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对11例混合牙列期患儿的牙瘤进行外科手术摘除,术中须完整摘除牙瘤,术后送病理检查。通过手术,导萌了恒牙.后经正畸科牵引治疗,恒牙萌出位置正常,疗效满意。  相似文献   

  目的  通过探讨CBCT对牙瘤的诊疗价值来总结牙瘤的影像学特点,从而提高对牙瘤的临床认识。  方法  采用回顾性研究,收集2015年5月至2022年2月昆明市延安医院口腔科经CBCT( KavoiCAT 17-19,德国)诊断为牙瘤的19例门诊患者的影像资料,从牙瘤发生年龄、空间位置、牙位、类型等方面进行分析。  结果  19例牙瘤患者发生年龄为8~23岁,其中男性6例,女性13例。牙瘤的发生区域为上颌10例,下颌9例,前牙区16例,前磨牙区2例,磨牙区1例;发生牙位为上颌中切牙位4例,上颌侧切牙位3例,上颌尖牙位3例;下颌侧切牙位1例,尖牙位2例,第一前磨牙位1例,其余5例均发生在相邻两牙位之间。牙瘤的发生类型为组合型14例,混合型5例(包括囊性牙瘤2例),其中牙瘤发生牙位牙埋伏阻生12例。  结论  牙瘤多发现于青少年,女性患者多见;患者多为出现牙列不齐、牙齿迟萌、发病区域疼痛等临床症状时摄片检查发现,少部分患者常规影像检查时意外发现。牙瘤的发生位置多位于前牙区,其中尖牙位、切牙位居多,并常常伴有尖牙、切牙埋伏阻生;其中组合型牙瘤较多见,囊性牙瘤相对少见。CBCT的广泛应用对于全面了解牙瘤的发病情况、临床表现和鉴别诊断具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

禢坤 《吉林医学》2010,31(10):1336-1337
目的:通过研究我院最近十年牙瘤患者住院病例,拟进一步熟悉牙瘤的临床表现、X线表现、病理特征等方面情况,为牙瘤患者诊断与治疗提供临床依据。方法:收集我院经病理确诊的47例牙瘤病例,对其临床表现、X线影像及病理特征等进行回顾性分析,分类统计并对结果进行分析。结果:病变位于下颌骨33例,上颌骨14例。X线特征是病变区有牙组织类似的强阻射影像,组织学表现为牙体组织结构。结论:牙瘤是一类可形成牙齿硬组织的牙源性非真性肿瘤,临床主要依赖X线诊断。牙瘤有自限性,手术摘除一般效果较好、不会复发,预后良好。  相似文献   

患者女 ,30岁。因左面部肿痛 1周就诊。X线摄片 :左下颌体牙瘤并发感染。经抗炎治疗 5天 ,肿痛消退。检查 左面部轻度肿大 ,下颌体部可扪及一约 3cm×2cm× 1cm大的骨性包块 ,质硬 ,界不清 ,压痛不明显。张口型正常 ,张口度二指半。│─6,7 先天缺失 ,颊沟隆起 ,有明显咬痕。X线 :左下颌体牙瘤 (混合型 ) ,入院诊断左下颌体牙瘤。术后病理报告 :左下颌体复合性牙瘤伴感染。讨论 牙瘤有牙源性上皮与牙源性中胚层完全分化的良性肿瘤 ,临床较少见 ,病因不明 ,有人认为与损伤或感染有关。Hitchin( 1 971 )报告牙瘤的发生由于…  相似文献   

促结缔组织增生性成釉细胞瘤的临床病理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :研究促结缔组织增生性成釉细胞瘤的临床病理特点。方法 :对 13例促结缔组织增生性成釉细胞瘤进行临床病理研究及病例随访。结果 :13例中女多于男 (1.2∶1) ,平均年龄 45岁 ,上下颌之比为 1∶1.2。病变主要位于前牙区和 /或前磨牙 (77% )。X线表现通常为透射影、阻射影混存。镜下以大量增生的纤维结缔组织间质中散在不规则、压缩状上皮岛或条索为特点。结论 :促结缔组织增生性成釉细胞瘤为成釉细胞瘤的一种新的类型 ,具有特征性病理表现及低复发率。  相似文献   

杨文静  唐超 《陕西医学杂志》2010,39(11):1510-1511
目的:通过对牙瘤的临床表现、影像学特征的研究,对牙瘤伴发错颌畸形采取术后正畸治疗,观察其疗效,为牙瘤的诊断和正畸治疗提供临床依据。方法:收集全颌曲面断层片诊断为牙瘤,并经牙瘤摘除术后病理检查确诊的患者共11例,其伴发的错颌畸形均需进行正畸治疗,瘤体直径小于2cm者,术后即刻牵引阻生牙,大于2cm者,术后3个月牵引阻生牙,并观察其疗效。结果:正畸治疗效果良好者8例,占72.73%,一般者2例,占18.18%,失败者1例,占9.09%。结论:牙瘤的诊断主要依靠临床表现、影像学检查和病理检查,瘤体摘除后其伴发错颌的正畸治疗效果满意,为临床研究提供重要依据。  相似文献   

1958年,Pindborg首先对牙源性钙化上皮瘤(Calcifying Epithclial OdontogenicTumor下称CEOT)作了描述和命名。此前,它曾被称为硬性腺样造釉细胞瘤,囊性复合牙瘤,罕见的造釉细胞瘤,钙化造釉细胞瘤和恶性牙瘸等。肿瘤的组织学检查表明  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,2 0岁 ,因左下颌磨牙区咀嚼不适而就诊。查体 :颌下和颈部淋巴结无肿大 ,面部左右对称、无畸形 ,咬合正常 ,牙列不齐 ,  88   88  未萌。    7 区见一 2 .0cm× 1.4cm× 1.3cm大小的黄褐色、不规则、表面呈结节状肿块 (见图 1) ,Ⅱ度松动。口腔全景X线片示 :    7  区呈现 2 0cm× 1 3cm大小致密团块影像改变 ,界限清楚。颌骨内未见异常改变。术中见肿块基底紧贴牙槽骨面 ,呈牙根尖状 ,根尖孔清晰可见。术中出血不多。病理诊断为混合性牙瘤。1冠面 2根面 3舌侧面图 1 外露形混合性牙瘤  讨论 :牙瘤是…  相似文献   

大型混合性牙瘤常造成颌骨发育异常及阻碍恒牙正常萌出,早期诊断十分重要。对2例大型混合性牙瘤的诊断进行了总结。提示在临床专科检查时,病变区域恒牙缺失应引起足够的注意,另外选择最佳的拍摄片位。了解该病的X线特点也很重要。  相似文献   

目的:评估牙瘤摘除术同期行引导骨再生术的临床效果。方法选择颌骨牙瘤患者11例,予以局麻下彻底摘除,并同期植入骨替代材料行引导骨再生术,术后随访并评估术区的愈合情况。结果11例患者的牙瘤完整摘除无复发,随访3和6个月后,术区有稳定的新骨生成。结论牙瘤摘除术同期行引导骨再生术的临床效果良好。  相似文献   

Large complex odontomas of the jaws are rare. A report of a large complex odontoma of the mandibular angle-ramus region enucleated through intra-oral buccal approach is presented. A review of the literature on different modalities of treatment is also undertaken. A large expansile complex odontoma of the angle-ramus region of the mandible was excised through an intraoral buccal approach under general anaesthesia. Recovery and immediate post-operative period were uneventful. There was no altered sensation in the distribution of the inferior alveolar nerve and lingual nerve; and wound healing was satisfactory. Post-operative radiograph 2 years after the operation showed satisfactory bone regeneration. Intraoral buccal approach to large complex odontomas of the angle-ramus region of the mandible is a relatively safe procedure with minimal complication.  相似文献   

Odontomas are odontogenic tumors formed of various dental tissues.They are classified into: central odontomas that are common, eruption odontomas that are rare with only 23 cases reported to date, and peripheral odontomas that are also rare. We present a case of a large complex eruption odontome in a 24-year-old Saudi male.Historically, the term odontoma was first coined by Paul Broca in 1867 who defined it as tumors formed by the overgrowth of transitory of complete dental tissues.1 Odontomas are slow-growing, benign, odontogenic tumors that are usually asymptomatic and often discovered during routine radiography.Histopathologically, odontomas can be divided into 3 groups:2 1) Complex odontoma: where the calcified dental tissues are arranged in an irregular mass bearing no morphologic similarity to rudimentary teeth. 2) Compound odontoma: epidemiologically, is the most common type of odontomas.3 It is composed of all odontogenic tissues in an orderly pattern that results in many teeth-like structures but without morphologic resemblance to normal teeth. Another rare variant of the compound odontomas is the so-called the peripheral compound odontomas, which arises extraosseously, and has a tendency to exfoliate.2 Histologically, they are composed of different dental tissues, including enamel, dentine, cement, and in some cases, pulp tissue.2,3 3) Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma: Is considered an immature precursor of a complex odontome. It consists of varying amounts of calcified dental tissue and dental papilla-like tissue.2Clinically, 3 types of odontomas are recognized in the literature: central (intra osseous) odontoma, peripheral (extra osseous or soft tissue) odontoma, and erupted odontoma. Intraosseous (central) odontomas are located as it name implies inside the bone, and are discovered mainly incidentally, or due to aplasia, or impaction of a permanent or deciduous tooth. Intraosseous (central) odontomas are the odontogenic tumors of greatest incidence.2 Peripheral odontomas are the most rare clinical variant with only 6 cases reported to date2 with all of them microscopically diagnosed as compound odontomas. Lastly, and rarely intra osseous odontomas located coronally to an erupting or impacted tooth or superficially in the bone may facilitate their eruption into the oral cavity. These lesions have been traditionally referred to as erupted odontomas, with only 23 cases being reported to date. In spite of the close similarity between the latest 2 clinical variants of odontomas; the eruptive odontomas still differ from the peripheral type by being more complex odontomas histologically, affecting an older age group at the time of diagnosis, and frequently associated with non-erupted second molars.2 Our objective in presenting this particular case is to report an additional rare case of a very large symptomatic eruption odontome in a Saudi male patient.  相似文献   

目的 探讨运用头颅锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomography,CBCT)成像检查在诊治上颌埋伏阻生牙中的口腔临床应用价值.方法 选取2015年1月至2017年1月在四川省人民医院口腔科进行上颌埋伏阻生牙诊断并最终接受矫治的患者共53例,所有患者均接受传统X线片检查和CBCT成像检查,对两种检查方法的口腔临床价值进行比较分析.结果 CBCT成像检查诊断上颌埋伏阻生牙形态结构特征、萌出方向、牙弓内位置的正确率均明显高于传统X线片检查,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);CBCT成像检查能清晰显示上颌埋伏阻生牙所致并发症,并发现牙列不齐的发生率>邻牙牙根吸收的发生率>邻牙阻生的发生率>囊肿的发生率>牙瘤的发生率.结论 CBCT能在三维空间上清晰反映上颌埋伏阻生牙的具体真实信息,有助于提高临床诊断正确率,且可指导矫正治疗,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

牙阻生(impaction of teeth)是指超过了应该正常完全萌出的时间,牙仍在颌骨内未萌出或者仅部分萌出。阻生可以是一颗牙或者数颗牙受累,常对称性发生。牙阻生常见于恒牙列,最常累及第三磨牙、下颌前磨牙和上颌尖牙,乳牙列罕见[1-4]。在乳牙阻生的报道中,多为下颌第二乳磨牙阻生,上颌第二乳磨牙少见[2-7]。上颌第一乳磨牙及其继承恒牙易位埋伏阻生更为罕见,本研究报道1例上颌第一乳磨牙与第一前磨牙异位埋伏阻生的患者,对该病的发病机制和治疗进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文对150例流行性腮腺炎并发症患者进行了回顾性分析,其中并发脑膜脑炎者92例,胰腺炎8例,荨麻疹15例,睾丸炎3例。结合文献讨论分析了流行性腮腺炎并发症的发病机制。比较了病毒唑治疗组与常规治疗组的疗效,发现病毒唑治疗组之疗效明显优于常规治疗组。说明病毒唑在治疗本病中是有较好效果的。  相似文献   

本文研究了浓硫酸处理对忍冬种子重量、绿原酸含量、呼吸强度及发芽率的影响。结果表明,处理后的忍冬种子重量降低,绿原酸含量减少,呼吸强度及发芽率有一定程度的提高,处理时间以不超过5min 为宜。  相似文献   

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