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Objective: To assess whether adolescents with a history of sexual abuse were more likely than those with no such history to engage in sexual risk behaviors. Methods: Data for this study were obtained through the 1997 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a self-report questionnaire administered to a representative sample of 9th through 12th graders (N = 4014) to assess a variety of adolescent risk behaviors. Only sexually experienced adolescents (n = 1610; female = 779, male = 831) were included in the present study. Logistic regression models were constructed to examine the relationship of sexual abuse history to sexual risk behaviors. Adolescents were considered as having a history of sexual abuse if they reported ever having had sexual contact against their will. Results: Almost one- third of sexually experienced adolescent girls (30.2%) and one-tenth (9.3%) of adolescent boys reported a history of sexual abuse. After controlling for related demographics and risk behaviors, sexually abused female students were significantly more likely than those without such a history to have had earlier first coitus (OR = 2.2, 95%CI = 1.46–3.47), to have had three or more sex partners ever (OR = 2.5, 95%CI = 1.71–3.68), and to have been pregnant (OR = 1.9, 95%CI = 1.21–2.92). Sexually abused male students were significantly more likely than those without such a history to have ever had multiple partners (OR = 3.2, 95%CI = 1.56–6.57), to have had multiple sex partners in the past 3 months (OR = 2.9, 95%CI = 1.71–3.68), and to have engaged in sex resulting in pregnancy (OR = 3.4,95%CI = 1.53–7.34). Conclusion: Both adolescent girls and boys with a history of sexual abuse report greater sexual risk-taking than those without such a history. However, although sexual abuse is more prevalent among girls than boys, the impact of sexual abuse on sexual risk appears to be even greater for boys. Programs addressing both sexual abuse and sexual risk must be made available to all adolescents.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study used the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) to assess selected health behaviors of Texas high school and college students. The YRBS was administered during 1993 in paper and pencil form to 6,015 high school students representing 329 classrooms from 78 school districts. A total of 1,408 college students representing 23 college and universities were surveyed by telephone in 1993 using a modified version of YRBS. Texas college students reported a higher percentage who had experienced sexual intercourse (82% versus 55.4%), but Texas high school students reported a younger age of first sexual intercourse. High school students also initiated alcohol consumption at a younger age, although college students were more likely to binge drink (33.5% versus 31%). Regular cigarette use also was higher among college students (25.4% versus 19.3%), but was initiated at a younger age by high school students. Study results indicate that health education programs must begin much earlier than during the high school years. Due to early initiation of negative health behaviors, emphasis must be placed on abstinence and risk-reduction techniques for both populations.  相似文献   

This study examined the sexual behavior of Filipino Deaf high school students. Participants were active in sexual activities. All the participants acknowledge themselves as Deaf, spelled with a capital D, as they use sign language as a medium of communication. This qualitative study utilized a focus group discussion that was conducted in Filipino Sign Language, the medium of communication used by the participants. Two other teachers who are certified sign language interpreters assisted as some of the participants would sign together during the interaction, making interpretation difficult. The results showed that despite cultural taboo, the participants were active in sexual activities that range from masturbation to full intercourse. Some reported that sexual abuse by a relative or an adult is the reason for the onset of sexual activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The potential negative consequences of engaging in sexual risk behaviors at a young age are well documented. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of information about the prevalence of sexual behaviors among middle school students. This article provides an overview of the sexual risk behaviors of middle school students from 16 districts and states throughout the country, and examines these risks by demographic variables. METHODS: In 2009, 10 states and 6 districts administered the Youth Risk Behavior Survey‐Middle School and included sexual behavior questions. Data were examined using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Online database. Frequencies were run for 4 sexual behaviors and an HIV/AIDS education question for each location. A series of t‐tests were calculated for these 5 items by gender, age, and race for each location. RESULTS: Data show that 5–20% of sixth graders and 14–42% of eighth graders have engaged in sexual intercourse. A concerning percentage of students have also engaged in other sexual risk behaviors and many are not receiving HIV/AIDS education. Additionally, there were significant differences by gender, race, and age. CONCLUSION: Consistent with previous studies, males, minorities, and older students are more likely to engage in sexual risk behaviors. There is also variation in the percentage of students engaging in sexual behaviors across locations. Sexual risk reduction education is important for middle school youth, particularly for minorities, males and those from southern and/or larger, urban cities as those are the populations with generally higher sexual risk behaviors.  相似文献   

目的 探究成都市高职高专学生性相关态度、婚前性行为及对其他同学婚前性行为比例的估计.方法 于2010-2011年对成都市四所高职高专学校692名学生进行自填式问卷调查,对调查结果进行比较分析.结果 98.21%的调查对象认为其学校里存在婚前性行为现象;17.63%承认自己发生过婚前性行为,男性发生比例高于女性;77.24%的应答者对同校同学的婚前性行为发生比例存在过高估计;过高估计组的婚前性行为发生比例高;41.6%的应答者不支持婚前性行为,83.2%不支持多性伴行为,66.3%不支持男男性行为;除男男性行为问题,女性在大多数性相关问题上持否定态度.结论 高职高专学生性观念相对开放,自我报告婚前性行为发生比例较高.可以从尝试校正高职高专学生对同校同学婚前性行为发生比例的过高估计的角度进行有针对性的干预,以减少婚前性行为的发生.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中学生性行为的相关危险因素. 方法采用1∶4配比病例对照研究的方法,对216例病例及864例对照的相关资料进行Cox回归分析. 结果曾吸烟、曾饮酒、认为毒品令人愉快是中学生发生性行为的危险因素,其OR值分别为2.050、3.566、1.189;赞成应教育青少年安全使用药物是保护因素,其OR值为0.842. 结论中学生性行为发生率与曾吸烟、曾饮酒、认为毒品令人愉快等因素有关.  相似文献   

河南某医学院大学生艾滋病高危性行为及相关认知调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解大学生艾滋病高危性行为及相关认知,为高校制定艾滋病防治策略提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,随机选取某医学院校一~三年级大学生1875人,进行现场自填式问卷调查。结果3.0%的学生赞同同性恋行为,46.2%的人反对,其他持无所谓态度。女性赞成婚前性行为的比例(3.1%)低于男性(14.5%),反对婚前性行为的比例(65.3%)高于男性(31.3%),差异均有统计学意义(P值均=0.001)。有过性行为的大学生比例为7.0%,男生(10.3%)明显高于女生(4.5%)(P=0.000),其中二级学院学生发生比例(11.5%)明显高于普通本科(5.5%)(P=0.000);发生过性行为的学生中,有30.0%的性伴侣数超过2个,6.0%的人曾与陌生人发生过性关系,67.7%的学生第一次性行为在完全自愿的情况下发生;44.4%的学生认为发生性行为是爱情需要,36.2%的男生为生理需要。在发生性行为时,从未用过安全套者占16.2%,不方便获得的原因是购买不方便和不好意思买(48.5%),而使用安全套的主要目的是用于避孕(91.8%)。结论当前大学生中存在一定比例的婚前性行为、多性伴、性交易、从不使用安全套等高危性行为。应在大学生中开展性健康教育和正确的爱情观教育,并大力提倡正确使用安全套。  相似文献   

沈阳市城区高中生健康相关危险行为现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解沈阳市高中生健康相关危险行为现状,为开展健康教育和制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法在沈阳市城区9所高中分层抽取1 800名学生,采用匿名问卷方式调查最近1 a内的健康相关危险行为。结果高中生普遍存在健康相关危险行为,有63.28%的高中生不经常进行体育锻炼,38.83%不遵守交通规则,5.50%曾经离家出走,1.94%曾经尝试自杀,1.17%曾经使用毒品,2.67%的高中生发生过性行为。结论高中生存在多种易导致伤害的危险行为,应开展相关健康教育并制定干预措施,以提高学生健康水平。  相似文献   

东莞市城区中学生健康相关危险行为现状   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
目的了解中学生健康相关危险行为的流行状况,为采取有效预防措施提供依据。方法采用不记名问卷调查方式,分层整群抽样东莞城区3所中学的初、高中学生2578名进行最近1a内危害健康相关行为的调查。结果健康相关危险行为在中学生中普遍存在。不经常参加体育锻炼达49.69%,违反交通规则占28.74%,接受黄色宣传占28.36%,参加赌博活动占25.10%,吸烟率和饮酒率分别高达25.99%和56.67%。此外,中学生中离家出走、有自杀意念及滥用精神类药物的发生率也较高。结论中学生存在多种健康相关的危险行为。应联合学校、家庭和社会,积极采取有效措施,防止或减少危害健康行为的发生。  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省农村高中学生性行为状况及其相关因素,为开展性健康教育提供依据.方法 采取分层整群抽样的方法,应用"中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷",对河南省5 011名农村高中生进行问卷调查.结果 农村高中学生曾发生性交行为的报告率为3.6%;边缘性行为的报告率,拥抱为17.2%,接吻为10.8%,抚摸异性身体为9.5%;观看色情信息的报告率为24.7%;从学校接受青春期知识教育的报告率为34.9%.结论 不良性行为已成为影响河南省农村高中学生健康成长的危险行为之一.社会、家庭、学校应共同采取干预措施,促进青少年健康成长.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生性行为发生率及安全套使用情况,为开展预防艾滋病宣传和生殖健康教育提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层抽样法,对2008年暑期学生旅客专列上的1 616名大学生进行问卷调查。结果大学生性行为发生率为27.54%,其中男生为35.71%,女生为20.05%。20岁之前性行为发生率男生高于女生(χ2=5.915,P=0.015),20~22岁男生高于女生(χ2=14.906,P=0.001),22岁后差异无统计学意义,26岁后男、女生性行为发生率均达80%。大学生性行为时不使用安全套比例达17.30%,不同性别、专业、年龄、学历之间安全套使用频率差异均无统计学意义。结论大学生性行为发生率较高而安全套使用率较低。应加大性行为教育力度,促进其不良性行为发生改变。  相似文献   

广州市初中学生家庭虐待流行现状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解广州市中学生家庭虐待情况及流行特征,为政府及相关机构制定儿童保护政策和预防干预措施提供依据。,方法在广州市8个区随机抽取16所中学96个初中班级,对所抽班级全体学生进行自填问卷调查,收集近6个月内家庭虐待情况。结果4585名初中生近6个月内遭受言语/精神、躯体和性虐待的发生率分别为79.5%,27.4%和0.5%;言语/精神虐待发生率从高到低依次为生气吼叫(59.5%)、剥夺权利(49.3%)、恐吓(39.4%)、辱骂(37.8%)、咒骂(19.9%)、威胁赶出家(12.7%),平均每人遭受2.75种不同形式言语/精神虐待;轻度、中度、重度躯体虐待发生率分别为23.8%,15.5%和2.7%,以打四肢(16.7%)、扇脸(11.5%)方式为主.掐脖、烧烫、动用锐器伤害等严重虐待发生率低于1%,遭受言语/精神和躯体双重虐待的发生率为26.3%。结论广州市中学生遭受家庭虐待现象十分普遍,以言语/精神虐待最常见,躯体虐待以轻度为主,存在言语/精神与躯体双重虐待以及多种虐待方式并存的特点。  相似文献   

我国中学生饮酒行为流行现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析我国中学生饮酒、过量饮酒流行现状和群体特征,为制定控制策略措施提供依据。方法以分层随机整群抽样方式,分东、中、西3片自28个省级单位抽取初一至高三合计369 337人,参加2008年全国青少年健康危险行为监测。结果各中学生群体曾饮酒率都很高,应届高中生70.0%有饮酒史。目前饮酒率男生为36.4%,女生为23.8%;重度过量饮酒率男生为3.3%,女生为1.2%;曾醉酒率男生为17.6%,女生为10.8%。过量饮酒率随年龄迅猛上升,西部高于东、中部,职业高中普通高中重点高中等现象引发关注。结论中学生过量饮酒普遍化、低龄化、程度加重等趋势提示防治工作的紧迫性。西部高中男生应是控制过量饮酒的重点干预人群。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Testing, refining, and tailoring theoretical approaches that are hypothesized to reduce sexual risk behaviors among adolescent subpopulations is an important task. Relatively little is known about the relationship between components of the information-motivation-behavior (IMB) model and sexual behaviors among underage minority youth. Using the IMB model, this study examines predictors of risky sexual behavior among underserved Hispanic and African-American youth. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 380 youths aged 11–17 years recruited in Los Angeles, California, and utilized latent variable models to examine interrelationships and predictive relations among IMB model variables associated with risky sexual behavior. RESULTS: Sixty percent of the participants aged 15–17 and 1 out of 10 participants aged 11–12 reported prior sexual intercourse. Of the sexually active, more than half reported having unprotected sex and 11% had sexual intercourse with 4 or more partners. Results of the structural equation model indicated that older age and attitudes against sexual activities had significant, direct impacts on risky sexual behaviors. Behavioral refusal skills, positioned as an intervening variable, also significantly predicted less risky sex. Knowledge, attitudes against sexual activities, and perceived peer pressure against sexual behavior predicted sexual refusal skills. Additionally, there were significant indirect effects on risky sexual behavior mediated through behavioral refusal skills. CONCLUSION: A large number of disadvantaged minority urban youth are engaged in risky sexual behaviors. Intervention programs, particularly those targeting preadolescents, should focus on building long-lasting behavioral skills that emphasize the reduction of peer pressure and normative influences on risky sexual behaviors. Components of the IMB model clearly have a role in the design of efficacious interventions.  相似文献   

某高等职业学院女生儿童期性虐待情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解高等职业学院女生儿童期性虐待发生情况,探讨性虐待对成年女生心理行为的影响。方法采用自制性虐待问题问卷及症状自评量表,对某高等职业学校701名女生儿童期性虐待经历及其行为问题进行调查。结果被调查的701名女生中有155人(22.11%)回答18岁以前曾经历过至少1次1种或多种性虐待,其中98人(13.98%)回答经历过至少1次1种性虐待,57人(8.13%)回答经历过多种性虐待;以其经历过的最严重的性虐待进行统计,有75人(10.70%)被非身体接触性性虐待,有80人(11.41%)被身体接触性性虐待,其中包括26人(3.71%)被试图性交和8人(1.14%)被强行性交。16岁以前有117人(16.69%)曾经历过性虐待。与没有性虐待经历的女生比较,有儿童期性虐待经历的女生行为症状因子得分高,差异有统计学意义。结论应重视女童性虐待问题,儿童期性虐待经历是导致成年后心理问题的重要因素。  相似文献   

PurposePrior studies reported homeless adolescents engage in more sexual risk than their housed peers. However, these comparisons are typically made post hoc by comparing homeless adolescent community-based samples with high school probability samples. This study uses a random sample of high school students to examine homelessness experiences and sexual risk behaviors.MethodsA supplemental survey to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey containing questions regarding homelessness and sexual health was administered to Los Angeles high school students (N = 1,839). Multivariate logistic regressions assessed the associations between demographics, past year homelessness experiences (i.e., place of nighttime residence), and being sexually active and condom use at last intercourse.ResultsHomelessness experiences consisted of staying in a shelter (10.4%), a public place (10.1%), and with a stranger (5.6%). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ), younger, and male adolescents were more likely to experience homelessness. LGBTQ adolescents were also more likely to report staying with a stranger and less likely to report staying in a shelter. Compared to adolescents who stayed in shelters, adolescents who stayed with strangers and in public places were more likely to engage in unprotected sex at last intercourse.ConclusionsAdolescents who report sexual activity and sexual risk taking are more likely to report homelessness experiences. With regard to sexual health, staying with strangers could be a particularly risky form of homelessness; LGBTQ and black adolescents are more likely to experience this form of homelessness. Efforts to reduce homelessness and sexual risk-taking need to recognize the specific vulnerabilities faced by these populations.  相似文献   

某中学高中女生儿童期性虐待发生情况调查   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:30  
目的 了解高中女生儿童期性虐待发生情况,为卫生及教育部门制定预防儿童期性虐待对策提供参考依据。方法 用自填式问卷,于2000年12月对某高中学校985名女生就有关儿童期受性虐待经历进行不记名的回顾性调查。结果 在被调查的985名女生中,有251人(25.5%)16岁前曾经历过非身体接触或身体接触的性虐待;其中18人经历过被试图性交,5人经历过被强行性交。儿童期性虐待首次发生年龄58%在13岁及以前。性交行为的发生率在有儿童期性虐待经历的女生中(2.6%)高于没有性虐待经历的女生(0.4%),差异有显性(x^2=6.48,P=0.011)。在不同的父母化程度间,儿童期性虐待发生率差异未发现有显性。结论 儿童期性虐待问题在我国女童中可能并非少见,有必要对这一问题开展研究,并重视在小学生中开展预防性虐待教育工作。  相似文献   

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