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早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)是儿童致盲的重要原因,近20年来,通过激光凝固术对外周视网膜进行消融治疗大大降低了该病所致不良视力的发生率.由于ROP病情连续性发展,迫切需要在ROP导致早产儿视力永久性损伤之前及时检查并监测病情变化.2013年美国儿科学会眼科分会、美国眼科学会、美国小儿眼科和斜视协会、美国视觉矫正医师协会共同在美国儿科杂志(Pediatrics)上发布《早产儿视网膜病变筛查》新修订指南.本指南详细介绍了ROP诊治方案,包括首检时间、复查间隔和治疗方法选择,并概述了ROP检测方案的基本原理.  相似文献   

This statement revises a previous statement on screening of preterm infants for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) that was published in 2001. ROP is a pathologic process that occurs only in immature retinal tissue and can progress to a tractional retinal detachment, which can result in functional or complete blindness. Recent development of peripheral retinal ablative therapy using laser photocoagulation has resulted in the possibility of markedly decreasing the incidence of this poor visual outcome, but the sequential nature of ROP creates a requirement that at-risk preterm infants be examined at proper times to detect the changes of ROP before they become permanently destructive. This statement presents the attributes on which an effective program for detecting and treating ROP could be based, including the timing of initial examination and subsequent reexamination intervals.  相似文献   

The CRYO-ROP study confirmed the success of treatment for ROP and made screening mandatory. National based screening has been influenced by the varied incidence of disease in developed and developing countries. Most ophthalmologists in developed countries screen infants born between 1000 and 1500 g and between 28 and 31 weeks gestation post menstrual age. The 1984 classification has been updated to highlight the importance of plus disease. The ETROP study findings have resulted in earlier treatment and elevated the importance of screening. Measures such as nesting may help to reduce infant distress during examination. It is important for neonatal units to have an agreed policy on screening and both neonatologist and neonatal nurses have an invaluable role. Diagnostic retinal imaging and telemedicine may have an increasing role in future screening. Timely and accurate screening is the most important first step as earlier treatment results in improved visual prognosis.  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)过去称为"晶状体后纤维增生症",为早产儿和低出生体质量儿的一种严重并发症.ROP仅发生在不成熟的视网膜组织,可以造成视网膜变性、脱离,并发白内障,继发青光眼、近视、弱视,甚至导致失明,对视力危害极大[1-5].  相似文献   

早产儿视网膜病1082例筛查报告及诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨早产儿视网膜病(ROP)的早期诊治方法,分析其筛查结果.方法 由眼底病专科医生应用双目间接眼底镜对本院新生儿科2004年7月至2009年6月收治的胎龄<34周或出生体质量<2000 g的住院早产儿进行ROP筛查.首次筛查时间为纠正胎龄32~34周或生后4~6周,对检出的阈值期或阈值前期1型ROP(重症)患儿全部给予眼底激光光凝术,对视网膜血管未发育成熟、1~2期或阈值前期2型(轻度)ROP患儿进行密切随访,直至视网膜血管发育至锯齿缘或发展成为重症.对所有的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 5年共收治早产儿2 295例,符合筛查标准的早产儿1 082例,占47.14%;检出ROP总阳性病例154例,占筛查对象的14.23%(154/1082);其轻度ROP86例,占7.94%(86/1 082);重症ROP 68例,占6.28%(68/1 082).68例重症ROP患儿中,有6例出院后随访期间发现进展为重症ROP而再入院,有2例放弃治疗1年后证实全部失明.66例(132只眼)接受各种治疗,其中63例单用光凝术治疗;3例急进性后极ROP中2例采用玻璃体腔内注入血管内皮生长因子拮抗剂(Avastin)联合光凝术治疗,1例单用光凝术治疗者治疗后仍出现部分视网膜脱离,经玻璃体视网膜手术后仍失明;随访结果65例成功的保存了视力,成功率98.48%(65/66).在观察期间未达到光凝治疗条件,因原发病恶化死亡10例,经光凝治疗后的患儿未出现死亡.结论 ROP筛查是防止ROP病情发展的有效措施,对重症ROP及时给予光凝术治疗是安全有效的方法,对急进性后极ROP可用玻璃体腔内注入血管内皮生长因子拮抗剂联合光凝术治疗抢救视力.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the early diagnosis and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods Totally premature infants with gestational ages of < 34 weeks or a birth-weight < 2 000 gwho were born in our hospital from July, 2004 to June, 2009, received ROP screen that was carried out by ophthalmologists with particular expertise in ROP using binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. The first screening began at 4 to 6 weeks postnatal age or 32 weeks of postconceptional age. The infants with threshold and prethreshold type Ⅰ ROP(severe) were treated with retinal laser photocoagulation. The infants with immature retinal blood vessels or stage 1 ~ 2 ROP or pre-threshold type Ⅱ ROP (mild) were followed up until retinal vessels are seen in zone Ⅲ or it gets to threshold and pre-threshold type Ⅰ ROP level. All clinical data were analyzed retrospectively. Results 1 082 of total 2 295 premature infants (47. 14% ) received ROP screening ia our department during the past5 years. 14. 23% ( 154/1 082) infants were diagnosed as ROP,the mild and severe ROP accounted for 7.94% (86/1 082) and 6. 28% (68/1 082) respectively. Six infants had to be rehospitalized as they developed into severe ROP during follow-up period. Of all the 68 infants with severe ROP,two infants with severe ROP were confirmed to be bilaterally blind because they had intermitted therapy for one year. Sixty-six infants ( 132 eyes) received various treatments. Sixty-three cases were treated with photocoagulation therapy alone. Of the remaining 3 infants with aggressive posterior ROP, two infants were injected intravitreously with antagonist of vascular endothelial growth factor (Avastin) and photocoagulation,One who was found retinal detachment after photocoagulation therapy alone and then treated with vitrectomy,was blind finally. The eyesight of total 65 infants were saved successfully, the success rate of treatment was 98.48% (65/66). During the surveillance period, none of the infants who had received photocoagulation died,but 10 infants died of the deterioration of the original disease before they were able to receive photocoagulation. Conclusion ROP screening is an effective measure to prevent the progression of ROP. Laser photocoagulation is a safe and effective method for the infants with severe ROP. Photocoagulation combined with Avastin can save the sight of the premature infants with aggressive posterior ROP.  相似文献   

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