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目的为了进一步保证巨乳缩小术后乳头乳晕的血供和感觉,减少手术并发症。方法设计应用乳房下真皮单蒂瓣,并保留部分乳腺组织的垂直乳腺蒂,及切除的乳腺组织位于乳房下方两侧的巨乳缩小术,自1994年1月至1995年11月,为67例(132侧)巨乳患者在法国斯德拉斯堡欧洲美容整形诊所进行治疗。结果术后全部患者无乳头乳晕并发症,感觉正常。结论结合乳腺垂直蒂和乳房下真皮单蒂瓣的改良巨乳缩小术,不但可以确保乳头乳晕的血供,且可减少感觉损伤,降低手术并发症,及提供良好形态。  相似文献   

为进一步保证巨乳缩小术后乳头乳晕的血供和感觉,简化手术操作。设计乳房下锥形真皮瓣,同时把皮肤磨削术应用于巨乳缩小术。自1994年1月至1997年6月为8例(16侧)巨乳患者实施手术。全部患者术后乳头乳晕无并发症。并能大大缩短手术时间。认为皮肤磨削术乳房下锥形真皮瓣不仅可以确保乳头、乳晕的血供和感觉,且可以大大缩短手术时间,减少术后并发症  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳房缩小美容术保持乳头乳晕血运感觉的方法。方法 采用宋氏巨乳缩小术方法设计切口,以乳头乳晕上方及外侧真皮乳腺单蒂供应乳头乳晕血运和神经支配,完成乳腺整形。1996 年1 月~1998 年12 月对18 例30 侧巨乳和12 例22 侧垂乳进行手术。结果 新乳房外形满意,乳头乳晕血运感觉保留好。结论 该法切口瘢痕小、乳头乳晕血运感觉良好,适合于不同轻重程度的巨乳垂乳,可作为乳房肥大或松垂的重要手术方法  相似文献   

为进一步保证巨乳小术后乳头乳晕的血供和感觉,简化手术操作。设计乳房下锥形真皮瓣,同时把皮肤磨削术应用于巨乳缩小术。自1994年1月至1997年6月为8例(16例)巨乳患者实施手术。全部患者术后乳头乳晕并发症。并能大大缩短手术时间。认为皮肤磨削术乳房下锥形真皮瓣不仅可以确保乳头,乳晕的血供和感觉,且可以大大缩短手术时间,减少术后并发症。  相似文献   

目的:探讨将真皮悬吊技术应用于传统下蒂巨乳缩小术中,形成一种能更好保持术后远期乳房外形的巨乳缩小术式。方法:在乳头乳晕与乳房下皱襞之间设计以锁骨中线为纵轴、宽约9~11cm的下蒂。将下蒂瓣两侧及原乳晕上方本应切除皮肤区域的真皮组织保留形成真皮帽并将其包裹下蒂瓣,一并悬吊固定于胸壁筋膜上。结果:本组共10例乳房肥大患者应用该术式行乳房缩小术,术后乳房外观丰满自然,乳头乳晕血运及感觉功能良好。经6~24个月随访,未见乳房下极过于饱满、乳房继发性下垂等远期并发症发生,新建乳房形态满意。结论:真皮悬吊技术可有效增强剩余腺体与胸壁筋膜的粘合力度,其对下蒂瓣的支撑作用可有效减少或避免单纯下蒂法乳房易下垂等远期并发症的发生可能。该法术后远期乳房外形较传统法更满意,值得临床研究及推广。  相似文献   

乳房缩小术可解除巨乳患者的各种烦恼,缓解症状恢复形体美,1997年以来应用改进的下蒂瓣法为24例患者施行乳房缩小术,具体方法是画出锁骨中点与乳头的连线,新乳头位置定在连线上第四肋骨间隙处,乳晕直径3~5cm,下蒂瓣宽度较原设计方法增加,为12~14cm,手术时去除新乳晕区表皮,形成下蒂瓣,切除过多皮肤、脂肪及乳腺组织,如疑有乳腺病变可将乳腺腺体全部切除,重新固定乳头乳晕于新乳晕区,缝合乳房下皱襞切口。24例轧头乳晕均成活良好,外形满意。双乳头平均上移16.5cm,切除组织平均1288g。随访时间最长3年,最短6个月,乳房大小与原设计基本相符,巨乳所致胸椎前倾、颈背疼、乳痛症消失,乳头感觉及勃起功能良好。由此认为改进的下蒂瓣法,不仅设计灵活,操作简易,且与其他术式相比无垂直瘢痕,切口均在乳晕缘和下皱襞上等。值得推广。  相似文献   

垂直切口乳房缩小术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨应用垂直切口巨乳缩小术以减少术后瘢痕的方法与体会。方法 采用Lejour手术设计 ,切除乳房下方的皮肤、腺体 ,乳头乳晕以上方真皮腺体组织蒂转移提高到正常位置 ,进行乳房塑形 ,术后仅留有垂直瘢痕。结果 采用垂直切口巨乳缩小术治疗 2 4例 ,手术效果满意。 1例术后 6个月切口下端局部修整残留的“猫耳朵”。 1例单侧乳头乳晕完全坏死。结论 垂直切口巨乳缩小术疗效良好 ,术后瘢痕细小 ,乳房形态良好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳房上方宽蒂垂直瘢痕的重度乳房增生缩小术较传统的倒"T"形巨乳缩小术的优势.方法 采用Lejour"穹窿顶"式的手术设计,切除乳房下方的皮肤、腺体组织,将乳头、乳晕上方的真皮及腺体组织的宽蒂抬高至正常位置后进行乳房塑形.自2006年3月至2009年11月,对37例重度乳房增生患者行巨乳缩小术.结果 术后14例患者的14侧乳房切口部分裂开,其中3侧乳房经清创缝合后愈合,其余的乳房经换药后愈合;随访37例患者2周至26个月,未发生乳头、乳晕坏死,乳房形态良好,患者满意率较高.结论 乳房上方宽蒂垂直瘢痕的巨乳缩小术具有降低乳头、乳晕坏死的危险,切口瘢痕细小,重缩的乳房外形良好等优点,是一种治疗重度乳房增生的良好、有效的手术方法.  相似文献   

乳腺中心蒂乳房肥大缩小术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探寻一种保证乳房肥大缩小手术后乳头乳晕的良好血运和感觉及哺乳功能、并减少手术并发症的术式。方法 选择乳头乳晕深部中心区的乳腺组织做乳头乳晕蒂,蒂中包含支配乳头乳晕的乳腺中央支血管、感觉神经,术中一直可观察到刺激乳头后的勃起反应,并使中心区保留的乳腺组织与乳头间有输乳管相连,以保留该部的哺乳功能。术中切除多余的乳腺及相应脂肪组织,缩小后的乳房容易塑形。结果 自1996年开展此项手术以来,共已完成17例,无1例发生乳头乳晕的并发症,感觉正常,并有1例曾经历哺乳。结论 乳腺中心蒂乳房肥大缩小术,不但可以保证乳头乳晕的血运,而且可避免对感觉神经的损伤,保留部分哺乳功能,并获得良好形态。  相似文献   

目的 探讨保留乳腺横膈内上蒂垂直切口瘢痕乳房缩小术的临床效果.方法 采用Lejour穹窿顶式手术设计,切除乳房下方多余的皮肤、腺体,将乳头和乳晕以内上方真皮、腺体组织蒂抬高到正常位置,术中保护乳腺中隔神经、血管蒂.采用不吸收缝线缝合乳房下极腺体,适度修薄乳房下部皮肤,以便于皮肤回缩,减轻瘢痕.结果 共行手术27例,53侧乳房,其中1例为单侧乳房缩小术,手术效果满意,乳房形态良好.术后6例8侧乳房切口部分裂开,均经换药后愈合,无1例发生乳头、乳晕坏死.结论 保留乳腺横膈的内上蒂垂直切口瘢痕巨乳缩小术效果良好,提高了乳头、乳晕移位的安全性.  相似文献   

乳房神经血管解剖学研究及在乳房缩小成形术中的意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的 探讨乳房的血供模式和神经支配走向 ,寻找适合各型乳房肥大的短小瘢痕乳房缩小成形术术式。方法 应用血管铸型、标本透明技术和大体解剖对 12具成年女性尸体的胸壁乳房血供模式和乳房的神经支配进行研究 ,并设计出改良的双环形切口乳房缩小成形术 ,用于 2 8例乳房肥大患者。结果 成年女性前胸壁软组织乳房或为两层血管构筑或为三层血管构筑 ,各层间均通过垂直穿支形成吻合并首先在胸肌筋膜表面形成致密的血管网 ,这些垂直穿支在乳房下部粗大 ,上部细小。乳头乳晕的神经支配以第 4肋间神经外侧皮支的深支为主 ,在下垂乳房于腺体内呈S形走行。 2 8例患者行乳房缩小成形术后外形满意 ,乳头乳晕完全成活 ,仅 1只乳房感觉减退或消失。结论 改良的双环形切口乳房缩小成形术是较为理想的术式 ,除具有原术式瘢痕不明显、乳房突出度好、效果持久等优点外 ,还最大限度地保留了剩余腺体的血供和乳头乳晕的神经支配  相似文献   

改良乳房下真皮乳腺单蒂瓣巨乳缩小术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: A modification technique for reduction mammaplasty with an inferior dermal-glandular pedicle was designed. RESULTS: The paper reports the operation results of 132 breasts in 67 patients, who received reduction mammaplasty in "Chirurgic Esthetique Europeenne," Strasbourg, France, from Jan, 1994 to Nov, 1995. CONCLUSION: Clinical applications showed aesthetic and safe results with reliable nipple areola survival and preservation of nipple sensitivity.  相似文献   

目的使纤瘦型女性隆胸后的乳房外形更为逼真。方法选原乳房体积单侧小于70ml的15例求术者,在隆胸的同时,合理设计胸大肌下分离间隙,利用上提、固定乳房下分组织的方法重建乳房下皱壁。结果经6~12个月随访,效果良好。结论该方法设计科学合理,操作简便易行,表面不留痕迹,效果逼真持久,易被广大施术者及受术者接受。  相似文献   

隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩的手术治疗初步报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨胸大肌后间隙乳房假体置入术后,由纤维包膜挛缩所致各远期并发症的手术治疗原则及方法。方法:经乳晕切口行假体置换术,在充分保留原纤维包膜的原则下,针对手感较硬,乳房变表,乳头异位等并发症行相应的手术处理。结果:1995年以来治疗29例均取得满意的近期效果。结论:置换假体结合各对症处理可有效治疗隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩所致各并发症,充分保留原纤维包膜可获得较好远期效果。  相似文献   

Blood flow changes during reduction mammaplasty were studied using laser Doppler flowmetry. Twenty-one patients (39 breasts) were entered into the study. Eight patients underwent a modified Skoog mammaplasty, 6 a central glandular pedicle mammaplasty, 2 an inferior pyramidal dermal flap mammaplasty, and 5 a glandular resection with free nipple grafts. Laser Doppler flowmetry was performed preoperatively, immediately postoperatively, 24 hours postoperatively, 48 hours postoperatively, and 2 weeks postoperatively. Laser Doppler flowmetry values (in milliliters per minute per 100 grams) measured at the areola declined by 23% (Skoog), 18% (central pedicle), and 21% (inferior pyramidal), in the immediate postoperative period. Values at 48 hours were 31% below baseline (Skoog), 14% below baseline (central pedicle), and 60% below baseline (inferior pyramidal). Values at 2 weeks postoperatively were 12% below baseline (Skoog), 2% above baseline (central pedicle), and 44% below baseline (inferior pyramidal). The free nipple grafts showed an 89% rise above baseline at 2 weeks. One patient's procedure was changed to a free nipple graft after a 92% Doppler flow reduction during a Skoog mammaplasty. The free nipple graft had the greatest blood flow. The central pedicle mammaplasty showed the least decline in areolar flow. The inferior pyramidal mammaplasty showed the greatest decline. Laser Doppler flowmetry is a clinically useful tool for monitoring intraoperative and postoperative nipple/areolar blood flow.  相似文献   

男性乳房发育症的肿胀双环单蒂缩乳术   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
目的 探讨男性乳房发育症肿胀双环单蒂缩乳整形术式。方法 5年来采用肿胀局麻技术、乳房双环形切口、乳头乳晕外上真皮乳腺单蒂、乳房缩小术治疗男性乳房发育症,共42例80侧乳房。方法 每侧乳房切除100-500g组织,无乳头、乳晕坏死等并发症。随访3-48个月,除乳晕切口处有轻度瘢痕增生、边缘不整齐外,余无异常,效果较为满意。结论 肿胀局麻技术下乳房双环形切口、乳头、乳晕外上真皮乳腺单蒂、乳房缩小术治疗男性乳房发育症,操作简便,安全,损伤轻,出血少,恢复快。  相似文献   

The vertical reduction mammaplasty can be challenging to learn. In addition, first attempts to perform the vertical reduction mammaplasty can lead to inconsistent aesthetic results. The authors describe their transition from a traditional inverted-T reduction mammaplasty to a modified vertical reduction mammaplasty based on a technique described by Elizabeth Hall-Findlay. In their early cases using the Hall-Findlay technique, they noted several aesthetic complications. These problems included a persistent vertical dog-ear deformity at the nadir of the incision, a teardrop deformity of the nipple-areola complex, lateral deviation of the nipple, and lateral axillary fullness. They developed several modifications to the Hall-Findlay technique to correct the aesthetic deficiencies and to simplify further the vertical reduction method. The authors think their innovations facilitate the transition from a traditional inverted-T breast reduction to a successful vertical reduction mammaplasty technique.  相似文献   

Avoiding free nipple grafting with the inferior pedicle technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In cases of severe macromastia, the free nipple graft technique has been the traditional alternative to pedicle transposition. Distress over nipple survival in large reduction mammaplasty and long pedicle transposition is largely responsible for this.A retrospective investigation of the records of 142 reduction mammaplasty patients was carried out to determine whether nipple survival or overall complication rates were significantly different in patients undergoing larger (>1500 g per side) as compared with smaller reductions (< 1500 g per side). The 2 patient groups were compared with respect to mild or severe complications. Data were analyzed using Fisher exact test and 2-sample t tests. A P value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. No patient in either group had total nipple loss. There were no statistically significant differences in major or minor complications between the 2 groups.In our experience, the inferior pedicle, Wise pattern reduction is a reliable and predictable method of reduction, appropriate for all breast sizes and pedicle lengths.  相似文献   

乳腺上蒂瓣法乳房缩小成形术后乳头乳晕区的感觉评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究乳腺上蒂瓣法行乳房缩小成形术对乳头乳晕区皮肤感觉的影响。方法:术后定期用棉花轻触法、细针针刺法检查乳头乳晕区的触觉和痛觉并进行比较。结果:术后乳头乳晕区感觉在半年内逐渐恢复,乳头区较乳晕区感觉恢复更早,乳晕的上部区域较下部区域感觉恢复更书。结论:乳头和乳晕的感觉恢复快慢及敏感性与术中切除的乳腺组织数量及乳头提升的高度相关。  相似文献   

The management of mammary hypertrophy is a developing process. The common surgical options for reduction mammaplasty include amputation with free nipple graft as well as the bipedicled, inferior pedicle and vertical pedicle techniques. All techniques are used widely. Disadvantages of these procedures include nipple areola necrosis, insensitivity, hypopigmentation, and poor breast projection. Even with the standard modifications of the original techniques, the resultant breast and nipple may be wide and flat. The purpose of this study was to assess whether combined inferior pyramidal pedicle and superior glandular pedicle reduction mammaplasty can optimize nipple and breast projection. Attention will focus on the viability and sensation of the nipple areola complex. Nine patients with mammary hypertrophy were studied. The change in nipple position ranged from 7 to 13 cm. The amount of tissue removed from each breast ranged from 500 to 1150 g. Nipple/areola sensation was retained in all cases with the exception of one breast. Nipple/areola necrosis or hypopigmentation were not observed. Optimal central breast projection was maintained in all patients, and postoperative evaluation was carried out at 12 and 22 months. The patient satisfaction was very high.  相似文献   

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