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Agenesis of the paranasal sinuses is an uncommon clinical condition that appears mainly in the frontal (12%) and maxillary (5-6%) sinuses; in some populations, it appears at a higher proportion. This study investigated the prevalence of agenesis of the frontal sinuses using dental volumetric tomography (DVT) in Turkish individuals. The frontal sinuses of 410 patients were examined by DVT scans in the coronal planes for evidence of the absence of the frontal sinuses. A bilateral and unilateral absence of the frontal sinuses was seen in 0.73% and 1.22% of cases, respectively. In one case, both agenesis and aplasia of the frontal sinus was seen (0.24%). The low percentage of frontal sinus agenesis must be considered during pre-surgical planning related to the sinuses. DVT may be used as a diagnostic tool for the examination of frontal sinus aplasia.  相似文献   

The absence of a maxillary or sphenoid sinus in an adult is an extremely rare condition. We investigated maxillary and sphenoid sinus aplasia in adult Turkish individuals using computed tomography (CT). We examined CT scans in the axial and coronal planes of the paranasal sinuses in 1,526 patients. The CT scans of a 21-year-old male were notable for bilateral maxillary sinus aplasia. Another patient, a 20-year-old female, had CT scans that showed the unilateral absence of a maxillary sinus. Two additional cases showed the unilateral absence of one sphenoid sinus. Bilateral absence of the sphenoid sinuses was not observed in our study. The clinical implications of maxillary and sphenoid sinus aplasia will be further discussed.  相似文献   

The enlargement of the frontal sinus has been analysed in a longitudinal study of 49 males and 47 females for whom a first lateral cephalogram was available at from 2 to 5 years of age for 88 subjects and from 6 to 11 years for 8 subjects. Thereafter the cephalograms were taken at approximately yearly intervals and in 28 subjects a last cephalogram was taken at 24 years or older. In only six subjects was enlargement of the sinus still proceeding at the time of the last cephalogram . The enlargement was assessed by a standardized measurement of the maximum vertical height of the sinus. The median age for the first appearance of the frontal sinus was 3 X 25 years for the boys and 4 X 58 years for the girls. It enlarged on average to 32 X 60 mm (SD 9 X 10) in the males and 26 X 60 mm (SD 7 X 50) in the females. The median age at which the main increase in size of the sinus ceased was 15 X 68 years for boys and 13 X 72 years for girls, thus suggesting that the enlargement of the frontal sinus, a mainly osteoclastic activity, follows very closely the trends for growth in bone lengths.  相似文献   

Absence of the coronary sinus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rare absence of the coronary sinus is described in a 78 year old male cadaver. The veins of the posterior surface of the heart, including the marginal and small cardiac veins, drained into the right atrium through an ostium guarded by a valve. The great cardiac vein drained into the superior vena cava after passing upward and beneath the left coronary artery.  相似文献   

额窦的影像解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :为经颅面联合进路手术提供额窦的影像解剖学基础。方法 :取 5 0具成人头颅标本 ,行鼻窦多方位薄层CT扫描 ,观测额窦向眶上、眶顶及筛窦上方的气化程度并进行影像解剖学分度。结果 :未发育者占 3 % ;Ⅰ度额窦占 3 2 % ;Ⅱ度占 46 % ;Ⅲ度占 19%。结论 :额窦的气化发育变异很大 ,Ⅲ度额窦的病人不宜采用冠状位颅面联合进路进行手术  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and morphological characteristics of the frontal sinus in an adult population. This study was conducted retrospectively on paranasal CT scans in the axial and coronal planes of 300 cases (123 male and 177 female). The mean age was 40.74 +/- 13.34 (range 20-83). Measurements of the width, height and anteroposterior length for each sinus and total width were obtained from CT scans. Measurements were compared statistically with relation to side and sex. The cases were divided into subgroups according to age for each sex and each measurement parameter was also compared among the subgroups. All measurements tended to be larger on the left side and were significantly larger in males than females. There was a significant difference in the anteroposterior lengths of right and left sides in both males and females and height for males and width for females. In both sexes, the highest values of measurements were usually observed at the 31-40 age group and there was a tendency to decrease with aging. The larger diameters of the left frontal sinus imply that it may be more possibly violated during surgical interventions. Morphometric features differed significantly in the two sexes at different ages and comparison with previous studies presented great regional variability. The size of the frontal sinus was seen to be related to age and sex. The knowledge provided in the present study is useful for some surgical procedures and widens the anthropometric knowledge of humanity.  相似文献   

A case of an encephalomeningocele of the frontal sinus in an adult is presented. This rare entity was found during an exploration of the frontal fossa for a cerebrospinal fluid leak and was not correlated with facial abnormalities. The embryology of the frontal sinus and bone formation is discussed and a hypothesis for the development of this abnormality, as discovered in the adult, is proposed.  相似文献   

额窦及前中筛窦口l引流的临床应用解剖   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 :为临床开展鼻窦内窥镜手术提供外科手术解剖学依据。方法 :在 2 0具 40侧经防腐处理的完整成人尸头标本上观测筛泡气化发育的情况 ,观察额窦及前中筛气房窦口引流情况。结果 :额窦向中鼻道引流占 87.5 % (3 5侧 ) ;向筛漏斗引流占 10 .0 % (4侧 ) ;鼻丘向中鼻道引流占 90 .0 % (3 6侧 ) ;向筛漏斗引流占 10 .0 % (4侧 ) ;额隐窝向中鼻道引流占 15 .0 % (6侧 ) ;向筛漏斗引流占 10 .0 % (4侧 ) ;向侧窦引流占75 % (3 0侧 ) ;筛泡向筛漏斗引流占 2 5 .0 % (10侧 ) ;向侧窦引流占 75 .0 % (3 0侧 )。结论 :钩突和筛泡的解剖异常直接影响前组鼻窦的通气引流 ,从而导致前组鼻窦的炎症发生和加重。  相似文献   

Frontal sinus osteoma is a relatively common finding in the modern clinical setting. Although, its paleopathological record is not in dispute, its presence in Ancient Egypt has never been clarified. The aim of this article is to contribute to the debate. An Egyptian mummy head from the Musée d'Éthnographie de Neuchâtel (Switzerland) was studied radiologically and the obtained evidence was contextualized in the wider frame of multidisciplinary paleopathology. A 128‐slice CT scanner was used for further investigation; datasets were processed with OsiriX‐64 bit (version 5.8.5), and multiplanar (MPR) and volumetric reconstructions were performed. A small hyperdense and well‐defined structure, most likely an osteoma, was identified in the right frontal sinus. Frontal sinus osteoma definitely existed in Ancient Egypt. Finally, this represents the oldest case in anatomically modern humans so far reported. Clin. Anat.32:105–109, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a rare case of intracranial mucocele associated with frontal sinus osteoma in a patient suffering from generalized convulsion. The intracranial mucocele occurs as a complication of obstruction of sinus drainage caused by osteoma, but it is often diagnosed preoperatively as an intracranial or intracerebral cyst because of the rarity of these combined lesions in neurosurgical practice. However, once the mucocele extends intracranially, several other complications, including infections and/or a convulsion, can occur, indicating the necessity for surgical treatment. Moreover, the differentiation of the mucocele from the intracranial endodermal cyst predominantly depends upon its continuity with the intracranial osteoma portion or the sinus. Thus, knowledge of this rare lesion is important for accurate diagnosis and clinical management.  相似文献   

A case of primary frontal sinus aspergilloma in a 79 year old non-immunocompromised woman, who presented with a right sided pyocele expanding into the orbit, is presented. The low susceptibility of the frontal sinus is probably related to the brachycephalic shape of the human skull which locates this sinus far anterosuperiorly to the nasal cavity. In human frontal sinus aspergillosis nasal symptoms are absent; the clinical manifestation of this rare disease is initiated by complications, especially orbital or intracranial invasion. Sinus opacity may raise early suspicion. Treatment consists of surgical debridement and re-aeration. Diagnosis is established by histological analysis of intraluminal contents.  相似文献   

To investigate the development of the frontal sinus size during life, we studied the planar morphometry in 60 frontal radiographs of patients of different age and gender. A professional software (Bersoft Image 4.02) was used to measure the frontal area of the right and left frontal sinuses on radiographic images. A frontal sinus was already evident in 4-year-old children. Unilateral or bilateral absence of the frontal sinus was seen in 5% of cases. The size of the sinusal area increases up to 19-year-old patients, synchronous with general craniofacial growth. In adults, individual differences in size and shape occurred in relation to environmental factors. In some elderly patients, osseous resorption led to an enlargement of the frontal sinus that might complicate surgical procedures performed in this area.  相似文献   

In detecting deception, the Cognitive Load hypothesis states that lying requires more cognitive resources compared to truth telling. Further, increases in cognitive load are predicted to decrease respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). We evaluated the impact of cognitive tasks and the intent to deceive on RSA in 40 male, native Arabic‐speaking participants quasi‐randomized into truthful (n=14) or deceptive (n=26) groups. Participants donned an ambulatory physiologic recording device and completed cognitive testing after receiving translated instructions about their role in an impending mock crime. The results show that a decrease in RSA recorded during the cognitive testing was greater in individuals who were about to commit a deceptive act.  相似文献   

目的 探讨CT影像上额窦引流通道的解剖分型及额隐窝气房的分布特征,了解其与额窦炎症发生的关系。 方法 对1355例病人鼻窦CT薄层扫描及多平面重建图像进行解剖学观察及额窦炎诊断。对于气化额窦,按钩突附着部位分型:附着于眼眶侧壁、筛板及颅底分别为额窦引流通道I型、II型和III型;观察额隐窝气房的解剖特征及变异情况,并依据国际额窦解剖分型(IFAC)对其进行分类。 结果 本组1355例中,气化额窦2582侧,额窦炎456例,II型、III型额窦引流通道其额窦炎发生率较高,I型与II型、III型比较有统计学差异(P<0.05),II型与III型之间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。鼻丘气房(ANC)、筛泡上气房(SBC)为“常驻气房”,炎症发生率与平均额窦炎症发生率相近,其余类型额隐窝气房炎症发生率相对于平均额窦炎症发生率均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 额窦引流通道的变异及额窦周围各型气房气化情况对于额窦炎症发生都有重要影响,高分辨率CT扫描及多平面重建可清晰反映额窦的引流通道变异及额窦周围各型气房解剖情况。  相似文献   



We aimed to define the classification of frontal sinus pneumatization patterns according to three-dimensional volume measurements.


Datasets of 148 sides of 74 dry skulls were generated by the computerized tomography-based volumetry to measure frontal sinus volumes. The cutoff points for frontal sinus hypoplasia and hyperplasia were tested by ROC curve analysis and the validity of the diagnostic points was measured.


The overall frequencies were 4.1, 14.2, 37.2 and 44.5 % for frontal sinus aplasia, hypoplasia, medium size and hyperplasia, respectively. The aplasia was bilateral in all three skulls. Hypoplasia was seen 76 % at the right side and hyperplasia was seen 56 % at the left side. The cutoff points for diagnosing frontal sinus hypoplasia and hyperplasia were ‘1131.25 mm3’ (95.2 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity) and ‘3328.50 mm3’ (88 % sensitivity and 86 % specificity), respectively.


The findings provided in the present study, which define frontal sinus pneumatization patterns by CT-based volumetry, proved that two opposite sides of the frontal sinuses are asymmetric and three-dimensional classification should be developed by CT-based volumetry, because two-dimensional evaluations lack depth measurement.

The frequent association of asthma and paranasal sinusitis has been ascribed to a nasobronchial reflex, aspiration of sinus secretions, or enhanced beta-adrenergic blockade. We investigated possible pulmonary aspiration in a pilot study (eight patients) and follow-up study (13 patients) by means of a radionuclide technique. In the pilot study, the aim was to demonstrate aspiration as well as visibility of the radionuclide in the thorax during a period of 24 hours. The radionuclide was initially placed bronchoscopically in the bronchial tree in four patients and was still clearly visible in the same position after 24 hours in three patients. Aspiration from the nasopharynx was unequivocally demonstrated in two of four patients with depressed consciousness. The follow-up study population consisted of four patients with maxillary sinusitis only and nine patients with sinusitis and asthma. The radionuclide was placed in a maxillary sinus during therapeutic puncture. In the patients with only sinusitis as well as patients with asthma and sinusitis the radionuclide could be demonstrated in the maxillary sinus, nasopharynx, esophagus, and lower gastrointestinal tract during a 24-hour period. However, no pulmonary aspiration of radionuclide could be demonstrated in any patient. We conclude that seeding of the lower airways by mucopurulent secretions is unlikely to account for coexistent pulmonary disease. The association is probably related to generalized mucosal disease affecting both upper and lower airways.  相似文献   

The aims of this cohort study were to evaluate the association of malignant lymphoproliferative disorders in patients with chronic viral hepatitis and to compare the results with those in individuals with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease. A total of 3,873 patients with chronic liver disease who were seen consecutively in the Liver Disease Outpatient Clinic between January 2001 and July 2007 were assessed retrospectively. The frequency of malignant lymphoproliferative disorders including non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in these patients was investigated. Of the total, 1,999 patients had chronic hepatitis B infection (male/female: 1,226/773, mean age: 45.1 ± 13.2 years), 978 had chronic hepatitis C infection (male/female: 437/541, mean age: 53.8 ± 13.7 years), and the remaining 896 had non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (male/female: 450/446, mean age: 50.8 ± 11.2 years). A malignant lymphoproliferative disorder was identified in 13 patients (male/female: 9/4, mean age: 52.8 ± 16.8 years) with chronic viral hepatitis, while no case of malignant lymphoproliferative disorder was identified in individuals with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (P = 0.048). Among the patients with malignant lymphoproliferative disorders, seven had chronic hepatitis B infection and six had chronic hepatitis C infection; 11 had non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma and two had chronic lymphocytic leukemia. All non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma cases were B‐cell lymphoma. Based on the data obtained in this investigation, the association with malignant lymphoproliferative disorders in chronic viral hepatitis seems to be high as compared to that occurring in individuals with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease. J. Med. Virol. 83:974–980, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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