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Buprenorphine is a partial mu-opioid agonist and kappa-opioid antagonist currently under development as a maintenance medication for heroin dependence. Because of concerns about illicit diversion of buprenorphine, a combination tablet containing buprenorphine and naloxone has been developed. The present study evaluated the reinforcing effects of intravenously administered placebo, buprenorphine alone (BUP; 2 and 8 mg), and the buprenorphine/naloxone combination (BUP/NX; 2 mg of buprenorphine plus 0.5 mg of naloxone, and 8 mg of buprenorphine plus 2 mg of naloxone) in recently detoxified heroin abusers during a 6-week inpatient study. Participants (n = 6) were detoxified from heroin over approximately 1 week immediately after admission. During the next 5 weeks, the reinforcing effects of placebo, BUP, and BUP/NX were evaluated. Participants first received a dose of drug and $20 and then were given the opportunity to self-administer either the dose or $20 during choice sessions. Progressive ratio break point values were significantly higher after active drug, compared with placebo, but they did not significantly differ as a function of dose or drug. In contrast, positive subjective ratings were higher after administration of BUP compared with BUP/NX, and these ratings increased in a dose-dependent manner. BUP and the combination had few effects on performance. Relative to placebo, both BUP and BUP/NX decreased pupil diameter, but there were no significant differences in pupil diameter as a function of drug or dose. These results demonstrate that both BUP and BUP/NX served as reinforcers under these conditions and that they may have similar abuse liability in recently detoxified individuals who abuse heroin.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of intramuscularly administered ertapenem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Ertapenem (INVANZ) is a new once-a-day parental beta-lactam antimicrobial agent that has been shown to be highly effective as a single agent for treatment of various community-acquired and mixed infections. The plasma pharmacokinetics of a 1-g intramuscular (i.m.) dose was compared with those of a 1-g intravenous (i.v.) dose infused over 30 min, the recommended rate of i.v. infusion for comparison, and over 120 min, which more closely mimicked the time course for absorption of the i.m. form. In a three-period crossover study (Part A), 26 healthy subjects received single doses of ertapenem administered i.m., i.v. infused over 30 min, and i.v. infused over 120 min. Blood for ertapenem analysis was collected over 24 h postdose for each treatment. In Part B, these fasted subjects received a 1-g i.m. dose of ertapenem once daily for 7 days. Following a 1-g i.m. dose and a 1-g i.v. dose infused over 120 min, the geometric mean area under the concentration curve from hour 0 to infinity (AUC(0- infinity )) was 541.8 micro g. hr/ml following i.m. administration and 591.4 micro g. hr/ml following a 120-min infusion; the geometric mean ratio was 0.92 with a 90% confidence interval of 0.88 to 0.95. The geometric mean AUC(0- infinity ) was nearly identical when 1-g doses were infused over 30 or 120 min. Although the maximum concentration of drug in serum was somewhat lower following i.m. administration than following i.v. administration, the shape of the plasma concentration profiles was roughly comparable at later time points. Ertapenem did not accumulate after multiple 1-g i.m. daily doses over 7 days. The geometric mean ratio for AUC(0-24) (day 7/day 1) was 0.98 with a 90% confidence interval of 0.94 to 1.02. Thus, the relative bioavailability of the 1-g i.m. dose was 92%. Ertapenem does not accumulate following multiple daily 1-g i.m. doses over 7 days.  相似文献   

Sagamicin is an aminoglycosidic antibiotic produced by Micromonospora sagamiensis, chemically related with gentamicin. Single- and multiple-dose pharmacokinetics have been investigated in patients affected by bronchopulmonary infections treated with 60 mg sagamicin i.m. every 12 h. The two concentration-time curves for sputum and serum are parallel; while there is no evidence of accumulation in the serum at the 7th day of treatment, sagamicin concentrations in the sputum are significantly higher on the 7th day, and this is also confirmed by a remarkable difference between the two AUC values. The good penetration power of sagamicin into sputum makes this antibiotic useful for the treatment of infections of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

A sublingual soluble-film formulation of buprenorphine/naloxone (B/N) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid dependency. This preparation provides unit-dose, child-resistant packaging amenable to tracking and accountability, offers more rapid dissolution, and has a potentially preferred taste vs. tablets. This study compared the ability of buprenorphine (B) and B/N films to suppress spontaneous withdrawal in opioid-dependent volunteers. Participants were maintained on morphine and underwent challenge sessions to confirm sensitivity to naloxone-induced opioid withdrawal. Subjects were randomized to receive either B (16?mg, n = 18) or B/N (16/4?mg, n = 16) soluble films for 5 days. The primary outcome measure was the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) score. Thirty-four subjects completed induction onto soluble films. There was a significant decrease in COWS scores but no significant differences between the groups. The results support the use of B and B/N soluble films as safe and effective delivery methods for opioid induction.  相似文献   

Aminosidine is an older, broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic that has been shown to be effective in in vitro and animal models against multiple-drug-resistant tuberculosis and the Mycobacterium avium complex. The objective of this randomized, parallel trial was to characterize the single-dose pharmacokinetics of aminosidine sulfate in healthy subjects (eight males, eight females). Sixteen adults (mean [+/- standard deviation] age, 27.6 +/- 5.6 years) were randomly allocated to receive a single, intramuscular aminosidine sulfate injection at a dose of 12 or 15 mg/kg of body weight. Serial plasma and urine samples were collected over a 24-h period and used to determine aminosidine concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatographic assay. A one-compartment model with first-order input, first-order output, and a lag time (Tlag) and with a weighting factor of 1/y2 best described the data. Compartmental and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated with the microcomputer program WinNonlin. One subject was not included (15-mg/kg group) because of the lack of sampling time data. On average, subjects attained peak concentrations of 22.4 +/- 3.2 microg/ml at 1.34 +/- 0.45 h. All subjects had plasma aminosidine concentrations below 2 microg/ml at 12 h, and all but two subjects (one in each dosing group) had undetectable plasma aminosidine concentrations at 24 h. The dose-adjusted area under the concentration-time curve from 0 h to infinity of aminosidine was identical for the 12- and 15-mg/kg groups (9.29 +/- 1.5 versus 9.29 +/- 2.2 microg x h/ml per mg/kg; P = 0.998). Similarly, no significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed between dosing groups for peak aminosidine concentration in plasma, time to peak aminosidine concentration in plasma, Tlag, apparent clearance, renal clearance, elimination rate constant, and elimination half-life. A significant difference was observed for the volume of distribution (0.35 versus 0.41 liters/kg; P = 0.037) between the 12 and 15 mg/kg dosing groups. Now that comparable pharmacokinetic profiles between dosing groups have been demonstrated, therapeutic equivalency testing via in vitro pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling and randomized clinical trials in humans should be conducted.  相似文献   

Animal studies have demonstrated that co-administration of an ultra-low-dose opioid antagonist with an opioid agonist may result in enhanced analgesia. Investigation of this effect in humans has been limited and produced inconsistent findings, with previous reports suggesting that dose ratio may be critical to analgesic potentiation. The aim of the current investigation was to determine whether buprenorphine analgesia could be enhanced with the addition of ultra-low-dose naloxone among healthy volunteers, using a range of dose ratios. Tolerance to cold pressor pain was significantly greater with the combination of buprenorphine and naloxone compared to buprenorphine alone, and this effect was dose ratio dependent. Importantly, this enhanced analgesia occurred without an increase in adverse effects; indeed at some ratios, respiratory depression was attenuated. These findings demonstrate that the addition of ultra-low-dose naloxone can enhance the analgesic effect of buprenorphine in humans without a concurrent increase in side effects.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic characteristics of cefepime were determined after first dose (n = 35) and again under steady-state conditions (n = 31) with a group of 37 infants and children. In eight subjects, a cefepime dose given by intramuscular injection was substituted for an intravenous dose, and disposition characteristics were studied again. Study subjects ranged in age from 2.1 months to 16.4 years, and all had normal renal function. Each patient received 50 mg of cefepime/kg of body weight intravenously every 8 h, up to a total maximum individual dose of 2 g. With the exception of one study patient who received a single cefepime dose for surgical prophylaxis, the patients received cefepime for 2 to 13 days. Elimination half-life (t1/2), steady-state volume of distribution, total body clearance, and renal clearance after first dose administration averaged 1.7 h, 0.35 liter/kg, and 3.1 and 1.9 ml/min/kg, respectively. Although cefepime t1/2 and mean residence time (MRT) were slightly longer for subjects <6 months of age than for older subjects, no differences in cefepime disposition characteristics between first dose and steady-state evaluations were observed. t1/2 (1.8 versus 1.9 h) and MRT (2.3 versus 3.2 h) were slightly prolonged after intramuscular administration, reflecting the influence of absorption from the intramuscular injection site on cefepime elimination. Bioavailability after intramuscular administration averaged 82% (range, 61 to 124%). Fifty-seven percent of the first dose and 88.9% of the last dose were recovered as unchanged drug in urine over the 8- and 24-h sampling periods, respectively. These pharmacokinetic data support a single cefepime dosing strategy for patients > or =2 months of age. The integration of the cefepime pharmacokinetic data generated in our study with the MICs for important pathogens responsible for infections in infants and children supports the administration of a dose of 50 mg of cefepime/kg every 12 h for patients > or =2 months of age to treat infections caused by pathogens for which cefepime MICs are < or =8 mg/liter.  相似文献   

Behavioral effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and the competitive NMDA antagonist cis-4-phosphonomethyl-2-piperidine-carboxylic acid (CGS 19755) were studied in pigeons. NMDA decreased responding under a fixed-ratio schedule of food presentation and was 8000 times more potent administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) as compared to intramuscularly (i.m.). CGS 19755 was 870 times more potent in producing catalepsy when administered i.c.v.; however, the duration of catalepsy was similar by the two routes of administration. Administered i.m. CGS 19755 decreased response rates only at doses that also produced catalepsy; administered i.c.v. some doses of CGS 19755 decreased responding without producing other behavioral effects. Rate-decreasing effects of i.m. NMDA were attenuated by i.m. CGS 19755; however, when CGS 19755 was administered i.c.v., there was little or no antagonism of NMDA. Rate-decreasing effects of i.c.v. NMDA were not attenuated by i.m. or i.c.v. CGS 19755 up to doses that produced catalepsy or eliminated responding. The large difference in potency between i.m. and i.c.v. administration for NMDA and for CGS 19755, as well as the slower onset of catalepsy when CGS 19755 was administered i.m., suggests these compounds do not readily cross the blood-brain barrier when administered parenterally. The inability of CGS 19755 to attenuate the rate-decreasing effects of NMDA when CGS 19755 or NMDA was administered i.c.v. suggests NMDA might decrease responding by different mechanisms when administered i.m. or i.c.v. in pigeons. Together these results indicate antagonism of NMDA in this study, and perhaps in other studies, when both NMDA and CGS 19755 were administered parenterally, might result from a peripherally mediated interaction. Moreover, this agonist-antagonist interaction is not a simple, competitive antagonism.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of cefmetazole, a new parenteral cephalosporin, administered intravenously and intramuscularly at a dose of 30 mg/kg to two groups of seven healthy volunteers were studied. Concentrations in serum were monitored over 8 h by a high-pressure liquid chromatography technique. The plasma concentration-time data were statistically fitted to a biexponential equation for both administration routes, and the data were analyzed by a two- and one-compartment kinetic model, respectively. For the dose range and the administration routes used, the pharmacokinetics of cefmetazole proved to be essentially linear, with clearances from plasma ranging between 3.8 and 12.5 liters/h. The mean maximum concentration in plasma after intramuscular administration of the drug was 90.1 micrograms/ml at 0.7 h. The elimination half-life, about 1.3 h, did not show statistically significant differences for the two routes of administration studied.  相似文献   

We studied the pharmacokinetics of cefotiam, a parenteral cephalosporin, at intravenous doses of 0.5, 1, and 2 g and intramuscular doses of 0.5 and 1 g in two groups of eight healthy adult volunteers. The concentrations of cefotiam in plasma were determined over a period of 5 or 6 h and in urine over 24 h, using high-pressure liquid chromatographic procedures. Plasma concentration-time data were fitted to a three-exponential equation for the intravenous administration, and after intramuscular administration, the data were analyzed by a two-compartment or a one-compartment open model. Over the above dosing range and routes of administration, cefotiam pharmacokinetics were essentially linear, with plasma clearances varying from 19.6 to 22.5 liters/h. No significant differences were observed with respect to the terminal half-life (1 h) and the area under the curve versus the dose. Intramuscularly injected cefotiam was 63 to 74% available. The fraction of dose excreted unchanged in urine (0.50 to 0.67) indicated a substantial nonrenal mechanism of elimination. The apparent volume of distribution (about 30 liters) was higher than those of other parenteral cephalosporins.  相似文献   

This was an open-label, single-sequence trial in hepatitis C virus-negative volunteers on stable, individualized, buprenorphine maintenance therapy. Telaprevir at 750 mg every 8 h was coadministered with buprenorphine/naloxone (4:1 ratio as sublingual tablets) for 7 days with food. Pharmacokinetic profiles of buprenorphine, norbuprenorphine, and naloxone were measured over the 24-hour dosing interval on day -1 (buprenorphine/naloxone alone, reference) and day 7 of telaprevir coadministration (test). Geometric least-squares mean ratios and associated 90% confidence intervals of treatment ratios (test/reference) were calculated using log-transformed pharmacokinetic parameters. Opioid withdrawal symptoms were evaluated throughout the study (via questionnaires and pupillometry). Pharmacokinetic data were available for 14 and 13 volunteers on day -1 and day 7, respectively. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) for buprenorphine was unchanged and the maximum concentration of drug in serum (C(max)) for buprenorphine, C(max) and AUC for norbuprenorphine, and C(max) naxolone were modestly decreased during coadministration with telaprevir. Geometric least-squares mean ratios (90% confidence intervals) for buprenorphine were 0.80 (0.69, 0.93) for the C(max) and 0.96 (0.84, 1.10) for the AUC from 0 to 24 h (AUC(0-24)); for norbuprenorphine, values were 0.85 (0.66, 1.09) for C(max) and 0.91 (0.71, 1.16) for AUC(0-24); for naloxone, the C(max) was 0.84 (0.62, 1.13). Coadministration of telaprevir did not increase withdrawal symptom frequency, and there were no serious adverse events reported during or after completion of telaprevir coadministration. Results suggest dose adjustment may not be necessary when telaprevir and buprenorphine/naloxone are coadministered.  相似文献   

Buprenorphine is an opioid agonist-antagonist being evaluated for treatment of opioid dependence. This study characterized the effects of buprenorphine in comparison to naloxone, hydromorphone and saline, in methadone-dependent volunteers. In a residential laboratory, 6 volunteer male opioid abusers maintained on 30 mg of methadone daily underwent pharmacological challenges 2 to 3 times per week. Pharmacological challenges consisted of a double-blind i.m. injection of: buprenorphine (dose range 0.5-8.0 mg), hydromorphone (5 and 10 mg), naloxone (0.1 and 0.2 mg) or saline. Injections were given 20 hr after the last dose of methadone. Measures included physiologic indices, and self-report and observer ratings of drug effects. Naloxone and hydromorphone produced characteristic antagonist-like and agonist-like effects, respectively, on subjective, observer and physiologic indices. None of the doses of buprenorphine were consistently or systematically identified as an opioid agonist or antagonist on any of the measures. Thus buprenorphine produced minimal effects in methadone-dependent patients. The lack of agonist effects suggests buprenorphine has a low abuse potential in methadone-dependent patients. The lack of antagonist effects suggests buprenorphine can be administered safely to subjects dependent on a low dose of methadone. This lack of effect of buprenorphine distinguishes it from other mixed agonist antagonists previously tested, which produced antagonist effects in this procedure.  相似文献   

Buprenorphine, methadone and naloxone were administered to pigeons key pecking under a repeated acquisition procedure. Under this procedure subjects are required to emit a new sequence of responses each session to receive access to food. All three drugs reduced overall key pecking rates although naloxone's rate-reducing effect was limited to the highest dose (30 mg/kg). The dose-effect curves for overall key pecking rate under buprenorphine and methadone were similar though the effective dose range for buprenorphine appeared wider. Methadone increased percentage of total errors at the highest doses, but neither buprenorphine nor naloxone affected total error levels very much. Within-session errors were increased early in the session under high methadone doses. Low buprenorphine doses also showed some tendency to increase errors early in the session. Buprenorphine and methadone reduced the number of chains completed in a dose-dependent manner. Buprenorphine was also administered daily at the most behaviorally disruptive dose (10 mg/kg/day). Under this dosing schedule, the behavior-suppressing effects of buprenorphine returned to base-line levels within 4 days. Error rates were unaffected by daily buprenorphine administration.  相似文献   

The continuous infusion of low doses of naloxone has been reported to decrease postoperative opioid requirements and opioid side effects. However, there is no study that evaluates the effectiveness of the combination of a low dose of naloxone and morphine using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). This prospective, randomized double-blind controlled study sought to determine if the combination of a low dose of naloxone and morphine in a PCA solution decreases postoperative opioid requirements and pain intensity. One hundred sixty-six patients (18-65 years old) undergoing operations of less than 3 h duration with an American Society of Anesthesiologist physical status I or II were randomized to receive PCA morphine 1 mg/cc plus normal saline or PCA morphine 1 mg/cc plus naloxone 6 microg/cc. Initial PCA settings were 0.5 cc per demand with a lockout time of 10 min. The numbers of 2.5 cc supplemental rescue doses and the cumulative dose of each solution were recorded in the first 24 h after the surgical procedure. Pain intensity and opioid side effects were evaluated every 10 min in the post-anesthesia care unit and every 4 h afterwards. Patient satisfaction was assessed at the end of the 24 h of observation. The morphine+naloxone group had more treatment failures (P=0.0001), higher opioid requirements (P=0.0097), greater pain intensity (P=0.04), less pain relief (P=0.004), and less satisfaction (P=0.01) than the morphine group. The incidence of side effects was similar in both groups (P=0.3). Contrary to previous reports, adding low doses of naloxone to a morphine PCA solution increases opioid requirements and pain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to demonstrate a dose-response effect with 1- and 2-tablet doses of combination hydrocodone 7.5 mg with ibuprofen 200 mg and placebo in patients with moderate to severe postoperative abdominal or gynecologic pain. BACKGROUND: Hydrocodone 7.5 mg with ibuprofen 200 mg is the only approved fixed-dose combination analgesic containing an opioid and ibuprofen. Previous studies with this combination have demonstrated that the components have an additive analgesic effect as well as efficacy compared with other fixed-dose combination analgesics. METHODS: This randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, single-dose, placebo-controlled study compared 1 tablet of hydrocodone 7.5 mg with ibuprofen 200 mg (n = 60), 2 tablets of hydrocodone 7.5 mg with ibuprofen 200 mg (n = 60), and placebo (n = 60) in patients with moderate or severe pain after abdominal or gynecologic surgery. Analgesia was evaluated over 8 hours. RESULTS: Mean pain relief (PR) scores were significantly greater for the 2-tablet dose than for the 1-tablet dose at 80 (P = 0.027) and 100 (P = 0.017) minutes and at 2 (P = 0.013), 2.5 (P = 0.012), 3 (P = 0.006), 4 (P = 0.029), 5 (P = 0.002), 6 (P = 0.032), 7 (P = 0.036), and 8 (P = 0.01) hours. Mean pain intensity difference scores were significantly greater for the 2-tablet dose than for the 1-tablet dose at 80 (P = 0.013) and 100 (P = 0.007) minutes and at 2 (P = 0.003), 2.5 (P = 0.002), 3 (P = 0.002), 4 (P = 0.009), 5 (P < 0.001), 6 (P = 0.004), 7 (P = 0.009), and 8 (P = 0.001) hours. Mean total PR scores were significantly greater for the 2-tablet dose than for the 1-tablet dose for all measured time intervals (0 to 3 hours, P = 0.01; 0 to 4 hours, P = 0.006; 0 to 6 hours, P = 0.003; 0 to 8 hours, P = 0.003). Mean sum of pain intensity differences was significantly greater for the 2-tablet dose than for the 1-tablet dose for all measured time intervals (0 to 3 hours, P = 0.004; 0 to 4 hours, P < 0.001; 0 to 6 hours, P < 0.001; 0 to 8 hours, P < 0.001). Mean peak PR score and median time-to-remedication were significantly greater for the 2-tablet dose than for the 1-tablet dose (P < 0.029 and P = 0.017, respectively). Both doses were superior to placebo. There were no significant differences in the number of patients experiencing adverse events between the 2-tablet dose (n = 6 [10.0%]), the 1-tablet dose (n = 4 [6.7%]), and placebo (n = 1 11.7%]). Adverse events were not serious, and none of the patients discontinued therapy because of side effects. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that a 2-tablet dose of hydrocodone with ibuprofen provided significantly more analgesia than a 1-tablet dose (a positive dose-response effect) and that both doses were superior to placebo.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide (CPH) administered intravenously at doses between 200-400 mg alone or in combination with vindesin (VDS) or cisplatin (cisPt) were studied in 5 patients who had bronchial adenocarcinoma, with normal liver and kidney functions. The linearity and the reproducibility of CPH kinetics were confirmed and its pharmacokinetic parameters were found to be unaffected by simultaneous or sequential administration of either vindesin or cisplatin. Total clearance was 7.69 +/- 3.53 1.hr-1 for CPH administered alone and 6.76 +/- 1.63 1.hr-1 for CPH administered with vindesin. Biological half-life was 4.3 +/- 1.5 hr (CPH alone) and 5.1 +/- 2.2 hr (CPH + VDS).  相似文献   

目的对左氧氟沙星的序贯疗法治疗社区获得性肺炎(CAP)进行临床疗效观察及药物经济学分析评价。方法以头孢呋辛联合阿奇霉素为对照药,采用多中心随机、开放、阳性对照研究方法。结果378例CAP患者中左氧氟沙星序贯疗法治疗(190例)的痊愈率和有效率分别为67.37%和96.84%,细菌阴转率高达96.77%,药物不良反应发生率为10.53%;对照药治疗(188例)的痊愈率和有效率分别为64、36%和96、28%。细菌阴转率为96.67%,药物不良反应发生率为7.98%;两组比较差异无统计学意义,平均疗程、住院天数和住院费用差异亦无统计学意义,试验组的成本-效果比为32.01,低于对照组(38.51)。结论左氧氟沙星的序贯疗法治疗CAP临床疗效较好,药物不良反应率较低,成本-效果比较低。  相似文献   

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