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胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎从临床表现上很难与胰头癌相鉴别,目前已将发生于胰头部的肿块型慢性胰腺炎视为胰腺癌发生的癌前病变。影像学检查在肿块型慢性胰腺炎诊断中起着重要作用,对于手术指征的掌握、胰头部肿块的可切除性、手术方式的选择以及手术困难程度的估计很有帮助。胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎的手术方式是直接针对胰头的,不同的手术方法包括胰十二指肠切除术(保留或不保留幽门的Whipple手术)和胰头部分切除加胰管引流术(Frey 手术,Beger 手术)。胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎一旦诊断明确即应积极手术治疗,手术方式尽可能采用胰十二指肠切除术,因为它不仅切除了胰头部肿块、解除了胆道和胰管及十二指肠的梗阻,而且也去除了胰头癌的潜在病因;如胰头肿块巨大,行胰十二指肠切除有极大风险,可考虑行保留十二指肠的胰头切除术。  相似文献   

胰头肿块型胰腺炎的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎从临床表现上很难与胰头癌相鉴别,影像学检查在肿块型慢性胰腺炎诊断中起重要作用,对于手术指征的掌握、胰头部肿块的可切除性、手术方式的选择以及手术困难程度的估计很有帮助.目前已将发生于胰头的肿块型慢性胰腺炎视为胰腺癌发生的癌前病变.胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎的手术方式是直接针对胰头的,不同的手术方法包括:胰十二指肠切除术(保留或不保留幽门)和胰头部分切除(Beger手术)加胰管引流术(Frey手术).胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎一旦诊断明确即应积极手术治疗,手术方式尽可能采用胰十二指肠切除术,因为它不仅切除了胰头肿块、解除了胆道和胰管及十二指肠的梗阻,而且也去除了胰头癌的潜在病因;若胰头肿块巨大胰十二指肠切除有极大风险,可考虑保留十二指肠的胰头切除术.  相似文献   

胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎的诊断与治疗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎的诊治方法。方法:对近15年行胰十二指肠切除术并经病理证实的17例胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:本组术前均不能排除胰头癌。17例均行胰十二指肠切除术,术后发生胰漏1例,其余恢复顺利,效果良好。结论:胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎早期诊断困难,尤其应与胰头癌相鉴别。对不能排除胰头癌或出现顽固性疼痛,胆管、胰管及十二指肠梗阻时,应行胰十二指肠切除术。  相似文献   

胰头部肿块鉴别诊断和临床对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胰头部肿块的鉴别诊断中最为困难的是胰头肿块型胰腺炎与胰腺癌的鉴别。近年来,血清肿瘤标记物检查、多排螺旋CT和内镜超声引导穿刺活检等技术的发展为临床鉴别诊断提供了很多帮助,但仍有部分病人不能通过非手术方法获得确诊。对于这些病人,在与病人及家属进行充分沟通后,可以考虑行剖腹探查,建议术中对胰头部肿块行细针多点穿刺细胞学检查,并由专业人员及时处理标本。慢性胰腺炎是胰腺癌的癌前病变,并且可以导致胰管、胆管及十二指肠梗阻,行胰十二指肠切除术或保留十二指肠的胰头切除术能切除病变,缓解疼痛症状,改善病人的生活质量。但由于该手术创伤大,术后并发症发生率较高,应严格掌握手术适应证,加强围手术期处理,由经验丰富的医师实施手术,将并发症的发生率降到最低。  相似文献   

胰头部肿块解剖位置特殊,病理类型多样,治疗应采取个体化原则,对于胰头部实性包块,术前应重视肿块型胰腺炎和胰腺癌的鉴别,胰十二指肠切除术是胰头癌的经典术式,关于保留幽门的胰十二指肠切除,扩大淋巴结清扫范围及联合血管切除目前仍无共识,可酌情选用。近年来保留十二指肠的胰头切除术在治疗胰头肿块型胰腺炎中体现出一定优越性。对于术中仍无法区别良恶性者,不必过分强调病理结果,选择胰十二指肠切除术是可以接受,也是值得的。对于胰头部囊性及囊实性肿块,应根据肿瘤大小、位置、病理类型选用假性囊肿内、外引流、单纯摘除、保留十二指肠的胰头切除、胰腺节段切除及胰十二指肠切除术等,注意囊性肿块鉴别诊断,避免误将囊性肿瘤按假性囊肿行内引流术。  相似文献   

胰头部与十二指肠关系密切,既往行胰头切除时同时切除十二指肠,被认为是不可避免的。1972年Beger等首先为慢性胰腺炎施行保留十二指肠胰头切除术(DPPHR,Beger手术),有较高长时间的疼痛缓解率。Imaizimi等于1990年报道改良的Beger手术,施行保留十二指肠胰头全切除术(DPTPHR),主要用于无须行淋巴结清扫的胰头部低度恶性肿瘤。保留十二指肠胰头切除仅切除胰头病灶,不破坏消化道解剖连续性和生理功能,改善了术后生活质量。近年来,保留十二指肠胰头切除术在临床上得到比较广泛的应用,令人关注。  相似文献   

目的:探讨治疗胰头结石的手术方式选择。方法:回顾分析2002年至2011年我院收治的12例胰头结石病人的临床资料,并结合复习有关文献。结果:12例病人均伴有慢性胰腺炎,1例伴有胰头癌,3例伴有糖尿病。12例病人均行手术,其中行胰管切开取石、胰管空肠吻合术7例,胰十二指肠切除术3例,保留十二指肠的胰头切除术2例。结论:胰头结石手术治疗方法应根据具体情况采取不同的手术方式,对胰头部胰管结石的年轻病人可考虑行保留十二指肠的胰头切除术。  相似文献   

对10年来35例慢性胰腺炎的手术治疗进行了回顾,其症状以腹痛为主,影像学表现可分为胰头肿块型,胰腺弥漫性炎症型,左半侧胰腺炎三型。手术方式分为胰腺肿块切除和胰腺单纯引流两种类型。对肿块型和胰头癌的鉴别进行了讨论,并介绍一种新的保留十二指肠的胰头全切除术。  相似文献   

胰头慢性肿块型胰腺炎及胰头部铸型结石常引起患者难以忍受的上腹部及腰背部疼痛,常需行胰头十二指肠切除术才能缓解疼痛症状,但此类患者常因胰头周围反复炎症粘连,无法沟通胰颈与肠系膜上静脉及门静脉之间的解剖间隙,但考虑到胰头为良性病变,在辨清肠系膜上静脉、门静脉右缘基础上,行胰头次全切除、解除主胰管梗阻而达到缓解症状的目的.笔者于2006年3月至2007年10月期间为3例难切的胰头部良性病变(1例胰头肿块型胰腺炎和2例胰头结石)患者施行了胰头次全切除术.  相似文献   

目的 探讨胰十二指肠切除术在胰头部慢性胰腺炎治疗中的应用和选择。方法 回顾性分析我院1988年7月至1999年11月经胰十二指肠切除术和病理证实的10例胰头部慢性胰腺炎临床资料。结果 本组病人男性7例,妇性3例,年龄41-75岁,平均57.2岁。主要临床表现为腹痛、黄疸。影像学检查(B超、CT和ERCP)发现胰头部局限性肿大。9例行典型的Whipple手术,1例行保留幽门的胰十二指肠切除术。7例随访均无腹痛、糖尿病。结论 胰头部慢性胰腺炎早期诊断困难,重要的是与胰头癌相鉴别。胰十二指肠切除术治疗胰头部慢性胰腺炎的手术效果良好,其手术适应证的选择和手术时机的掌握至关重要。  相似文献   

??Treatment of Chronic pancreatitis(CP) with an inflammatory mass ZHANG Zhong-tao,YIN Jie. Beijing Friendship Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing100050,China
Corresponding author: ZHANG Zhong-tao,E-mail: zhangzht@medmail.com.cn
Abstract Chronic pancreatitis(CP) with an inflammatory mass has been thought of as a precancerous lesion of pancreatic cancer, and it can lead to obstruction of the pancreatic duct, bile duct and duodenum. The CP with mass and pancreatic cancer are difficult to identify from clinical performance, and their prognosis are very different. Once CP with mass has been diagnosed it should be clear that surgical treatment is necessary in order to remove the focus, ease pain, and improve the patient's quality of life. Surgical strategy in CP with mass has been directed at the pancreatic head with a variety of tactics including pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure with or without pylorus preservation) and duodenum-preserving resection of the pancreatic head (Beger operation and other operations). Pancreatoduodenectomy is preformed in the treatment of CP with mass, not only resection of the pancreatic head mass, lifting the obstruction of the pancreatic duct, bile duct and duodenum, but also removing the potential causes of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatoduodenectomy is a great risk When the pancreatic head mass is large, but the partial head resection can be accomplished with relative safety.  相似文献   

??Diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis with mass in the head of the pancreas ZHANG Zhong-tao, YIN Jie.Department of General Surgery, Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100050, China Corresponding author: ZHANG Zhong-tao, E-mail: zhangzht@medmail. com.cn Abstract Chronic pancreatitis (CP) with mass and pancreatic cancer are difficult to identify from the Clinical performance. At present, we have the CP with mass as a precancerous lesion of pancreatic cancer. Imaging methods in the diagnosis of the CP with mass plays an important role, which is very helpful for the Indications for surgery of the hands, of resectable pancreatic head tumor, and surgical options, as well as estimates of the difficulty of the surgery. Surgical strategy in CP with mass has been directed at the pancreatic head with a variety of tactics including pancreatoduodenectomy(Whipple procedure with or without pylorus preservation) and partial resection of the pancreatic duct drainage(Frey operation, Beger operation ). Once the diagnosis of the CP with mass should be clear that the surgical treatment, pancreatoduodenectomy is preformed in the treatment of CP with mass, not only resection of the pancreatic head mass, the lifting of the bile duct and pancreatic duct and obstruction of the duodenum, but also in addition to the potential causes of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatoduodenectomy is great risk When the great mass of pancreatic head, but the partial head resection can be accomplished with relative safety.  相似文献   

Small duct chronic pancreatitis (CP) is defined by a nondilated main pancreatic duct, and the morphological and clinical features of chronic pancreatitis with pain are the most prominent symptoms. Current treatment strategies are based on pain history and the location and extent of disease. Traditionally, radical pancreatic resectional procedures have been carried out for small duct CP, especially with an associated head mass of uncertain aetiology. Based on the information from five randomized trials, the duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection and its modifications have proven to provide excellent long-term pain relief and to be superior to more radical operations. Therefore, these procedures can be considered the standard for small duct CP with head dominant disease. The longitudinal V-shaped excision of the ventral pancreas combines extensive drainage and a limited resection and offers good pain relief in diffuse small duct CP. However, long-term results and larger series are awaited for definite conclusions. Thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy and endosonography-guided celiac plexus blocks require controlled trials before their routine use. This article provides an overview about the current and evidence-based pain management in small duct CP. Presented at the 2005 American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Congress, Hollywood, Florida, April 14–17, 2005.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) are thought to be responsible for pancreatic fibrosis. Although fibrosis is a major characteristic of chronic pancreatitis (CP) induced by pancreatic duct obstruction, it is unclear whether pancreatic duct obstruction itself activates PSCs. METHODS: To test the hypothesis that pancreatic duct obstruction activates PSCs, clinical and experimental analyses were performed using alpha smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) as a marker of their activation. In clinical analysis, surgical specimens from the patients with pancreatic cancer or cancer of the papilla Vater were classified into two groups with or without duct obstruction. alpha-SMA expression was examined on these specimens, and the difference between two groups was evaluated. In animal experiment, duct ligation-induced pancreatitis was developed in rats by ligating the secondary pancreatic duct in duodenal segment, and the expression of alpha-SMA was examined. RESULTS: In clinical analysis, the specimens from the pancreas with duct obstruction (14 cases) expressed alpha-SMA significantly stronger than those from the pancreas without duct obstruction (7 cases). All specimens in the former expressed alpha-SMA, but 4 specimens from the latter did not at all (P < 0.05). In animal experiment, alpha-SMA expression was detected 7 days after the ligation and was increased on the 10th day. CONCLUSIONS:We can assume that pancreatic duct obstruction itself activates PSCs. This mechanism may play roles in the development of CP from multiple origins.  相似文献   

李兆申 《消化外科》2014,(4):247-250
慢性胰腺炎的特征性病理改变为胰腺组织进行性纤维化,临床治疗目标包括缓解腹痛症状及延缓胰腺内、外分泌功能减退。内镜治疗慢性胰腺炎(逆行胰胆管造影术、体外震波碎石术和超声内镜等)创伤小,对慢性胰腺炎并发胰管结石、狭窄、胰腺假性囊肿及继发胆道梗阻安全有效,已部分替代外科手术,成为首选治疗方式之一。无论单纯内镜或是外科治疗慢性胰腺炎均有其局限性,因此,需要内科、外科、内镜、麻醉以及营养等多学科合作,制订最佳方案,提高患者生命质量。  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms in chronic pancreatitis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) is still controversial. None of the proposed models has been able to provide a convincing link between the known etiological factors - alcohol abuse, metabolic disturbances, congenital or acquired obstruction of the duct system - and the complex morphological and pathophysiological aspects of the disease. Molecular and cell biology research during the last years, however, has elucidated that a dysregulated immune response, together with an active involvement of pancreatic parenchymal cells, contributes to tissue destruction, fibrosis and remodeling in CP. Infiltration of the pancreas by particular subsets of immune effector cells, aberrant and enhanced expression of MHC molecules, and overexpression of growth factors and their receptors have all recently been found to play a role in CP. In addition, genetic analysis has led to the discovery of genes that predispose their carriers to the development of the disease, and has shed new light on the relation between CP and pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

慢性胰腺炎是由多种病因导致的胰腺慢性炎症性和纤维化病变,其基本治疗原则为去除病因、缓解症状、改善胰腺分泌功能不足及防治并发症等。目前,对于慢性胰腺炎治疗策略的探讨日趋增多,创伤递进式策略与早期外科手术干预是共性治疗理念。临床实践中,对于出现胰腺假性囊肿、胰管结石、胆管狭窄等并发症,内镜干预可作为优选治疗方式;无胰头部病变的主胰管扩张,可首选Partington术;合并胰头部病变,可行Beger术或Frey术;无主胰管扩张,应根据具体病变部位行胰腺切除术;全胰炎性病变或多发部位病变,可行全胰腺切除术。外科医师在诸多手术方式的选择中,应遵循个体化与多学科化的整体治疗理念与策略,尤其对于干预指征、时机及方式的掌控。笔者综合分析国内外研究进展,阐述慢性胰腺炎的内镜治疗与外科干预策略,以期进一步优化慢性胰腺炎病人的整体疗效。  相似文献   

The major aims of surgical therapy in chronic pancreatitis (CP) are pain relief and good long-term quality of life with preservation of endocrine and exocrine organ function. The surgical approach is therefore focused on drainage of the congested pancreatic (and bile) duct as well as resection of fibrotic and calcified tissue. Draining procedures alone are adequate for drainage of pseudocysts (cystojejunostomy) and the pancreatic duct (Partington) if no inflammatory tumor is present in the organ. Most CP patients present with unclear head mass and subsequent duct dilation. In these patients the different modifications of duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resections (e.g. Beger, Bern) offer a preferable option. Partial duodenopancreatectomy is an alternative but may be difficult to perform due to inflammatory changes around the portal vein and venous collaterals. Segmental resection and V-shaped excision may be appropriate in special situations (segmental fibrosis, small duct disease) and are performed less frequently (approximately 5 %) in the entire surgical CP population. In cases of suspected CP-related malignancy, formal resections (partial, distal or total pancreaticoduodenectomy) must be the surgical procedures of choice and be performed according to oncological principles.  相似文献   

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