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尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术治疗儿童尿道下裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(tubalarized incised plate urethroplasty,TIP或Snodgrass手术)矫治尿道下裂的经验。方法回顾性总结分析2001年5月~2004年11月采用Snodgrass手术治疗的尿道下裂82例,年龄1岁6个月~16岁,平均5岁。将资料按前后时期、不同的病情特点分为前期手术组34例,后期手术组48例;其中近侧型组19例,远侧型和中段型组63例;初次手术组49例,再次手术组33例,对并发症发生情况进行分析。结果术后并发尿瘘12例,尿瘘发生率14.6%;阴茎头裂开1例。各组尿瘘情况:前期手术组11例(32.4%),后期手术组1例(2.1%);近侧型组2例(10.5%),远侧型和中段型组10例(15.9%);初次手术组8例(16.3%),再次手术组4例(12.1%)。尿瘘发生率,前期手术组与后期手术组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),近侧型组与远侧型和中段型组、初次手术组与再次手术组之间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。术后随访均在1个月以上,阴茎外观满意,尿道开口正位,排尿功能良好。其中15例连续随访1.5~6个月,平均3个月,平均尿流率7.8ml/s(6.8~10.5ml/s),最大尿流率均值10.5ml/s(8.8~14.5ml/s)结论Snodgrass手术适用于无弯曲或伴有轻度弯曲的各型尿道下裂以及再手术者,术后具有阴茎外观好、尿道口正位垂直裂隙状、排尿功能良好、并发症低的优点,但对有明显阴茎下曲、尿道板短缩者仍应首选带蒂包皮瓣手术。  相似文献   

目的 探讨尿道板宽度对尿道下裂行尿道板纵切卷管成形术(tubularized incised plate,TIP)术后并发症、外观、排尿功能等的影响。方法 回顾性分析2018年4月至2019年6月山东省立医院收治的行TIP尿道成形术的89例尿道下裂患儿的临床资料。根据尿道板宽度分为A组(尿道板平均宽度≥6 mm) 52例和B组(尿道板平均宽度<6 mm) 37例,通过随访并发症的发生率、阴茎外观及排尿情况,观察对比两组患儿的术后疗效。结果 A组患儿尿道板平均宽度6.15(6.00~7.45) mm,B组平均宽度5.00(3.50~5.30) mm。两组患儿手术年龄(P=0.28)、尿道下裂类型(P=0.10)、阴茎头直径(P=0.11)、是否行背侧白膜紧缩(P=0.05)及留置尿管型号(P=0.30)等差异均无统计学意义。A组术后并发症10例(19.23%),包括尿道瘘7例,阴茎头裂开2例和尿道外口狭窄1例;B组术后并发症7例(18.92%),包括尿道瘘5例,尿道外口狭窄2例;两组术后总并发症发生率(P=0.97)和尿道瘘的发生率(P=0.99)均无明显统计学差异。两组无并发症患...  相似文献   

目的:探讨肉膜覆盖在尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(TIP)中预防尿瘘的应用。方法:140例尿道下裂患者均行TIP术式修复,其中85例远端型尿道下裂采用纵行腹外侧阴茎肉膜瓣覆盖新尿道;55例近端形尿道下裂采用阴囊前动脉带蒂肉膜瓣覆盖新尿道。结果:12例患者出现尿道皮肤瘘,其中远端型尿道下裂患者7例;近端型尿道下裂5例。结论:远端型选择腹外侧阴茎肉膜瓣覆盖,近端型选择阴囊前动脉带蒂肉膜瓣覆盖,较少出现尿瘘的并发症,是TIP术中较理想的覆盖方式。  相似文献   

目的:比较尿道板纵切联合尿道口基底血管皮瓣法(Mathieu)与尿道板纵切卷管法(TIP)治疗远端型尿道下裂疗效。方法:回顾性分析2016年8月至2019年1月72例远端型尿道下裂临床资料,21例行尿道板纵切联合Mathieu术(Mathieu-IP组),其中5例尿道板狭窄、小扁平阴茎头、浅尿道;51例行TIP术(TIP组);随访观察尿道口位置、形状、阴茎头裂开、尿瘘、狭窄、憩室,并进行分析比较。结果:Mathieu-IP组与TIP组垂直裂隙状口分别为19例(90.5%)、46例(90.2%),外观无明显差异(P>0.05);Mathieu-IP组较TIP组尿瘘发生率显著降低(P=0.048),分别为1例(4.8%)和15例(29.4%);Mathieu-IP组无尿道狭窄,TIP组12例(23.5%),Mathieu-IP组显著降低(P=0.037);Mathieu-IP组和TIP组阴茎头裂开、憩室发生率均无统计学差异(P>0.05),阴茎头裂开分别为1例(4.8%)和2例(9.8%),憩室分别为1例(4.8%)和6例(11.8%);5例尿道板狭窄、小扁平阴茎头、浅尿道患者术后均无并发症。结论:尿道板纵切用于Mathieu术修复远端型尿道下裂,可使尿道口垂直裂隙状,形成合理尿道口径,尿瘘、狭窄发生率明显降低,适用于尿道板狭窄、小扁平阴茎头、浅尿道沟患者。  相似文献   

目的总结尿道板纵切卷管法(TIP)与加盖岛状皮瓣法(OIF)尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂的疗效,并对其进行比较,探讨术式选择的条件。方法回顾性总结42例TIP术和26例OIF术治疗尿道下裂的临床资料。TIP术组年龄2~13岁,平均4.76岁;其中Ⅱ型3例,Ⅳ型1例。38例为初次行尿道成形术者,4例为初次尿道成形术失败、再次行尿道成形术者。OIF术组年龄2~10岁,平均4.72岁,其中Ⅱ型23例,Ⅲ型3例,均为初次行尿道成形术者。结果TIP术平均手术时间80min,有尿瘘7例,阴茎头裂开1例,无尿道狭窄,但有尿道外口狭窄1例,3例再次尿道成形术者未发生并发症;OIF术平均手术时间115min,有尿瘘5例,阴茎头裂开l例,无尿道狭窄。两种手术方法的尿瘘、尿道狭窄、阴茎头裂开、一次手术成功率,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),而两组平均手术时间的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论TIP与OIF尿道成形术可用于阴茎头冠状沟、阴茎体、阴茎阴囊型尿道下裂的治疗,TIP术操作简单,且更适用于初次手术失败、需再次行尿道成形术的病例。对于阴茎发育差,尿道板条件不好的初次手术病例,仍以选择OIF术为宜。  相似文献   

尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(Snodgrass手术)治疗尿道下裂的临床效果。方法对采用尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术治疗31例尿道下裂患者进行同颐性分析。,尿道下裂患者31例,年龄1~14岁,其中阴茎头型5例、阴茎体型14例、阴茎阴囊型4例,二期尿道成形术8例。结果本组31例患者,一次性治愈26例,术后出现尿瘘2例,均已修补成功。尿道口狭窄3例,经尿道扩张后治愈.结论尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术可应用于多种类型的尿道下裂治疗。手术操作简便易行,手术成功率高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨改良加盖岛状皮瓣(OIF)与尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(TIP)治疗小儿尿道下裂的疗效,分析预后影响的独立因素。方法 2013年2月~2021年2月间收治的尿道下裂患儿164例,根据手术方式分为两组,TIP组82例,采用TIP治疗;OIF组82例,采用OIF治疗。比较两组治疗效果。根据愈后情况分为两组,即预后良好组(手术治愈,151例),预后不佳组(手术未治愈,13例),采用多因素Logistic回归分析影响患儿预后独立因素。结果 OIF组手术治愈率为96.34%,高于TIP组的87.8%,术后并发症发生率为7.32%,低于TIP组的23.17%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。TIP组手术时间为(95.95±12.35)分钟,短于OIF组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析表明,尿道下裂分度、Barcat分型是影响尿道下裂患儿预后因素,术前阴茎下弯程度、阴茎头宽度、手术方式属于可疑因素。结论 OIF与TIP治疗小儿尿道下裂均具有良好疗效,其中OIF手术成功率更高,TIP手术时间更短。影响预后的独立因素为术前尿道下裂分度、Barcat...  相似文献   

尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形在尿道下裂中的应用   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
目的:总结尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(Snodgrass法)治疗尿道下裂的经验,方法:对43例尿道下裂患儿行Snodgrass尿道成形术,其中阴茎体型35例,阴茎阴囊交界型8例,9例为上次尿道成形失败者;10例阴茎下弯者先行阴茎背侧折叠;患儿尿道置管10天,拔管后常规前尿道扩张,结果:43例随访4-11个月,阴茎外观正常,无下弯;尿道开口于阴茎头前端,呈纵行裂隙状,排尿通畅,无尿道狭窄,术后5例发生尿瘘,4例已做修补,均成功,结论:Snodgrass尿道成形术可应用于近,远端型及有阴茎下弯的尿道下裂患儿,对尿道成形失败而阴茎皮肤所剩极少者也是一种非常有效的方法。  相似文献   

程伟  陈明  张继来 《中国美容医学》2010,19(9):1283-1283
尿道下裂是男性外生殖器最常见的泌尿生殖系先天性畸形,其发病率约为1/300,属常染色体显性遗传性疾病,需要手术矫正治疗,且手术是矫治本病的唯一手段。现将我科2001年1月~2008年9月采用尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(Snodgrass术)治疗尿道下裂38例,效果满意。  相似文献   

尿道裂开是发生于尿道下裂术后较严重的并发症,因多无可利用的包皮材料修补尿道,给再次手术带来困难。Snodgrass在1994年首先介绍了“尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形法”治疗尿道下裂的手术方法。我院近年开展用此方法治疗尿道下裂,并且从2001年1月~2002年12月应用尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(Snodgrass法)治疗尿道下裂术后尿道裂开患儿24例,效果良好,报告如下。  相似文献   

Objectives:   Modifications in surgical methods of hypospadias repair have been influenced by social considerations. Most Japanese parents wish their children to retain their foreskin during hypospadias repair. We report on short-term results of foreskin reconstruction associated with hypospadias repair.
Methods:   Of 44 tubularized incised plate urethroplasty-patients, 42 (95%) underwent foreskin reconstruction at the time of urethroplasty during the last 2 years. After the urethroplasty was completed, the foreskin was re-approximated in three layers.
Results:   Complications related to urethroplasty consisted of fistula in two patients with penoscrotal hypospadia, and mild stenosis of the glandular urethra in one patient. Complications related to foreskin reconstruction included dehiscence of the ventral foreskin in two patients. In all cases parents were well satisfied with the reconstructed prepuce.
Conclusions:   Pre-operative information about preputial reconstruction should be given to parents if they would prefer their son to be uncircumcised.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report a prospective comparative study on using dartos fascia, i.e. subcutaneous tissue of penile skin and tunica vaginalis pedicled wrap (TVPW) from the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis of the testis, for a one-stage tubularized incised-plate (TIP) repair for hypospadias. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-nine patients (mean age 4.6 years, range 1-22) with hypospadias of different types (varying from coronal to penoscrotal) were repaired in one of three hospitals over 3 years. All patients were repaired using the TIP technique, with dartos fascia wrap used in 20 and TVPW in 29, without using a loupe or microscope during surgery. Urinary diversion and splinting were provided by a urethral catheter. The operative duration for both groups was similar at approximately 2 h. RESULTS: In the dartos fascia group there were three (15%) fistulae, but there were none in the TVPW group. CONCLUSIONS: Although the dissection for TVPW seems to be cumbersome theoretically, it is not difficult. The combination of TIP and TVPW in primary repair may be a good alternative to other techniques.  相似文献   

目的:探讨保留尿道板纵切卷管尿道成形术(TIP术)在伴有解剖不良因素的尿道下裂Ⅰ期成形术中的应用效果。方法:回顾性分析尿道下裂TIP术式Ⅰ期成形191例,将尿道开口位置、阴茎头及尿道板发育状况、阴茎下曲程度视为易导致TIP术后并发症及影响外观的解剖不良因素,采用SPSS 10.0统计数据,对其临床效果进行相关性分析。结果:①TIP术后并发症发生率与尿道开口位置密切相关,尿道开口越近,并发症发生率越高(χ2=24.291,P<0.01);②TIP术后并发症发生率与阴茎头及尿道板发育状况、阴茎下曲程度密切相关。伴有解剖不良因素的尿道下裂如小阴茎头型、尿道板发育不良型及伴有重度阴茎下曲型,采用TIP术后并发症发生率高于阴茎挺直、阴茎头及尿道板发育良好的尿道下裂(χ2=25.419,P<0.01)。结论:TIP术式的选择应根据尿道下裂类型、阴茎头及尿道板发育状况、阴茎下曲程度并结合术者经验来应用,以期达到成功率高并外形美观的效果。  相似文献   



To find a new appropriate evaluation for urethral plate quality in hypospadias repair, with particular interest in the width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans, serving as an appraisal index.


Data were prospectively collected from prepubertal boys who underwent primary tubularized incised plate hypospadias repair between January 2014 and April 2016 in one center. Intrinsic parameters of the penis (meatal location, glans width, urethral plate width and curvature degree) were measured during the operation. Urethroplasty complications were recorded during follow up. The correlation between width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans and urethroplasty complications was analyzed.


Primary tubularized incised plate repair was carried out in 442 patients (mean age 2.8 years, range 0.5–12 years). At mean follow up of 26 months (range 12–38 months), urethroplasty complications occurred in 59 (13.3%) patients. The width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans was weakly correlated to both the glans width and meatal location. The width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans ranged from 0.18 to 0.73, with a mean of 0.39. The cut‐off value of width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans was determined to be 0.36 by the receiver operating characteristic curve. Urethroplasty complications occurred in 17 out of 254 patients (6.7%) with width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans >0.36, and 42 out of 188 patients (22.3%) with width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans ≤0.36. The width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans ≤0.36 showed an increased odds of 4.819‐fold (95% confidence interval 2.548–9.112, P < 0.001) risk of urethroplasty complications compared with width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans >0.36. Midshaft and proximal meatal location also increased the risk of urethroplasty complications.


The present study highlights the value of the width proportion of the urethral plate to the glans for objectivity and accuracy in urethral plate evaluation, which in turn serves as an independent factor influencing outcomes in tubularized incised plate repair.

Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty for proximal hypospadias   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: Numerous surgical procedures have been used to correct distal hypospadias. Among them, the tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (Snodgrass procedure) has become a mainstay for the repair of distal hypospadias. We applied the procedure to proximal hypospadias. METHODS: Three patients with proximal hypospadias underwent a tubularized incised urethral plate urethroplasty. The location of the meatus was proximal penis in one, penoscrotal margin in one and scrotum in one. A perimeatal incision was made and the two paramedian incisions were extended to the tip of the glans. The skin of the penile shaft was dissected free to the penoscrotal junction and bands of fibrous tissue were excised until the corpus spongiosum proximal to the meatus was completely exposed inside the scrotum. The urethral plate was then incised in its midline from the tip of the glans to the hypospadiac meatus and was tubularized without tension. The neourethra was covered with a pedicle of subcutaneous tissue dissected from the dorsal skin or the scrotal skin to avoid fistula formation. RESULTS: The tubularized incised urethral plate urethroplasty was carried out successfully in one stage on three patients with proximal hypospadias. CONCLUSIONS: The Snodgrass procedure is suitable for correcting hypospadias in patients with a healthy urethral plate. It is also suitable in patients with proximal hypospadias.  相似文献   

AIM: To report the experience with single stage dorsal inlay buccal mucosal grafts using the Snodgrass technique for complex redo cases. METHODS: From May 2004 to December 2005, a total of 53 patients aged from 3 to 34 years old (average 11.62 +/- 7.18 years) with failed previous hypospadias surgery were included in the present study. Indications included urethral strictures and repair breakdown. The unhealthy urethra was unroofed from the meatus in the ventral midline, a buccal mucosal graft was inlayed between the incised urethral plate and fixed to the corpora cavernosa. The neourethra was tubularized, and covered with subcutaneous (dartos) tissue and penile skin. Glanuloplasty was also performed in all cases. Outcome analysis included clinical follow-up, and endoscopy in 2 selected cases. RESULTS: The buccal mucosal graft was 3.0-7.5 cm in length and 0.7-2.0 cm in width. All patients required glanuloplasty, with buccal mucosal grafts extended to the tip of the glans. After a follow-up of 14-30 months (mean 22.6 months), the total complication rate was 15.1%, with five cases of fistula and three cases of stricture. CONCLUSION: Inlaying dorsal buccal mucosal grafts applying the Snodgrass technique is a reliable method for creating a substitute urethral plate for tubularization. The recurrent rate of urethral stricture and fistula is at an acceptable level for redo cases. This approach represents an effective, simple and safe option for reoperations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the importance of urethral covering using vascularized dorsal subcutaneous tissue for preventing fistula in the Snodgrass hypospadias repair. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included 67 children (aged 1-11 years) who had hypospadias repaired between April 1998 and May 2003, including 51 with distal and 16 with midshaft hypospadias. In all children, a standard tubularized incised-plate urethroplasty was followed by reconstruction of new surrounding urethral tissue. A longitudinal dartos flap was harvested from excessive dorsal preputial and penile hypospadiac skin, and transposed to the ventral side by a buttonhole manoeuvre; it was sutured to the glans wings around the neomeatus, and to the corpora cavernosa over the neourethra. Thus the neourethra was completely covered with well-vascularized subcutaneous tissue. RESULTS: At a mean (range) follow-up of 21 (6-65) months, the result was successful, with no fistula or urethral stenosis, in all 67 children. CONCLUSION: We suggest that urethral covering should be part of the Snodgrass procedure. A dorsal well-vascularized dartos flap, buttonholed ventrally, is a good choice for preventing fistula. Redundancy of the flap and its excellent vascularization depends on the harvesting technique.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the association between caudal block and postoperative complications after tubularised incised plate urethroplasty. The medical records of 388 paediatric patients who underwent urethroplasty at a tertiary medical centre were analysed retrospectively. Among the 342 patients included, 216 patients received a caudal block and 72 (21.1%) patients suffered surgical complications. The number of patients having surgical complications was significantly greater among patients who received a caudal block than among patients who did not receive a caudal block (53 (24.5%) versus 19 (15.1%), respectively, p = 0.04). Based on multivariate logistic regression analysis, duration of surgery, caudal block and hypospadias types were independent risk factors for the surgical complications. Patients with caudal block had an odds ratio of 2.1 (95% CI, 1.14‐3.81, p = 0.018) for the development of postoperative complications compared with patients without caudal block. This analysis demonstrates that caudal block is associated with surgical complications after tubularised incised plate urethroplasty.  相似文献   

Objectives To determine the key points for a successful redo hypospadias procedure using tubularized incised plate urethroplasty operation. Methods A retrospective chart review of a cohort of 100 patients (Mean age: 4.5 years, range: 2–12) who had undergone a redo tubularized incised plate urethroplasty operation was performed. Fischer exact and Chi square tests were used for statistical analysis. Results The incidence of complications of tubularized incised plate urethroplasty reoperation after failed repairs of meatal advancement and glanuloplasty procedure (n: 14), meatal based flap (n: 36), and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (n: 50) were 29% (n: 4), 22% (n: 8) and, 28% (n: 14) respectively (P > 0.05). The overall complication rate was 26% (n: 26). Eighteen patients (18%) had fistula, five had meatal stenosis (5%), two had dehiscence (2%) and one had neourethral stenosis (1%). Postoperatively, fistula was closed in 18 patients and 5 underwent meatoplasty. Two patients with dehiscence and one with neourethral stenosis underwent an unsuccessful third redo tubularized incised plate urethroplasty reoperation and they were candidates for a complex hypospadias repair (3%). The ultimate success rate of tubularized incised plate urethroplasty reoperation after treatment of complications was 97%. Conclusion Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty is a safe and efficacious alternative procedure for hypospadias reoperations if the urethral plate has no scars and outcome is favourable if the first failed hypospadias repair is a meatal based flap procedure. The complication rate increases if the urethral plate has been previously incised in the midline and a redo third redo must be avoided.  相似文献   

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