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Six hundred and twenty seven men, whose wives conceived within 6 month of their semen analysis, were included in this study. Attention was focused on 516 men where conception occurred within 3 months of semen analysis. The quality of the seminal plasma (volume pH, fructose and calcium concentrations) and the spermatozoal characterization (concentration, motility, vitality and morphology) are given in details. It was concluded that spermatozoal motility and morphology are the most crucial factors in determining its fertilizing capacity. Measurement of vitality is important only in hypokinetic specimens. Sperm density is a limiting factor only below 10 million/ml.
A widely scattered range of sperm concentration was found among the fathered men which may indicate that the incidence of pregnancy is a multifactorial statistical probability which increases when the quality of the semen is high.  相似文献   

Between subject and within subject variances and correlations for different semen characteristics have been determined for a population of 315 fertile men who provided one or more ejaculates within an abstinence period of 1 to 5 days. The semen characteristics measured were sperm count, semen volume, pre-freeze motility and post-thaw motility. An approach via a decomposition of the variance or via a decomposition of correlation leads essentially to the same conclusions i.e. the within subject factors are not negligible but are less important than the between subject ones. Thus there is broad evidence for overall differences in the quality of the ejaculate from one subject to the other but not for different ejaculates of the same subject.  相似文献   

The different kinds of abnormalities of spermatozoa and their age related variations are studied in a population of 214 fertile men. Coiled tails (7%), bent tails (5.2%), thin heads (2.6%), microcephalic (2.6%), cytoplasmic droplets (2.5%), irregular heads (2%), macrocephalic (0.9%), duplicated heads (0.7%) and duplicated tails (0.5%) are found in this order. Age is positively correlated with the percentage of microcephalic, macrocephalic and duplicate heads and coiled tails and negatively correlated with the percentage of no tail spermatozoa: these age-related variations are involved in the 90th percentile.  相似文献   

过去25年中国有生育力男性精液参数变化的回顾性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:分析1980~2005年间我国有生育力男性精液参数的变化状况。方法:通过回顾性研究的方式收集相关数据进行分析。结果:收集了25年来自14个省市的共计5834名有生育力男性的精液参数,控制禁欲时间、总睾丸体积等,并去除年龄参数后统计分析显示,随着样本采集年代的不同1996~2000年组精子密度比1980~1995年组呈现显著下降(P<0.0001),而1996~2000年组以后的10年间没有明显变化(P>0.05);精子活动率变化不受样本采集年代的影响(P>0.05),而是随着研究对象年龄的增加而呈现降低;精子总数与精子密度的变化相似,1996~2000年组以前呈现下降(P<0.05),而此后的10年间没有明显变化(P>0.05)。结论:过去25年间中国有生育力男性精液参数中精子密度和精子总数呈现下降,但自1996年后的10年以来没有明显降低;精子活动率不存在与时间相关的变化。  相似文献   

Die Gonadotropinausschüttung nach Clomiphen bei verschiedenen Störungen der Hodenfunktion
Die Gonadotropinausschüttung des hypothalamisch-hypophysären Systems nach Clomiphen-Applikation wurde an 9 Männern mit Normozoospermie und 61 Männern mit Spermatogenesestörungen untersucht. Der Test bestand in der Applikation von 100 mg Clomiphen an 12 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen sowie in der Bestimmung von FSH, LH und Testosteron (T) am 1., 9., 13., 18. und 23. Tag.
Die Größe R, die das Verhältnis der maximalen Gonadotropinwerte zwischen dem 9. und 13. Tag und dem Wert am 1. Tag darstellt, nahm — dem Verlauf einer Hyperbel folgend — ab, während der letztgenannte Wert zunahm. Auf dem vertikalen Ast der Hyperbel waren die Spermatogenesestörungen ohne Abnahme des T-Spiegels verteilt, auf dem horizontalen Ast lagen diejenigen mit T-Abnahme.
Zusammenfassend läßt sich sagen: Sowohl die inkretorische als auch die exkretorische Funktion haben einen Einfluß auf die Regulation der Gonadotropine, obwohl die Spermatogenese eher FSH-spezifisch und die Androgenproduktion eher LH-spezifisch ist. Ein erhöhtes R kann der einzige hormonale Parameter für eine Spermatogenesestörung sein.  相似文献   

The best interpretation of different sperm characteristics of zairian men consulting for infertility results from comparative studies with the sperm characteristics of fecund men. In this study four sperm variables permitted us to distinguish infecund from fecund men: sperm count, total sperm count, morphology and motility at the 24th-26th hour. No differences have been observed about aspect, odor, pH and volume of ejaculate.  相似文献   

Standard-Werte der Fertilität des Mannes I. Samenanalysen von 1500 Männern
Die Samenproben von 1500 Männern, bei denen eine Vasektomie bevorstand, wurden eingehend untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den Berichten anderer Autoren verglichen. Von jedem Mann wurden zwei Ejakulate innerhalb eines Intervalls von 15 Tagen bei einer sexuellen Abstinenz von 3–5 Tagen geprüft. In 13,8% fand sich eine Spermatozoen-dichte unter 20 Mill. Sp./ml und in 21,2% über 100 Mill. Sp./ml. Für Fruktose und Zitronensäure ergab sich jeweils ein höherer Wert bei höherer Spermatozoendichte. Es wird ausdrücklich betont, daß unabhängig von diesen im Kollektiv erhobenen Werten, die im allgemeinen niedrigere Werte als früher postuliert zur Grundlage einer Fertilität beim Manne machen, jeder Einzelfall genau beurteilt werden muß.  相似文献   

The role of leucocytospermia in male subfertility is a much debated topic despite being a frequent finding. This study aimed to identify the role of leucocytes, leucocyte subpopulations and natural killer cells in male subfertility. Seventy-sex subfertile men attending a regional andrology unit were recruited into this prospective study and subdivided into groups based on their semen analysis. The different leucocyte subpopulations were identified using immunocytochemical staining. Significant levels of CD3 helper T lymphocytes (P < 0.001) were present in the oligospermic, asthenospermic, oligoasthenospermic and obstructive azoospermic group compared to the normospermic group. Significant levels of B cells (P < 0.05) were present in the asthenospermic, oligoasthenospermic and obstructive azoospermic group. The natural killer cells (CD56) were significantly raised in the oligoasthenospermic and obstructive azoospermic group (P < 0.05). Our study suggests that leucocytospermia impairs sperm function through enhanced T helper cell modulation, increased B cell population which leads to increased levels of antisperm antibody and natural killer cells mediated sperm damage. The site of seminal leucocyte production is not necessarily confined to the vas or the epididymis.  相似文献   

Dr.  H.-K. RJOSK  Dr.  W.-B. SCHILL 《Andrologia》1979,11(4):297-304
Hyperprolactinemia was found only in two out of 71 patients with male infertility and in none of 53 patients with impotentia coeundi indicating that hyperprolactinemia is of minor significance in these patients. There was only a weak negative correlation between hPRL and testosterone in oligozoospermic men. No correlation was found between hPRL and hLH, hFSH, sperm count and sperm motility. Nevertheless measurement of hPRL should be performed in all cases with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, loss of libido or impotence since these symptoms may be signs of a prolactin-producing pituitary adenoma.  相似文献   

Cigarette Smoking and Semen Quality in Men of Reproductive Age   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of cigarette smoking on conventional semen parameters was studied in voluntary men of reproductive age (n = 190). Special attention was focused on sperm motility and its quantitative and qualitative change in vitro during the observation period. The sperm output war normal in both smokers (n = 54) and non-smokers (n = 110), but semen volume was smaller (p less than 0.03) in heavy smokers (greater than 16 cigarettes/day) than non-smokers. In sperm morphology there was no difference between study groups. The only clear difference between men with different smoking habits was in the percentual change in the sperm motility during 24 hours. At the time of first examination, the sperm motility was better (p less than 0.02) in heavy smokers than those who smoked less than 16 cigarettes per day and the motility decreased more rapidly (p less than 0.007) in heavy smokers than non-smokers. The objectively measured initial mean velocities of the whole sperm population and of the progressive spermatozoa were slightly higher in subgroup of smokers than in non-smokers. The rapid decrease in the survival spermatozoa in smokers may be uneconomical and harmful in respect of fertility.  相似文献   

The testosterone, FSH and LH plasma levels were determined simultaneously in spermatic and cubital veins in 15 patients with post-inflammatory azoospermia. The testosterone levels in spermatic vein was 13,1 +/- 2,9 times higher than in cubital vein. FSH spermatic plasma level was slightly higher than in cubital vein, whereas LH spermatic plasma level did not differ from that found in the cubital vein.  相似文献   

中老年人性激素与骨密度关系初步探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文诵过对332例正常中老年人血清性激素放射免疫分析与单光子骨密度的测定旨在探讨中老年人骨矿物质丢失与血清性激素水平的关系。结果表明男性145人中12人(8.3%)血清睾酮含量低于正常标准.这12人骨密度明显低于正常标准,女性187人中75人(40%)血清雌二醇含量低于正常标准,而这75人中49人骨密度明显低于正常。血清睾酮含量低于正常标准之男性全部显示骨密度明显降低(100%)而女性仅49人(65%)显示骨密度明显降低。故可以认为中老年人骨矿物质丢失量与血清性激素含量呈负相关。  相似文献   

Effect of Cd transferred via food product on spermatogenesis in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work was to assess the effect of organic Cd on the pituitary-testicular axis in rats given diet containing Cd incorporated in radish bulb. A control group was assigned a diet containing ordinary radish for 12 week and second received for the same period a diet containing Cd-contaminated radish at the rate of 20 + 2 μg g−1 of dry weight. At the end of treatments, the rats were anaesthetized, blood samples were collected and epididymides were removed for establishing sperm count. Circulating FSH, LH and testosterone levels were determined by electrochemiluminescence using automate (Elecsys 2110; Rochediagnostics). A decrease in FSH levels was observed in Cd-exposed animals. This seems to be at the origin of the large drop in the number of spermatozoa. Concerning the plasma testosterone levels we observed a significant increase in contaminated animals. Surprisingly, LH does not exhibit any variation, leading to the conclusion that the feedback control between testosterone and LH was disrupted by the use of Cd. In conclusion, our data indicate that the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is the principal target of Cd toxicity.  相似文献   

Semen Quality and Sex Hormone Pattern of 39 Middle Aged Men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thirty-nine men with sexual disturbances in middle-age (52-68 years) were included in this study. Semen samples were obtained by masturbation and were analysed for its composition Serum was prepared and analysed for FSH, LH, prolactin and testosterone. Results were compared with the values obtained in a recent study by the authors on a young fertile group (Homonnai et al. - 1980). Hormonal evaluation revealed a significant increase in FSH, LH, and prolactin concentrations, Testosterone levels were not different in the two groups (old v:s young). Nevertheless, accessory gland functions were depressed, semen volume decreased by 30% and fructose secretion by the seminal vesicle was diminished significantly. The average sperm concentration and morphology were not different than in young group but their quality in terms of motility and vitality was depressed. Sperm production by the tests was decreased by 30% compared to the young control group. Increased serum prolactin levels and elevated estrogen activity may be responsible for the sexual disturbances known in older men.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the last spermiogram of 185 men who cousulted because of infertility and whose wives became pregnant by natural means. The mean lapse of time between the spermiogram and the last menstrual period was 4.5 months.
Volume, sperm count, motility at 2, 4 and 24 h, morphology, fructose, acid phosphatase and semen culture are described. The results are compared with those of other publications.  相似文献   

This prospective study compared the diagnostic and predictive potential of sperm morphology assessments in a fertile vs. a subfertile population, evaluated in three different laboratories. The fertile population included 144 men who had recently fertilized their partners. As subfertile controls, 136 men with a history of subfertility for more than 12␣months were used. All semen samples (280) were evaluated in three different centres in a blind fashion, without any patient information. The evaluation of sperm morphology was performed according to the criteria normally used in the different laboratories: WHO (1992) criteria for laboratory A, and Tygerberg strict criteria for laboratories B and C. Using ROC analysis, the predictive power of sperm morphology turned out to be different in the three laboratories (area under ROC curve: 69% for lab A, 72% for lab B and 78% for lab C). Using percentile 10 of the fertile population as the cut-off value for normality, we obtained the following results: 2, 1 and 5% for laboratories A, B and C, respectively. Using ROC analysis cut-off values with optimal specificity and sensitivity were 6, 1 and 10%, respectively.
Although our data highlight a reasonable predictive power of sperm morphology in centres using different or the same criteria, cut-off values for normality were different, even when the same criteria were applied. These results stress the importance of standardization in sperm morphology evaluation and the need for examining a reference population in estimating the real threshold value in different laboratories.  相似文献   

Serum FSH, LH and testosterone were measured in 57 (42) normal men and in 80 male infertile patients. In the former, mean (x) FSH was found to be 2.5 ng/ml with a range (x +/- 2 SD) from 0.25 ng/ml to 5.3 ng/ml, mean LH was 2.2 ng/ml with a range from 0.5 ng/ml to 5.6 ng/ml, and mean testosterone was 540 ng/100 ml with a range from 190 mg/ml to 890 ng/100 ml. Immunoassayable FSH was found to be elevated in 17 out of 42 presumably infertile males with sperm counts below 20 million/ml, and in 5 out of 12 men with sperm counts above 120 million/ml. There was no correlation between testosterone and sperm number, motility, and seminal fructose content. The concurrence of depressed spermatogenesis and elevated FSH levels seems to be a relatively good indicator for the presence of organic disorders of the testis.  相似文献   

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