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了解北京市中学校外售烟现状,为政府制定校园周边控烟政策提供依据.方法 采用PPS抽样方法,对北京市城郊4个区县中学校门外100 m范围内的卷烟零售点进行调查.结果 共调查学校87所,58所(66.7%)校门外100 m范围内存在卷烟零售点,经x2检验,不同县区、不同类别学校校门外售烟点比例差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).128家烟草零售点中104家(81.3%)有向学生售烟的行为,48.4%未悬挂烟草专卖零售许可证,61.7%未张贴“禁止向未成年人售烟”标识.向学生售烟和未悬挂“烟草专卖零售许可证”比例在不同区县、学校类型、卷烟零售点类型上差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);未张贴标识比例在不同区县和不同卷烟零售点类型上差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).87家(68.0%)卷烟零售店店主不了解学校门外100 m范围内禁止售烟的规定.结论 北京市中学校外卷烟零售点向中学生售烟现象严重,与法律法规中的相关要求不符.  相似文献   

了解天津市中小学校周边的烟草售卖点分布及向未成年人售烟情况,为创造无烟健康的学校周边环境提供依据.方法 2018年12月-2019年1月采取单纯随机抽样的方法,抽取天津市195所学校,对校门外100m范围内的烟草售卖点进行调查,并对距离学校最近的烟草售卖点进行现场观察.结果 72所(36.9%)学校周边100 m范围内存在烟草售卖点,烟草售卖点数共127处,均未发现烟草广告.职业学校、小学、中学周边100 m内有烟草售卖点的比例为33.3%,34.1%和40.4%.在观察的72处烟草售卖点中,烟草售卖点距离学校≤20,21~50,51~100 m所占比例分别为9.7%,36.1%,54.2%.烟草售卖点以杂货店/便利店为主(55.6%),其次为烟酒商店(34.7%).烟草售卖点未在醒目位置设置“吸烟有害健康”和“不向未成年人售烟”的标识的比例为81.9%和86.1%.结论 天津市学校周边烟草售卖点布局及标识张贴不规范,并且存在向未成年人售烟情况.应加强学校周边环境整治及宣传执法力度.  相似文献   

了解北京市中小学校周边的烟草售卖点数量及自然状态下向未成年人售烟现状,为创造无烟和健康的学校周边环境提供参考.方法 自拟调查问卷,采用普查的方法对北京市中小学校周边100m范围内的烟草售卖点进行调查,并暗中观察销售点是否设置有关标识、有无未成年人购烟现象.结果 共调查1 654所中小学校,其中35.6% (588所)的中小学校周边100m范围内存在烟草售卖点.对其中874处售烟点进行了观察,70.1%的售烟点为杂货店/便利店,11.8%为烟酒商店,8.5%为商场/超市,5.9%为烟草专卖店;79.1%的售烟点未在醒目位置设置“吸烟有害健康”的标识,72.9%的售烟点未在醒目位置设置“不向未成年人售卖烟草”的标识;15.4%的售烟点有未成年人前来购买烟草,其中的80.0% (108/135)未拒绝未成年人购买烟草.结论 北京市中小学校周边存在较多烟草销售点,且未成年人购买烟草不遭拒绝现象普遍.  相似文献   

目的了解《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施后有关保护未成年人免受烟草危害条款的实施效果。方法自拟调查问卷,采用普查和现场观察的方法,于2015年5月和11月分别组织实施了两次调查,对全市所有中小学校周边100 m范围内的烟草售卖点进行计数并观察销售点是否设置有关标识、有无未成年人购烟等现象。结果《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施后,23.2%的中小学校周边100 m范围内存在烟草售卖点,与实施前的35.6%相比减少12.4个百分点,差异有统计学意义。售烟点以杂货店/便利店为主,占到七成以上;条例实施后,售烟点未在醒目位置设置"吸烟有害健康"和"不向未成年人售卖烟草"标识的分别有63.4%和63.8%,与实施前相比有所下降,差异有统计学意义;条例实施后有5.2%的售烟点存在烟草广告和促销;条例实施后依然有84.6%的售烟点未拒绝未成年人购买烟草,与实施前相比无明显变化,差异无统计学意义。结论《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施后,全市中小学校周边烟草销售点有所减少,但仍有多数未按要求明示"吸烟有害健康"和"不向未成年人售卖烟草"的标识,少数烟草销售点存在烟草广告和促销,未成年人购买烟草现象未得到明显遏制。  相似文献   

目的了解广州地区未成年人的烟草可及性以及影响因素。方法组织201名六年级小学生参加尝试买烟模拟试验,以是否买烟成功为因变量,商店、销售商和学生的特征为自变量进行因素分析。结果共有165名学生成功买到香烟,买烟失败36人,成功率为82.1%。学生年龄、学生身高、商店类型、售烟者的性别、售烟者的年龄、是否张贴有烟草广告、是否放置"禁止向未成年人售烟"警示牌、售烟者有无询问学生具体年龄、售烟者有无询问学生买烟给谁吸等9个变量与尝试买烟成功有统计学意义的关联。多因素分析筛选3个有意义的变量:学生年龄、商店类型和放置"禁止向未成年人售烟"警示牌。结论未成年人很容易通过自己购买而获得香烟,杂货店和小超市是重点,应加强对烟草零售商向未成年人售烟的监督和管制工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市中学生的烟草可及性,为完善青少年控烟政策提供依据.方法 实地调查中学周边100米内的烟草销售情况.采用定量研究方法,对学校周边直线距离以及步行距离100米内售烟点的数量、售烟点类型、未在显著位置设置不向未成年人售烟标志的售烟点数量进行统计;采用定性研究方法,对中学生和售烟点的经营者进行偶遇抽样和访问调查...  相似文献   

烟草商店向未成年人售烟情况及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解烟草销售店向未成年人售烟情况及其影响因素。方法利用自填式问卷调查281名烟草销售人员向未成年人售烟的相关情况并分析影响因素。结果有效问卷共268份。烟草销售人员167人(62.3%)报告所工作的商店持有烟草专卖证,181人(67.5%)报告放置了“禁止向未成年人售烟”的标志。116人(43.3%)回答会询问或判断买烟者的年龄,146人(53.4%)表示会把香烟卖给中小学生或未成年人。以销售率较低的烟草专卖店和大超市为参照,小超市最高(0R=3.60),其次为杂货店(OR=2.52);询问或判断买烟者年龄的销售率较低(0R=0.22);认同青少年控烟责任的销售率较低(OR=0.85)。如商店类型不纳入方程,放置了禁止向未成年人售烟之类标志的销售率低(OR=0.52)。结论有烟草销售的商店非法向未成年人售烟的比例较高,尤其是小超市和杂货店。询问或判断买烟者的年龄、放置标志牌能降低向未成年人售烟的销售率。应制定非法向未成年人售烟的具体处罚措施。加强监督和管理力度,并对烟草销售人员进行法制教育。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市大兴区学校控烟环境状况,为制定切实可行的学校控烟制度提供可靠依据。方法使用北京市统一的调查问卷进行普查,全区所有学校(包括私立学校)均通过微信平台或是计算机在线平台进行网上答题。结果大兴区32.2%的学校周边100 m处存在售烟点,81.8%的售烟草点未在醒目位置设置吸烟有害健康标识,77.3%售烟点未在醒目位置设置不向未成年人售卖烟草标识,19.2%的(校医或保健教师)表示见过在校教职工在校园内吸烟。结论大兴区中小学校周边环境有待改善,对师生的控烟工作将是一项长期、持久的宣传教育工作。  相似文献   

目的了解京津沪城市中学生香烟来源与可获得性现状,为评价相关干预政策提供依据。方法根据2008年全国青少年健康危险行为监测数据,描述京津沪城市中学生近期吸烟、香烟来源及香烟可获得性现状。结果京津沪城市男、女中学生近期吸烟率分别达到16.3%和6.1%;吸烟学生的香烟主要来源为"自己购买",男、女生分别为75.9%和61.6%,其中以"从商店买"为首要来源。女生"自己购买"的比例显著低于男生。14岁以上的吸烟学生超过半数"自己购买"香烟,且该比例随年龄增长而快速增长。约98%的近期吸烟学生购烟时从未因年龄太小而被拒售。结论我国京津沪地区近期吸烟的中学生自己购烟的比例处于较高水平,香烟对于未成年人具有高可获得性。禁止向未成年人售烟的法规执行和监督力度有待加强。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市丰台区烟草制品零售点密度及销售环境现况,为实施零售点控烟干预提供基础数据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取丰台区3个街道所有烟草制品零售点,采用现场观察和"一对一"问询的方式进行零售点密度和烟草销售环境的调查。结果北京市丰台区烟草制品零售点类型以便利店/中小超市、食品店/副食店、烟酒商店为主,占89.57%。平均密度为7.90个/万人。211个零售点中,12.80%的店铺陈设了烟草制品广告;在店铺的显著位置,71.09%的店铺设置了"禁止向未成年人售烟"警示标,59.72%的店铺放置了"吸烟有害健康"的警示标;54.98%的店铺开展了烟草减价促销活动。结论北京市丰台区烟草制品零售点密度相对较低,但是,控烟警示标设置尚未普及,烟草广告仍然存在,烟草减价促销活动较为普遍,控烟支持性环境亟待加强。  相似文献   

Persons often begin smoking when they are minors (aged <18 years), and easy access to cigarettes might contribute to this behavior. Laws and regulations were in place in Texas during 1998-1999 to reduce minors' access to cigarettes by 1) prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors; 2) imposing fines against retailers caught selling cigarettes to minors; 3) prohibiting minors from purchasing, possessing, or using tobacco products; 4) limiting vending machines to adult-only locations; and 5) requiring tobacco retailers to ask for proof of identification from anyone attempting to purchase tobacco who appeared to be aged <27 years. To measure progress in reducing access to cigarettes among middle and high school students in Texas, CDC analyzed self-reported data from the 1998 and 1999 Texas Youth Tobacco Survey (TYTS). This report summarizes the results of that survey, which indicate that during 1998-1999, reported access to cigarettes from stores and vending machines (commercial sources) decreased among middle school students from 13.2% to 5.3% and from 7.6% to 1.7%, respectively, but access from noncommercial and other sources (e.g., stealing cigarettes and "getting them some other way") increased from 8.3% to 12.3% and from 16.6% to 23.3%, respectively. Among high school students, most sources did not change. Educating retailers and actively enforcing laws governing youth access to tobacco as part of a comprehensive tobacco-control approach are required to reduce youth access to cigarettes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a longitudinal community intervention on the reduction of tobacco sales to minors and subsequent effects on tobacco consumption by youths. The study was conducted in Monterey County, CA. Four rural communities were randomized into treatment and comparison arms of the study and middle and high school students in each of these communities completed surveys assessing knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The main outcome measures were retail tobacco sales to minors as measured through store visits (tobacco purchase surveys) and self-reported consumption of tobacco. Over a three-year period, a diverse array of community interventions were implemented in the intervention communities. These included community education, merchant education, and voluntary policy change. In the treatment communities, the proportion of stores selling tobacco to minors dropped from 75% at baseline to 0% at the final post-test. In the comparison communities, the proportions were 64% and 39%, respectively. Although the availability of tobacco through commercial outlets was reduced substantially in intervention communities, youths reported still being able to obtain tobacco from other sources. Predicted treatment effects on reported use of tobacco among youths were observed cross-sectionally and longitudinally for younger students (7th graders). The intervention did not impact tobacco use among older students (9th and 11th graders) although the trends were in the predicted direction for 9th graders. A significant intervention effect was found for sex--females in the intervention communities were less likely to use tobacco post-intervention than females in the comparison communities. Tobacco sales to minors can be reduced through a broad-based intervention. To prevent or reduce tobacco use by youths, however, multiple supply-and demand-focused strategies are needed.  相似文献   

中学生吸烟影响因素及控制对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨中学生吸烟行为及相关影响因素,为制定中学生控烟对策提供依据。方法对沈阳市21所中学,1855名中学生进行问卷调查,收集到有效问卷为1831,统计分析采用SPSS11.5软件。结果中学生尝试吸烟率为26.7%(男生35.6%,女生18.2%)。调查前1个月吸烟率6.3%(男生10.7%,女生2.0%)。开始吸第1支烟的平均年龄(13.4±2.9)岁,其中男生(13.3±2.9)岁,女生(13.5±3.1)岁。吸烟的相关因素,男生为周围人吸烟、好朋友吸烟、学校类别、认为拒绝别人递的烟不礼貌等因素。女生为家庭收入、好朋友吸烟等因素。结论沈阳市中学生吸烟率较高,开始吸烟年龄也较低,应引起社会各界的高度重视,通过动员社会、学校力量,采取加大禁烟力度,城市立法,严禁向未满18岁青少年售烟等综合措施降低中学生吸烟率。  相似文献   

Many states have banned electronic cigarette sales to minors under the rationale that using e-cigarettes leads to smoking traditional combustion cigarettes. Such sales bans would be counterproductive, however, if e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes are substitutes, as bans might push teenagers back to smoking the more dangerous combustion cigarettes. We provide evidence that these sales bans reduce the incidence of smoking conventional cigarettes among high school seniors. Moreover, we provide evidence suggesting that sales bans reduced e-cigarette usage as well. This evidence suggests that not only are e-cigarettes and smoking regular cigarettes positively related and not substitutes for young people, banning retail sales to minors is an effective policy tool in reducing tobacco use.  相似文献   

A baseline assessment of cigarette sales to minors in San Diego,California   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study reports the sales rate of cigarettes to minors in San Diego County, and investigates factors associated with cigarette sales to minors. Two hundred and ninety-four stores were identified and recruited to participate in a retailer education effort. To assess the baseline illegal sales rate of cigarettes to minors, selected stores were surveyed by 70 volunteer teams of adults and minors. Questionnaires were also administered to participating store owners or managers to assess retailers' knowledge about laws regulating minors' access to tobacco. Survey results indicated that minors were able to successfully purchase cigarettes in 68% of attempts. In addition, teen gender, community sociodemographics and cashier characteristics were associated with sales to minors. Analyses of the retailer questionnaire indicated retailers knew the legal age to purchase cigarettes, but few knew of the specific penalties associated with sales to minors. These findings indicate that minors have easy access to cigarettes and underscore the need for intensive tobacco sales education for retailers and enforcement of sales to minors laws.Ann D. Erickson is Assistant Intervention Coordinator, Susan I. Woodruff is Evaluation Coordinator, Marianne B. Wildey is Intervention Coordinator, and Erin Kenney is Principal Investigator, all at the Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, Behavioral and Community Health Studies, 6363 Alvarado Ct. Ste. 225, San Diego, CA 92120.Funding was provided by the Tobacco Tax Health Protection Act of 1988-Proposition 99, under grant number 90-10960. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Felipe Castro, PhD, MSW and Nadia Campbell, MPH.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the prevalence of under-age sales of cigarettes to New Zealand secondary school students in 2000 and to identify correlates of buying cigarettes. METHOD: A randomly selected sample of 53 secondary schools from five geographic regions took part, and 2,896 Year 10 and Year 12 students completed a self-report questionnaire. RESULTS: Some 30.3% reported smoking during the past 30 days and 61.8% of these students usually obtained cigarettes by purchasing from shops, from other students or from someone else buying them on their behalf. Local corner stores and service stations were the most popular source. Buying cigarettes was associated with more frequent smoking, more money to spend, a higher school decile rating and higher proportion of schoolmates also purchasing. CONCLUSIONS: Prohibition of cigarette sales to minors needs much greater attention in NZ than it is receiving at present if smoking among young people is to be reduced.  相似文献   

Availability of cigarettes to underage youth in three communities.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
BACKGROUND. Underage youth report that they primarily obtain cigarettes from commercial sources. Thus policies that effectively prevent purchase by minors could have an effect on the prevalence of young people's cigarette use. METHODS. In this study, 12- to 15-year-old male and female confederates attempted to purchase cigarettes from all cigarette outlets in three communities. RESULTS. A success rate of 53% over the counter and 79% from vending machines was achieved. These results show that minors can purchase cigarettes in all types of businesses, even those characterized as "adult" locations. Boys in this study had more difficulty than girls in purchasing cigarettes over the counter, and younger individuals had more difficulty than 15-year-olds. However, these differences were not found in vending machine sales. Similarly, over-the-counter sales of cigarettes were significantly reduced following a state-wide increase in the penalty for tobacco sales to minors, but vending machine sales were not affected. CONCLUSIONS. These results support stringent and universal controls over the sale of cigarettes as an essential part of any tobacco use prevention strategy.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市顺义区中学生吸烟相关行为流行现状,为开展中学生控烟干预提供依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取初中生904名,高中生1026名进行问卷调查。结果中学生现在吸烟率为8.1%,男生(13.8%)高于女生(2.9%)(P〈0.01);高中生(9.5%)高于初中生(6.5%)(P〈0.05)。尝试吸烟率为27.0%,男生(35.1%)高于女生(19.6%)(P〈0.01);高中生(33.1%)高于初中生(20.1%)(P〈0.05)。从商店或小商贩处购买是学生获得香烟的的最主要途径。结论顺义区中学生现在吸烟率略低于北京市平均水平,但尝试吸烟率高于北京市平均水平,而且呈现年轻化趋势。因此应重视中学生的吸烟行为,尽早采取科学合理的措施预防中学生吸烟,同时加强行业管理,切实做到不向未成年人出售香烟。  相似文献   

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