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Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) has recently emerged in the southwestern Pacific, North America, and Europe. These S. aureus isolates frequently shared some genetic characteristics, including the SCCmec type IV and lukS-lukF genes. In this paper we show that typical CA-MRSA isolates have spread to South America (Brazil).  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important cause of infection, both in hospitalised patients with significant healthcare exposure and in patients without healthcare risk factors. Community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) are known for their rapid community transmission and propensity to cause aggressive skin and soft tissue infections and community-acquired pneumonia. The distinction between the healthcare-associated (HA)-MRSA and CA-MRSA is gradually fading owing to the acquisition of multiple virulence factors and genetic elements. The movement of CA-MRSA strains into the nosocomial setting limits the utility of using clinical risk factors alone to designate community or HA status. Identification of unique genetic characteristics and genotyping are valuable tools for MRSA epidemiological studies. Although the optimum pharmacotherapy for CA-MRSA infections has not been determined, many CA-MRSA strains remain broadly susceptible to several non-β-lactam antibacterial agents. This review aimed at illuminating the characteristic features of CA-MRSA, virulence factors, changing clinical settings and molecular epidemiology, insurgence into the hospital settings and therapy with drug resistance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis showed an increase in the 1990s compared to the 1980s. In order to characterize the clinical and laboratory features of S. aureus endocarditis, we retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of patients diagnosed with endocarditis in the 5-year-period between 2000 and 2005. METHODS: From August 2000 to August 2005, 22 patients with a definite diagnosis of infective endocarditis (IE) caused by S. aureus were reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 22 patients reviewed, 16 cases were caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) while the causative agent in the other 6 cases was methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). Patients with MRSA infections were more likely to show hospital-acquired infections, hemodialysis and ventilator dependence, septic shock, impaired initial renal function, persistent bacteremia, and a higher 3-month mortality rate. MSSA infections in patients were more likely to be community-acquired, and show intravenous drug use and longer days of fever prior to admission. Three patients with MRSA endocarditis, however, presented community-acquired infections. The mortality rate of MRSA endocarditis in hemodialysis patients was 90% (9/10). CONCLUSIONS: MRSA IE is more common than MSSA IE and is associated with a significantly poorer prognosis, especially in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Although most cases of MRSA IE are hospital acquired, we noticed 3 cases of community-acquired MRSA IE. As MRSA IE has been noticed in the community and hemodialysis patients in recent years, and is associated with higher mortalities, strategies for its prevention and management are warranted.  相似文献   

Reports of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) causing hospital infections are increasing, and it is questionable whether the existing molecular definition of CA-MRSA is suitable for the characterization of all strains involved. The 821 methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates recovered from patients in Health Region East, Norway during the period 1991–2006 were characterized by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCC mec ) typing, staphylococcal protein A ( spa ) gene typing, and their content of exotoxin-encoding genes. Cluster analysis based on exotoxin-encoding gene content was performed to separate the MRSA isolates into valid clusters with respect to microbiological characteristics. The analysis gave a four-cluster structure, and the four toxin clusters differed in the genetic lineages they included and in the diversity of the genetic lineages. A few genetic lineages were present in several toxin clusters. These results support the theory that mobile genetic elements encoding virulence genes do not move randomly among genetic lineages, but are restricted by the clonal lineages' genetic background. Using the molecular criteria, MLST type, SCC mec type and the presence of the lucS / F -Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) gene to define a CA-MRSA isolate, it was found that the CA-MRSA isolates mainly grouped together in two toxin clusters with a low prevalence of exotoxin-encoding genes. Statistical analyses supported the conclusion that toxin clusters with CA-MRSA genetic lineages were characterized by a low prevalence of exotoxin-encoding genes, whereas toxin clusters with hospital-acquired MRSA genetic lineages were characterized by a higher prevalence of exotoxin-encoding genes.  相似文献   

HIV-infected persons are at heightened risk for recurrent community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections, but there are limited data regarding the molecular characterization of these events. We describe an HIV-infected patient with 24 soft tissue infections and multiple colonization events. Molecular genotyping from 33 nonduplicate isolates showed all strains were USA300, Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME) positive, and genetically related.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated in our hospital between 1986 and 1989 were mainly examined for their susceptibility to various antibiotics and coagulase types. The isolation frequency of MRSA among S. aureus isolated from clinical specimens has been steadily increasing; 37.8% in 1986, 49.8% in 1987, 60.6% in 1988 and 63.2% in 1989. This trend was particularly noticeable in the specimens associated with the respiratory tracts. The isolation rate of MRSA in the surgery and pediatrics wards was higher than that in the internal medicine ward. More than 80% of MRSA were coagulase type II, which were multi-resistant to penicillins, cephems, aminoglycosides and macrolides, and sensitive to MINO, new quinolones and VCM. These epidemic strains were also isolated from the nose of medical staff and from air samples in the wards. These findings suggest that the hospital environment including the patients and hospital personnel is extensively contaminated with multi-resistant MRSA of coagulase type II. Measures should be taken for prevention and control of nosocomial infection with MRSA in the whole hospital.  相似文献   

The worldwide emergence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) can have severe public health implications. Familial transmissions of CA-MRSA in The Netherlands were investigated. Among the families studied, two clusters of CA-MRSA could be identified. This report demonstrates that family members can serve as reservoirs of CA-MRSA which may become a serious problem in containing the spread of MRSA.  相似文献   

The aims of the study presented here were to determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus carriage and, specifically, community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) carriage in children and their parents in Israel and to determine the genetic relatedness of these isolates. S. aureus was isolated from 580 of 3,373 (17.2%) individuals screened. The predominant type identified by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was strain ST45-MSSA (25%). Five MRSA isolates were detected, and two of these were classified as CA-MRSA, based on the following criteria: no previous contact with a healthcare facility, absence of a multidrug-resistant (MDR) phenotype, and presence of SCCmec type IV. Isolates were negative for pvl and were classified as ST-45-MRSA. Although CA-MRSA is still rare in Israel, the genetic relatedness of the strains found in this study to a successful MSSA clone warrants close follow up.This study was presented in part at the 43rd ICAAC meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, September 2003 (Abstact no. 1975).  相似文献   

Community methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CMRSA) strains are being isolated with increasing frequency around the world. In Western Australia CMRSA are endemic in geographically remote communities and have been found to belong to five different contour-clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) electrophoretic patterns. Representatives of each of these CHEF patterns have been compared to CMRSA representative of CHEF patterns from other Australian states and New Zealand. With one exception, all of the isolates were nonmultiresistant and were not resistant to many antimicrobial agents other than the beta-lactams. With one exception, which is not believed to be a CMRSA, all of the isolates harbored a beta-lactamase plasmid. Erythromycin resistance was associated with a 2-kb plasmid. One of the beta-lactamase plasmids was found to be able to acquire additional resistance determinants to become a multiple resistance plasmid. There were 10 multilocus sequence types belonging to eight distantly related clonal complexes of S. aureus. One new sequence type was found. Although most of the CMRSA harbored the type IVa SCCmec, a type IV structural variant was found and two new SCCmec types were identified. Protein A gene (spa) typing revealed two new spa types and, with two exceptions, corresponded to multilocus sequence typing. In contrast to other reports on CMRSA, most of the CMRSA strains studied here did not contain the Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes. The results also demonstrate that nonmultiresistant hospital strains such as UK EMRSA-15 may be able to circulate in the community and could be mistaken for CMRSA based on their resistance profiles.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Staphylococcus aureus colonization/infection is commonly associated with disease severity in children with atopic dermatitis. The present report is a three-year retrospective chart review of five cases (comprising three boys and two girls, aged 9-15 years at referral) of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in children with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. The review period spanned 2004-2007. All had longstanding severe disease, high IgE and eosinophil counts. Generalized erythema and a peculiar fishy odor were frequently observed by parents and physicians when MRSA was isolated during some of the episodes of exacerbation. All had tried various combinations of topical and systemic steroids, topical immunomodulants, traditional Chinese medicine and courses of antibiotics-without lasting relief. All specimens of MRSA had in-vitro sensitivity to vancomycin, with corresponding clinical correlates of disappearance of the erythema and fishy odor. CONCLUSION: A fishy odor and facial/generalized erythema in a patient with atopic dermatitis should alert the physician to screen for MRSA. The organism is rarely isolated, even among children with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, and is usually sensitive to vancomycin.  相似文献   

目的了解感染婴幼儿的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)耐药性和耐药基因,明确检测青霉素结合蛋白2a(PBP2a)和甲氧西林耐药基因(mecA)的临床价值。方法用金黄色葡萄球菌乳胶凝集试验和梅里埃鉴定金黄色葡萄球菌,同时用纸片扩散法完成12种常用抗生素的药敏试验。对头孢西丁的结果,按当年CLSI标准执行,用于判断菌株甲氧西林的耐药性。采用PBP2检测试剂盒检测PBP2a蛋白,PCR检测mecA基因。结果 2007-2009年婴幼儿共检出245株金黄色葡萄球菌,其中MRSA检出率为17.6%(43/245)。MRSA对庆大霉素、复方新诺明、克林霉素、红霉素、氯霉素的耐药性均显著高于甲氧西林敏感金黄色葡萄球菌(P〈0.05),其余抗生素的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),43株MRSA的PBP2a蛋白和mecA基因的检测结果全为阳性,阳性率为100%。结论用头孢西丁(30μg)能有效地筛查MRSA,检测PBP2a蛋白和mecA基因均能正确地确认MRSA。且检测PBP2a蛋白方便快捷,特异性好,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

This report presents the prevalence of Palestinian isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in nosocomial infections and their antibiotic resistant pattern. A total of 321 clinical isolates of S. aureus were identified from different patients. The prevalence of methicillin resistance among S. aureus isolates was 8.7% (28 isolates). Resistance rates of MRSA to other antibiotics were as follows: 82.1% resistant to erythromycin, 67.9% to clindamycin, 64.3% to gentamicin, and 32.1% to ciprofloxacin. No co-trimoxazole- and vancomycin-resistant isolates were identified in this study. The proportion of methicillin resistance was highest among S. aureus isolates associated with upper respiratory specimens (42.8%); the proportion of methicillin resistance was 39.3% among skin ulcer isolates, 10.7% among urinary tract infection isolates, and lowest among isolates associated with blood and prostate discharge (3.6% each).  相似文献   

Prevalence and molecular characteristics of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) were studied in Hokkaido, the main northern island of Japan. Among the 1,015 S. aureus isolates derived from clinical specimens of outpatients collected in 2009, methicillin resistance gene mecA was detected in 189 isolates (18.6%). The most frequent staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type in MRSA was II (83.1%), followed by IV (6.9%) and V (3.2%). MRSA with type II-SCCmec showed multiple drug resistance and harbored various toxin and virulence factor genes except for Panton-Valentine leucocidin (PVL) gene. These isolates were mostly classified into sequence type 5 (ST5) (or other STs in CC5) and coagulase genotype II and were thus genetically similar to hospital-acquired MRSA, which have been predominating in Japan (New York/Japan clone). PVL gene was detected in three MRSA strains belonging to ST6 (two strains) and ST59 (one strain), having type IVa- and Vt-SCCmec, respectively, and also in two methicillin-susceptible S. aureus ST121 and ST188. The arcA gene within the arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME) was detected in the two PVL-negative ST5 MRSA strains, which had type IIa- or V-SCCmec. The PVL gene-positive ST6 and ST59 CA-MRSA strains were susceptible to more antimicrobials and had less virulence factor genes than the PVL-negative ST5 MRSA, including the ACME-arcA-positive strains. In the present study, ST6 was identified as a lineage of PVL-positive CA-MRSA, the ACME-arcA was first detected in ST5 MRSA with type V-SCCmec, and ST59 Taiwanese CA-MRSA strain was isolated in Hokkaido for the first time. These findings suggest a potential spread of these emerging CA-MRSA clones in Japan.  相似文献   


There is limited data on persistent bacteremia (PB) caused by community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA). Here, we aimed to investigate the clinical and microbiological characteristics of PB caused by the major CA-MRSA strain in Korea (ST72-SCCmecIV). All adult patients with S. aureus bacteremia were prospectively investigated from August 2008 to December 2018. Patients with ST72 MRSA bacteremia were included in the study. Patients were stratified into the PB group (defined as positive blood cultures for?≥?3 days) and short bacteremia (SB) group. A total of 291 patients were included, comprising 115 (39.5%) with PB and 176 (60.5%) with SB. Although the 30-day mortality did not differ between PB and SB, recurrent bacteremia within 12 weeks was significantly more common in PB (8.7% vs 1.7%; P?=?0.01). Multivariate analysis showed risk factors of PB were liver cirrhosis (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 3.27; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.50–7.12), infective endocarditis (aOR, 7.13; 95% CI, 1.37–37.12), bone and joint infections (aOR, 3.76; 95% CI, 1.62–8.77), C-reactive protein?≥?10 mg/dL (aOR, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.22–3.95), metastatic infection (aOR, 7.35; 95% CI, 3.53–15.29), and agr dysfunction (aOR, 2.47; 95% CI, 1.05–5.81). PB occurred in approximately 40% of bacteremia caused by ST72 MRSA with a significantly higher recurrence rate. Patients with risk factors of PB, including liver cirrhosis, high initial CRP, infective endocarditis, or bone and joint infections, might require early aggressive treatment.


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a key nosocomial pathogen globally. Community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) infections have become a growing problem in recent years. The purpose of this 4-year retrospective study was to analyze the molecular epidemiology and susceptibility pattern of isolates from adults (> or =18 years of age) with CA-MRSA bacteremia in northern Taiwan. METHODS: Molecular epidemiology of CA-MRSA isolates was analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested by the disk diffusion method and the minimal inhibitory concentration was determined by Etest. RESULTS: Thirty eight patients with CA-MRSA bacteremia were enrolled. Thirty one CA-MRSA isolates were available for further molecular typing and susceptibility testing. A total of 13 distinct genotypes were identified and 48.4% (15/31) of the isolates were found to belong to genotype A. Genotype A CA-MRSA isolates were closely associated with the nosocomial strains. All CA-MRSA isolates were multidrug resistant (19.4% susceptible to clindamycin and 25.8% to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) and consistent susceptibility was only observed to glycopeptides, rifampin, and linezolid. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that although CA-MRSA genotypes were heterogeneous, the predominant genotype that was circulating in our community was genotype A. Also, the multidrug resistance of CA-MRSA might be connected to the spreading of nosocomial strains in the community.  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period (2003 to 2005) patients with community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) and community-acquired methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MSSA) infections were prospectively identified. Patients infected with CA-MRSA (n = 102 patients) and CA-MSSA (n = 102 patients) had median ages of 46 and 53 years, respectively; the most common sites of infection in the two groups were skin/soft tissue (80 and 93%, respectively), respiratory tract (13 and 6%, respectively), and blood (4 and 1%, respectively). Fourteen percent of patients with CA-MRSA infections and 3% of patients with CA-MSSA infections had household contacts with similar infections (P < 0.01). Among the CA-MRSA isolates, the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) groups detected were USA300 (49%) and USA100 (13%), with 27 PFGE groups overall; 71% of the isolates were staphylococcal chromosome cassette mec (SCCmec) type IV, 29% were SCCmec type II, and 54% had the Panton-Valentine leucocidin (PVL) gene. Among the CA-MSSA isolates there were 33 PFGE groups, with isolates of the USA200 group comprising 11%, isolates of the USA600 group comprising 11%, isolates of the USA100 group comprising 10%, and isolates of the PVL type comprising 10%. Forty-six and 18% of the patients infected with CA-MRSA and CA-MSSA, respectively, were hospitalized (P < 0.001). Fifty percent of the patients received antibiotic therapy alone, 5% received surgery alone, 30% received antibiotics and surgery, 3% received other therapy, and 12% received no treatment. The median durations of antibiotic therapy were 12 and 10 days in the CA-MRSA- and CA-MSSA-infected patients, respectively; 48 and 56% of the patients in the two groups received adequate antimicrobial therapy, respectively (P < 0.001). The clinical success rates of the initial therapy in the two groups were 61 and 84%, respectively (P < 0.001); recurrences were more common in the CA-MRSA group (recurrences were detected in 18 and 6% of the patients in the two groups, respectively [P < 0.001]). CA-MRSA was an independent predictor of clinical failure in multivariate analysis (odds ratio, 3.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 6.9). In the community setting, the molecular characteristics of the S. aureus strains were heterogeneous. CA-MRSA infections were associated with a more adverse impact on outcome than CA-MSSA infections.  相似文献   

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