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目的在体外受精-胚胎移植过程中,对高危夫妇进行胚胎种植前遗传学诊断以避免21三体综合征患儿的出生。方法常规激素替代治疗,对患者夫妇行胞母细胞质内单精子注射(ICSI),正常受精培养到第3天,对6~10细胞期胚胎活检1个细胞,利用荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)进行胚胎种植前遗传学诊断(PGD),挑选染色体数目正常的胚胎移植入患者子宫。结果共对8个胚胎进行PGD,7个有诊断结果者中6个为正常胚胎、1个为21三体胚胎。挑选3个胚胎移植,获得妊娠并产下一健康男婴。结论应用FISH对染色体数目异常的遗传疾病,如21三体综合征,进行胚胎种植前遗传学诊断是切实可行的。  相似文献   

目的:初步探索应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术为染色体异常患者进行胚胎植入前遗传诊断(PGD)。方法:针对染色体结构异常的种类.分别选择亚端粒探针及着丝粒探针,用荧光原位杂交技术为5例染色体异常患者进行植入前遗传学诊断。结果:5例患者共行7个PGD周期,共获卵134个,活检47个胚胎,FISH分析可供移植胚胎16个,6个移植周期移植其中15个胚胎,获得1例临床妊娠,并经产前诊断验证,已顺利诞生1健康男婴。结论:荧光原位杂交技术能有效地应用于染色体异常者胚胎植入前遗传学诊断。  相似文献   

042 1 75 植入前遗传学诊断 /王仁礼∥生殖与避孕 — 2 0 0 4 ,2 4 ( 3) —Ⅰ~Ⅴ植入前遗传学诊断 (PGD)主要是指在显微操作下从体外受精 (IVF)发育至 6~ 8个细胞期的胚胎中 ,活检 1~ 2个卵裂球细胞或直接获取受精前后的极体 ,通过聚合酶链式反应 (PCR)或荧光原位杂交 (FISH) ,进行快速遗传学诊断 ,选择正常胚胎植入宫内 ,从而获得健康胎儿。该文在PGD取材方面介绍了 :( 1 )极体活检 ;( 2 )卵裂球活检 ;( 3)囊胚活检。在PGD诊断方面介绍了 :( 1 )染色体异常 ;( 2 )单基因病 ;( 3)诊断技术 ;( 4 )存在问题与解决办法。还介绍了…  相似文献   

胡婷  张雪梅  刘珊玲 《西部医学》2014,(5):543-545,550
目的 探讨荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术在诊断自然流产胚胎染色体数目异常的应用价值.方法 用FISH技术对770例自然流产胚胎绒毛组织13、16、18、21、22、X及Y染色体数目进行检测.结果 770例标本FISH检测全部成功,胚胎染色体数目异常342例(44.42%).异常标本中非整倍体259例(75.73%),三倍体67例(19.59%),四倍体12例(3.51%),嵌合体4例(1.17%).检出最多的染色体数目异常类型为16三体(29.54%),其次为X单体(15.51%),其他比例较高异常类型为22三体(14.05%)、69,XXY(9.94%)、69,XXX(9.65%)、21三体(7.32%)及13三体(4.39%).孕妇既往自然流产次数、孕妇年龄与染色体数目异常无明显关系(P>0.05).结论 染色体数目异常是导致自然流产的重要因素之一,FISH技术是检测染色体数目异常的有效方法,对自然流产病因诊断、再次妊娠指导具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的:应用微阵列比较基因组杂交技术(array-CGH)对染色体平衡易位携带者进行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断,探讨其临床应用价值。方法:应用荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)对染色体易位携带者D3胚胎进行检测,对结果为异常且发育到囊胚的15枚胚胎应用array-CGH再次检测,建立array-CGH技术平台,再将array-CGH技术应用于染色体平衡易位携带者胚胎植入前遗传学诊断。结果:对经过FISH检测为异常且发育到囊胚的15枚胚胎进行全基因组扩增(WGA)后采用array-CGH技术进行检测,发现array-CGH技术不仅能够检测到FISH结果对应的数目异常和结构异常,还可以发现除FISH诊断的染色体异常外其他染色体异常。其对于相互易位病例不平衡易位断裂点检测的结果与对易位携带者的核型分析结果一致。应用array-CGH技术对5对染色体易位携带者夫妇的31枚胚胎进行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断,30枚获得检测结果 ,1对夫妇移植1枚整倍体胚胎后获得妊娠,羊水染色体分析提示胎儿染色体核型正常。结论:通过全基因组扩增以及array-CGH技术,对染色体平衡易位携带者胚胎进行植入前遗传学诊断,能够全面评估胚胎染色体的情况,具有良好的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)主要是对体外受精(IVF)后发育到6~8细胞的胚胎,在显微操作系统下活检其中的1~2个卵裂球或对囊胚期胚胎活检其滋养外胚层细胞,应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)或荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术进行快速的遗传学诊断后.选择正常健康的胚胎植入子宫内,从而获得健康的胎儿。PGD是辅助生育技术与分子生物学相结合  相似文献   

目的 通过回顾性分析种植前遗传学诊断/筛查(PGD/PGS)治疗周期的资料,旨在总结PGD/PGS治疗过程中的特点及规律,为临床提供参考.方法 收集行PGD/ PGS助孕的283对夫妇的309个治疗周期信息,分析病因构成、治疗过程、妊娠结局及新生儿情况.结果 283对夫妇中,因染色体异常行PGD治疗的比例最高,共223例,占 78. 8%;比较应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)、微阵列比较基因组杂交技术(array-CGH)和二代测序技术(NGS)这3种方法的临床资料,结果显示array-CGH组的胚胎活检成功率高于另外两组,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05);FISH组的正常胚胎率高于array-CGH和NGS组,但胚胎种植率低于这两组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);FISH组临床妊娠率低于NGS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05);不同病因行PGD/PGS临床妊娠率比较,差异均无统计学意义;通过PGD/PGS技术出生子代无出生缺陷,且FISH与array-CGH诊断方法比较,新生儿情况均差异无统计学意义.结论 PGD/PGS技术是治疗遗传病高危患者生育问题的有效措施;FISH、array-CGH和 NGS这3种诊断法均是有效的胚胎诊断方法,但array-CGH法和NGS法的诊断效率较FISH高.  相似文献   

沈国松  张甦  何平亚  方嵘 《浙江医学》2011,33(12):1746-1749
目的 使用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术对常见胎儿染色体数目异常进行快速诊断,结合羊水细胞培养染色体核型分析技术形成产前诊断体系,并对其临床应用价值进行评价.方法 应用诊断最常见染色体病的5种染色体(13、18、21、X和Y)特异性FISH探针对480例未经培养羊水细胞进行产前诊断,并和同时进行的羊水培养染色体核型分析相比较.结果 480例未经培养羊水细胞FISH实验全部获得检测结果,并发现21-三体综合征2例,18-三体综合征1例,克氏综合征1例,特纳综合征 1例,与羊水培养染色体分析结果一致,但报告时间(2至3d)与羊水染色体分析报告时间(2~3周)相比大为缩短.受固有技术限制有6例结构异常未能检出,但应用FISH技术对其中1例与性染色体有关的结构异常进行辅助诊断,获得了成功.结论 FISH技术在常见染色体数目异常产前诊断中应用行之有效,与羊水染色体核型分析技术相结合,将使产前诊断更加高效和安全.  相似文献   

卵裂胚发育与染色体异常的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨卵裂胚发育与染色体异常的关系.方法 2005年9月~2006年3月对需要行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的7例病人.用13、18、21、X、Y五色染色体探针筛查这些病人种植前胚胎的非整倍体,同时分析胚胎发育与染色体异常的关系.结果 共对52个胚胎进行活检,51个胚胎有FISH诊断结果.随着胚胎碎片比例的增加,染色体正常胚胎的比例下降,胚胎的碎片比例与正常胚胎的比例呈密切负相关,(r=0.835,P<0.01);在8细胞胚胎、9细胞以上胚胎(含9细胞)、7细胞以下(含7细胞)胚胎中,正常的胚胎比例分别为55%、50%、30.4%,其中8细胞胚胎组显著高于7细胞以下胚胎组(P<0.05);在卵裂球数目为偶数的胚胎中,正常胚胎的比例为48.4%(15/31),高于卵裂球数目为奇数胚胎的35%(7/20),但无统计学意义(P>0.05).卵裂球大小均匀的胚胎中,正常胚胎所占比例为54.8%(17/31),显著高于卵裂球大小不均匀的胚胎的25%(5/25)(P<0.05);优质胚胎中,正常胚胎的比例为55.6%,显著高于非优质胚胎的29.2%(P<0.05).结论 在种植前胚胎中,染色体异常胚胎广泛存在;依据现有的形态学评估标准,可以选择部分染色体正常的胚胎,但是形态学评价方法存在一定的局限性.  相似文献   

目的探讨FISH检测染色体数目异常在胚胎停育患者中的应用。方法选取102例胚胎停育患者,获取绒毛,对7种染色体(13、16、18、21、22、X、Y)行FISH检测,同期行细胞培养核型分析作为对照。结果 FISH检测共检出异常核型40例,异常率39.22%;对照法传统细胞培养染色体核型分析共检出异常核型43例,异常率46.74%。染色体异常中染色体数目异常占染色体异常93.02%,其中常染色体三体最多见,占60.47%。结论:FISH技术可对胚胎停育绒毛组织进行及时、有效检测分析,做出遗传学诊断;FISH技术较传统细胞培养方法更加方便、快捷,对胚胎停育的病因研究更实用、有效,可作为细胞培养法染色体核型分析的有效补充。  相似文献   

Background Clinical programs for preventing β-thalassemia are presently based on prospective carrier screening and prenatal diagnosis. This paper report an achievement of a pregnancy with unaffected embryos using in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET), in combination with preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), for a couple at risk of having children with β-thalassemia.Methods A couple carrying different thalassemia mutations, both a codon 41-42 mutation and the IVS Ⅱ 654 mutation, received standard IVF treatment, with intracytoplasmic sperm injection, embryo biopsiy, single cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA analysis. Only unaffected or carrier embryos were transferred to the uterine cavity. After confirmation of pregnancy, a prenatal diagnosis was performed.Results Of a total of 13 embryos analyzed for β-globin mutations, PGD indicated that 2 were normal,3 were affected, and 6 were carriers. Diagnosis could not be made in the other 2 embryos. Three embryos were transferred to the uterus on the third day after oocyte retrieval. Ultrasonography revealed a twin pregnancy with one blighted ovum. The prenatal genetic diagnosis revealed that both fetuses were unaffected, and two healthy boys were born, confirming the results of PGD.Conclusions We developed a single-cell based primer extension preamplification (PEP)-PCR assay for the detection of β-thalassemia mutations. The assays were efficient and accurate at all stages of the procedure, and resulted in the birth of PGD-confirmed β-thalassemia free children in China. PEP was used here in PGD for β-thalassemia.  相似文献   

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is an early diagnosis of genetic disorders, prior to the onset of pregnancy. PGD incorporates the latest techniques in assisted reproduction and molecular genetics. Embryos or oocytes are biopsied during culture in vitro and genetic analysis is carried out on the blastomeres or polar bodies. Embryos shown to be free of the genetic disease under investigation are transferred to the uterus. Multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) is used to diagnose numerical and certain structural abnormalities of chromosomes in the embryo. The common probes used are for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y. FISH can also be used for PGD of translocations, when one of the parents is a carrier. PGD was carried out recently in 4 cases using multicolour FISH. In one of the embryos, trisomy 18 was detected. Tetraploidy was seen in another embryo. Only chromosomally normal embryos were transferred back to the uterus. Care has to be taken while interpreting FISH signals as the signal may be split, diffused, superimposed or in a different focus.  相似文献   

Preimplantation diagnosis for Fanconi anemia combined with HLA matching.   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
Y Verlinsky  S Rechitsky  W Schoolcraft  C Strom  A Kuliev 《JAMA》2001,285(24):3130-3133
CONTEXT: The advent of single-cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has presented the opportunity for combined preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and HLA antigen testing. This is a novel and useful way to preselect a potential donor for an affected sibling requiring stem cell transplantation. OBJECTIVE: To perform in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation HLA matching combined with PGD for Fanconi anemia (FA). DESIGN: DNA analysis for the IVS 4 + 4 A-->T (adenine to thymine) mutation in the FA complement C (FANCC) gene in single blastomeres, obtained by biopsy of embryos, to identify genetic status and HLA markers of each embryo before intrauterine transfer. SETTING: In vitro fertilization programs at large medical centers in Chicago, Ill, and Denver, Colo. PARTICIPANTS: A couple, both carriers of the IVS 4 + 4 A-->T mutation in the FANCC gene with an affected child requiring an HLA-compatible donor for cord blood transplantation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: DNA analysis of single blastomeres to preselect unaffected embryos representing an HLA match for the affected sibling. RESULTS: Of 30 embryos tested in 4 IVF attempts, 6 were homozygous affected and 24 were unaffected. Five of these embryos were also found to be HLA-compatible, of which 2 were transferred in the first and 1 in each of the other 3 cycles, resulting in a pregnancy and birth of an unaffected child in the last cycle. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first PGD with HLA matching, demonstrating feasibility of preselecting unaffected embryos that can also be an HLA-compatible source for stem cell transplantation for a sibling.  相似文献   

对β-地中海贫血携带者进行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
目的 探讨对β-地中海贫血进行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的方法。方法 对4例β-地中海贫血携带者进行超排卵和体外受精-胚胎移植治疗,胚胎活检后应用全基因组扩增技术,巢式-PCR及反向点杂交进行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断,根据诊断结果选择健康的胚胎移植入子宫。结果 4例患者共获卵97个,受精率为83%,可供活检的胚胎47个,总扩增效率为84.8%。平均等位基因脱扣发生率为14.9%。共移植10个健康胚胎,获得1例三胎妊娠(其中1个为空囊),现已分娩健康双胎。结论 对β-地中海贫血进行植入前遗传学诊断可使β-地中海贫血患者实现生育健康后代的愿望,达到优生的目的。  相似文献   

K Xu  Z M Shi  L L Veeck  M R Hughes  Z Rosenwaks 《JAMA》1999,281(18):1701-1706
CONTEXT: Sickle cell anemia is a common autosomal recessive disorder. However, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for this severe genetic disorder previously has not been successful. OBJECTIVE: To achieve pregnancy with an unaffected embryo using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and PGD. DESIGN: Laboratory analysis of DNA from single cells obtained by biopsy from embryos in 2 IVF attempts, 1 in 1996 and 1 in 1997, to determine the genetic status of each embryo before intrauterine transfer. SETTING: University hospital in a large metropolitan area. PATIENTS: A couple, both carriers of the recessive mutation for sickle cell disease. INTERVENTIONS: Standard IVF treatment, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, embryo biopsy, single-cell polymerase chain reaction and DNA analyses, embryo transfer to uterus, pregnancy confirmation, and prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis at 16.5 weeks' gestation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: DNA analysis of single blastomeres indicating whether embryos carried the sickle cell mutation, allowing only unaffected or carrier embryos to be transferred. RESULTS: The first IVF attempt failed to produce a pregnancy. Of the 7 embryos analyzed in the second attempt, PGD indicated that 4 were normal and 2 were carriers; diagnosis was not possible in 1. Three embryos were transferred to the uterus on the fourth day after oocyte retrieval. A twin pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasonography, and subsequent amniocentesis revealed that both fetuses were unaffected and were not carriers of the sickle cell mutation. The patient delivered healthy twins at 39 weeks' gestation. CONCLUSION: This first unaffected pregnancy resulting from PGD for sickle cell anemia demonstrates that the technique can be a powerful diagnostic tool for carrier couples who desire a healthy child but wish to avoid the difficult decision of whether to abort an affected fetus.  相似文献   

Increasing maternal age is the only etiological factor unequivocally linked to Down's syndrome in humans. The occurrence rate of newborns with Down's syndrome is about 1/220 in women over 35 years old. However, the occurrence rate in embryos fertilized in vitro, of the elder woman is unclear. Using FISH we screened the number of chromosome 21 in preimplanted embryos of 5 elderly women (average age, 38.4 years) to study the feasibility and necessity of screening trisomy 21 in embryos in patients over 35 years old at the in vitro fertilization (IVF) center.  相似文献   

Deng J  Peng WL  Liu Y  Zhou CQ  Li J  Fang C  Lin WQ  Zhuang GL  Zeng YH  Tong DY 《中华医学杂志》2005,85(38):2682-2685
目的探讨应用跨越断裂点荧光聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术在α地中海贫血(简称α地贫)植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)中的应用。方法获取Ot地贫东南亚缺失型携带者单个淋巴细胞,建立了稳定的单细胞跨越断裂点荧光PCR检测技术,并对4对夫妇双方均为α地贫——SEA缺失型杂合子应用荧光PCR进行了α地贫的PGD。结果单个淋巴细胞平均扩增效率为90.0%(72/80),平均等位基因脱扣(ADO)率为8.3%(6/72)。对4对夫妇进行4个周期PGO,共检测38个胚胎,获得38个卵裂球,其中34个卵裂球扩增成功,扩增效率为89.5%(34/38),ADO率为5.9%(2/34)。经PCR分析,共获得11个正常胚胎,8个杂合子胚胎,15个重型地贫胚胎。移植了11个胚胎,获得2例临床妊娠。孕17周时经脐带血穿刺,分别证实为完全正常胚胎和杂合子胚胎,现已出生两名健康男婴。结论应用单细胞荧光PCR技术可对α地贫进行植入前遗传学诊断,达到优生的目的。  相似文献   

Preimplantation gender diagnosis by fluorescence in situ hybridization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:应用荧光原位杂交技术进行人类胚胎植入前性别诊断。方法:对2例甲型血友病基因携带、1例男性葡萄糖6磷酸脱氢酶(G-6-PD)缺乏患和2例Y染色体异常的患进行了6个周期的超排卵治疗。胚胎活检后取单个细胞进行固定,然后用荧光原位杂交技术检测胚胎的性别,根据遗传学规律选择胚胎性别后将胚胎移植入子宫。结果:5例患经6个治疗周期共取卵123个。可供活检的胚胎共61个,活检成功率为86.9%,活检后继续分裂率为62.3%,活检细胞固定率为98.1%。我们共移植了16个女性胚胎和3个男性胚胎,获得1例生化妊娠和3例临床妊娠,分别在羊水细胞和减胎组织中证实诊断的准确性。结论:荧光原位杂交技术用于遗传病的种植前诊断准确有效。对血友病等进行植入前性别诊断能避免选择性流产和重型患儿的出生,有利于优生。  相似文献   

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