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Background   For several decades, researchers and clinicians have been aware of an increased prevalence of psychiatric disorder in children with intellectual disability. However, there are few research studies exploring this issue.
Methods   The parents of 123 children attending schools for children with 'severe learning difficulties' completed the Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC) in order to identify those children with clinically significant behavioural and emotional problems. Comparisons were made with norms for the DBC and a range of child variables were investigated as possible correlates of disorder.
Results   Some 50.4% of the children scored above the cut-off on the DBC for psychiatric disorder. The child's severity of physical disability was related most strongly to parental ratings of behavioural and emotional problems. There were also effects for the child's age and the absence of Down's syndrome.
Conclusions   The present study confirms previous research findings of a high prevalence of behavioural and emotional difficulties amongst children with intellectual disability, and identifies a number of correlates of disorder which require further investigation.  相似文献   

The objective of the reported study was to reassess the factor structure of the Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC) in a large cross-cultural sample representing all levels of intellectual disability. Parent and teacher DBC ratings on a combined sample of 1536 Dutch and Australian children and adolescents (ages 3–22) with mild to profound intellectual disability were used. Principal components analyses produced five subscales: Disruptive/Antisocial, Self-Absorbed, Communication Disturbance, Anxiety, and Social Relating, explaining 43.7% of the total variance. Internal consistencies of these subscales ranged from .66 to .91. The revised factor structure of the DBC appears to be an improved and useful tool for assessing emotional and behavioral problems in children with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the reliability and validity of the revised scales of the Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC) in a Dutch sample of children with intellectual disability (ID). The psychometric properties of the parent and teacher versions of the DBC were assessed in various subsamples derived from a sample of 1057 Dutch children (age range = 6–18 years) with ID or borderline intellectual functioning. Good test–retest reliability was shown both for the parent and teacher versions. Moderate inter‐parent agreement and high one‐year stability was found for the scale scores. Construct validity was satisfactory, although limited by high informant variance. The DBC scales showed good criterion‐related validity, as indicated by significant mean differences between referred and non‐referred children, and between children with and without a corresponding DSM‐IV diagnosis. The reliability and validity of the revised DBC scales are satisfactory, and the checklist is recommended for clinical and research purposes.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an epidemiologically derived population in a multicentre study in NSW, Australia. The design of this study is described in the accompanying paper. Those with mild intellectual disability (ID) were likely to have been underascertained, but identification and participation rates for those with more severe ID were high. The study found that in the regions surveyed 40.7% of those with ID and aged between 4 and 18 could be classified as having severe emotional and behaviour disorder or as being psychiatrically disordered. The profoundly intellectually handicapped had lower levels of disturbance overall compared with those with mild, moderate and severe ID. The level of ID affected scores on a number of behavioural dimensions, with disruptive and antisocial behaviours more prominent in the mild ID group, and ‘self–absorbed’ and ‘autistic’ behaviours more prominent in those with severe ID. Age and sex did not affect prevalence, a finding that is in contrast to that found in general child psychopathology. The study found that fewer than 10% of children with intellectual disability and major psychiatric disorder had received specialist assistance.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the epidemiology of psychopathology in children and adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) is hampered by a number of factors. These include the relative scarcity of studies of children rather than adults, the study of non-epidemiological samples such as those in institutions or those attending psychiatric clinics, a lack of standardized methods of assessment of psychopathology, studies with numbers too small to provide adequate confidence intervals around identified prevalence rates, insufficient detail concerning symptoms or syndromes as well as disorder, and a lack of consistent data concerning the effects of basic demographic variables such as age, sex and IQ. Despite these limitations, it is clear that psychopathology is several times more prevalent in children and adolescents with ID than in those without this disability. This paper reviews findings from previous studies and describes the methodology of a new study using the Developmental Behaviour Checklist.  相似文献   

 The Child Behavior Check List (CBCL) was used to compare a sample of 103 Danish children of alcoholics (CoA) to a Danish population-based sample (N = 780). The CoA had a significantly greater incidence of symptoms on 17 of the 118 CBCL items. Compared to the reference population, daughters of alcoholics were more impaired than sons of alcoholics on most CBCL measures. In families with maternal alcoholism daughters had higher internalising and depression scores than sons, and in families with paternal alcoholism, sons had higher internalising and depression scores than daughters. The CoA also had a significantly greater risk of scoring above the 95th percentile on internalising behaviour, depression symptoms and socially deviant behaviour. On all CBCL dimensions, almost half of the CoA samples functioned as well as the average of the reference population. The results from this study suggest that CoA should be regarded as a risk group but with very heterogeneous consequences in response to parental alcoholism. Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

Competence, emotional and behavioural problems were examined in 256 school-children, aged 13–17 years, in Novosibirsk, Russia, using the Youth Self-Report (YSR), the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Teacher's Report Form (TRF). The internal consistency of syndrome scales for all three instruments was generally adequate. Interrater agreements for the problem scales were higher for girls than for boys in all combinations of informants. These findings are discussed in terms of gender role development. Gender effects on the scales' scores were more numerous and stronger than age. No SES differences were found. Russian children reported more problems than children of other nationalities did. Compared with American children, Russians were lower on competencies and higher on Somatic complaints and self-reported behavioural problems. On competence scales, Russian children in an unselected sample scored themselves lower than American children in a clinical sample. It is supposed that low self-esteem may be the first effect of the unfavourable development in Russian adolescents. Accepted: 7 May 1999  相似文献   

Speech and language impaired children are at special risk for developing psychiatric disorders. Attention deficit, aggressive behaviour as well as overanxiety and excessive shyness have been reported in speech and language impaired children. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) could be used as a screening instrument in language impaired children. In a sample of 83 language impaired children, emotional and behavioural problems were evaluated using the CBCL. Independent of this assessment, DSM-IV diagnoses were established for all children. Sixty-six of the 83 children had a psychiatric diagnosis. The use of the Total Behavior Problem score (TBP) as a global measure of behavioural disturbance showed that children with a psychiatric diagnosis had significantly higher scores on the TBP score than children without a psychiatric diagnosis. The specificity of the TBP was 88.2%, the sensitivity 75.8%, and the false classification rate 21.6%. The most frequently reported behavioural disturbances were problems on scale VI (“Attention Problems”-39 children) and on scale I (“Withdrawn”-32 children). A small group of children with a receptive language disorder and pronounced compulsive behavioural problems had elevated scores on scale V (“Thought Problems”). Accepted: 10 August 1998  相似文献   

Children suffering from chronic physical illness are considered to be at increased risk for behavioural problems. There is also evidence that their siblings are at risk for behavioural problems. This study investigated parent-reported behavioural problems in chronically ill children and their siblings. There were significant positive correlations between the behaviour problem scores of the ill children and the scores of their siblings. Siblings older than the ill child had significantly higher behaviour problem scores of an internalizing nature than did the younger siblings. Sibling behaviour problem scores were similar to those of a comparison group of normal children and significantly different from those of a comparison group of psychiatrically referred children. Siblings of chronically ill children showed no greater likelihood of receiving scores in the clinical range of behaviour problems than children in the general population. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Background   Little is known about behavioural flexibility in children and adults with Angelman syndrome and whether people with this syndrome have more or less problems in being behaviourally flexible as compared with other people.
Method   Behavioural flexibility scores were assessed in 129 individuals with Angelman syndrome using 11 items from the Behavioural Flexibility Rating Scale-Revised ( Green et al. 2007 ). Level of behavioural flexibility scores in individuals with Angelman syndrome ( N  = 129) was compared with that of people with non-specific intellectual disability (ID) ( N  = 90), Down syndrome ( N  = 398) and Autism spectrum disorder ( N  = 235).
Results   Comparative analyses show that individuals with Angelman syndrome were more flexible than those with non-specific ID ( P  < 0.001) and those with Autism spectrum disorder ( P  < 0.01). There were no differences in behavioural flexibility scores between individuals with Angelman syndrome and those with Down syndrome ( P  = 0.94).
Conclusion   It is concluded that individuals with Angelman syndrome are comparatively flexible in their behaviour.  相似文献   

Although elevated rates of parent psychosocial distress have been associated with child behavior and emotional problems, little is known about the nature of this relationship over time. This study followed an epidemiological cohort of children and adolescents over 11 years with 4 waves of data collection. Within this cohort, complete data were available on 238 mothers and their children. Behavior and emotional problems were assessed using the DBC, maternal mental health with the GHQ. Multivariate growth curve modelling was used to evaluate the commonality of individual change patterns. High levels of mental health problems were reported, which were stable over time. Higher scores on the DBC were associated with higher rates of mental health problems. Increases in child social relating problems were associated with increases mental health symptoms, particularly depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

Background Clinical experience has proven thus far that a monodisciplinary treatment approach to behavioural and psychiatric problems in persons with intellectual disability (ID), such as psychotropic medication or behaviour modification programmes, has yielded limited success. It is clear that the complexity of behavioural and psychiatric problems in this population calls for a treatment approach from different perspectives. Methods A multidimensional treatment approach to the persons with ID who suffer from behaviour problems and psychiatric disorders is described. Results Four dimensions – biological, psychological, social and developmental – are represented as well in an integrative diagnosis as in an integrative treatment, embodied by cooperation of different professionals, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, pedagogues, social worker, nurse and, where possible, the person’s caretakers. The developmental dimension receives a salient attention of assessors. By introducing the developmental dimension in diagnostics and treatment, the bio‐psycho‐social dimensions are set in a new context, more appropriate for persons with ID. Conclusion The integrative treatment should not be primarily directed towards the symptoms of the disorder but towards restoring a person’s mental well‐being. The disorder is combated through treatment of the underlying processes that have led to its onset. Different treatment methods from different perspectives may be applied. Strategy and methodological procedures of an integrative treatment are discussed by way of case presentations.  相似文献   

Children with developmental disabilities are at substantially greater risk of developing emotional and behavioural problems compared to their typically developing peers. While the quality of parenting that children receive has a major effect on their development, empirically supported parenting programs reach relatively few parents. A recent trend in parenting intervention research has been the adoption of a public health approach to improve the quality of parenting at a population level. This has involved delivering parenting interventions on a large scale and in a cost-effective manner. Such trials have been demonstrated to reduce negative parenting practices, prevent child maltreatment, and reduce child behavioural and emotional problems. However, these trials have been restricted to parents of children who are developing typically. This paper explores the rational for the extension of a population health approach to parenting interventions for children with developmental disabilities. It is argued that a population-based implementation and evaluation trial of an empirically supported system of interventions is needed to determine whether this approach is viable and can have a positive impact on parents and their children in a disability context. The Stepping Stones Triple P—Positive Parenting Program is presented as an example of a parenting intervention that satisfies the requirements for such a trial. Tasks and challenges of such a trial are discussed.  相似文献   

Background Despite an increasing knowledge base concerning the assessment of emotional and behavioural problems in people with intellectual disabilities (ID), relatively little research has examined such problems in offenders with ID. Methods The study assessed 172 male offenders with ID in three service settings (high, medium‐low security and community) using the Behaviour Rating Scale of the Emotional Problem Scales (EPS), with the aim of assessing differences in Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviour Problems. Results Normative information is presented on the Behaviour Rating Scale of the EPS across three levels of forensic ID care. It was found that offenders in higher secure care scored higher on sub‐scales reflecting physical aggression than those in lower secure care. However, there was no difference in terms of other Externalizing Behaviour Problems, such as verbal aggression, non‐compliance or hyperactivity. In addition, those offenders in higher secure care scored significantly higher on all Internalizing Behaviour Problems sub‐scales, including anxiety, depression and low self‐esteem. Conclusions Implications for research and clinical pratice are discussed, including the utility of the EPS as a measure of clinical need and treatment outcome.  相似文献   

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