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Prisoner health is influenced as much by structural determinants (institutional, environmental, political, economic and social) as it is by physical and mental constitutions of prisoners themselves. Prison health may therefore be better understood with greater insight into how people respond to imprisonment - the psychological pressures of incarceration, the social world of prison, being dislocated from society, and the impact of the institution itself with its regime and architecture. As agencies of disempowerment and deprivation, prisons epitomise the antithesis of a healthy setting. The World Health Organisation's notion of a 'healthy prison' is in this sense an oxymoron, yet the UK government has signalled that it is committed to WHO's core health promotion principles as a route to reducing health inequalities. This paper reports on the findings of an ethnographic study which was conducted in an adult male training prison in England, using participant observation, group interviewing, and one-to-one semi-structured interviews with prisoners and prison officers. The paper explores how different layers of prison life impact on the health of prisoners, arguing that health inequalities are enmeshed within the workings of the prison system itself.  相似文献   

This paper explores recent developments in prison public health, recommending that future prison health policies and practices become more ‘upstream’ in their outlook and approach. It is argued that this will require much firmer acknowledgement of the significance of broad, systemic and structural determinants of prisoner health, particularly if the World Health organization's vision for a ‘healthy prison’ is to be realized. Epidemiological evidence plainly shows that prisoners have experienced—and continue to experience—worse health than the general population, despite the fact that prison settings across the European Union have been targeted for health promotion by the World Health Organization since 1994. In 2005, WHO launched a new 10-year prison public health plan, which it envisages will begin to address key prison health determinants. In the UK, New Labour has identified prison health as a key public health objective within Choosing Health, although health interventions within prisons continue to be predominantly geared towards efficient and effective primary and secondary healthcare, and much less towards public health goals. This paper strives to open up the debate on prison public health, advocating a progressive and more sustainable approach to developing and commissioning health services for prisoners.  相似文献   

We assessed the impact of global health initiatives (GHIs) on the health care system of Angola, as a contribution to documenting how GHIs, such as the Global Fund, GAVI and PEPFAR, influence the planning and delivery of health services in low-income countries and how national systems respond. We collected the views of national and sub-national key informants through 42 semi-structured interviews between April 2009 and May 2011 (12 at the national level and 30 at the sub-national level). We used a snowball technique to identify respondents from government, donors and non-governmental organisations. GHIs stimulated the formulation of a health policy and of plans and strategies, but the country has yet to decide on its priorities for health. At the regional level, managers lack knowledge of how GHIs’ function, but they assess the effects of external funds as positive as they increased training opportunities, and augment the number of workers engaged in HIV or other specific disease programmes. However, GHIs did not address the challenge of attraction and retention of qualified personnel in provinces. Since Angola is not entirely dependent on external funding, national strategic programmes and the interventions of GHIs co-habit well, in contrast to countries such as Mozambique, which heavily depend on external aid.  相似文献   

Two decades since the WHO Regional Office for Europe outlined and published a report on health promotion in prison, which stimulated further debate on the concept of the ‘health promoting prison’, this paper discusses the extent to which the concept has translated into practice and the extent to which success has been achieved. This paper primarily focuses on why there has been a gap between the strategic philosophy of health promotion in prison and practical implementation, suggesting that factors such as ‘lifestyle drift’ and public and political opinion have played a part. A further argument is made in relation to the overall commitment of European countries and more broadly WHO in their support of settings-based health promotion in this context. It is proposed that there has been a weakening of commitment over time with a worrying ‘negative trajectory’ of support for health promoting prisons. The paper argues that despite these challenges, the opportunities and potential to address the needs of those who are often most vulnerable and excluded is colossal and acting to tackle this should be a greater priority.  相似文献   

中国卫生系统人力资源开发与管理现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了人力资源开发与管理发展的历史,探讨了人力资源开发与管理与传统人事管理的异同以及其研究内容,并分析研究了中国卫生系统人力资源开发与管理的现状、不足及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

The posting and transfer of health workers and managers receives little policy and research attention in global health. In Nigeria, there is no national policy on posting and transfer in the health sector. We sought to examine how the posting and transfer of frontline primary health care (PHC) workers is conducted in four states (Lagos, Benue, Nasarawa and Kaduna) across Nigeria, where public sector PHC facilities are usually the only form of formal health care service providers available in many communities. We conducted in‐depth interviews with PHC workers and managers, and group discussions with community health committee members. The results revealed three mechanisms by which PHC managers conduct posting and transfer: (1) periodically moving PHC workers around as a routine exercise aimed at enhancing their professional experience and preventing them from being corrupted; (2) as a tool for improving health service delivery by assigning high‐performing PHC workers to PHC facilities perceived to be in need, or posting PHC workers nearer their place of residence; and (3) as a response to requests for punishment or favour from PHC workers, political office holders, global health agencies and community health committees. Given that posting and transfer is conducted by discretion, with multiple influences and sometimes competing interests, we identified practices that may lead to unfair treatment and inequities in the distribution of PHC workers. The posting and transfer of PHC workers therefore requires policy measures to codify what is right about existing informal practices and to avert their negative potential. © 2016 The Authors The International Journal of Health Planning and Management Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

This article maps the current governance of human resources for health (HRH) in relation to universal health coverage in Serbia since the health sector reforms in 2003.The study adapts the Global Health Workforce Alliance/World Health Organization four-dimensional framework of HRH in the context of governance for universal health coverage. A set of proxies was established for the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of HRH. Analysis of official HRH documentation from relevant institutions and reports were used to construct a governance profile of HRH for Serbia from the introduction of the reform in 2003 up to 2013. The results show that all Serbian districts (except Sremski) surpass the availability threshold of 59.4 skilled midwives, nurses and physicians per 10,000 inhabitants. District accessibility of health workforce greatly differed from the national average with variances from +26% to −34%. Analysis of national averages and patient load of general practitioners showed variances among districts by ±21%, whilst hospital discharges per 100 inhabitants deviated between +52% and −45%. Pre-service and in-service education of health workforce is regulated and accredited. However, through its efforts to respond to population health needs Serbia lacks a single coordinating entity to take overall responsibility for effective and coordinated HRH planning, management and development within the broader landscape of health strategy development.  相似文献   

傅华 《上海预防医学》2017,6(10):750-753,774
该文以大卫生大健康的理念为指导,应用健康共治理论,探讨当今因专业细化和线性工作思维模式下形成的公共卫生体系所存在的问题,建议传统的公共卫生体系必须作出相应的改进,构建起“大卫生和大健康观”下的公共卫生体系。在此基础上,进一步阐述了公共卫生体系各组成部分,如何根据自身的特点,明确功能定位,在政府的统一领导下,构建多元主体共同参与的平台,完善多元主体平等协商的机制,做到各部门、企业以及社会群体和公众各负其责,共建共享,通过综合性举措建设健康中国,实现全社会健康发展目标和社会的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

Extant scholarship has demonstrated that macroeconomic austerity disproportionately harms marginalised end-users. Its impact on the governance and delivery of health provisions on such individuals, however, has received less attention. Drawing on interviews with 27 policy elites involved with England’s prison health policy, interviewees perceive that austerity policies have shaped and constrained the prison health system through the politics of deterioration, drift, distraction, and denial. The deterioration of the prison workforce size has been linked to diminished prisoner access to healthcare, attendant with an increased number of riots, assaults, acts of self-harm, and suicides. Concurrently, the microeconomic structure of organised crime is filling the void in prison governance, thus conducing to heightened abuse of psychoactive substances, as well as a surge in associated medical emergencies and violence. Successful prosecution of prior sexual offences, continued incarceration of those imprisoned for indeterminate sentences, and harsh sentencing practices have created policy drift, unremitting overcrowding, and reinforced excessive dependency on prison healthcare resources. The rapid turnover of justice ministers and intensified push for prison privatisation have enabled widespread distraction. Moreover, despite well-documented crises besetting English prisons, politicians seemingly remain in a state of denial. Preventive imprisonment, recurrent spending, and enhanced financial and political accountability measures are necessary to mitigate the effects of austerity and germane policies fomenting inimical impacts on England’s prison health system.  相似文献   

The social determinants of health (SDH) concept is common to Canadian policy documents and reports. Yet, little effort is undertaken to strengthen their quality and promote their more equitable distribution through public policy action. Much of this has to do with the SDH concept conflicting with current governmental approaches of welfare state retrenchment and deference to the dominant societal institution in Canada, the marketplace. In addition, many SDH researchers and implementers of SDH-related concepts are reluctant to identify the public policy implications of the SDH concept. The result is a variety of SDH discourses that differ greatly in their explication of the SDH concept and their implications for action. This article identifies these various SDH discourses with the goal of noting their contributions and limitations in the service of advancing the SDH agenda in Canada and elsewhere.  相似文献   

One of the most important components of health care systems is human resources for health (HRH)--the people that deliver the services. One key challenge facing policy makers is to ensure that health care systems have sufficient HRH capacity to deliver services that improve or maintain population health. In a predominantly public system, this involves policy makers assessing the health care needs of the population, deriving the HRH requirements to meet those needs, and putting policies in place that move the current HRH employment level, skill mix, geographic distribution and productivity towards the desired level. This last step relies on understanding the labour market dynamics of the health care sector, specifically the determinants of labour demand and labour supply. We argue that traditional HRH policy in developing countries has focussed on determining the HRH requirements to address population needs and has largely ignored the labour market dynamics aspect. This is one of the reasons that HRH policies often do not achieve their objectives. We argue for the need to incorporate more explicitly the behaviour of those who supply labour--doctors, nurses and other providers--those who demand labour, and how these actors respond to incentives when formulating health workforce policy.  相似文献   

Based on a critical review of the obesity and health literature we provide five models of how the hypothesized obesity and health relationship is conceptualized. We then apply these models to make sense of how recent Canadian public health reports and clinical practice guidelines conceptualize the issue of obesity, its causes and health effects, and appropriate responses. We show how conformity to dominant models of the obesity and health relationship by health sciences researchers, public health workers, and the media lead to activities that rather than promoting health, actually threaten it. These dominant models – and the activities derived from them – do so by diverting attention from the far more important issues of the quality and distribution of the social determinants of health. These approaches also stigmatize heavy individuals, doing little to promote their health. For these reasons, we call for an end to seeing obesity as a significant health issue.  相似文献   

Objective : Victorian local governments are required to develop Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans that incorporate state‐level health planning priorities and address the social determinants of health. This paper describes a novel method for evaluating councils' performance against these requirements. Methods : Deductive content analysis was used to categorise all actions in 14 local government MPHWPs against Victorian state priorities as well as against social determinants of health policy areas. Results : More than 1,000 actions were identified. However, fewer than half directly addressed a state priority, with many actions addressing policy areas known to be broader determinants of health. In particular, there was a marked focus on leisure and culture, and on building social cohesion through changes to living and working conditions. Conclusions : Councils are working beyond state priorities and there was a clear emphasis on addressing the diverse upstream ‘causes of the causes’ of health, rather than health promotion behaviour change programs. Implications : The approach for data analysis and presentation provides a useful method for rapid appraisal of health and wellbeing actions relative to councils', and the State's, responsibility and efficacy in public health.  相似文献   

卫生人力资源投入短缺和地区分布不均是低收入国家贫困人口不能获得卫生服务的主要原因。本文回顾了近期国际卫生人力政策研究的动向,探讨了加强卫生人力资源的几个关键问题,并且列举了一些旨在应对卫生人力挑战的可能举措。  相似文献   

Ideas about intersectoral action and policy-making for health (ISA) are prominent among public health professionals. They are often presented as effective ways to address root causes of poor health and health inequality, and as such the best way to promote population health. The implementation of such ideas has proven difficult though. In this paper we argue that neo-institutional theory can help us conceptualize implementation challenges by pointing to implicit expectations and contradictions associated with the ISA idea itself. With Denmark as empirical case, we conducted a document analysis of recommendations for municipal ISA. The analysis shows how the recommendations provide a very abstract conceptualization of ISA that does not give much practical guidance for action. We show how ISA is discursively constructed with buzzword qualities as the natural way to organize health promotion, by being presented as a means to produce better quality services, more cost-effective operations and ensure the future of the welfare state, while at the same time hardly changing much at all. By applying the lens of institutional logics we show how ISA, although being vaguely defined, offer ambiguous normative and symbolic repertoires for action. We discuss the implementation challenges associated with this advocacy rhetoric and suggest that the domination of the corporation logic may appear to reduce the political character of ISA and potentially conflict with the ideals of health as a matter of social justice and human rights.  相似文献   

Jordan M 《Health & place》2011,17(5):1061-1066
The subject of place is salient certainly when deliberating the health of prisoners as a social group. This paper provides an overview and assessment of health and place in relation to mental health and the prison locale. Particular attention is devoted to prison culture, both staff and inmate. The incarceration experience (i.e. the nature of enforced residence in the prison environment) can affect negatively prisoners' mental health. The mental health of the prison population is poor, and mental health services in the prison setting have need of further improvement. However, the provision of mental healthcare and the pursuit of good mental health in the prison milieu are challenging. The prison-based—exceedingly complex—three-way relationship between culture–mental and health–mental healthcare is debated.  相似文献   

After independence, the Vietnamese government made an enormous effort to construct a comprehensive health care network from the central down to the grass roots levels, however, the health situation of the population has not improved as much as was expected. The most fundamental cause is poverty, as it is in other developing countries. Because of poverty, the means to achieve a safer environment such as sanitation, safe drinking, water and adequate nutrition, is often absent. Inefficient administration due to the sectionalism among different organizations makes the situation worse. With the introduction of a market policy in 1986, privatization has been introduced into the health sector in order to address some of the inadequacies inherent in the current system. Although privatization might reduce public health expenditures by reducing utilization pressure on public facilities, it deprives the most vulnerable inhabitants of health services. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In April 2002, there were three hundred and eighty-six children living in prison with their mothers in South Africa, four of which were inmates of the Pretoria Female Prison. The interaction patterns between these four mothers and their children was investigated by means of individual interviews, observation, field notes and the Marschak Interaction Method. It was found that the mother-child interaction patterns in prison of the participants in this study are typified by four themes: (1) the experience of the restrictiveness of the prison environment; (2) the in-exclusivity of the mother-child attachment process; (3) the mothers' inattention to situations that their children might experience as stressful; and (4) the absence of imaginative play.  相似文献   

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