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Immunoreactivity to neurofilament (NF) antiserum appears early in the development of both the central and peripheral nervous systems of the rat fetus. In 10 somite embryos, positive cell bodies are present in the ventromedial part of anterior rhombencephalic and mesencephalic neural tube. From there the appearance of immunoreactivity spreads cranially to the prosencephalic anlage before closure of the anterior neuropore and caudally following the sequence of neural tube closure. Immunoreactivity increases rapidly in axon bundles of central and peripheral systems, but in immature cell bodies of sensory ganglia the NF material only forms a ring around the nucleus. At 16 days of gestation, some cell bodies are progressively loaded with NF-immunoreactive material as a thick perinuclear network first and then in more excentrically located aggregates. This category of neurons is mainly observed in the distal part of the trigeminal ganglion, in petrous and nodose ganglia and in cervical dorsal root ganglia. In adult ganglia large cell bodies and some small ones present high NF immunoreactivity. In autonomic cell bodies (in superior cervical ganglion and in parasympathetic cranial ganglia) the immunoreactive material only forms a perinuclear ring slowly transformed into a loose perinuciear meshwork at the end of gestation. Intensely reactive nerve fibers are observed in cranial sensory as well as in sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia and nerves. No positive cell bodies and only a few NF-immunoreactive nerves are observed in the carotid bodies. The NF immunoreactivity is better visualized on sections of fresh frozen material, treated with acetone, than in fixed specimens.These results are compared to previous observations reported for other species and for developing dorsal root ganglia. This immunostaining may be used to detect differentiation of peripheral sensory and autonomic neurons under experimental conditions. The uneven distribution of NF immunoreactivity in sensory neurons from stage 16 days of gestation as specific for precise subpopulations of neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

The localization of substance P (SP)-immunoreactive structures in the infant brainstem was investigated by immunohistochemistry using the peroxidase antiperoxidase technique. SP-immunoreactive structures are widely distributed throughout the brainstem region. SP-immunoreactive cell bodies are prominent in the superior colliculis, the central grey, the nucleus tractus solitarius and the reticular formation. A high density of SP-immunoreactive fibers is found in the nucleus tractus solitarius, the trigeminal nucleus and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Large SP-immunoreactive fibers are seen in the substantia nigra. In the present study, we also investigated the development of substance P-immunoreactive fibers in the infant brainstem during the first postnatal year. We note a qualitative increase in the density of SP-immunoreactivity in some brainstem regions such as colliculus superior and substantia nigra with respect to age.  相似文献   

Summary Two unrelated Pointer dogs, each from a breeding of normal parents which produced three affected pups in a litter of nine, began to bite their paws at 3 and 5 months of age. Insensitivity to painful stimuli was marked in the distal parts of the limbs and receded proximally. The affected dogs were euthanatized at 5 and 20 months because of acral mutilation and infection. Changes affecting the primary sensory neurons included: small spinal ganglia with reduced numbers of cell bodies, degeneration of unmyelinated and myelinated fibers in dorsal roots and peripheral nerves, and reduced fiber density in the dorsolateral fasciculus (dlf).Since nociceptive loss was the salient deficit in a neuropathy affecting primary sensory neurons, immunohistochemical studies focused on substance P, the undecapeptide imputed to mediate nociception at the first synapse in the spinal cord and brain. The localization and density of substance P-like (SPL) immunoreactivity was studied in three control dogs and the two Pointers by the indirect antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. The spinal intumescences of the control dogs contained dense SPL-immuno-reactivity in fibers of the dlf and the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn (i.e., laminae I, II, and the dorsal part of III). Immunoreactive fascicles on the lateral aspect of the dorsal horn and in the reticular process sent contributions medially to a plexiform fiber arrangement in lamina V. Medially, SPL-immunoreactive fibers were more loosely arranged in the internal third of laminae VI and VII and in lamina X. In the Pointers, the loss of primary sensory neurons was associated with notable reduction of SPL staining in the dlf and superficial laminae of the dorsal horn. In the lumbar intumescence of the older Pointer greater preservation of SPL staining in the lateral third of laminae I and II was consistent with somatotopic termination of trunkal afferents in this region.In both Pointers there was no detectable decrease in trigeminal sensitivity and the SPL immunoreactivity in the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve of the younger Pointer and the corresponding control dog appeared equivalent. In the older Pointer, however, the immunoreactivity in this nucleus was decreased relative to the control. This decrease and appearance of scattered fiber degeneration in the dorsal columns of the mature Pointer suggested that fiber degeneration progresses slowly with age to include sensory systems not affected in early postnatal life.The findings in the Pointers were compared with those made in immunohistochemical studies of SP in familial dysautonomia and the mutilated foot rat.Supported in part by a grant from the Rockland County Kennel Club  相似文献   

The possibility that substance P (SP)-immunoreactive axon terminals in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) make synaptic contacts onto NTS neurons projecting to the catecholaminergic cell region in the caudal ventrolateral medulla oblongata (CVLM) was examined in the rat using a retrograde tract-tracing method combined with immunohistochemistry. After injection of a retrograde tracer, wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase-colloidal gold complex (WGA-HRP-gold), into the CVLM region where tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons were situated, many retrogradely labeled neurons were detected in the dorsal parts of the NTS, especially at levels between 1.0 mm caudal and 0.5 mm rostral to the obex. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed synaptic contacts between SP-immunoreactive axon terminals and WGA-HRP-gold-labeled neurons in the NTS. These findings indicated that SP regulates NTS neurons which project to the catecholaminergic cell region of the CVLM. ©1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study has been made of the substance P-immunoreactive networks formed by sensory nerve fibres in the prevertebral sympathetic ganglia of the guinea pig to seek confirmation that these networks arise from collateral branches of sensory fibres passing through the ganglia and to explore the synaptic and other specialized relationships established by these networks. Slices from coeliac-superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric ganglia of young adult males, perfusion-fixed by paraformaldehyde, were immunostained with a monoclonal antibody to substance P, and the immunolabelling was visualized by a peroxidase reaction. Immunolabelled fibres passing through the ganglia were seen by light microscopy to give off varicose collaterals that ramified in the ganglionic neuropil. Electron microscopy showed that the parent fibres were almost exclusively unmyelinated. Many collaterals ran directly beneath the basal lamina bordering the intraganglionic tissue spaces, and the varicosities either remained superficially exposed under the basal lamina or sank deeper into the supporting Schwann cells, becoming apposed to dendrites of the ganglionic neurones, upon which they formed synapses, or to other nerve terminals. The incidence of these specific associations was quantified, singly and in combination. Synapses could be situated at the same level as unlabelled synapses on the same dendrite, and exposed varicosities could lie within 0.5 micron of exposed, postsynaptic dendrites. These observations confirm a collateral, synaptic nature for the networks and suggest additional nonsynaptic modes of release and sites of transmitter action. They are consistent with the hypothesis that the system serves a nocifensor function of axon reflex type.  相似文献   

Vagal primary afferent neurons have their cell bodies located in the nodose (inferior) and jugular (superior) vagal ganglia and send terminals into the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) which lies in the dorsomedial medulla. The presence of glutamate (Glu)-containing neurons in the rat nodose ganglion was investigated using immunohistochemistry. Glu-immunoreactivity on nodose sections was found in neuronal perikarya and nerve fibers, but not in non-neuronal elements such as Schwann cells and satellite cells. Both immunoreactive and non-immunoreactive ganglion cells were observed. The immunoreactive ganglion cells amounted to about 60% of the nodose population. No specific intraganglionic localization was observed for the non-immunoreactive cells. Immunoreactive perikarya were slightly smaller than the non-immunoreactive ones, but no relationship was found between size and staining intensities of immunoreactive neurons. The present data indicate that immunodetectable Glu is present in a large population of vagal afferent neurons. They therefore add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that Glu may be the main neurotransmitter released by vagal afferent terminals within the nucleus tractus solitarii.  相似文献   

The distribution of substance P- and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in single cells were examined by the double immunofluorescence method. Substance P- and leucine-enkephalin-like compounds coexisted within individual neurons of some hypothalamic areas such as the medial preoptic area, anterior hypothalamic area, perifornical area, lateral hypothalamic area, premammillary nuclei and posterior hypothalamic nucleus, although they did not coexist in the majority of immunoreactive cells.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted that doublecortin (DCX) may represent a neuronal fate marker transiently expressed by immature neurons during development of the central and peripheral nervous tissue and in neurogenic areas of the adult brain. Previous work described the presence of DCX in the developing dorsal root ganglia (DRG), structures of the peripheral nervous system originating from the neural crest, but no information is available on its expression in adulthood. To this purpose, we have performed an immunohistochemical and biochemical analysis for DCX expression in DRG from adult male mice and rats. To our surprise, we demonstrated that the majority of DRG neurons do express DCX, both in somata and in fibers. DCX(+) cells have been characterized morphologically and phenotypically with well-established markers of DRG neuronal subpopulations. A large number of DCX(+) cells belong to the small and medium-sized nociceptive neurons. Additionally, DCX immunoreactivity is present in the spinal cord dorsal horns, the projection area of DRG neurons. The novel and unexpected localization for DCX protein opens up new, interesting vistas on the functional role of this protein in mature neurons and in particular in sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for delta-opioid receptor (DOR) was performed on the rat cranial sensory ganglia. The immunoreactivity was detected in 16%, 19% and 11% of neurons in the trigeminal, jugular and petrosal ganglia, respectively. The nodose ganglion was devoid of such neurons. DOR-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were mostly small to medium-sized (trigeminal, range = 62-851 microm(2), mean +/- SD = 359 +/- 175 microm(2); jugular, range = 120-854 microm(2), mean +/- SD = 409 +/- 196 microm(2); petrosal, range = 167-1146 microm(2), mean +/- SD = 423 +/- 233 microm(2)). Double immunofluorescence method revealed that all DOR-IR neurons were also immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide. The cutaneous and mucosal epithelia in the oro-facial region, tooth pulp, taste bud and carotid body were innervated by DOR-IR nerve fibers. In the brainstem, IR nerve terminals were located in the superficial medullary dorsal horn and dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis as well as the solitary tract nucleus. The present study suggests that DOR-IR neurons may be associated with nociceptive and/or chemoreceptive function in the cranial sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

The coexistence of substance P- and glutamic acid decarboxylase-like immunoreactivity in cell bodies was investigated in the entopeduncular neurons of the rat by the double-immunofluorescence method using species-specific antibodies. Over half of the substance P-like immunoreactive cells were GABAergic. Double-labeled neurons were generally seen in the rostral to the middle region of the entopeduncular nucleus. Since the rostral portion of the entopeduncular nucleus mainly projects to the lateral habenular nucleus, it is suggested that double-labeled neurons in the entopeduncular nucleus largely project to the lateral habenular nucleus which is involved in the limbic system.  相似文献   

The actions of mammalian tachykinins on neurons of rat coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglia (C-SMG) were examined using intracellular recording in isolated preparations. Application of substance P, neurokinin A and neurokinin B produced fast and slow depolarizations in the ganglion cells. The two responses were clearly distinguishable in their electrophysiological characteristics. The results suggest that different receptor mechanisms are involved in fast and slow depolarizing actions of tachykinins in rat C-SMG cells.  相似文献   

Substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) has been observed in cell bodies of fetal cranial parasympathetic ganglia of rat. It first appears at day 16 of gestation at the same time as in cranial sensory ganglia. From day 17 to 21, SPLI neurons constitute most, if not all, submandibular-sublingual and intralingual ganglia, they form 30–40% of otic and pterygopalatine ganglia and numerous such neurons are found in the myenteric plexus of the esophagus as well as in pharyngeal and buccal walls. The immunoreactive material is thinly granular, and its appearance does not change with prenatal development. The immunoreactivity in cell bodies of parasympathetic ganglia decreases at the end of the gestational period, and cannot be evidenced any more in most cells of normal adult ganglia. However, the corresponding SPLI fibers remain intensely immunoreactive. When grafted to rat irides, which have been chemically depleted of intrinsic SPLI fibers, submandibular, otic and pterygopalatine ganglia from pre- or postnatal rats rapidly produce a large amount of SPLI fibers on the iris mimicking the pattern of sensory innervation. This proves the presence of SPLI neurons in adult parasympathetic ganglia, at least in experimental conditions.This study of fetuses and grafts demonstrates the existence of neurons in SPLI parasympathetic cranial ganglia which has been underestimated or ignored previously as a result of observations on adult ganglia. The very large proportion of SPLI neurons in the ganglia of the salivary gland might be of importance for the interpretation of experimental studies on the control of salivation. The presence of SPLI in all three types of peripheral ganglia, sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic, raises the question of its functional significance in the different compartments of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

By using substance P receptor (SPR) immunofluorescence histochemistry combined with fluorescent retrograde labeling, SPR-like immunoreactive (SPR-LI) neurons sending their axons to the lateral parabrachial region were observed in the lumbar spinal cord of the rat. After injection of Fluoro-Gold into lateral parabrachial region, retrogradely labeled neurons with SPR-LI were seen frequently in lamina I and the lateral spinal nucleus, and occasionally in laminae IV and V, with a predominantly contralateral distribution. Some of these neurons, especially those in lamina I, may convey nociceptive information to the lateral parabrachial region.  相似文献   

The present study examined substance P (SP) innervation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat. In the colchicine-untreated rat, SP-immunoreactive fibers formed a dense oval plexus in the ventral part of the SCN. After bilateral eye enucleation, there was a marked reduction in SP-immunoreactive fibers in the ventral part of the SCNs. The SP-immunoreactive neurons in the retinal ganglion cell layer were retrogradely labeled after injection of Fluoro-gold into the SCN. These findings indicate the presence of the SP innervation from the retina to the SCN in the rat. The role of SP in the retino-hypothalamic tract was discussed from the light-dark cycle.  相似文献   

In rats treated with capsaicin (CAP) as neonates, galanin-like (GA) immunoreactivity is markedly decreased in the trigeminal ganglion and the dorsal root ganglia as well as in the superficial layers of the dorsal spinal cord (laminae I and II), the substantia gelatinosa, the nucleus and tractus of the spinal trigeminal nerve and the nucleus commissuralis. Since CAP causes selective degeneration of primary sensory neurons of the C-fiber type and type B-cells of sensory ganglia, it is concluded that GA in CAP-sensitive primary sensory neurons represents a novel peptidergic system possibly involved in the transformation or modulation of peripheral nociceptive impulses. This system differs from the CAP-resistant GA-like neurons in other brain areas.  相似文献   

Spinal nociceptive transmission is mediated by glutamate and neuropeptides such as substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA). The neuropeptide-mediated excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) had a slow onset and long duration. Here, we demonstrate SP- and NKA-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in dorsal horn neurons of young rats using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. After complete blockade of glutamate receptor-mediated currents, we observed a small residual EPSC. The residual EPSCs exhibited temporal summation in response to a train of stimulation (six pulses delivered at 10-50 Hz). High intensity stimulation (the same or greater than the stimulation threshold for nociceptive fibers in vivo) was required for evoking these summated EPSCs. Summated EPSCs were attenuated or abolished by capsaicin pretreatment, which depletes SP and NKA from presynaptic terminals; SP and NKA pretreatment; NK(1) or NK(2) receptor antagonists; and inhibition of postsynaptic G proteins. EPSCs were neither blocked by a metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist nor a gamma-aminobutyric acid(B) receptor antagonist. The summated EPSCs were also sensitive to voltage-gated calcium channel antagonists or mu-opioid receptor activation by DAMGO. The present study provides electrophysiological evidence that suggests the possible contribution of SP and NKA to sensory synaptic transmission between primary afferent fibers and dorsal horn neurons.  相似文献   

Neurons within sensory ganglia have been proposed to communicate via non-synaptic release of a diffusible chemical messenger, but the identity of the chemical mediator(s) remains unknown [J. Neurosci. 16 (1996) 4733–4741]. The present study addressed the possibility of co-released ATP and substance P (SP) within sensory ganglia to further advance the hypothesis of non-synaptic communication between sensory neurons. Microdialysis probes inserted into trigeminal ganglia (TRGs) of anesthetized guinea pigs were perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid and the collected perfusate analyzed for ATP and SP content using the firefly luciferin–luciferase (L/L) assay and radioimmunoassay, respectively. Significant reversible increases in ATP and SP levels were observed after infusion of 100 mM KCl or 1 mM capsaicin. Ca2+-free ACSF produced an eightfold increase in ATP levels, interpreted as a decrease in activity of Ca2+-dependent ecto-nucleotidases that degrade ATP. In contrast, KCl-induced release of ATP in the presence of normal Ca2+ was blocked by Cd2+, a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel blocker, illustrating Ca2+-dependence of evoked ATP release. Since ganglionic release of ATP could arise from several neuronal and non-neuronal sources we directly tested acutely dissociated TRG neuron somata for ATP release. Neuron-enriched dissociated TRG cells were plated onto glass tubes and tested for ATP release using the L/L assay. Robust ATP release was evoked with 5 μM capsaicin. These data suggest that ATP is released concurrently with SP from the somata of neurons within sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) is synthesized in a subset of nociceptive sensory neurons and is released from their peripheral and central terminals. Here we demonstrate with the use of in vivo microdialysis and radioimmunoassay techniques that SP is also released within trigeminal ganglia following intraganglionic application of KCl, veratridine or capsaicin, and after electrical stimulation of peripheral afferent fibers. Both the basal and KCl-evoked release of SP are shown to be dependent on extracellular calcium. Using the turpentine-induced model of unilateral orofacial inflammation we also show that both the basal and KCl-evoked release of SP within trigeminal ganglia are greatly increased on the inflamed side 48 h after induction of inflammation. Coupled with previous demonstrations of excitatory effects of SP on sensory neurons, these results suggest that SP fulfils the role of a non-synaptically released diffusible chemical messenger that may modulate the somatic excitability of neurons within sensory ganglia in inflammatory pain states.  相似文献   

The origin of extrinsic substance P fibers in the guinea pig pyloric wall was investigated by combining retrograde axonal tracing and indirect immunofluorescence techniques. After injection of Fast Blue into the pyloric wall labeled cells were found in the T7-T9 dorsal root ganglia and the nodose and jugular ganglia. About 60% of the labeled cells in the dorsal root ganglia contained substance P-like immunoreactivity. After local application of colchicine, a few substance P positive cells were observed in the nodose and jugular ganglia, some of which also contained Fast Blue.  相似文献   

The peripheral projections of two distinct subpopulations of primary sensory neurons, expressing either calbindin D-28k or substance P, were studied in chick hindlimbs by immunodetecting calbindin D-28k with a rabbit antiserum and substance P with a mouse monoclonal antibody. Calbindin D-28k-immunoreactive axons provided an innervation restricted to specific mechanoreceptors such as muscle spindles, Herbst and Merkel corpuscles, or collars of feather follicles but were absent from Golgi tendon organs. In contrast, substance P-positive axons spread out diffusely in muscles and skin, formed loose plexuses, and extended free branches to the endomysium, arteries, superficial dermis, or dermal pulp of feather follicles. The present results show that calbindin D-28k- and substance P-immunoreactive primary sensory neurons provide distinct modes of innervation to selective targets in peripheral tissues. The results suggest a possible correlation between CaBP-expressing nerve endings and rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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