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本文报告了由于使用民用化学品及日用品而引起皮肤不良反应的140个病例,分三种类型。变应性接触性皮炎129例,占92.1%;刺激性接触性皮炎1例,占0.71%,色素沉着10例,占7.1%,在变应性接触性皮炎中,63例由化妆品引起,占48.8%;30例由橡胶鞋、拖鞋引起,占23.3%,26例由金属首饰和金属制品引起,占20.2%。  相似文献   

目的了解职业病发生的常见原因,为今后预防和治疗职业病提供借鉴。方法回顾分析过去诊治过的18例职业性皮肤病患者的详细资料。结果18例职业性皮肤病患者中职业性黑病变8例、汞接触过敏性皮炎1例、砷中毒性皮肤病2例、重铬酸钾接触性过敏性皮炎2例、电光性皮炎2例、农药引起的接触过敏性皮炎2例、职业性皮肤溃疡1例。黑病变8例给予VitC、复方丹参、VitE、加强个人防护等对症处理,病情有所好转。3例痤疮患者经对症治疗也逐渐好转。接触性过敏性皮炎患者,经抗过敏治疗和调换工作后,病情得到控制,皮损逐渐减少,无新发皮损。1例镀铬工人的皮肤溃疡经对症治疗后,逐渐恢复。结论职业性皮肤病是皮肤直接或间接接触致毒物引起的,预防的关键是隔断接触。  相似文献   

谨防化妆品过敏引起接触性皮炎文/春香接触性皮炎是皮肤接触外界某种刺激物而发生的一种皮肤炎症。而化妆品引起的接触性皮炎临床上更为常见,尤其多发于女性。症状表现极不一致,由轻度皮肤红斑、落屑,到严重的皮肤红肿、水疱,甚至靡烂渗出。多发于面部尤以两眼睑、两...  相似文献   

刘芳  张春敏 《家庭健康》2005,(10):27-28
刘德华在其主演的《童梦奇缘》电影中,自10岁演到80岁,花费了制片公司数百万元的化妆费。华仔透露,化妆品弄坏了他脸上的皮肤,以致于经常过敏。那么,化妆品对皮肤的损伤有哪些,应该如何正确使用呢?化妆品导致的不良反应主要表现为:接触性皮炎、光感性皮炎、痤疮、色素沉着、甲损伤、毛发损伤等,是由于使用化妆品所引起的皮肤及附属器官病变、  相似文献   

化妆品是直接用于皮肤的化学制品,其成分有引起接触性皮炎、色素沉着型皮炎等过敏反应的可能。接触性皮炎是因化学物质接触皮肤而引起的皮肤炎症,按发病机制可分类如下。 1.一次性刺激性皮炎:是指只要是被接触物质的刺激大于皮肤抵抗阈值,不管是什么人都可能发生的皮炎。物质对皮肤的刺激性强,仅一次接触就发病的称之为急性毒性皮炎。物质对皮肤的刺激性弱,一次接触不发病,但反复刺激同一部位,完全超过了皮肤抵抗阈值,把由此而产生的接触性皮炎称之为蓄积障碍性皮炎。急性毒性皮炎起病急,伴有灼热感、疼痛等明显自觉症状,且炎症仅限接触  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,市场上的化妆品和日用品等越来越多,接触这些化学品引起的皮肤刺激等不良反应仍然广泛存在。化学品接触引起的皮肤不良反应主要包括皮肤刺激和皮肤腐蚀,皮肤刺激是指皮肤接触化学物超过4h所产生的局部可逆性损害,而皮肤腐蚀是指皮肤接触化学物超过4h所产生的从表皮层到真皮层肉眼可见的局部不可逆性坏死。  相似文献   

洗衣粉是居家生活中不可或缺的日用品。但在生活中,有不少人把洗衣粉当"万用清洁剂"用,除了洗衣服,还拿来洗涤瓜果、蔬菜、餐具,擦洗家具、地板……认为它有去污、消毒、杀菌的作用。尤其是皮肤长期直接接触碱性洗衣粉后,皮肤表面的弱酸环境就会遭到破坏,其抑制细菌生长的作用也会消失,容易导致皮肤瘙痒,甚至引起过敏性皮炎等症状或在皮肤上留下色素沉着。所以千万别用洗衣粉洗头发或长期接触皮肤,如果手洗衣物时,最好用肥皂。动物实验还表明,长期接触大剂量的洗衣粉会导致肝脏和神经功能受损,并引发癌症。专家提醒,即使进入体内的洗衣粉数量微小,也会引起毒害。 更多还原  相似文献   

刺激性接触性皮炎的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
接触性皮炎(contact dermatitis,CD)是指接触外源化合物而导致的皮肤炎性疾患,根据发病机制的不同通常将其分为刺激性接触性皮炎(irritant contact dermatitis,ICD)和变应性接触性皮炎(allergic contact dermatitis,ACD)。ICD是一种不产生特异性抗体的皮肤炎症,而ACD属于T细胞介导的Ⅳ型超敏反应,需要预先致敏才能发生。另外,ICD形态变化广泛,在急性期主要表现为皮肤红斑、水肿、脱屑和角质形成细胞囊泡化样变,在慢性期主要表现为皮肤裂隙、苔藓化和角化过度。由于这些变化都是非特异性表现,使得ICD通常很难与ACD以及内源性皮炎相区别。  相似文献   

镍接触性皮炎的斑贴试验及其组织病理学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨斑贴试验在金属过敏等环境与职业性皮炎中的诊断价值,了解镍接触性皮炎的组织病理学特征。方法 应用欧洲标准抗原系列斑贴试验检测110例疑诊为接触性皮炎患者,并对13例硫酸镍(5%)斑贴试验不同时段阳性反应皮肤进行活检。结果 39例接触性皮炎患者对硫酸镍敏感(占35.5%),其中阳性反应皮肤组织学特征为:24h时表皮轻度海绵变性和灶状空泡变性,少许嗜酸性粒细胞外渗;48-72h时表皮和真皮炎症达高峰,主要是CD45RO^ T细胞和CD68^ 巨噬细胞分布于炎症表皮及真皮血管周围。916h-5d时表皮轻度增生,不同细胞成分参与修复过程。结论 硫酸镍是引起湿疹皮炎类疾病的主要接触变应原,镍皮炎病理学改变符合变应性接触性皮炎的特征。  相似文献   

混合纤维粉尘引起工人皮炎的调查分析深圳市罗湖区卫生防疫站(贝丽南路,518020)张佐英混合纤维具有致敏性及刺激性,可以引起接触性皮炎、湿疹等皮肤病变。本文报道的是一间打毛厂由于缺乏防护而引起的14名工人发生急性、亚急性皮炎的报告。一、现场调查某打毛...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Paper mill workers have frequent and prolonged exposure to skin irritants and allergens and may have a higher risk of developing occupational dermatitis. Aims The aim of this study was to determine the extent of skin problems in a paper mill and how much was attributable to contact with allergens. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 80 paper mill workers having daily exposure to skin irritants and allergens. They all completed a questionnaire, underwent a standard interview and physical examination. Workers whose history indicated possible contact allergy were patch tested and prick tested. RESULTS: Workers reported a high exposure to skin irritants, especially when carrying out tasks that caused the hands and feet to become wet from perspiration and having contact with process water. Atopic dermatitis was seen in 3% of the workers. Contact dermatitis was seen in 26% of the workers and 36% were diagnosed with mycosis of the feet. All cases of contact dermatitis and mycosis could be attributed to occupational exposure to skin irritants. No cases of relevant contact allergy were seen. CONCLUSION: Occupational dermatitis in paper mills is primarily related to the exposure to skin irritants. Occupational physicians should be aware of the risk of occupational dermatitis in paper mill workers.  相似文献   

Seven cases of fiberglass dermatitis among production operators in the electronics industry are reported. This was due to the repeated daily handling of printed circuit boards (PRCBs). The predominant complaint of the workers was itch of the lateral aspects of the fingers and finger webs. In six workers, unroofed vesicles, pinhead areas of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and excoriation marks were noted at these sites. Skin stripping of the affected sites confirmed the presence of fiberglass spicules in all cases. The glass fibers had diameters of 11-16 microns. Patch testing of six of the workers with the European Standard series of allergens revealed no relevant work-related contact sensitizers. Microscopic examination of the free edges and scrapings from the PRCBs showed glass fibers of similar fiber length and diameter to those found in the workers' skin. Fiberglass can be used as a reinforcement filling material in some types of PRCBs. Free edges of such PRCBs have easily detached fiberglass spicules. Workers in frequent contact with these PRCBs can have a fiberglass-induced irritant dermatitis. Preventive measures could include the use of PRCBs with less free fiberglass at its edges, vacuuming of the newly cut boards, use of dusting powder, protective devices and emollients, and improved personal hygiene of the workers.  相似文献   

胡凯 《中国校医》2023,37(1):25-28
目的 分析探讨某高校大学生常见面部皮炎发病情况与相关影响因素。方法 参与研究的面部皮炎患者以体格检查和调查问卷方式获得详细病史,部分患者行斑贴试验。结果 入选病例174人,男女比例为1∶4.44,平均年龄(20±19.22)岁。分类诊断为接触性皮炎(29.9%)、激素依赖性皮炎(21.3%)、特应性皮炎(12.1%)、季节性皮炎(14.4%)、脂溢性皮炎(8.0%)、日光性皮炎(4.6%)、其他类型皮炎(9.8%)。其中激素依赖性皮炎、特应性皮炎患者性别分布与总样本的比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.590,P=0.001;χ2=6.178,P=0.030)。患者皮肤油型最多(42.2%),皮损以红斑丘疹为主(87.1%),瘙痒症状最明显(84.2%)。睡眠时间、心理因素与面部皮炎的发病无关(P均>0.05)。斑贴试验总阳性率为72.4%,性别间阳性率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.882,P=0.089)。十二醇硫酸钠(20.09%)、脂肪酸硫酸钠(18.13%)、香料混合物(11.85%)是最常见的变应原。结论 某...  相似文献   

目的研究环境接触性因素在面部皮炎发病中的作用。方法通过常见环境过敏原斑贴试验及问卷调查,对60例面部皮炎患者进行了研究。结果28例(46.7%)确诊为接触性皮炎,其中1例职业性接触性皮炎;10例其他原因皮炎;22例不能排除环境接触因素的作用,为可疑接触性皮炎。这些患者斑贴阳性率为60%,仍不能忽视接触过敏因素的作用。结论斑贴试验阳性结果与疾病的联系是寻找病因或加重因素的关键。  相似文献   

In an electronics plant, a new one-component naphthalene type epoxy resin was used as an adhesive for reinforcing a circuit board. The resinous part of the adhesive consisted of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and 1,6-bis(2,3-epoxypropoxy)naphthalene type epoxy resins. The hardener was methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride (MHHPA). Of 54 workers, 15 (27.8%) were diagnosed to have work-related dermatitis but were not patch tested. Therefore, it was impossible to determine the specific agent responsible for the worker's symptoms or to distinguish between allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. They worked without protective gloves until they started to develop skin symptoms. The hands were the commonly affected region (13 out of 15 cases). The latent period of dermatitis was very short (mean 2.2 weeks). Of these, 10 cases (66.7%) received medication for dermatitis, and 9 cases (60%) were transferred to other work. The work-related skin symptoms were closely related to the specific tasks, i.e., filling dispensers with the adhesive and manual application of the adhesive to a portion of a circuit board using a dispenser. For occupational hygiene reasons, contact with epoxy resins should be minimized by taking all possible measures into use, including protective gloves. Further studies are required to clarify the allergenicity of 1,6-bis(2,3-epoxypropoxy)naphthalene, since very little is known about the mechanism through which it leads to the symptoms of dermatitis.  相似文献   

2006~2007年我国化妆品皮肤病不良反应监测报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析2006~2007年全国化妆品皮肤病不良反应的发生情况,为化妆品监测及开展健康教育干预活动提供数据支持。方法以2006~2007年卫生部化妆品不良反应监测网络的13家监测点医院皮肤科门诊的患者为调查对象,临床诊断依据国家颁布的《化妆品皮肤病诊断标准及处理原则》,记录患者使用化妆品与皮肤疾病相关信息,汇总数据并进行统计分析。结果 2006~2007年共监测化妆品不良反应病例数3128例,其中男性为181例,女性为2947例;病例主要集中在21~45岁年龄段(占81.0%);化妆品接触性皮炎共2591例(占82.9%);化妆品不良反应病例共涉及化妆品5959种,以护肤类化妆品最多(占72.14%);对其中105例祛斑类化妆品发病时间及气象条件的研究表明,发生在6~9月份的病例最多,随温度和湿度升高其发病数量也相应升高。结论化妆品不良反应主要见于21~45岁年龄段的女性,接触性皮炎发生率最高,护肤类化妆品引起的不良反应病例最多。因此应加强监测并积极开展针对使用人群的健康教育干预活动。  相似文献   

Since February 1993 the EPIDERM surveillance scheme has collected data on occupational skin disease from consultant dermatologists in the UK. Reporting by occupational physicians to the scheme began in May 1994 and was superseded in January 1996 by the Occupational Physicians Reporting Activity (OPRA). The schemes currently receive reports on incident cases from 244 dermatologists and 790 occupational physicians. An estimated total of 9937 cases of contact dermatitis reported by dermatologists was calculated from surveillance data; 8129 contact dermatitis cases were estimated from reports by occupational physicians. The annual incidence of occupational contact dermatitis from dermatologist reports was 6.4 cases per 100,000 workers and 6.5 per 100,000 from reports by occupational physicians, an overall rate of 12.9 cases per 100,000 workers. Manufacturing industries account for the greatest number of cases seen by both sets of reporting physicians, with health care employment second. Reports from dermatologists also indicate high rates of dermatitis in the personal service industries (mainly hairdressers and barbers) and in agriculture. With the exception of an increase in cases seen in nurses in both schemes, the numbers and proportions of cases of contact dermatitis within occupations have remained fairly constant over the 6-year reporting period. Agents accounting for the highest number of allergic contact dermatitis cases were rubber (23.4% of allergic cases reported by dermatologists), nickel (18.2), epoxies and other resins (15.6), aromatic amines (8.6), chromium and chromates (8.1), fragrances and cosmetics (8.0), and preservatives (7.3). Soaps (22.0% of cases), wet work (19.8), petroleum products (8.7), solvents (8.0), and cutting oils and coolants (7.8) were the most frequently cited agents in cases of irritant dermatitis. The national scope of the data, together with the parallel structure by which both dermatologists and occupational physicians report incident cases, is useful in determining the extent of skin hazards in UK industry and may help in better targeting efforts to reduce the burden of skin disease at work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to characterize occupational dermatoses and cutaneous hazards. METHODS: Workers' compensation claims filed for skin disease in the Washington State Fund were analyzed for 1989 through 1993; incidence rates for industries and employers were calculated, and cutaneous hazards associated with the highest rates were identified. RESULTS: A total of 7445 claims were filed for skin disorders, principally contact dermatitis; 675 (9.1%) involved more than 3 missed work-days. The rate of accepted skin disorder claims was 1.0 per 1000 full-time employee-years. The highest incidence rates (4.6 to 30.7 accepted claims per 1000 full-time employee-years) were in certain manufacturing industries (plastics related, concrete products, aircraft parts, sporting goods, and boat building), wholesale farm product raw materials, automotive glass replacement, and beauty shops. Seven of the 10 employers with the highest incidence rates (19.6 to 85.5 accepted claims per 1000 full-time employee-years) used fiber-reinforced plastics (composites) and exposed workers to epoxy and other resin systems associated with contact dermatitis. CONCLUSIONS: Workers' compensation data identify known and emerging workplace cutaneous hazards and show promise for targeting prevention efforts.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a case of shoe contact dermatitis from DMF identified by the Poison Control Centre of Milan (PCCM), Italy, in 2009. A 35 year old woman was affected by irritant reactions while wearing shoes contaminated with DMF. Exposure to these shoes was limited to a 8 hour period and was not repeated. In the following days the patient suffered feet blistering and swelling limited to the area in contact with shoe vamp. Topical application of cortisone did not prevent development of bullous eczema. After 20 days from exposure, the lesions were healed but the skin remained red, dry and very sensitive. Chemical analyses of shoes quantified an average concentration of DMF of 383 mg/kg. The patient refused to be patch tested. The observation here reported confirm that DMF should be considered a possible causal agent in shoe contact dermatitis. Documentation of cases exposed to this chemical provide a relevant support to characterize clinical manifestations and to identifying contaminated articles.  相似文献   

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