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Aims. The purpose of this study was to undertake a cross‐cultural adaptation, translation and psychometric analysis of the Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised for patients with traumatic injury in Taiwan. Background. Illness representations are the cognitive understandings and emotional responses individuals develop, which help to determine their responses to health threats. Methods. This methodological study involved four phases. First, two subscales, identity and causes were modified. Second, translation and back translation was undertaken by four translators, moderated by an expert committee. Third, ten patients with traumatic injury pilot tested the feasibility and readability of the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised (Trauma), and three professionals assessed the scale for content validity, resulting in minor modifications. Finally, 173 patients with traumatic injury were recruited to the main study and completed the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised (Trauma). Item analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha and split‐half reliability were used to the psychometric properties of the Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised (Trauma). Results. Eight items were removed from the scale as a result of the item analysis. The factor analysis demonstrated a six‐factor structure explained 60·3% of the total item variance in the scale, which was very similar to the original scale. The Cronbach’s alphas ranged from 0·69–0·80 for each subscale, and the split‐half reliability coefficients were from 0·70–0·82. Conclusion. The Chinese Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised (Trauma) had good psychometric properties. Relevance to clinical practice. Translation of the instrument into Chinese extends its utility to the traumatic injury population. Awareness of patients’ illness representations can help clinicians provide appropriate interventions to patients.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper is a report of a study to examine the construct validity of The Nursing Students' Attitudes and Awareness of Research and Development within Nursing Scale. BACKGROUND: The validity of instruments is critical in ensuring that data collected are sound and that the data measures what it purports to measure. When a new instrument is used in a different population or when it has been modified, it is useful to re-examine the construct validity of the instrument. METHOD: A survey design was used in September 2004 with a sample of 615 undergraduate nursing students to test the factor structure of The Nursing Students' Attitudes and Awareness of Research and Development within Nursing Scale and to estimate its similarity to the factor structure reported for the original scale developed and tested in a group of Registered Nurses. Results: Using Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis and then Principal Axis Factoring, we were unable to obtain a similar factor structure to that originally identified for the scale. Our data resulted in a two-factor structure. One factor consisted of 16 items that reflected a positive attitude to nursing research and the other consisted of 14 items that reflected a negative attitude to nursing research. CONCLUSION: The substantially different factor structure identified suggests that this scale requires further refinement and testing. This case study highlights the importance of a systematic and comprehensive approach to determining construct validity of scales, thus enabling researchers to determine their suitability as data collection instruments.  相似文献   

Adolescents with diabetes have unique health needs, which impact upon their transition from children's health care services into adult health care services. These health needs result from the precarious period in their lives, when they have to cope with the stresses of being a maturing person. This coincides with their move from the children's into the adult health care service. Whilst coping with these pressures they must also keep their diabetes under control. The impact of emotional and physical demands upon the adolescent means that they are more susceptible to non-adherence, which may result in reduced diabetic control. This literature review identifies some of the many barriers erected to the transition into the adult health care system; these barriers may be constructed by any one of the parties involved: the children's health care team, adult health care team, the adolescent or their family. Principles of a successful transition are explored, along with the prerequisite qualities required of health care providers and the health care service.  相似文献   

Nurses' patient advocacy can influence patient outcomes. There is a lack of reliable and valid instruments on patient advocacy. The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure nurses' attitudes toward patient advocacy. Bu and Jezewski's theory of patient advocacy and Fishbein and Ajzen's definition of attitude were used to guide the development and evaluation of the scale. Seven experts evaluated scale content validity. Two samples (N = 200; N = 2,500) were randomly selected from the Oncology Nursing Society membership to allow us to examine psychometric properties of the scale. The scale possessed satisfactory psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Title.  The quality of paediatric nursing care: developing the Child Care Quality at Hospital instrument for children.
Background.  Recent years have shown a growing recognition of children's rights and the need to listen to and consult with children, especially at an international level, including in the hospital setting. Children's views should be considered in the planning and delivery of paediatric nursing care. However, previous work has tended to concentrate on medical rather than nursing care.
Method.  The CCQH instrument was developed in three phases. First, in 2004 following a literature review and interviews/drawings by hospitalized children ( n  = 40), the items were designed and an expert panel ( n  = 7) assessed the instrument's content validity (phase I). Revisions were made based on children's interviews ( n  = 8), children's questionnaires ( n  = 41, 16) and nurses' evaluations ( n  = 19, 198) in phases II and III in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Construct validity was assessed in phase III by means of principal component analysis. The instrument's reliability was statistically tested in phases II and III.
Findings.  The main quality categories were nurse characteristics, nursing activities and environment. For each category, Cronbach's alpha values improved during the development process. Principal component analysis supported the theoretical construct of the subcategories in the nursing activities and environment categories.
Conclusion.  The CCQH questionnaire is a promising instrument for use among children. Future research is needed to evaluate its suitability for completion by children of varying ages and in different cultures and healthcare settings.  相似文献   

Since 2008, the world has witnessed several socio-economic upheavals that have fundamentally changed the global economy. Within the UK, these upheavals have coincided with a change in political administration and thus a new approach to managing the volatility of economy. This change has resulted in root and branch reform of service provision that is based around a model that incorporates a shrinking public sector coupled with an increase in civic participation (i.e. 'The Big Society' espoused by the UK-governing coalition). It is also unlikely that healthcare provision on a global level will remain unchanged in such turbulent times. It would therefore seem a useful time to review how socio-economic forces are believed to affect the health and well-being of an individual. These forces include social inequality, the mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion, social role and the erosion of resilience. This paper will then conclude by offering some potential avenues that nurses can explore to make these forces less damaging for their clients. These avenues include developing a clinical focus based around positive psychology, well-being and some novel ways that nurses can help overcome the maintenance cycles that perpetuate inequality and exclusion.  相似文献   

Hunter C 《Nursing inquiry》2005,12(4):278-286
In the state of Victoria, Australia in the late 1950s and early 1960s, restorative treatment was introduced into the state-subsidized benevolent homes, and they were reclassified as geriatric hospitals. In the process, the nursing care of incapacitated old people was identified in terms of particular skills and knowledge, and specific forms of training were established for nurses at two levels of training: nurses' aides and supervisory nurses with a post-basic qualification. These institutional changes were complemented by the introduction of a nursing role into the body responsible for overseeing care for the aged in Victoria. Little was made of this opportunity to establish a leading role for nurses in the field of care for the aged. However, this episode raises fertile questions for further research into the development of nursing in Australia, as a set of practices divided along the lines of acute and chronic illness.  相似文献   

Aim. To report the development and psychometric testing of the Moral Distress Thermometer. The Moral Distress Thermometer is a new screening tool to measure moral distress in nurses who practise in the hospital setting. Background. Moral distress occurs when one knows the ethically correct thing to do, but is prevented from acting on that perceived obligation. It is a well documented phenomenon with negative consequences that may be experienced by nurses. Creating an instrument to effectively and efficiently measure moral distress in a timely way has been identified as a priority for nursing. Design. This study used a cross‐sectional survey design. Methods. Data collection for this research occurred in 2009. Participants simultaneously completed either the adult or pediatric version of the Moral Distress Scale version 2009 and the Moral Distress Thermometer. A total of 529 participants from various clinical areas completed both tools. Results. Coefficients alpha were adequate for both Adult (0·90) and Pediatric (0·92) Moral Distress Scale 2009 scales. Statistically significant Pearson correlations were found for the Moral Distress Thermometer with Adult Moral Distress Scale 2009 and Pediatric Moral Distress Scale 2009 and higher Moral Distress Thermometer, Adult Moral Distress Scale 2009 and Pediatric Moral Distress Scale 2009 means for participants who had left or who considered leaving a position because of moral distress. Conclusion. These findings provide support for the validity of the Moral Distress Thermometer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and psychometrically test the Social Capital Scale for families of children with special health care needs. Researchers have suggested a link between social capital and health, however, psychometrically tested measures of social capital are not described in the literature. The Social Capital Scale (SCS) demonstrated internal consistency, stability over time, and construct validity (as evaluated through factor analysis, correlation with existing measures, and hypothesis testing). Five subscales provide insight into family strengths and areas for improvement related to their investment in relationships that support health. Use of the SCS will contribute to the establishment of consensus and precision in communication about social capital's utility and measurement in the population of families of children with special health care needs.  相似文献   

Title.  TEMPtEd: development and psychometric properties of a tool to evaluate material used in patient education.
Aim.  This paper describes the development and psychometric properties of a Tool to Evaluate Materials Used in Patient Education (TEMPtEd), which was designed to assist healthcare professionals to evaluate and select printed patient educational materials for their clients.
Background.  Previously-developed instruments include attribute checklists, readability formulae and rating scales, but they have not been shown to be valid or reliable. The TEMPtEd is an attempt to overcome the limitations of previously developed instruments.
Method. The instrument was developed using Strickland's framework, with pilot testing conducted from 2004 to 2007.
Results.  The overall ratings of a heart failure educational brochure between the TEMPtEd and the Suitability Assessment of Materials, a previously developed instrument, were not statistically significantly different. Statistically significant correlations were noted between the two instruments in the overall scale and four of the five subscales. The internal consistency of the TEMPtEd was 0·68; however, a reduction in the number of rating scale options resulted in an internal consistency of 0·83–0·84. Exploratory factor analysis identified a six-factor solution and accounted for 74% of the variance. Study participants preferred the TEMPtEd.
Conclusion.  As a result of psychometric testing, the TEMPtEd appears to be a promising instrument for the evaluation of patient educational material.  相似文献   

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