2, 9, and 16 was subsequently done with those subjects and ten additional subjects from the largest family in the study. Direct interviews were completed with 65 of the 66 genotyped individuals. Relatives were interviewed blind to proband status. Of the 65 interviewed individuals, 32 had a lifetime diagnosis of definite OCD. Three of the seven probands had a history of Tourette disorder. Two of the 25 relatives with OCD had a tic history, whereas none of the 33 relatives without OCD had tics. The genome scan consisted of 349 microsatellite markers with an average between‐marker distance of 11.3 centiMorgan (cM). Fine mapping was done with 24 additional markers at an average spacing of 1.6 cM. Parametric and nonparametric linkage analyses were conducted using GENEHUNTER+. The maximum multipoint LOD score with a dominant model was 2.25 on 9p. However, with fine mapping and additional subjects, that LOD score decreased to 1.97. The maximum multipoint nonparametric LOD* score was 1.73 on 19q. The maximum multipoint LOD score with a recessive model was 1.40 on 6p. The results provide suggestive evidence for linkage on 9p and identify regions requiring further study with much larger samples. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) appears to be the consequence of the interaction between combinations of genes and environmental factors. Binding with the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is thought to be the main way in which herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) evades immune surveillance. Several TAP gene polymorphisms were examined and a TAP2 SNP (rs241448) associated with AD found in two independent case-control samples, especially in carriers of the APOE4 allele. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that human genetic variants facilitating the access of HSV-1 to the brain might result in susceptibility to AD.  相似文献   

Autistic disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder where genetic factors play an important role. We previously described an association between a subgroup of French autistic patients and an allele of a non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP: OMGP62 G>A or rs11080149) in the gene coding for the oligodendrocyte and myelin glycoprotein (OMG), located at 7Mb from the marker D17S250, linked to autism in two independent genome scan studies. We report a study on 431 families with 1 affected child from different origins: French Canada (n=262), Italy (n=123) and United States (n=46). We analyzed the transmission of the rs11080149 alleles from parents to their affected children. There was a preferential transmission of the G allele from parents to affected children (p=0.0017) in the overall sample. Paternal and maternal transmission rates were both skewed. Taking into account our previous results obtained in a French group of patients, where we observed an association with allele A, a direct role of this polymorphism is improbable in autism. The associations observed in Japanese and French patients, the linkage studies and the present work speak in favor of the existence of a susceptibility gene for autism in the NF1 locus.  相似文献   

The identification of several putative susceptibility loci for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL ± P) has sparked a renewed interest in the genetics of this condition. However, prior to undertaking linkage studies for complex traits such as CL ± P it is desirable to have some understanding of the number and nature of the loci involved in disease susceptibility. The ability to obtain valid estimates of these parameters is contingent on the availability of family data which are unbiased by factors that distort the true familial recurrence pattern. In an effort to obtain such data, 2 centralized data repositories (the Danish Central Person Registry and the Danish Facial Cleft Database), were linked and used to estimate the risks to first, second, and third-degree relatives of 3,073 CL ± P probands born in Denmark from 1952 to 1987. Analyses of these data excluded single locus and additive multilocus inheritance of CL ± P, and provided evidence that CL ± P is most likely determined by the effects of multiple interacting loci. Under a multiplicative model, no single locus can account for more than a threefold increase in the risk to first-degree relatives of CL ± P probands. These data provide further evidence that nonparametric linkage methods (ex. affected relative pair studies) are likely to represent a more realistic approach for identifying CL ± P susceptibility loci, than are traditional pedigree-based methods. However, at least 100 and more realistically several hundred (300–500) affected sib pairs are likely to be required to detect linkage to CL ± P susceptibility loci. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that genetic factors play an important role in the etiology of autistic disorder (AD), no specific genes have as yet been implicated. Genetic epidemiological data, particularly the sharp fall in concordance rates from monozygotic to dizygotic twins, indicate that the mode of transmission of this disorder is complex and may involve several genes. The 7q31 locus has been repeatedly linked to AD, suggesting that this chromosomal region is likely to harbor a susceptibility gene for AD. Recently, variations in the FOXP2 gene were reported to be responsible for a severe speech and language disorder. Because of the chromosomal location of FOXP2 (7q31) and the putative implication of the 7q31 region both in autistic and in language disorders (a feature of AD), it has been hypothesized that FOXP2 may be implicated in the pathophysiology of AD. To test this hypothesis, we screened the FOXP2 gene coding sequence for mutations in subjects diagnosed with AD and in normal controls. We identified four silent polymorphisms that were equally distributed between patients and controls. Using an intra-family association design, we identified no transmission disequilibrium in any of the four identified alleles, suggesting that the FOXP2 gene does not play a significant role in AD.  相似文献   

Galactokinase is an essential enzyme in the metabolism of galactose. Patients with deficiencies in galactokinase exhibit early-onset cataracts. We examined the sequence of the human galactokinase gene (GK1) from 13 patients exhibiting galactokinase deficiency and identified 12 novel mutations. One of the mutations occurred in six of the 13 probands examined, and the remaining 11 were unique mutations. Expression of each of the mutant GK1 genes in Xenopus oocytes resulted in very low galactokinase activity levels. These results provide important information regarding the types of GK1 mutations that occur in the human population.  相似文献   

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