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颈椎椎板骨软骨瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王毅  韦兴  李南 《中国骨伤》2015,28(8):747-748

患者,男性,64岁,因双下肢麻木无力、行走困难伴大小便失禁20d入院.查体:患者一般情况好,平车推入病房,胸背部无压痛,脐平面以下皮肤感觉减退,双下肢肌力Ⅱ级,腹壁、提睾、肛周反射消失,左膝腱反射正常,右膝腱、双跟腱反射消失,病理反射未引出.X线平片未发现异常;CT(见图1)示:T10左侧椎板内侧有一蘑菇状骨性突起,胸椎MRI(见图2)示:T10~11平面椎管内类圆形短T1、T2信号影,基底与后方椎板相连,压迫脊髓及硬膜囊;术前诊断为:胸椎管内占位病变性质待查:(1)骨软骨瘤;(2)黄韧带骨化.全麻下行T10~11椎板切除,从病变4周正常结构处包绕,完整切除肿物,见肿物表面光滑,为软骨样结构,有蒂与T10左侧椎板相连,肿物与硬膜无粘连.术后病理报告为骨软骨瘤.  相似文献   

病例介绍患者男,15岁,无明显诱因出现双下肢麻木3月,加重并行走不稳20d入院.行走需扶持,否认外伤史.查体:脊柱无畸形及压痛,脐以下痛觉减退,右侧明显,双下肢肌力Ⅳ-Ⅴ级,双侧踝、膝反射(+++),Babinskin征(+),鞍区及括约肌功能未见异常.  相似文献   

1 病例资料 患者,男,60岁。于2004年10月31日因双下肢无力进行性加重4个月入院。2004年6月,患者劳累时邮现双下肢无力,以右侧为重,伴麻木,酸胀及僵硬不适,未行诊治。此后双下肢无力进行性加重,2个月后双下肢运动丧失,便秘,小便稍困难。体检:T36.4℃,P96次,R21次,  相似文献   

崔勇  岳伟杰  连峰  陈会超  曲敬 《中国骨伤》2017,30(6):573-575
正患者,男,41岁,因"右膝前内侧肿物1年"于2010年8月16日入院。患者入院前1年无意中发现右膝部有一肿物,无疼痛及其他不适感,未予治疗。1年以来该肿物缓慢生长,近半年增长较快,现患者为进一步治疗来我院。查体:肌力5级,右膝髌下前内侧肿胀,局部可触及一约6.0 cm×5.0 cm肿物,质硬,活动性尚可,与皮肤无粘连,表皮无红肿,无静脉曲张,皮温正常。右膝关节浮髌试验阴性,内外侧应力试验及抽屉试验阴性,右膝关节屈伸活动正常,双侧腹股沟淋巴结无肿大。实验室检查:术前  相似文献   

李军  周云  荆珏华 《中国骨伤》2014,27(2):165-166
患者,男,33岁,左髋部疼痛伴活动受限2年入院。患者2年前体力劳动后出现左股骨疼痛,未予特殊处理,现为减轻疼痛就诊于我院。人院查体:左髋部未触及明显肿块畸形,压痛(+),左“4”字征(+),左髋关节活动稍受限,浅感觉、末梢血运、肌力基本正常。予骨盆平片示左股骨颈内侧可见一团块状新生物,与骨密度相似(图1a)。双髋关节CT及三维重建示左侧股骨颈部见一带蒂的骨性肿物,骨皮质与股骨颈基底部相连,其内骨密度不均匀,周围软组织被推移(图1b)。初步诊断:左股骨颈部骨肿瘤,考虑骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma)。  相似文献   

少见部位骨软骨瘤2例报告   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
李政明  张富军 《中国骨伤》2009,22(11):872-872
例1,患者,男,16岁。2008年6月不慎碰伤右足趾末端,当时疼痛剧烈,未予特殊关注,于1周内症状缓解。后发现右足趾甲下局部逐渐隆起,初起体积较小,后逐渐增大,遂来院就诊。查体:右足趾甲下见一肿物,约10mm×5mm,质硬,边界清楚,与周围关系密切,无压痛。  相似文献   

左侧肩胛骨肩胛下窝内侧缘骨软骨瘤1例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹洪  邓宇  陈廖斌 《中国骨伤》2010,23(11):852-853
患儿,男,12岁,因"发现左肩部包块3个月余"入院,2009年6月无明显诱因出现左肩胛角向后突起,肩胛骨下可触及一包块且逐渐增大并左肩部畸形,无疼痛,无发热、不伴恶心、呕吐,无腹痛、腹胀等,为进一步诊疗来院.入院查体:全身一般情况可,左侧肩胛角较对侧明显向后高突,呈"翼状"畸形(见图1),左肩胛骨下缘腹面与肋骨之间可触及5 cm×4 cm大小肿块,质硬.无移动,包块轻压痛,左肩部活动度正常,上肢感觉、肌力及血运正常.  相似文献   

孤立性胸椎管内骨软骨瘤3例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨软骨瘤是临床常见的骨肿瘤之一,好发于四肢长骨干骺端,发生在椎管少见〔1~3〕。现将我科遇到的3例报告如下。例1女性,64岁。8个月前无任何诱因出现腰背痛,伴双下肢麻木无力,逐渐加重。于1993年12月入院。查体:胸腰段棘突叩击痛,腹股沟平面以下皮肤...  相似文献   

<正>患者,女,56岁。因右足底前部肿痛异物感伴逐渐加重7年入院。患者7年前感右足底前部肿块,进行性增大,推之不移动,逐渐增大,穿鞋不适,伴行走时疼痛和异物感,未予特殊治疗。查体:一般情况良好,右足底前部稍隆起,皮肤无异常,可触及3 cm×2 cm肿块。DR片:右第1跖骨颈下外侧不规则骨样密度影,边界清,骨质密度不均匀。CT片(图1):右第1跖骨颈下外侧不规则骨样密度影,骨质密度不均匀,基底部与跖骨颈部相连,肿块与周围组织分界清晰,跖骨干部骨质密度正常。诊断:右第1跖骨颈下方骨软骨瘤。于2011年9月  相似文献   

Para-articular osteochondroma, a benign osteoarticular tumor which develops near joints, is, unlike classical osteochondroma, extremely rare. We present the case of a 59-year-old woman who developed a calcified mass in the infrapatellar region. The differential diagnosis between chondrosarcoma, synovial chondromatosis, and para-aticular osteochondroma was only possible after resection and pathology examination of the surgical specimen.  相似文献   

We report a case of osteochondroma of the lunate. A 16-year-old boy had a 6-year history of irritable snapping of the right wrist associated with numbness of the ipsilateral middle finger. At surgery we found that the median nerve became caught on the lunate osteochondroma while the wrist was extended and slipped over it when the wrist was flexed rapidly, thereby causing a snapping phenomenon. The symptoms disappeared completely after the protruding lesion was excised. Several cases of solitary carpal osteochondroma have been reported previously.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old male presented with a swelling in the posterior aspect of the right ankle since 2 years and recent onset of pain on walking. Physical examination and Roentgenography revealed a distinct osseous lesion in the posterior aspect of the talocalcaneal joint. During surgical excision, the lesion was separate from the talus and the calcaneum and appeared to originate from the capsule of the talocalcaneal joint. Histology revealed a benign osteochondroma. The talocalcaneal joint is a very rare site for the origin of osteochondroma. From literature review, it appears that this is the first reported case of a paraarticular osteochondroma arising from the talocalcaneal joint.  相似文献   

A case of histopathologically proven extraskeletal osteochondroma of the thigh is presented along with its radiographic, CT and MRI findings. This is the first such case reported, to the best of our knowledge. The diagnosis of extraskeletal osteochondroma should be considered when a discrete ossified mass is localised in the soft tissue.  相似文献   

Thoracic compartment syndrome has been observed after trauma and after mediastinal and cardiac procedures; however, an adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)-like presentation has not been described as a part of thoracic compartment syndrome. We describe the case of an obese patient who underwent coronary artery bypass (his third such procedure) and hiatal hernia reduction during the same operation, followed by transmyocardial laser revascularization and full chest closure the next day. The patient was hypoxic after chest closure. Two days later, his peak airway pressure increased, and his cardiac and urine outputs decreased. Chest radiography findings suggested ARDS without hemodynamic instability. After we reopened the sternal incisions, the patient's symptoms reversed. Although our patient initially appeared to have ARDS, we believe the organ-volume displacement that occurred during the lengthy dual operation produced a thoracic and abdominal compartment syndrome that responded to decompression of the chest.  相似文献   

Osteochondroma of the carpal is rare. We found only 1 case of osteochondroma of the trapezium in the literature. We present a case of a 52-year-old woman with an osteochondroma of the left trapezium and trapeziometacarpal arthritis.  相似文献   

坐骨的骨软骨瘤误诊为骨折1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
正患者,男,14岁,因"左侧坐骨骨折内固定术后20余天"于2015年10月25日入院。患者20余天前跳远摔倒,当即感左臀部疼痛难忍,就诊于外院诊断为"左侧坐骨骨折",给予内固定治疗,术后左臀部疼痛未减轻反而出现左下肢疼痛及麻木症状,遂来我院就诊。入院查体:左侧臀部可见一个长约10 cm的手术愈合瘢痕,触之有一个约鸭蛋大小包块,活动度差,压痛。左臀部及左下肢后侧存在麻木感,左下  相似文献   

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