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Computerized axial tomographic (CT) scans were performed on 16 patients over an 18-month period to determine which patients were candidates for removal of their esophageal tumors by blunt esophagectomy. Blunt esophagectomy was offered only to those patients whose tumors were confined to the esophageal wall on CT scan. Thirteen patients were able to undergo blunt esophagectomy, with only one complication, a tracheal injury, which was repaired. Three patients had extensive mediastinal invasion requiring standard thoracotomy to perform a palliative resection. The operative blood loss in the group of patients with blunt esophagectomy was 500 ml, and there was only one operative death related to chronic aspiration. The CT scan is a valuable adjunct in determining which patients are candidates for esophagectomy without thoractomy.  相似文献   

Several therapeutic options exist for patients who have BE, and treatment should be individualized (Fig. 1). The best option in patients who have a high surgical risk or who reject surgery is lifelong conservative treatment, adjusting the PPI dosage with pH-metric controls. In patients who have a low surgical risk the best option is Nissen fundoplication. Only in cases in which esophageal shortening prevents a tension-free fundoplication from being done is a Collis gastroplasty associated with a fundoplication indicated. Other options may be indicated only in exceptional circumstances: (a) duodenal switch, when, after multiple failures with previous surgery, the approach to the esophagogastric junction is extremely difficult; and (b) esophageal resection, when there is a nondilatable esophageal stenosis and in cases in which the histologic study reveals the presence of high-grade dysplasia. Whatever treatment is used, an endoscopic surveillance program is mandatory, since, with the exception of total esophagectomy, no therapeutic option completely eliminates the risk for progression to adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

In most patients who have Barrett's esophagus and who are undergoing open or laparoscopic antireflux surgery, there is a significant improvement in symptom control that is equivalent to that in patients who have uncomplicated gastroesophageal reflux disease. The requirement for reoperation in patients with Barrett's esophagus may be slightly higher, although in the two laparoscopic series published to date, the rate is still only approximately 6%. How much this will increase with longer follow-up, time alone will tell, but given the good results in approximately 95% of patients operated to date, the authors do not believe that the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus should be considered a blanket contraindication for laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Clearly, in most patients with Barrett's esophagus, an antireflux operation will not result in regression of Barrett's mucosa. It is still unclear whether antireflux surgery provides any protection against subsequent development of esophageal adenocarcinoma. What is clear, however, is that after antireflux surgery, patients who have Barrett's esophagus are still at risk for developing adenocarcinoma and should remain in surveillance programs. The authors believe that laparoscopic antireflux surgery is a safe and effective approach for the cure of reflux-related symptoms in patients who have Barrett's esophagus.  相似文献   

There are few prospective studies that document the histologic follow-up after antireflux surgery in patients with Barrett's esophagus, as defined by the recently standardized criteria. We report the clinical, endoscopic, and histologic results of patients with Barrett's esophagus followed postoperatively for at least 2 years. Diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus required preoperative endoscopic evidence of columnar-lined epithelium in the esophagus and a biopsy demonstrating specialized intestinal metaplasia, which stains positively with Alcian blue stain. Between April 1993 and November 1998, a total of 104 patients meeting these criteria underwent fundoplication (laparoscopic [n = 84] or open [n = 6] nissen, laparoscopic Toupet [n = 11], laparoscopic Collis-Nissen [n = 1], Collins-Toupet [n = 1] or open Dor [n = 1]). Short-segment Barrett's esophagus (length of intestinal metaplasia <3 cm) was found preoperatively in 34% and low-grade dysplasia in 4% of patients. All patients were contacted yearly by mail, phone, or clinic visit. At a mean follow-up of 4.6 years (range 2 to 7.5 years), 81% of patients had stopped taking antisecretory medications and 97% were satisfied with the results of their operations. Eight patients have undergone reoperation for recurrence of symptoms. Two patients have died and two were excluded from endoscopic biopsy because of portal hypertension. Sixty-six patients complied with the surveillance protocol, and their histologic results were returned to our center. Symptomatic follow-up of the 34 patients who refused surveillance esophagogastro and duodenoscopy revealed two patients who were taking medication for reflux symptoms. None of the patients have developed high-grade dysplasia or esophageal carcinoma during surveillance endoscopy (337 total patient-years of follow-up). The incidence of regression of intestinal metaplasia to cardiac-fundic-type metaplasia after successful antireflux surgery is greater than previously reported. We suspect that this is a result of longer follow-up and the inclusion of patients with short-segment Barrett's esophagus. A substantial number of patients with Barrett's esophagus who are asymptomatic after antireflux surgery refuse surveillance endoscopy.  相似文献   

虚拟手术系统在肝脏手术方案设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肝脏内部极为复杂的管道系统及其生理和病理变异,决定了肝脏外科手术的难度。以往影像学检查所提供的多为二维(tw odimensions,2D)平面图像,无法显示肝内管道系统及其与肿瘤的三维(three dimensions,3D)空间关系,且不能准确计算肝脏体积。外科医师只能依靠形象和逻辑思维对肝内病灶及其相关的重要管道结构进行大致定位,以此作为制定手术计划的依据。对于复杂的肝脏外科手术具有一定的盲目性和不可靠性。  相似文献   

After a hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter was created in cats by circular myectomy of the distal esophagus, a comparative study was performed of the sphincter-enhancing operations currently in use: the Nissen fundoplication, the Belsey Mark IV, and the Hill posterior gastropexy. Subdiaphragmatic transposition of the myectomized segment was included to assess the effectiveness of intraabdominal positioning on lower esophageal sphincter competence.The mean lower esophageal sphincter pressure after Nissen fundoplication (21.7 ± 1.5 cm H2O) did not differ significantly from control values (24.3 $pL 1.8 cm H2O), whereas significantly lower pressures were recorded after the Belsey Mark IV (11.7 ± 1.5 cm H2O), Hill posterior gastropexy (9.0 ± 1.5 cm H2O), and subdiaphragmatic transposition (4.0 ± 1.5 cm H2O) procedures. The adaptive response of the lower esophageal sphincter to increased intragastric pressure was restored to near normal levels by both the Nissen and Belsey procedures, whereas the Hill posterior gastropexy and subdiaphragmatic transposition were less effective. In addition, pH reflux testing clearly indicated that the Nissen fundoplication afforded maximum protection against acid reflux.The experimental evidence suggests that optimum results in the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux are achieved when the resting lower esophageal sphincter pressure and the adaptive response are restored to normal levels. The Nissen fundoplication accomplishes these objectives more effectively than the alternative antireflux procedures.  相似文献   

Obesity adversely affects the outcome of antireflux operations   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that obesity was associated with long-term failure of antireflux procedures, and that in obese patients antireflux operations were easier to perform via thoracotomy, and therefore likely to have a higher success rate than transabdominal (laparoscopic or open) antireflux procedures. The aims of this study was to determine the impact of obesity on the success of antireflux operations, and to compare the success rates of transthoracic and laparoscopic approaches in obese patients with gastroesophageal reflux. METHODS: The records of 224 consecutive patients undergoing antireflux surgery by two surgeons in a university-based tertiary care center were reviewed and patients contacted for follow-up assessment. The patients were classified into groups based on the type of operation performed and the calculated body mass index (BMI): normal (BMI 30). Recurrences were documented by symptoms responsive to acid-suppressive medication and radiologic or pH probe studies. RESULTS: Among the 224 patients included in this study, 187 underwent laparoscopic Nissen fundoplications (LNF) and 37 underwent Belsey Mark IV(BM4) procedures. The mean follow-up period was 37 months. The three groups included 89 (39.7%) patients classified as having normal weight, 87 (38.8%) as overweight and 48 (21.4%) as obese. Normal, overweight, and obese patients were similar in terms of age, gender, hiatal hernia size, degree of esophagitis, and comorbid conditions. A total of 26 recurrences occurred, giving an overall recurrence rate of 11.6%. There were 4 recurrences in the normal group (4.5%), 7 in the overweight group (8.0%; p not significant vs normal), and 15 in the obese group (31%; p < 0.001 vs normal; p <.001 vs overweight). The recurrence rate was similar between LNF and BM4 in each BMI subgroup, although in aggregate, the recurrence rate after BMW was greater than after LNF (10/37 vs 16/187; p < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Obesity adversely affects the long-term success of antireflux operations. Although athoracotomy provides optimal exposure of the hiatal structures in obese patients, a transthoracic approach was associated with a higher recurrence rate than LNF. Given the high failure rate of antireflux operations in obese patients, intensive efforts at sustained weight loss should be made before consideration of surgery.  相似文献   

Summary Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) has proved extremely useful for the diagnosis of cerebral cysticercosis. The calcified small, multiple, and scattered cysts provide a typical image on CAT.The collection of non-calcified cysts in the subarachnoid spaces (racemose form) or in the ventricles may produce areas of low density similar to that of the cerebrospinal fluid. The dilatation of the ventricular system, extreme degrees of hydrocephalus, areas of cerebral atrophy, and other related changes induced by the cysts in the subarachnoid spaces are also clearly shown in the CAT. Four personal cases are reported.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between the morphologic nuclear features and clinicopathologic parameters in patients with advanced gastric cancer. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Nuclear profiles have been reported as useful prognostic predictors in various cancers. Data from computerized morphometries are objective and quickly derived using conventional microscopic analysis. However, this image analysis of nuclear features has rarely been applied to investigations of gastric adenocarcinoma. Moreover, it remains to be shown what types of biologic factors influence the nuclear features. METHODS: Morphometric nuclear features (nuclear area, perimeter, and shape) were analyzed in 202 patients with serosal-invaded gastric cancer (stage II and III) who underwent curative gastrectomy. In each case, 300 cancer nuclei were analyzed on routine hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides through the use of a computer-assisted image analysis system by tracing the nuclear profiles (magnification x400) on a computer monitor. The morphometric data were compared with patient survival, clinicopathologic status, DNA ploidy pattern of tumors, expression of p53 protein, and proliferative activity of cancer cells. RESULTS: Lymph node metastasis, lymphatic invasion, and venous invasion were more frequently detected in patients with large nuclear areas. Significant correlations were detected between the size of the nuclear area of cancer cells and the biologic factors of tumors, such as expression of p53, Ki-67 labeling index, and DNA ploidy pattern. The 5-year survival rate of the 100 patients in the large-nuclear group (nuclear area >45.3 microm2) was 47.6% and was significantly lower than the 74.4% rate of the 98 patients in the small-nuclear group (nuclear area < or =45.3 microm2). Moreover, the nuclear area was found to be an independent prognostic factor in the multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric cancer cells with a large nuclear area express mutated p53 protein and have high proliferative activity. Moreover, such cancer cells have high potential for invasion to the microvessels in the gastric wall. Thus, nuclear morphometry is a new and useful morphologic predictor for metastatic potential in advanced gastric cancer.  相似文献   

A fenestrated extracardiac conduit Fontan operation was performed with a new method in 5 patients by means of a pericardial tube anastomosed end to end with the inferior inlet of the right atrium.  相似文献   

As antireflux surgery has been used increasingly for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a need has arisen for an accurate method to assess esophageal length. There are a number of preoperative tests that can help surgeons to establish the presence of a short esophagus, but intraoperative assessment after esophageal mobilization is the standard method. In this era of laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon mobilizes the esophagus extensively from the abdomen and then determines if mobilization is sufficient. We report an intraoperative technique that combines laparoscopic with endoscopic methods to determine the position of the gastroesophageal junction. Because two physicians are required, there is additional operating room time, resulting in increased costs. However, these costs are offset by the assurance that the complications of the short esophagus can be avoided. With experience, modifications were made, resulting in the technique described herein. Received: 15 September 1998/Accepted: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The regeneration of intestinal metaplasia by squamous epithelium in 17 patients with Barrett's esophagus after endoscopic laser ablation in a reflux-free environment after successful antireflux surgery was prospectively examined. METHODS: All patients had antireflux surgery, and healing of reflux was verified at postoperative endoscopy and 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring. Thereafter, in 11 patients, the whole Barrett's epithelium was ablated using endoscopic Nd-YAG laser energy in 1 to 8 sessions (mean, 4). The needed energy was 965 to 11,173 joules (mean 4709), or about 1000 joules per centimeter of Barrett's esophagus. Six patients had no laser ablation but were treated by antireflux surgery and served as a control group. RESULTS: In all laser-treated patients, the regenerated epithelium was histologically of squamous type in the tubular esophagus, but two patients still had intestinal metaplasia in the gastric cardia. In controls, the length of Barrett's esophagus and intestinal metaplasia remained unchanged. The length of follow-up was 26 months after the last laser session and 21 months in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The regenerated esophageal epithelium arising after laser ablation in reflux-free environment surgery is of squamous type. This treatment may have a role in preventing the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma arising in Barrett's esophagus.  相似文献   

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