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Research in the past two decades has made remarkable progress in determining the variables that affect preventive care within primary care practices. The level of preventive care that a patient receives is largely determined by factors within the medical office setting. Many of these factors can be modified by physicians to encourage preventive care. An overview of these factors, presented as the Patient Path Model, can provide a framework for systematic practice evaluation. This model can be applied to almost any office setting to help identify opportunities to enhance and improve preventive care.  相似文献   

The implementation of CQI must be done in a manner that capitalizes on the challenges of primary care, including the professional autonomy of the physician, the availability of data, issues of cost and efficiency of service, and the expanding role of patient expectations in quality care. Analysis of these factors is based on an ongoing study designed to help community-based primary care practices increase the utilization of prevention and early detection services offered to patients.  相似文献   

Lyme disease is the most common tick borne disease and is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Ticks of the genus Ixodes are the vectors that transmit the infection to host mammals in endemic foci. Ixodes is infected by Borrelia at larval stage when it feeds on infected mammals. Man is an occasional host. The infection risk is linked to interaction between human and the natural environment. Strategies for prevention are closely related to the enzootic cycle of the Ixodes tick. Environmental measures to reduced tick density or host mammals are expensive, need to be repeated annually and cannot be applied to large areas. The primary prevention could be reduced to personal preventive measures such as reducing the amount of exposed skin and frequent checking for ticks. The risk of Lyme disease transmission after a tick bite is relatively low, and remains under 4%. The transmission rate depends on the duration of feeding. A rapide tick removal with fine tweezers or preferably special forceps and disinfection of the bite site appear to be the best technique. The absence of scientific evidence, and the risk of adverse events does not lead to recommending antimicrobial prophylaxis. Follow-up and educating the patients on the disease, clinical manifestation, and later primary prevention should be undertaken.  相似文献   

This paper examines insured women's access to health care, receipt of preventive services, and satisfaction with care by the types of health plans in which they are enrolled. Three types of plans are compared: managed care (HMOs and PPOs), fee-for-service with utilization controls, and traditional fee-for-service. For women who have been enrolled in their plans for at least one year, we find the same or better access to care in managed care plans as compared with other plans; receipt of more gender-specific clinical preventive services in managed care plans, but no differences among types of plans for non-gender-specific preventive services or counseling services; and lower satisfaction with care in managed care plans. The implications for practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   



Delivery of preventive health services in primary care is lacking. One of the main barriers is lack of time. We estimated the amount of time primary care physicians spend on important preventive health services.  相似文献   

Dental disease, the most prevalent chronic disease of childhood, affects children's overall health and ability to succeed. Integrating oral health into routine well-child checkups is an innovative and practical way to prevent dental disease. The Washington Dental Service Foundation is partnering with Group Health Cooperative, a large integrated delivery system, and other providers in Washington State to change the standard of care by incorporating preventive oral health services into primary care for very young children. This paper describes systemic and policy changes for engaging primary care providers in oral health, including provider training, expanding access to dental care, and reimbursement.  相似文献   

The new political era in South Africa offers unique opportunities for the development of more equitable health care policies. However, resource constraints are likely to remain in the foreseeable future, and efficiency therefore remains an important concern. This article describes the guiding principles and methods used to develop a coherent and objective plan for comprehensive primary health care facilities in Soweto. The article begins with an overview of the context within which the research was undertaken. Problems associated with planning in transition are highlighted, and a participatory research approach is recommended as a solution to these problems. The article goes on to describe how the research methods were developed and applied in line with the principles of participatory research. The methods were essentially rapid appraisal techniques which included group discussions, detailed checklists, observation, record reviews and the adaptation of international and local guidelines for service planning. It is suggested that these methods could be applied to other urban areas in South Africa and elsewhere, and that they are particularly appropriate in periods of transition when careful facilitation of dialogue between stakeholders is required in tandem with the generation of rapid results for policy-makers.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of primary care services in Angola   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of the evaluation of the Angolan Essential Drugs Programmein 1990, a patient management study was carried out in threeprovinces, to assess health workers' performance at primarylevel for outpatient, curative services. Out of a total of 539consultations observed, only 65 (12%) were judged to be adequatelymanaged in terms of being adequately diagnosed, given adequatetherapy and provided with adequate information related to thetherapy given. This level of quality of the curative servicesraises important questions about the implementation of cost-recoverymechanisms for such services, initial and refresher trainingprogrammes and the supervision of primary level health workers.  相似文献   

This paper discusses what health workers at various levels can be expected to do in providing eye care with regard to recognizing, managing and preventing common eye conditions. Three particular levels, Kenya's ophthalmic clinical officer (secondary level), general clinical officers and nurses (first referral level) and primary health workers (primary level) will be discussed. Appropriate and effective training methods will be described especially with regard to curriculum content and resourses. Emphasis in eaching is placed on the public health techniques already well understood by health workers and on the connection those techniques have to the prevention of blindness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical decisions previously made by physicians and patients are increasingly influenced by health plans. It is important to understand how these decisions are made and who makes them. OBJECTIVES: To determine protocols used by health plans for recommending preventive services and to identify methods used to develop these protocols. METHODS: An interviewer conducted semistructured telephone interviews with medical directors from 6 major types of health plans regarding coverage of certain procedural preventive services. Each medical director was asked: (1) Is this procedure paid for by the health plan? (2) What is the frequency recommended for this procedure? (3) What age groups do you recommend for this procedure? (4) Do you encourage patients to receive this procedure, and if so, how? (5) Who developed these preventive services recommendations? (6) How were these recommendations developed? RESULTS: Ten interviews were completed representing 6 chosen types of health plans. While the different plans varied little regarding the preventive services recommended, there was variation in efforts to promote recommended services to members. There were also differences among the plans in the decision-making process for developing preventive services recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Managed care organizations promote certain preventive services to members. All health plans had at least 1 preventive medicine task force charged with making coverage decisions about preventive services. However, more could be done to rationalize development of preventive services recommendations, primarily, implementation of evidence-based guidelines.  相似文献   

The emerging science in early childhood development challenges past paradigms of health care. There is consideration within the profession of paediatrics, and health care more broadly, of how to make systems of care more responsive to the developmental and social needs of young children and their families. Some countries have physician-centric models, either general physicians or paediatricians, while others rely on nurses. There is increasing recognition that the goal of any model should be parent-professional partnership that puts families at the center, elicits and responds to family needs, anticipates and supports families with developmental transitions, and fits within a seamless system of services and supports.  相似文献   

Recent policy pronouncements emphasise the importance of engaging fathers with preventive primary care services. However, in England, there is a paucity of literature which examines African and African-Caribbean fathers' experiences of service provision. This paper reports a study that investigated African and African-Caribbean fathers' beliefs about fatherhood, health and preventive primary care services, with the aim of addressing the deficit in the literature. Nine focus groups involving 46 African and African-Caribbean fathers, recruited using purposive sampling, were undertaken between October 2008-January 2009. Fatherhood was seen as a core aspect of the participants' identities. The fathers enacted these identities in a number of ways, such as caring for and protecting children, which were influenced by spirituality, relationships with women, paid work and racism. The fathers had concerns about their bodies, medical conditions, physical activity and forms of consumption. However, their primary focus was on maintaining and improving the well-being of their children. This resulted in them neglecting their own health needs as they had to meet the obligations of family life and paid work. The fathers reported limited contact with preventive primary care services and were unaware of their purpose, function and availability. They identified ethnicity as a positive asset, and felt their families and communities had particular strengths. However they acknowledged that structural constraints, including racism, influenced their perceptions of and access to local health services. The engagement of African and African-Caribbean fathers needs to be addressed more specifically in policy as part of a broader programme of action to tackle health inequalities. In addition, child health services could build on fathers' commitment to children's well-being through practice that addresses fathers' as well as mothers' needs in families.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In health services research, there is a growing view that partnerships between researchers and decision-makers (i.e., collaborative research teams) will enhance the effective translation and use of research results into policy and practice. For this reason, there is an increasing expectation by health research funding agencies that health system managers, policy-makers, practitioners and clinicians will be members of funded research teams. While this view has merit to improve the uptake of research findings, the practical challenges of building and sustaining collaborative research teams with members from both inside and outside the research setting requires consideration. A small body of literature has discussed issues that may arise when conducting research in one's own setting; however, there is a lack of clear guidance to deal with practical challenges that may arise in research teams that include team members who have links with the organization/community being studied (i.e., are "insiders"). DISCUSSION: In this article, we discuss a researcher-decision-maker partnership that investigated practice in primary care networks in Alberta. Specifically, we report on processes to guide the role clarification of insider team members where research activities may pose potential risk to participants or the team members (e.g., access to raw data). SUMMARY: These guiding principles could provide a useful discussion point for researchers and decision-makers engaged in health services research.  相似文献   

Overcrowding in emergency departments (EDs) is inefficient, especially if it is caused by inappropriate visits for which primary care physicians could be equally effective as a hospital ED. Our paper investigates the extent to which both ambulatory ED visits and inpatient ED admissions are substitutes for primary care emergency services (PCES) in Germany. We use extensive longitudinal data and fixed effects models. Moreover, we add interaction terms to investigate the influence of various determinants on the strength of the substitution. Our results show significant substitution between PCES and ambulatory ED visits. Regarding the determinants, we find the largest substitution for younger patients. The more accessible the hospital ED is, the significantly larger the substitution. Moreover, substitution is larger among better-educated patients. For inpatient ED admission, we find significant substitution that is eight times smaller than the substitution for ambulatory ED visits. With regard to the determinants, we find the strongest substitution for non-urgent, short-stay admission and elderly patients. Countries with no gate-keeping system (such as Germany) have difficulties redirecting the patients streaming to EDs. Our estimated elasticities can help policy makers to resolve this issue, as our findings indicate where incentivizing the utilization of PCES is particularly effective.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The current study examined the relationship between chronic disease status and the receipt of cancer preventive services over a 3-year period. METHODS: Adults (n = 4320) cared for by 167 nonacademic physicians in 42 primary care group practices were studied. Medical records were audited for each patient, as were patient responses to two questionnaires assessing health and sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS: While the odds of having received counseling to obtain regular checkups were increased for men (1.56) and women (1.46) with hypertension, the odds were reduced (range = 0.32 to 0.81) for having received a sigmoidoscopy (women with diabetes or hypertension, men with hypertension or heart disease), fecal occult blood test (men with diabetes or heart disease, women with heart disease), mammogram or counseling about smoking (women with diabetes), clinical breast exam (women with heart disease), and Pap test (women with diabetes or heart disease). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of common chronic health problems in older adults is associated with lower levels of cancer screening services.  相似文献   

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