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The roles of gender and the sexual motives of Love, Pleasure, Conformity, Recognition, Dominance, and Submission in numerous usual and unusual sexual behaviors were investigated. In a survey of 191 college undergraduates it was found that Love, Pleasure, Conformity, and Recognition motives, often in interaction with gender, were all important predictors of sexual behavior. Gender was the best predictor of initiating usual sexual behavior, whereas the Love motive was the best predictor of actually engaging in usual sexual behavior. Pleasure and Recognition in interaction with gender were the best predictors of engaging in unusual sexual behavior. None of the sexual motives predicted initiating unusual sexual behavior. Findings suggest that a variety of sexual motives may underlie sexual behavior.  相似文献   

This study examines how viewing sexual content on television and sensation seeking are related to girls' and boys' attitude toward uncommitted sexual exploration using data from a two-wave panel study with a six-month interval (N = 1,096) in Belgium. Hierarchical regression analyses showed a positive three-way interaction effect demonstrating that sensation seeking has a decreasing effect on the relationship between viewing sexual content on television and attitude toward uncommitted sexual exploration among boys, but an increasing effect among girls. More specifically, girls who showed higher levels of sensation seeking and boys who showed lower levels of sensation seeking appeared to be more susceptible to the negative influence of viewing sexual content on television viewing on their attitude toward uncommitted sexual exploration. However, higher levels of sensation seeking among boys and lower levels of sensation seeking among girls decreased the risks of viewing sexual content on television. Adolescent risk-groups defined by sexual television viewing, sensation seeking, and gender are discussed.  相似文献   

Correlates of Increased Sexual Satisfaction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Comparisons of nationally representative survey data of the population ages 18–54 years in 1971 (N = 2252) and 1992 (N = 1718) from Finland show that sexual satisfaction has greatly increased particularly among women. Some predictors of sexual satisfaction of men and women are examined on the basis of the 1992 survey data on people ages 18–74 years (N = 2250). Correlations between social background factors, sexual ideas and assertiveness, optional relationships, sexual practices, orgasm, and satisfaction with sexual intercourse were calculated. To control the simultaneous effect of the variables explaining satisfaction, path analyses were conducted. Results show that young age, a sexually unreserved and a nonreligious childhood home, early start of sexual life, high education, sexual assertiveness, considering sexuality important in life, reciprocal feeling of love, use of sex materials, frequent intercourse, many-sided (versatile) sexual techniques, and frequent orgasm correlate with finding sexual intercourse pleasurable. There were some gender differences in the connections between the independent factors and satisfaction with coitus. The importance of sexuality in life, love, and the use of sexual materials were connected directly to physical sexual satisfaction among men but only indirectly among women. For women, but not for men, young age and early start of sexual life correlated with enjoyment of intercourse. The greater sexual dissatisfaction of women compared to men, which still prevails, may be due to their late start of sexual life, conservative sexual attitudes, unimportance of sexuality in life, lack of sexual assertiveness, and use of restricted sexual techniques. The emancipation of women may change these ideas and practices of women. This might lessen the gender gap in physical sexual satisfaction.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examine how the issues of gender and sexual orientation have been addressed in family therapy and identify critical issues as the field defines itself in a postmodern, inclusive era. We show how unintentional bias and creation of the category of “other” persist throughout the history of clinical practice despite a rise of interest in diversity. We suggest that family therapy approaches have been based on a view of sex‐gender that creates dichotomous categories, confounds gender and sexual orientation, and limits flexibility. A postgender approach organized around a relationship model based on equality rather than gender is advocated. Obstacles to postgender practice are identified, and guidelines for practice and challenges for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-eight respondents (110 heterosexuals and 118 homosexuals) completed a survey containing a 20-item Boyhood Gender Conformity Scale (BGCS). This scale was largely composed of edited and abridged gender items from Part A of Freund et al.'s Feminine Gender Identity Scale (FGISA) and Whitam's childhood indicators. The combined scale was developed in an attempt to obtain a reliable, valid, and potent discriminating instrument for accurately classifying adult male respondents for sexual orientation on the basis of their reported boyhood gender conformity or nonconforming behavior and identity. In addition, 33% of these respondents were administered the original FGIS-A and Whitam inventory during a 2-week test-retest analysis conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the new instrument. All the original items significantly discriminated between heterosexual and homosexual respondents. From these a 13-item function and a 5-item function proved to be the most powerful discriminators between the two groups. Significant correlations between each of the three scales and a very high test-retest correlation coefficient supported the reliability and validity assumption for the BGCS. The conclusion was made that the five-item function (playing with boys, prefering boys' games, imagining self as sports figure, reading adventure and sports stories, considered a sissy) was the most potent and parsimonious discriminator among adult males for sexual orientation. It was similarly noted that the absence of masculine behaviors and traits appeared to be a more powerful predictor of later homosexual orientation than the traditionally feminine or cross-sexed traits and behaviors.  相似文献   

The relationship between reproductive maturation and the onset of sexual behavior in boys across cultures is unclear. To explore the relative timing of pubertal events and their relationship to the onset of sexual behavior, we used data collected from 442 Zimbabwe school boys aged 12–18 years. Measures of reproductive maturation included self-reported spontaneous nocturnal emission, secondary sexual characteristics, and salivary testosterone. Behavioral measures included age at first sexual fantasies, non-coital sexual behavior, and coitus. Sigmoid interpolation curve techniques indicated a median age of first erection at 10.75 ± 0.11 years, first sexual fantasy at 12.66 ± 0.03 years, first spontaneous nocturnal emission at 13.02 ± 0.03 years, and adult levels of blood testosterone at 17.2 ± 0.7 years. First reported spontaneous nocturnal emission was significantly related to all measures of sexual behavior. Multiple regression models indicated that first reported spontaneous nocturnal emission was a stronger predictor of sexual behavior than variation in secondary sexual characteristics. In addition, testosterone was a significant predictor of sexual fantasies and intercourse, independent of first reported spontaneous nocturnal emission. These results confirm earlier findings in other populations that self-reported spontaneous nocturnal emissions can be used as a marker of pubertal timing among adolescent boys. They also suggest that variation in testosterone plays a role in the onset of sexual behavior among boys, beyond its relationship to developmental timing. The behavioral mechanisms represented by the significant effects of testosterone reported here remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study examines the association of beliefs about gender differences (frequently termed gender attitudes or attitudes about women in other research) and of beliefs specifically about masculinity to health risk behaviors in minority, urban, early adolescents, in light of the gender conventionality hypothesis. Methods: Data from a self-administered questionnaire assessing gender attitudes and violence-related, substance use, and heterosexual health risk behaviors administered to 587 African American and Latino early adolescents are analyzed. Results: With sociodemographic and family variables controlled, in males violence-related behaviors and substance use are associated with traditional beliefs about masculinity, and heterosexual activity is associated with traditional beliefs about gender differences. In females, being sexually active is positively associated with traditional beliefs about masculinity. Conclusions: Interventions to reduce health risk behaviors in minority, urban, early adolescents may be more effective if they include greater attention to ways in which gender-related attitudes may play a role in health risk taking.  相似文献   

In this essay, I explore empirical research about the relationship between sexual orientation and gender. Both concepts have multiple meanings, which hinder an unequivocal understanding of the relationship between the two concepts. One of the first studies assumed to establish a relationship between male homosexuality and femininity was conducted by L. M. Terman and C. C. Miles (1936). The study actually gives a much more complicated picture of the relationship. Terman and Miles actually found two groups of homosexual men with, respectively, extremely high masculinity and extremely high femininity scores. Subsequently, various other studies examined the relationship between sexual orientation and gender, introducing the concept of androgyNY. While these studies were executed, major changes took place in the homosexual world, which have been characterized as the masculinization of culture. It is unclear how these changes relate to the masculine and feminine properties of the men involved. Various suggestions are made for further research on the relation between gender and sexual orientation. This essay is based on the Presidential Address, International Academy of Sex Research, Bloomington, Indiana, July 16–19, 2003.  相似文献   

Sexual coercion may affect the sexual experiences of sexual minority women differently. Women (n = 445) aged 18 to 71 years (Mean = 30.38) answered an online survey on sexual orientation, lifetime coercion, and sexual history. Sexual minority women (45.8%, n = 204) were more likely to report having been coerced into unwanted sexual behavior (56.5%) than heterosexual women (44.8 %; p = 0.010). Coerced sexual minority women reported earlier ages of initiation into performing oral sex (p = 0.016), penile-vaginal (p = 0.024), and penile-anal (p = 0.027) intercourse. In multiple logistic regression models, currently being in a partnered relationship was the sole factor related to lifetime engagement in penile-vaginal intercourse and receiving oral sex from partners. Having at least a graduate degree was the only characteristic related to engagement in lifetime penile-anal intercourse. Sexual coercion was not related to any lifetime sexual behavior outcomes. The nature of sexual initiation and coercion should be explored further among sexual minority women, with the goal of incorporating their experiences into prevention and treatment initiatives.  相似文献   

Sexual and gender minority college students are underrepresented in nutrition research and may face unique challenges related to eating which impact their overall diet quality. We assessed the differences in eating competence and dietary intake between sexual and gender minority (SGM) and cisgender heterosexual (CH) college students. Participants (n = 2645) reported sexual orientation, gender identity and completed the Eating Competence Satter Inventory (ecSI 2.0™ through an online questionnaire. Three-day food records examined dietary intake. Intake was compared to recommendations for nutrients of public health concern. Chi-square and ANCOVA examined differences between eating competence and dietary intake. There were no differences in total ecSI 2.0™ scores. Subscale scores for Eating Attitudes and Contextual Skills were significantly higher in CH vs. SGM students (13.4 ± 0.1 vs. 12.4 ± 0.4 p = 0.01 and 10.7 ± 0.1 vs. 9.9 ± 0.3, p = 0.01, respectively). Most students (40.8%) met one nutrient recommendation. The proportion of students meeting nutrient recommendations were similar for SGM and CH. SGM populations may struggle with attitudes and eating behaviors. Dietary intake of SGM and CH students were similarly inadequate when compared to recommendations.  相似文献   

家庭因素对青少年婚前性行为及危险性行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索家庭因素对未婚青少年首次性行为以及危险性行为的影响。方法:采用多阶段抽样方法抽取上海市15~24岁青少年进行匿名电子问卷调查。结果:调查的6023名未婚青少年中12.7%有过性行为(男16.8%、女8.7%),其中首次性行为发生在≤18岁、首次性行为未使用安全措施、有过商业性行为、与陌生人、与吸毒人员发生过性行为的比例分别为29.9%、55.2%、4.3%、12.2%和0.5%;多因素分析结果显示,出生年代越早、与父母同住、青春期早期家庭支持评分较高及父母反对婚前性行为的青少年发生婚前性行为的可能性和危险性行为评分均较低;家庭因素对性行为的影响存在性别差异,女性性行为的发生受家庭因素的影响比较大,而男性更多地受人口学特征的影响。结论:青少年婚前性行为的发生趋于年轻化。家庭因素可能影响青少年的婚前性行为及危险性行为的发生,并且这种影响作用存在性别差异。  相似文献   

上海对外贸易学院大学生性观念性行为情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 为了全面掌握了解大学生性观念性行为的现状,对大学生中所存在的性健康问题做到早期发现并及时提供帮助和咨询。方法 对上海对外贸易学院大三学生采用随机抽样调查的方法。结果 2003年和2004年分别有37%和57%的大学生在谈恋爱;40%和60%的大学生有接吻、拥抱等性行为。结论 大学生在校谈恋爱和性交的比率均在逐年增加。学校应继续加大性健康教育,更应增强对大学生自我保护意识的教育。  相似文献   

目的为了全面掌握了解大学生性观念性行为的现状,对大学生中所存在的性健康问题做到早期发现并及时提供帮助和咨询。方法对上海对外贸易学院大三学生采用随机抽样调查的方法。结果2003年和2004年分别有37%和57%的大学生在谈恋爱;40%和60%的大学生有接吻、拥抱等性行为。结论大学生在校谈恋爱和性交的比率均在逐年增加。学校应继续加大性健康教育,更应增强对大学生自我保护意识的教育。  相似文献   

This study sought to empirically evaluate the extent and impact of cross-contamination on the effects of a STI/HIV intervention trial previously shown to be effective in reducing high-risk sexual behaviors among African–American adolescent females. Participants were recruited through community health agencies in the Southeastern United States and comprised 522 sexually active 14- to 18- year-old African–American females who completed self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interviews at baseline, 6- and 12-month time points. Participants were randomized to a STI/HIV risk reduction group or a general health promotion group. The STI/HIV intervention group participated in four group sessions addressing constructs such as HIV knowledge, communication, condom use self-efficacy and condom use behaviors. The control group participated in four group sessions focused on general health topics. The study setting afforded multiple opportunities for cross-talk between intervention and control group participants. Consistent condom use, defined as condom use during every vaginal sex act, was the primary outcome measure. Other outcome measures included various sexual behaviors, observed condom application skills and psychosocial variables associated with HIV preventive behaviors. Approximately 73% of participants reported some level of cross-talk. Linear and binary GEE models assessing the impact of the STI/HIV intervention on contaminated vs. uncontaminated control group participants indicated no differential effects of the intervention. Furthermore, equivalence tests demonstrated that contaminated and uncontaminated control groups were equivalent. Findings from this study provide empirical evidence suggesting that behavioral and psychosocial outcomes may be resistant to cross-contamination in randomized controlled trials testing safer sex interventions among African–American adolescent females.  相似文献   

Abstract: Data from the New York City Moving to Opportunity 3‐year follow‐up were used to examine neighborhood and gender effects on adolescents’ family processes. Low‐income, minority families in public housing in high‐poverty neighborhoods were assigned randomly to (a) move to private housing in low‐poverty neighborhoods only, (b) move to private housing in neighborhoods of their choice, or (c) stay in place. Family processes, assessed by parent reports and interviewer observations, were compared for those who relocated and those who stayed in place. Parents in the low‐poverty group were observed to be harsher toward their daughters than parents in the high‐poverty group. In adolescence, residential relocation may be difficult for mother‐daughter relations and require additional services to ease the transition.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify differences in the sexual health behaviors (condom use and number of sexual partners) between college students with same-sex sexual experiences and those with only opposite-sex partners. Data from a random sample of American university students were gathered as part of the 1997 College Alcohol Study. Odds ratios were estimated for consistent condom use and multiple sex partners for students with same-sex or both-sex sexual partners compared to those with exclusively heterosexual contacts. Five percent of respondents reported ever having a same-sex partner. Significant differences in safer-sex practices were found between groups. Females with both-sex experience and males with both-sex or only same-sex experiences were more likely to report multiple recent sexual partners than their peers with only opposite-sex partners. Odds ratios of consistent condom use were lower for men with only same-sex experience than among those with only opposite-sex partners. Findings have implications for sexual health education on the college campus. Consistent condom use remains low among college students. Education programs should emphasize the importance of limiting the number of lifetime sex partners, especially among students with same-sex experiences.  相似文献   

This study examined how alcohol consumption over a single session can affect the likelihood of risky sex in adolescents. Risky sexual behavior, as defined in this study, included sexual intercourse without the use of contraception or aNY sexual behavior that was subsequently regretted. In-depth interviews were conducted with 64 adolescents (aged 14–17 years). Data were analyzed following the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The impact of alcohol consumption upon risky sexual behavior was found to operate through a “continuum of influence.” The 5 effects or explanations within this continuum, possibly determined through the level of inebriation, are summarized as follows: (1) alcohol affecting young people's assessment of a person's sexual attractiveness; (2) alcohol used as an “excuse” for socially unacceptable behavior; (3) increased confidence and lowering of inhibitions; (4) impaired judgment in accurately recognizing and controlling a potentially risky situation; and (5) complete loss of control, memory loss, and “black-out.” These explanations were ordered with increasing significance. That is, impaired judgment (Explanation 4) and complete loss of control (Explanation 5) arguably represented the most significant effects of drinking alcohol upon risky sexual behavior. For those participants who reported both risky and non-risky sexual behavior, risky events were more likely to occur when alcohol consumption had increased and when the impaired judgment and complete loss of control explanations were applicable. The implications of understanding this complex relationship are outlined, and they will be of interest to academics, practitioners, and policy-makers in the alcohol and sex fields.  相似文献   

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