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Stimulant medications are the most commonly-used treatments for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in North America and Australia, although it is still not entirely known how these medications work. This study investigated the effects of stimulant medications on the EEG of children with the Inattentive type of ADHD. An initial EEG was recorded during an eyes-closed resting condition and Fourier transformed to provide absolute and relative power estimates for the delta, theta, alpha and beta bands. Theta/alpha and theta/beta ratios were also calculated. Subjects were placed on a 6-month trial of a stimulant and a second EEG was recorded at the end of the trial. Subjects were included in this study only if they showed a good clinical response during the trial. The unmedicated ADHD group had significantly greater absolute and relative theta, less relative alpha, and higher theta/alpha and theta/beta ratios than the control group. The stimulant medications resulted in a normalisation of the EEG, with changes in the theta, alpha and beta bands being most evident. These results suggest that stimulants act to increase cortical arousal in children with ADHD, normalising their EEG.  相似文献   

To establish whether dynamic EEG changes in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) differ from those observed in controls, the authors investigated the effect of the continuous performance test (CPT) on delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. High-resolution electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded during eyes-open resting and CPT performance in 16 right-handed children meeting the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD and 16 age-matched controls. Significant CPT vs. eyes-open differences in EEG activities was observed in children with ADHD. In particular, switching to CPT induced an alpha power increase in children with ADHD and an alpha power decrease in controls. This may reflect a primary deficit associated with cortical hypoarousal in ADHD. These EEG results agree with behavioral findings leading the authors to suggest that dynamic changes in neural network activities are impaired in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

In a randomized controlled trial, neurofeedback (NF) training was found to be superior to a computerised attention skills training concerning the reduction of ADHD symptomatology (Gevensleben et al., 2009). The aims of this investigation were to assess the impact of different NF protocols (theta/beta training and training of slow cortical potentials, SCPs) on the resting EEG and the association between distinct EEG measures and behavioral improvements.In 72 (of initially 102) children with ADHD, aged 8–12, EEG changes after either a NF training (n = 46) or the control training (n = 26) could be studied. The combined NF training consisted of one block of theta/beta training and one block of SCP training, each block comprising 18 units of 50 minutes (balanced order). Spontaneous EEG was recorded in a two-minute resting condition before the start of the training, between the two training blocks and after the end of the training. Activity in the different EEG frequency bands was analyzed.In contrast to the control condition, the combined NF training was accompanied by a reduction of theta activity. Protocol-specific EEG changes (theta/beta training: decrease of posterior-midline theta activity; SCP training: increase of central-midline alpha activity) were associated with improvements in the German ADHD rating scale. Related EEG-based predictors were obtained. Thus, differential EEG patterns for theta/beta and SCP training provide further evidence that distinct neuronal mechanisms may contribute to similar behavioral improvements in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

This study investigated sex differences between the EEGs of Combined and Inattentive types of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) within boys and girls aged 8–12 years. Subject groups included 80 AD/HD Combined type (40 boys and 40 girls), 80 AD/HD Inattentive type (40 boys and 40 girls) and 80 controls (40 boys and 40 girls). An eyes-closed resting EEG was recorded and Fourier transformed to provide estimates for absolute and relative power in the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands, as well as total power and the theta/beta ratio. The boy AD/HD groups, compared with boy controls, had greater absolute and relative theta, greater theta/beta ratio, reduced absolute and relative alpha, and reduced absolute and relative beta. The girl AD/HD groups, compared with girl controls, had greater absolute delta, greater absolute and relative theta, greater theta/beta ratio, greater total power, and reduced relative delta and relative beta. Between AD/HD types, Combined type boys had globally greater absolute and relative theta, greater theta/beta ratio, and less relative alpha than Inattentive type boys. While topographical differences emerged, there were no significant global differences between AD/HD types in girls. That is, EEG differences between AD/HD types are dissimilar in boys and girls. Different EEG maturational patterns between boys and girls also obscure AD/HD-related EEG abnormalities. These results have important implications for our understanding of AD/HD in girls. Ignoring such sex differences may have compromised the value of previous AD/HD investigations, and these sex differences should be recognised in future research.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and event-related synchronization (ERS) of the 1-20Hz EEG frequencies were studied using wavelet transforms in young (n = 10, mean age 22) and elderly subjects (n = 10, mean age 65) performing an auditory Sternberg memory task with words as stimuli. In both age groups, encoding of the four-word memory set elicited ERS in the theta and alpha frequency range. Theta ERS, and ERD in the alpha and beta bands were observed during retrieval. During encoding, the elderly showed greater alpha ERS and smaller theta ERS. During retrieval, smaller alpha ERD and theta ERS was found in the elderly subjects. Also, in the elderly, beta ERD was elicited in the late time window during retrieval. The statistically significant differences between the age groups were more marked during retrieval than during encoding. The results indicate that although the two groups performed equally well behaviorally in the task and the elderly subjects were cognitively intact, normal aging affects oscillatory theta, alpha and beta responses particularly during retrieval from working memory. The ERD/ERS patterns of the elderly resemble those of children found in a recent study, which might suggest that those memory-related brain processes that evolve later in childhood are the first to be affected in older age.  相似文献   

The activity of the brain during observation or imagination of movements might facilitate the relearning of motor functions after stroke. The present study examines whether there is an additional effect of imagination over observation-only. Eight healthy subjects observed and observed-and-imagined a movement of a hand; 64-channel EEG was used to measure brain activity. The synchronization of the theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (13–25 Hz) frequency bands was calculated and plotted in topoplots. The temporal changes of the sensorimotor area (C3, C4) and the centro-parietal cortex (Pz) were analyzed in the two experimental conditions. During observation-and-imagination, a significant larger desynchronization (p = 0.004) in the sensorimotor area was found compared to observation-only in all electrodes and frequency bands. In addition, temporal differences were found between observation and observation-and-imagination in the alpha frequency bands. During observation-and-imagination, modulations of EEG rhythms were stronger than during observation-only in the theta, alpha and beta frequency bands and during almost the whole activity fragment. These findings suggest an additive effect of imagination to observation in the rehabilitation after stroke.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-one elderly depressive patients were evaluated with topographic, quantitative EEG using relative measures, absolute measures, and computations of interhemispheric asymmetry and interhemispheric coherence in four frequency bands: delta, theta, alpha and beta. Patients were found to have lower than normal delta, higher than normal theta, higher than normal alpha and lower than normal beta values. EEG values were greater over the left than the right hemisphere in theta, alpha and beta bands. Lower than normal anterior interhemispheric coherence was found in all four frequency bands.Research supported, in part, by DA06728, MH12507, GCRC MO1-RR00349, BSRG SO7-RR05417 and by the Einstein Society. We wish to thank Mrs. Anna Cornwell, Mrs. Eleanor Dixon, Mr. Stephen Slepner and Dr. Denise Sharon for assistance in this study.  相似文献   

EEG coherence measures the covariation in electrical brain activity between two locations on the scalp and is used to study connectivity between cortical regions. The aim of this study was to determine the heritability of EEG coherence. Coherence was measured in a group of 213 16-yr-old twin pairs. By including male and female twin pairs in the sample, sex differences in genetic architecture were systematically examined. The EEG was obtained during quiet supine resting. Coherence was estimated for short and long distance combinations of electrode pairs along the anterior-posterior axis within a hemisphere for four frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha and beta). Averaged over all electrode combinations about 60% of the variance was explained by genetic factors for coherence in the theta, alpha and beta bands. For the delta band, the heritability was somewhat lower. No systematic sex differences in genetic architecture were found. All environmental influences were nonshared, i.e., unique factors including measurement error. Environmental factors shared by twin siblings did not influence variation in EEG coherence. These results suggest that individual differences in coherence form a potential candidate for (molecular) genetic studies on brain function.  相似文献   

Heritability of EEG coherence in a large sib-pair population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The additive genetic heritability of bipolar EEG coherence in a sample of 305 non-twin sibships comprising 690 individuals (age range 7-65) was estimated. Heritabilities were examined in 6 frequency bands for each of 15 coherence pairs, both interhemispheric and intrahemispheric. The heritabilities of the bipolar EEG coherence ranged from 0.22 to 0.63 in 79 of the 90 phenotypes which had coherences high enough to provide meaningful values for the estimation of heritability. Heritabilities were greatest in the low and high alpha frequency bands, while theta and beta bands had comparable heritabilities. Coherences themselves were greatest in the low and high alpha frequency bands, while theta coherences were somewhat larger than beta. Higher heritability values were not associated with higher coherences. The examination of bivariate genetic correlations suggests that there is a difference between theta and alpha bands in genetic control of interhemispheric coherence.  相似文献   

Personality traits and its association with resting regional brain activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The association between personality and resting brain activity was investigated. Personality was assessed using the NEO-Five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) and resting brain activity was indexed by eyes closed EEG spectral magnitude from four frequency bands over the entire cortex. Results suggest that there are differences between males and females in the NEO-FFI personality traits. The NEO FFI traits were associated with lower frequency brain activity in both males and females. Mild significant and consistent associations were found between delta and theta activity across all cortical regions with Extraversion and Conscientiousness. There were few associations between personality traits and alpha and beta activity, this was shown in males only. Fewer associations between personality and faster frequency bands such as alpha may be due to the methodological problem of using fixed alpha bands. Multiple regression analyses showed that individual alpha frequencies had a greater contribution to personality traits than fixed band alpha waves.  相似文献   

The relationship of reading-writing ability and EEG coherences was studied in 84 subjects from two age groups 7.0–8.9 and 9–11.2 years old. All children were divided into three groups according to their performance on a pedagogical test: ped1, normal children; ped2, children with mild problems; ped3, children with reading-writing disability. The following results were obtained: in general, children showed higher coherences in groups with poor performance in the delta, theta and beta bands. In the alpha band, higher coherence values were related to better performance. The exceptions to this general pattern were rare. Group ped2 had higher coherences in delta, theta and alpha bands than ped1 and ped3, in left temporal leads. In older children the same tendency was observed, but group differences in the theta, alpha and beta bands were few. In this age range, the significant group differences were almost all interhemispheric coherences. The discriminant analysis that classified subjects by their coherence values gave very good results, fact that demonstrates, that EEG coherence is a highly sensitive measurement indicating not only the existence of a reading-writing problem, but also the degree of its severity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of stimulants on EEG coherence in girls with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). Twenty girls with AD/HD (aged 7–12) and 20 age- and sex-matched controls had an eyes-closed resting electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded from 21 electrode sites. Coherence was calculated from eight intrahemispheric electrode pairs (four in each hemisphere), and eight interhemispheric electrode pairs, for the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. AD/HD participants were tested twice: first, prior to medication being prescribed, and second, six months later on a therapeutic dose of a stimulant. With intrahemispheric coherences at short-medium inter-electrode distances, AD/HD girls off-medication had reduced lateralisation in the delta, theta and alpha bands. They also had reduced lateralisation in the theta band for longer inter-electrode distances, and increased frontal interhemispheric coherences in all frequency bands. Medication had no impact on the laterality anomalies, but produced novel increases in intrahemispheric coherences at short-medium inter-electrode distances, which reached significance in the delta band and approached significance in the alpha band. However, these increased coherences remained indistinguishable from control levels. Reduced hemispheric lateralisations found in these AD/HD participants illustrate cortical abnormalities consistent with maturational lag explanations. The widespread elevated frontal interhemispheric coherences found in these AD/HD girls could reflect the narrow profile of female medication responders identified in clinical settings. The lack of substantial coherence medication effects in good clinical responders supports a previous medication study with AD/HD boys, and suggests that these coherence anomalies reflect structural, rather than solely functional, differences in brain development in AD/HD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of stimulants on EEG coherence in girls with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). Twenty girls with AD/HD (aged 7-12) and 20 age- and sex-matched controls had an eyes-closed resting electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded from 21 electrode sites. Coherence was calculated from eight intrahemispheric electrode pairs (four in each hemisphere), and eight interhemispheric electrode pairs, for the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. AD/HD participants were tested twice: first, prior to medication being prescribed, and second, six months later on a therapeutic dose of a stimulant. With intrahemispheric coherences at short-medium inter-electrode distances, AD/HD girls off-medication had reduced lateralisation in the delta, theta and alpha bands. They also had reduced lateralisation in the theta band for longer inter-electrode distances, and increased frontal interhemispheric coherences in all frequency bands. Medication had no impact on the laterality anomalies, but produced novel increases in intrahemispheric coherences at short-medium inter-electrode distances, which reached significance in the delta band and approached significance in the alpha band. However, these increased coherences remained indistinguishable from control levels. Reduced hemispheric lateralisations found in these AD/HD participants illustrate cortical abnormalities consistent with maturational lag explanations. The widespread elevated frontal interhemispheric coherences found in these AD/HD girls could reflect the narrow profile of female medication responders identified in clinical settings. The lack of substantial coherence medication effects in good clinical responders supports a previous medication study with AD/HD boys, and suggests that these coherence anomalies reflect structural, rather than solely functional, differences in brain development in AD/HD.  相似文献   

EEG was recorded monopolarly at frontal (F3, F4), central (C3, C4) and occipital (O1, O2) derivations during A-B-A conditions of waking rest, hypnosis (rest, arm immobilization, mosquito hallucination, hypnotic dream), and waking rest. Stringently screened on several measures of hypnotic susceptibility, 12 very low hypnotizable and 12 very highly hypnotizable, right-handed undergraduate, subjects participated in one session. Evaluations were Fast-Fourier spectral analysis, EEG coherence between selected derivations and maximum spectral power within EEG bands. In eyes open and closed conditions in waking and hypnosis, highly hypnotizable subjects generated substantially more mean theta power than did low hypnotizable subjects at all occipital, central and frontal locations in almost all conditions of waking and hypnosis, with a larger difference in frontal locations. Both low and high hypnotizables showed increased mean theta power in hypnosis, suggesting an intensification of attentional processes and imagery enhancement. Mean alpha power was never a predictor of hypnotic susceptibility. Interactions with hypnotic susceptibility showed that highly susceptible subjects had more beta activity in the left than right hemispheres, while low susceptible subjects showed only weak asymmetry. No main effects for or interactions between waking/hypnosis and hypnotic level were found for coherence between derivations or maximum spectral power within theta, alpha and beta EEG bands.  相似文献   

The present study introduces the concept of spectral power coherence (SPC), which reflects the pattern of coordination of the four basic EEG bands (delta, theta, alpha, and beta) at a specific location of the brain. The SPC was calculated for the pre-stimulus EEG signal during an auditory memory task under different electromagnetic field (EMF) conditions (900 MHz and 1800 MHz). The results showed that delta rhythm is less consequential in the overall cooperation between the bands than the higher frequency theta, alpha and beta rhythms. Additionally, it has been shown that the radiation effect on SPC is different for the two genders. In the absence of radiation males exhibit higher overall SPC than females. These differences disappear in the presence of 900 MHz and are reversed in the presence of 1800 MHz.  相似文献   

Past research has reported that a small proportion of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) have excess beta activity in their EEG, rather than the excess theta typical of the syndrome. This atypical group has been tentatively labeled as hyperaroused. The aim of this study was to determine whether these children have a hyperaroused central nervous system. Participants included 104 boys aged 8 to 13 years old, with a diagnosis of either the Combined or Inattentive type of AD/HD (67 combined type), and 67 age-matched male controls. Ten and a half minutes of EEG and skin conductance (SCL) were simultaneously recorded during an eyes-closed resting condition. The EEG was Fourier transformed and estimates of total power, and relative power in the delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands, and the theta/beta ratio, were calculated. AD/HD patients were divided into an excess beta group and a typical excess theta group. Relative to controls, the typical excess theta group had significantly increased frontal total power, theta and theta/beta ratio, with reduced alpha and beta across the scalp. The excess beta group had significantly reduced posterior total power, increased centro-posterior delta, globally reduced alpha, globally increased beta activity, and globally reduced theta/beta ratio. Both AD/HD groups had significantly reduced SCL compared to the control group, but the two groups did not differ from each other on SCL. These results indicate that AD/HD children with excess beta activity are not hyperaroused, and confirm that the theta/beta ratio is not associated with arousal. This is the first study of arousal measures in AD/HD children with excess beta activity, and has implications for existing models of AD/HD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the modifications in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) power in 54 subjects, from children to middle-aged adults. Spectral analyses were performed on 5 h of NREM sleep. A marked decrease of absolute slow-wave activity (SWA) was observed with increasing age; children had significantly more SWA than adolescents, young and middle-aged adults. The decline of SWA across the night seems to level off with increasing age, suggesting an age-related attenuation of homeostatic sleep pressure. Absolute theta power was higher for children compared with the other three groups, and adolescents had more theta power than young and middle-aged adults. In comparison to young and middle-aged adults, alpha power was higher for children and adolescents. Children and adolescents had more sigma power than middle-aged adults. Absolute beta power was higher for children than for the other age groups. Therefore, the major alterations of NREM sleep EEG occurring between childhood and middle age are not restricted to SWA, but encompassed the theta, alpha, sigma and beta frequency bands.  相似文献   

The resting electroencephalogram (EEG) reflects development and arousal, but whether it can support clinical diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remains controversial. Here we examined whether theta power and theta/beta ratio are consistently elevated in ADHD and younger age as proposed. Topographic 48-channel EEG from 32 children (8–16 years) and 22 adults (32–55 years) with ADHD and matched healthy controls (n = 30 children/21 adults) was compared. Following advanced artefact correction, resting EEG was tested for increased theta and theta/beta activity due to ADHD and due to normal immaturity. Discriminant analyses tested classification performance by ADHD and age using these EEG markers as well as EEG artefacts and deviant attentional event-related potentials (ERPs). No consistent theta or theta/beta increases were found with ADHD. Even multivariate analyses indicated only marginal EEG power increases in children with ADHD. Instead, consistent developmental theta decreases were observed, indicating that maturational lags of fewer than 3 years would have been detected in children. Discriminant analysis based on proposed simple spectral resting EEG markers was successful for age but not for ADHD (81 vs. 53 % accuracy). Including ERP markers and EEG artefacts improved discrimination, although not to diagnostically useful levels. The lack of consistent spectral resting EEG abnormalities in ADHD despite consistent developmental effects casts doubt upon conventional neurometric approaches towards EEG-based ADHD diagnosis, but is consistent with evidence that ADHD is a heterogeneous disorder, where the resting state is not consistently characterised by maturational lag.  相似文献   

We estimated the genetic and nongenetic (environmental) contributions to individual differences in the background EEG power spectrum in two age cohorts with mean ages of 26.2 and 49.4 years. Nineteen-lead EEG was recorded with eyes closed from 142 monozygotic and 167 dizygotic twin pairs and their siblings, totaling 760 subjects. We obtained power spectra in 24 bins of 1 Hz ranging from 1.0 to 25.0 Hz. Generally, heritability was highest around the alpha peak frequency and lower in the theta and delta bands. In the beta band heritability gradually decreased with increasing frequency, especially in the temporal regions. Genetic correlations between power in the classical broad bands indicated that half to three-quarters of the genetic variance can be attributed to a common source. We conclude that across the scalp and most of the frequency spectrum, individual differences in adult EEG are largely determined by genetic factors.  相似文献   



Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a very complex clinical syndrome that may lead to ischemic cerebral hypoxia condition. The aim of the present study is to analyze the effects of CHF on brain activity through electroencephalographic (EEG) complexity measures, like approximate entropy (ApEn).


Twenty patients with CHF and 18 healthy elderly people were recruited. ApEn values were evaluated in the total spectrum (0.2–47 Hz) and main EEG frequency bands: delta (2–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha 1 (8–11 Hz), alpha 2 (11–13 Hz), beta 1 (13–20 Hz), beta 2 (20–30 Hz), and gamma (30–45 Hz) to identify differences between CHF group and control. Moreover, a correlation analysis was performed between ApEn parameters and clinical data (i.e., B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP), New York Heart Association (NYHA), and systolic blood pressure (SBP)) within the CHF group.


Statistical topographic maps showed statistically significant differences between the two groups in the total spectrum and theta frequency band. Within the CHF group, significant negative correlations were found between total ApEn and BNP in O2 channel and between theta ApEn and NYHA scores in Fp1, Fp2, and Fz channels; instead, a significant positive correlation was found between theta ApEn and SBP in C3 channel and a nearly significant positive correlation was obtained between theta ApEn and SBP in F4 channel.


EEG abnormalities in CHF are very similar to those observed in cognitive-impaired patients, suggesting analogies between the effects of neurodegeneration and brain chronic hypovolaemia due to heart disorder and underlying high brain sensitivity to CHF.  相似文献   

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