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Psychiatric nurses have a major influence on the lives of patients with suicidal behaviour in inpatient care. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge about how nurses experience patients with suicidal behaviour in a deeper sense. The aim of this study was to investigate how psychiatric nurses experience patients with suicidal behaviour within an inpatient psychiatric context. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 11 psychiatric nurses, each of whom had more than 5 years of experience caring for patients with suicidal behaviour. Data were analysed using qualitative latent content analysis. Two main themes emerged from the data analysis. These are 'labelled' and 'suffering'. In the nurses' natural attitude, they saw patients as being labelled with different conditions and/or behaviours based on objective signs. These were categorized into different groups or identities such as psychiatric diagnosis, mask wearer, screened-off, or the social, relapsing or determined patient. On reflection, however, the nurses described the patients' suffering in terms related to feelings of hopelessness, meaninglessness, and being out of control. The nurses' experiences of the patients as suffering were based on their subjective reflective experience of the patients. The study gives support to the conclusion that two main logic systems are represented in the care of patients with suicidal behaviour: technical practical and nursing perspectives. In order to ensure that these two logic systems combine, it is necessary for the psychiatric care organization to intervene to support the nurses in reflecting on their everyday work.  相似文献   

This paper describes the rate of violent episodes at a youth psychiatric unit, identifies significant clinical and demographic differences between service users who had admissions with violent episodes and those who did not, and describes characteristics of violent incidents, including antecedents, consequences, victim type, and severity of violence. A retrospective file audit over a 2-year period reviewed 303 admissions. Characteristics of violent incidents (n = 242) and service users (violent/non-violent) were recorded. Of 263 service users, 21.7% exhibited violent behaviour. Significant differences between admissions with and without violent episodes were found in terms of ethnicity, legal status, length of admission, and diagnosis. Staff were the most frequent victims and less severe incidents were most common. The most frequent antecedents to violence were positive symptoms of psychosis, hostility, and agitation, while the most common consequences were seclusion, physical restraint and 'as-required' medication. This study has identified that violent incidents are a common and significant issue. The findings might help staff in reviewing current management approaches. Future areas of study have been identified.  相似文献   

Systematic risk assessment and training courses have been suggested as interventions to deal with patient violence in psychiatric institutions. A dual centre prospective feasibility study was conducted on two Swiss psychiatric admission wards to test the hypothesis that such interventions will reduce the frequency and severity of violent events and coercion. A systematic aggression risk assessment, in combination with a standardized training course in aggression management was administered and the frequency and severity of aggressive incidents and the frequency of coercive measures were registered. The incidence rates of aggressive incidents and attacks showed no significant reduction from the baseline through risk prediction and staff training, but the drop in coercive measures was highly significant. A 'ward effect' was detected with one ward showing a decline in attacks with unchanged incidence rates of coercion and the other ward showing the opposite. The severity of the incidents remained unchanged whilst the subjective severity declined after the training course. We conclude that a systematic risk assessment and a training course may assist in reducing the incidence rate of coercive measures on psychiatric acute admission wards. Further testing of the interventions is necessary to measure the effect of the training alone and to counteract 'ward effects'.  相似文献   

曹治  周伟 《中国临床护理》2021,13(8):514-517
目的 探讨精神科护士遭受工作场所暴力的相关因素,以减少精神科护士遭受工作场所暴力的频度,保护护士的心理健康,减轻护士的心理压力。方法 选取2018年4月-2019年4月广州某精神病院不同病区的120名护士作为研究对象,采用一般资料调查问卷、工作场所暴力频度测定量表对其进行问卷调查。结果 精神科护士的性别、年龄、工作年限、职务、聘用形式、工作病区、防暴技能是其遭受工作场所暴力的独立影响因素。结论 应针对精神科护士遭受工作场所暴力的因素采取针对性的措施,提高精神科护士对暴力事件的应对能力。  相似文献   

陆叶  卫勤 《护理管理杂志》2009,9(4):24-25,27
综述了对精神科暴力行为的发生率、临床表现形式、相关因素、常见疾病、常见原因及护理对策,建议采取有效的护理措施及时预测和应对暴力行为,以提高精神科患者的护理和生活质量。  相似文献   

精神科护士身体暴力伤害的现状调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的了解住院精神科病人对护士身体暴力伤害情况,制定有效的防范措施。方法对2006年全年80名护士(95人次)在护理病人过程中受到暴力伤害情况进行分析。结果身体暴力发生率为28.07%,男、女受伤率比较,差异无统计学意义。工作时间不同的护士受到暴力伤害情况不同,差异具有统计学意义。二级暴力攻击居多。受伤部位以四肢、躯干部为主。暴力攻击者主要为新入院、受精神症状支配的病人。重症监护室发生率高。结论精神科护士工作时遭受身体暴力伤害的发生率高,工作危险性大。应制订完善的防范措施,以降低精神科病人对护士的身体暴力伤害。  相似文献   

Despite their widespread use, typical visual observation practices are not evidence‐based and adverse events – such as self‐harm and absconding – still occur even under the most intense forms of observation. This study aimed to (i) develop and implement an engagement‐focused systematized model of clinical risk management in an adult acute psychiatric inpatient unit; and (ii) prospectively evaluate its effect on rates of violence, self‐harm, absconding, sexually inappropriate behaviour, and seclusion. A new model of engagement‐focused clinical risk management was developed using a participatory action research framework and implemented in an adult acute psychiatric inpatient unit. Using a mirror‐image design, rates of violence/aggression, self‐harm, absconding, sexually inappropriate behaviour, and seclusion were compared before and after implementation, and staff satisfaction levels were measured. The clinical engagement‐based model was introduced, and 1087 admissions before implementation (24 months) were compared with 965 admissions post‐implementation (18 months). The new model was associated with significantly reduced rates of absconding (pre: 10.5/1000 occupied bed days, 95% CI [9.0, 12.1] compared with post: 6.5/1000 occupied bed days [5.2, 8.1], < 0.001) and seclusion (pre: 43.7/1000 occupied bed days, 95% CI [40.6, 46.9] compared with post: 30.9/1000 occupied bed days [27.9, 34.1], < 0.0001). Rates of aggression, deliberate self‐harm, and sexually inappropriate behaviour were non‐significantly decreased. Findings suggest that this engagement‐focused model of clinical risk management in an adult psychiatric inpatient unit significantly reduced adverse patient events and was preferred by staff over current practice. Other psychiatric inpatient facilities may see a reduction in adverse events following the introduction of this well‐tolerated risk management model.  相似文献   

To reveal the meaning of being a nurse working with inpatient care on a team psychiatric ward in Sweden, 22 psychiatric nurses were interviewed and the transcribed texts were analysed by means of latent content analysis. Three themes emerged from the analysis: developing a working relationship with the patient in everyday caregiving; encountering and handling the unforseeable in daily living; and struggling with professional independence and dependency. Developing a working relationship with the patient in everyday caregiving meant that the nurse-patient relationship was the foundation of the caregiving and included being with, as well as doing for, and with, the patient. Four different approaches in daily caregiving were revealed: networking, teaching, containing and protecting. The nurses' approaches in the nurse-patient relationship alternated between being an 'expert' and a 'collaborator'. Encountering and handling unforeseeable situations meant that the nurses were exposed to and had to be prepared for unpredictable situations where they were on their own, handling sometimes strong emotional reactions and relying on their own ability to act. Struggling with professional independence and dependency meant that the nurses seemed to lack professional confidence, although they had many responsibilities, but also less authority to decide about overall care planning. Contextual aspects such as organizational hindrance, unsatisfactory work-environment and co-operation difficulties were illuminated. The result indicates the need for a stable and predictable organizational structure if nurses are to manage the demanding nurse-patient relationships that everyday caregiving requires. A question highlighted by this study is whether multidisciplinary team organization has been effectively developed in Sweden, as uncertainty about the roles and responsibilities of nurses was apparent.  相似文献   

In psychiatric nursing, female nurses tend to spend more time building rapport with patients and developing cooperative working relationships with colleagues; they encounter more sexual harassment by patients. In contrast, male nurses respond to aggressive patients and tend to resist physically caring for female patients; they encounter more physical and verbal assault from patients. These gender differences might result in differences in job‐related stress. We quantitatively examined gender differences in psychiatric nurses' job stress. The Psychiatric Nurse Job Stressor Scale and the Stress Reaction Scale of the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire were administered to 159 female and 85 male Japanese psychiatric nurses. The results indicated that female nurses had significantly higher stress levels than males related to psychiatric nursing ability, attitude towards nursing, and stress reactions of fatigue and anxiety. Moreover, the factors affecting stress reactions differed somewhat between sexes. In particular, male nurses reported that greater irritability was affected by patients' attitudes. Their anxiety and somatic symptoms were affected by their attitude towards nursing, and depressed mood was affected by psychiatric nursing ability. Knowledge of these differences can lead to better mental health‐care interventions for psychiatric nurses.  相似文献   

Nurses are at the forefront of seclusion in adolescent psychiatric units. Understanding nurses and other staff perspectives on the effects of seclusion is critical in the ongoing effort to minimize and eliminate seclusion. The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of staff attitudes, experiences, and beliefs about the effects of seclusion on both themselves and patients. Thirty-one staff members (including 20 nurses) completed the Attitudes to Seclusion Survey and 24 participated in semi-structured interviews to explore their beliefs and experiences of seclusion use in adolescent psychiatric inpatient care. Analysis of the questionnaire showed overwhelming agreement in the negative impacts of seclusion on patients, while there was uncertainty around the positive impacts of seclusion. Using a combination of the intuitive approach and thematic analysis, five themes were identified from interviews with staff, three unique to nurses: (i) staff were reluctant to use seclusion but felt it was necessary, (ii) nurses felt under-resourcing led to increased chances of seclusion, (iii) staff believed seclusion negatively impacted the patients, (iv) nurses felt their relationships with patients were negatively impacted, and (v) seclusion also had a negative effect on nurses. Clinical recommendations included a systematic and structured approach to debriefing to repair ruptures in the therapeutic relationship; staffing to be based on the acuity of the unit rather than occupancy; alternatives to seclusion that meet the needs of service providers and consumers. Future research should compare staff and patient perspectives, include multiple sites, and greater participation of non-nursing staff.  相似文献   

Seclusion and restraint continue to be used across psychiatric inpatient and emergency settings, despite calls for elimination and demonstrated efficacy of reduction initiatives. This study investigated nurses’ perceptions regarding reducing and eliminating the use of these containment methods with psychiatric consumers. Nurses (n = 512) across Australia completed an online survey examining their views on the possibility of elimination of seclusion, physical restraint, and mechanical restraint as well as perceptions of these practices and factors influencing their use. Nurses reported working in units where physical restraint, seclusion, and, to a lesser extent, mechanical restraint were used. These were viewed as necessary last resort methods to maintain staff and consumer safety, and nurses tended to disagree that containment methods could be eliminated from practice. Seclusion was considered significantly more favourably than mechanical restraint with the elimination of mechanical restraint seen as more of a possibility than seclusion or physical restraint. Respondents accepted that use of these methods was deleterious to relationships with consumers. They also felt that containment use was a function of a lack of resources. Factors perceived to reduce the likelihood of seclusion/restraint included empathy and rapport between staff and consumers and utilizing trauma‐informed care principles. Nurses were faced with threatening situations and felt only moderately safe at work, but believed they were able to use their clinical skills to maintain safety. The study suggests that initiatives at multiple levels are needed to help nurses to maintain safety and move towards realizing directives to reduce and, where possible, eliminate restraint use.  相似文献   

目的探讨团体心理干预在遭受职业场所暴力后精神科护士心理干预中的应用效果。方法选择上海市二级甲等精神专科(长宁、静安)医院遭受过工作场所暴力的注册精神科护士60例为研究对象,随机分为对照组与观察组,各30例。对照组给予常规心理疏导,观察组由专业心理咨询师进行团体心理干预,所有护士均使用症状自评量(SCL-90)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行测量,比较2组干预前后测量结果变化。结果观察组护士SCL-90量表中躯体化、强迫症状等维度评分、SAS、SDS评分均显著低于对照组(P0.05)。结论团体心理干预有助于改善遭受职业场所暴力后精神科护士的心理状况,缓解焦虑、抑郁情绪,提高工作质量。  相似文献   

Abstract: The provision of evidence-based therapeutic nursing care in close-observation units or psychiatric intensive care units, has been identified as a problem internationally. These areas of nursing practice have been the subject of considerable discussion particularly in relation to the management of aggression, violence, involuntary treatment, and seclusion. This study used a participatory action research framework to identify qualitative and quantitative measures of activity in the area. Quantitative data collected included rates of critical incidents, the use of prn medication, and the use of seclusion. These data were used as base-line data and were predicted as a measure of change. Qualitative data, collected by interview and focus groups, were used to reveal the experience of patients, relatives, and nurses in a close-observation area . Analysis of this data revealed three main themes: design and environment, lack of activity and structured time, and nursing care. The importance of this study is in demonstrating the multiple problems that exist in the provision of care in close-observation areas and the corresponding need for fundamental changes.  相似文献   

Violent incidents in acute inpatient units for children and adolescents are a major and persistent problem. The demographic, clinical, and modifiable (environmental–organizational) risk factors that affect inpatient violence in an Acute Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit were investigated via a retrospective study. Data were collected from nursing and medical reports and the unit's census and included 100 days per year for 16 years. Incidents of violence and assault types were recorded, and variables such as the diagnostic category of assailants, total number of patients, and staffing factors during the incident were examined. Of the 2390 violent incidents recorded, 50% were attributed to cases of physical violence towards another patient, 17% to physical violence towards nursing staff, 19% to physical violence towards self and 14% to destruction of property. According to the final multivariable model, for each additional patient in the unit, the risk of a violent event increased by 9.51%; for each additional offender patient, the risk increased by 14.06%; the number of assistant nurses was associated with a 25.03% increased risk; and, after 2006, the risk increased by 68.99%. The most significant factor associated with a 59.98% decreased risk was the total number of nursing staff. All variables significantly and independently contributed to the model. Acute inpatient psychiatric units with a small number of hospitalized patients, adequate, well‐trained and specialized nursing staff, and the hospitalization of different types of patients in separate wards or units are expected to facilitate a reduction in the frequency of violent incidents.  相似文献   

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