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Health reform is inherently political. Sound technical analysis is never enough to guarantee the adoption of policy. Financing reforms aimed at promoting equity are especially likely to challenge vested interests and produce opposition. This article reviews the Health Insurance policy development in South Africa between 1994 and 1999. Despite more than 10 years of debate, analysis and design, no set of social health insurance (SHI) proposals had, by 1999, secured adequate support to become the basis for an implementation plan. In contrast, proposals to re-regulate the health insurance industry were speedily developed and implemented at the end of this period. The processes of actor engagement and management, set against policy goals and design details, were central to this experience. Adopting a grounded approach to analysis of primary interview data and a range of documentary material, this paper explores the dynamics between reform drivers engaged in directing policy change and a range of other actors. It describes the processes by which actors were drawn into health insurance policy development, the details of their engagement with each other, and it identifies where deliberate strategies of actor management were attempted and the results for the reform process. The primary drivers of this process were the Minister of Health and the unit responsible for health financing and economics in the national Department of Health Directorate of Health Financing and Economics, with support from members of the South African academic community. These actors worked within and through a series of four ad hoc policy advisory committees which were the main fora for health insurance policy development and the regulation of private health insurance. The different experiences in each committee are reviewed and contrasted through the lens of actor management. Differences between these drivers and opposition from other actors ultimately derailed efforts to establish adequate support for any form of SHI, even as regulatory proposals received sufficient support to be enacted in legislation. Drawing on this South African experience together with a simple analytical framework, the authors highlight five potential strategies by which reform drivers of any policy process could create alliances of support sufficient to overcome potential opposition to proposed policy changes. As little is currently known on how to manage the process of engaging actors in reform processes, these findings provide a foundation for further analysis of this issue.  相似文献   

In South Africa, anticipated health sector reforms aim to achieve universal health coverage for all citizens. Success will depend on social solidarity and willingness to pay for health care according to means, while benefitting on the basis of their need. In this study, we interviewed 1330 health and education sector civil servants in four South African provinces, about potential income cross-subsidies and financing mechanisms for a National Health Insurance. One third was willing to cross-subsidize others and half favored a progressive financing system, with senior managers, black Africans, or those with tertiary education more likely to choose these options than lower-skilled staff, white, Indian or Asian respondents, or those with primary or less education. Insurance- and health-status were not associated with willingness to pay or preferred type of financing system. Understanding social relationships, identities, and shared meanings is important for any reform striving toward universal coverage.  相似文献   



A recent health reform proposal in South Africa proposes universal access to a comprehensive package of healthcare services in the public sector, through the implementation of a national health insurance (NHI) scheme. Implementation of the scheme is likely to involve the introduction of a payroll tax. It is implied that the introduction of the payroll tax will significantly reduce the size of the private health insurance market.


The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of an NHI payroll tax on the demand for private health insurance in South Africa, and to explore the broader implications for health policy.


The study applies probit regression analysis on household survey data to estimate the change in demand for private health insurance as a result of income shocks arising from the proposed NHI.


The introduction of payroll taxes for the proposed NHI was estimated to result in a reduction to private health insurance membership of 0.73%. This suggests inelasticity in the demand for private health insurance. In the literature on the subject, this inelasticity is usually due to quality differences between alternatives. In the South African context, there may be other factors at play.


An NHI tax may have a very small impact on the demand for private health insurance. Although additional financial resources will be raised through a payroll tax under the proposed NHI reform, systemic problems within the South African health system can adversely affect the ability of the NHI to translate additional finances into better quality healthcare. If these systemic challenges are not adequately addressed, the introduction of a payroll tax could introduce inefficiencies within the South African health system.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the trends, debates and policy proposals in relation to the financing of the private health sector in South Africa. The public and private sectors in South Africa are of equivalent size in terms of overall expenditure, but cover substantially different population sizes. Within this context the government has reached the unavoidable conclusion that the private sector has to play some role in ensuring that equity, access and efficiency objectives are achieved for the health system as a whole. However, the private sector is some way off from taking on this responsibility. Substantial increases in per capita costs over the past 15 years, coupled with a degree of deregulation by the former government, have resulted in increasing instability and volatility. The development of a very competitive medical scheme (health insurance) market reinforced by intermediaries with commercial interests has accelerated trends toward excluding high health risks from cover. The approach taken by the government has been to define a new environment which leaves the market open for extensive competition, but removes from schemes the ability to compete by discriminating against high health risks. The only alternatives left to the private market, policy makers hope, will be to go out of business, or to survive through productivity improvements. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three broad strategies for health financing reform include: 1) cost recovery through user fees to expand access and improve quality of health services along with means testing to increase equity; 2) reallocation of existing resources to improve efficiency and access; and 3) assessment of the efficiency and quality of private health providers for making better use of the private sector in expanding access to quality health services. Research on the extent to which cost recovery reforms have improved access showed mixed results. A 1993 survey of more than 50 user fee experiences in Africa showed that in roughly half the cases, utilization either remained the same or decreased, whereas in the other cases, utilization increased after fees were introduced. Pilot tests of alternative cost recovery methods in 1993 and 1994 in rural Niger provided strong evidence that some form of social financing or risk-sharing mechanism may have advantages over pure fee-for-service methods in rural Africa. The main reason user fees are believed to be inequitable is that new or increased prices may provide a stronger disincentive to the poor than to the better-off. Informal means testing in Niger suggested that even moderately effective means testing can play a positive role for other incentives to utilization by the poor. A study identified specific measures of structure, process, and outcomes to assess quality improvement in 18 rural primary health care facilities involved in the Niger cost recovery pilot tests. Reallocation of existing resources to improve cost-effectiveness represents the second principle type of health financing reform. Private providers also play a role in promoting access in Sub-Saharan countries. Public and private sector efficiency in Senegal was also examined. Household spending to promote efficiency suggested that people could allocate money for health care more efficiently. Finally, some policy research needs were identified.  相似文献   



Approximately half of the countries in the African Region had a mental health policy by 2005, but little is known about quality of mental health policies in Africa and globally. This paper reports the results of an assessment of the mental health policies of Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia.  相似文献   

Despite the high prevalence of mental illness, mental health remains a low priority in Africa. There has been no investigation of the views of stakeholders in Africa on why this is and what can be done. This paper reports a comparison of the views of stakeholders in Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia, focusing on the priority given to mental health by the government at the national and regional/province levels. We conducted semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and used a two-stage approach to analysis: firstly framework analysis in each study country, followed by comparative analysis of the country data. Mental health was largely considered a low priority at national and regional/provincial levels in all four countries. We identified nine factors affecting the priority of mental health, which were grouped into three categories: legitimacy of the problem, feasibility of response and support for response. Respondents put forward a range of experiences and suggestions for increasing the priority given to mental health. We conclude with broad suggestions to raise the priority of mental health. These suggestions are particularly relevant as mental health increases in priority on the international agenda, in order to inform advocacy for increased priority for mental health in Africa.  相似文献   

South Africa is considering introducing a universal health care system. A key concern for policy-makers and the general public is whether or not this reform is affordable. Modelling the resource and revenue generation requirements of alternative reform options is critical to inform decision-making. This paper considers three reform scenarios: universal coverage funded by increased allocations to health from general tax and additional dedicated taxes; an alternative reform option of extending private health insurance coverage to all formal sector workers and their dependents with the remainder using tax-funded services; and maintaining the status quo. Each scenario was modelled over a 15-year period using a spreadsheet model. Statistical analyses were also undertaken to evaluate the impact of options on the distribution of health care financing burden and benefits from using health services across socio-economic groups. Universal coverage would result in total health care spending levels equivalent to 8.6% of gross domestic product (GDP), which is comparable to current spending levels. It is lower than the status quo option (9.5% of GDP) and far lower than the option of expanding private insurance cover (over 13% of GDP). However, public funding of health services would have to increase substantially. Despite this, universal coverage would result in the most progressive financing system if the additional public funding requirements are generated through a surcharge on taxable income (but not if VAT is increased). The extended private insurance scheme option would be the least progressive and would impose a very high payment burden; total health care payments on average would be 10.7% of household consumption expenditure compared with the universal coverage (6.7%) and status quo (7.5%) options. The least pro-rich distribution of service benefits would be achieved under universal coverage. Universal coverage is affordable and would promote health system equity, but needs careful design to ensure its long-term sustainability.  相似文献   

简述卫生投融资改革之目的与意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
章结合对上海卫生投融资体制和医院建设的现状分析,提出加快卫生投融资改革具有重要的目的与意义。  相似文献   

我国公共卫生筹资改革措施评价   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
我国公共卫生筹资改革有两个明显特点:一是政府经费补助相对减少,二是对公共卫生服务实行有偿服务,改变了公共卫生机构的筹资结构。在1980年实行筹资改革以前,公共卫生机构的一切支出全部由政府经费补偿;在实行改革之后的90年代中期,政府经费占机构总收入的比例下降到30%-50%,仅能补偿人员工资,有偿收入所占比例相应地增加到50%-70%,以市场为导向的公共卫生筹资虽能提高机构的经济活力与生产效率,但同时也暴露出一些问题。经济激励机制导致了不必要卫生服务的过度提供与必要卫生服务的提供不足。有偿服务减少了人们对具有正外部效应的预防保健服务的需求和利用,政府经费不足导致了公共产品的供给不足。以往的实践证明:政府在公共卫生筹资中的作用减弱可导致社会资源利用的低效率;实行有偿服务会抑制人群对这些服务的需求,增加疾病发生的危险性;以市场为导向的公共卫生筹资改革不能作为一项政策选择,一旦采用这类政策,就会造成许多不良后果。  相似文献   

实施卫生投融资改革的初步构想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
章提出了通过塑造公立医院的投资主体和产权代表,以明晰产权归属,界定投资权益为抓手,来实施卫生投融资改革的构想,化指出,改革的核心是依托市场机制来提高政府投资效率,推动公立医院的机制转换和快速发展,章最后提出应正确理解这一改革与政府职能转变,医院管理体制改革,多元化办医,医院建立法人治理结构,医院产权制度改革,组建医院集团等的关系。  相似文献   

Comparative, multi-country research has been underutilised as a means to inform health system development. South-south collaboration has been particularly poor, even though there have been clearly identified benefits of such endeavours. This commentary argues that in a context of HIV/AIDS, the need for regional learning has become even greater. This is because of the regional nature of the problem and the unique challenges that it creates for health systems. We draw on the experience of doing comparative research in South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia, to demonstrate that it can be useful for determining preconditions for the success of health care reforms, for affirming common issues faced by countries in the region, and for developing research capacity. Furthermore, these benefits can be derived by all countries participating in such research, irrespective of differences in capacity or socio-economic development.  相似文献   

His Majesty's Government of Nepal has embarked on an ambitious social welfare programme of increasing the accessibility of primary education and health care services in rural communities. The implications on the financing of health care services are substantial, as the number of health posts has increased twelve-fold from 1992 to 1996, from 200 to 2597. To strengthen health care financing, government policy-makers are considering a number of financing strategies that are likely to have a substantial impact on household health care expenditures. However, more needs to be known about the role of households in the current structure of the health economy before the government designs and implements policies that affect household welfare. This paper uses the Nepal Living Standards Survey, a rich, nationally-representative sample of households from 1996, to investigate level and distribution of household out-of-pocket health expenditures. Utilization and expenditures for different types of providers are presented by urban/rural status and by socioeconomic status. In addition, the sources of health sector funds are analyzed by contrasting household out-of-pocket expenditures with expenditures by the government and donors. The results indicate that households spend about 5.5% of total household expenditures on health care and that households account for 74% of the total level of funds used to finance the health economy. In addition, rural households are found to spend more on health care than urban households, after controlling for income status. Distributing health care expenditures by type of care utilized indicates that the wealthy, as well as the poor, rely heavily on services provided by the public sector. The results of this analysis are used to discuss the feasibility of implementing alternative health care financing policies.  相似文献   

Health financing reform became a critical element of public sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa during the past decade. Within the framework of health sector reform, this article reviews the major constraints, goals, and strategies for health financing reform in sub-Saharan Africa. It identifies shrinking budgetary resources, increasing demand for health services, and rising health care costs as the primary factors driving the sub-region's health financing reform agenda. In light of these constraints, the article defines the major goals and the strategies for health care financing reform employed by many sub-Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

南非公立医院改革的主要做法与特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
相对于私立医院占有五分之三的卫生支出为20%的人群提供服务,南非公立医院约使用五分之二的卫生支出,为南非80%的人群提供医疗卫生服务,但面临着资源不足和人力短缺的问题。为此,南非政府着重建立公平导向的卫生管理体制,加大政府财政投入,重点保障基层公立医院发展,探索公私合作,在优先保障弱势人群基本医疗服务的同时,动员可利用的所有医疗资源,着力保障居民公平地获得基本医疗卫生服务。改革的主要特点是建立以基本医疗卫生保健为基础的医疗管理体制,以更公平的方式分配医疗资源,建立公私合作机制,动员民营机构力量,优先保障居民对基本医疗卫生服务的可及性和公平性。这些经验对于同属于发展中国家的中国有良好启示。  相似文献   

为贯彻《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》和《关于农村卫生改革与发展的指导意见》,近年来 ,我市切实贯彻国家医疗卫生路线、方针、政策 ,将初级卫生保健工作纳入全市社会经济发展规划 ,全面推进市民医疗保障制度的改革、探索出我市农村医疗保障改革的新路 ,全市医疗保障覆盖率为 80 .2 6 % ,基本解决市民看病难、因病致贫和因病返贫等问题。1 基本状况顺德市位于珠江三角洲中部 ,面积 80 6平方公里 ,辖 10个镇 (区 ) ,10 9个村委会 ,88个居民委员会 ,总人口 10 9.4 7万。 2 0 0 1年全市国内生产总值 390 .87亿元 ,财政收入 88…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the anthropometric profile and determinants of obesity in South Africans who participated in the Demographic and Health Survey in 1998. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: A sample of 13,089 men and women (age, > or =15 years) were randomly selected and then stratified by province and urban and nonurban areas. Height, weight, mid-upper arm circumference, and waist and hip circumference were measured. Body mass index (BMI) was used as an indicator of obesity, and the waist/hip ratio (WHR) was used as an indicator of abdominal obesity. Multivariate regression identified sociodemographic predictors of BMI and waist circumference in the data. RESULTS: Mean BMI values for men and women were 22.9 kg/m(2) and 27.1 kg/m(2), respectively. For men, 29.2% were overweight or obese (> or =25 kg/m(2)) and 9.2% had abdominal obesity (WHR > or =1.0), whereas 56.6% of women were overweight or obese and 42% had abdominal obesity (WHR >0.85). Underweight (BMI <18.5 kg/m(2)) was found in 12.2% of men and 5.6% of women. For men, 19% of the variation of BMI and 34% of the variation in waist circumference could be explained by age, level of education, population group, and area of residence. For women, these variables explained 16% of the variation of BMI and 24% of the variation in waist circumference. Obesity increased with age, and higher levels of obesity were found in urban African women. DISCUSSION: Overnutrition is prevalent among adult South Africans, particularly women. Determinants of overnutrition include age, level of education, ethnicity, and area of residence.  相似文献   

The authors recognize that social, economic and political factors play a larger role in determining public health policy than do epidemiological principles such as the analysis of needs, demand and supply. Nevertheless, demographic and mortality statistics, information from the 1983 registers of medical and dental practitioners, and that of nurses, as well as information on hospital beds were reviewed to describe health care requirements and resources in South Africa. The maldistribution observed in health needs and services closely parallel the divisions in South African society imposed by the apartheid policy. It is concluded that fundamental political change is required to reduce this maldistribution. The provision of preventive and promotive health services for children in African rural and peri-urban areas was identified as a health care requirement of high priority. It is thought that the need in these geographical regions might best be met by employing primary health care workers at a lower level of training than doctors with an accessible, supporting referral system. In addition, the quality of health care data being collected needs to be improved. It is suggested that both these problems be approached on a regional basis, and preferably under a single health authority, rather than the current fragmented health service.  相似文献   

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