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目的康复医学起步晚发展快,涉及知识面广且对操作技能要求高,目前针对其课程教学方法的研究较为缺乏。本研究回顾了教育目标分类理论的发展和演变,采用我国新课程目标教学的三维目标教学模式,初步探讨了其在康复医学课程中的效果。方法选定首都医科大学2005级康复治疗学本科生作为受试对象,采用问卷调查和期末考试成绩分析,对三维目标教学模式在《康复医学》课程教学的应用效果进行评估。结果 绝大部分学生认为三维目标教学模式有助于提高学习兴趣、自主学习能力和临床实践操作水平。结论三维目标教学模式适用于康复医学教学,应用后将有助于教师选择教学策略,可提高学生的学习效率和操作技能。  相似文献   

医学院校开设康复医学必修课的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代初,现代康复医学传入我国,同时,我国的康复医学教育亦开始起步,并得到一定程度的发展。但目前我国的康复医学教育发展很不均衡,康复医学专业人员严重匮乏,临床医护人员康复意识模糊,迫切需要在医学院校中开设康复医学必修课,以普及康复医学基础知识教育。1我国的康复医学教育发展现状1982年6月,广州中山医学院率先成立了康复医学教研室,接着,南京、上海、武汉、北京等地的高等医学院校也相继成立了康复医学教研室。1983年11月,卫生部确定中山、南京医学院为康复医学进修教育基地。1984年8月,卫生部致函各高等医学院校,要求在本…  相似文献   

康复医学实践中的辨证思维   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
辨证法是认识世界的基本方法,是康复医学临床、教学和科研工作的思维基础。本文从辨证法的角度剖析康复医学实践中的思维方式。1 事物的关联性事物总是相互关联的,而不是孤立的。任何疾病或功能障碍都有一定的病理基础,而不可能孤立存在。临床遇到功能障碍的诊断和治疗时,不要孤立地考虑现象,而要注重分析各种现象之间的内在联系,透过现象看本质。腰腿痛是康复科临床最常见的病症。腰痛伴下肢放射痛,间歇性跛行,腰部较广泛压痛,梨状肌部位压痛,CT检查提示L5~S1椎间盘突出。诊断应该考虑什么?是否需要把腰椎间盘突出症、…  相似文献   

推进人文教育与科技教育的融合,使人文教育渗透于医学教育之中,培养有仁爱之心、具有较高人文素养的医学人才,是世界各国高等医学院校义不容辞的责任和亟待解决的问题。康复医学人才教育也应该紧随这一形势,尤其在目前医患矛盾突出的情况下,更应该重视这一教育。  相似文献   

李士杰 《现代康复》1999,3(10):1260-1260
康复治疗始终贯穿肺癌治疗整个过程,对提高治愈率、恢复功能、提高病人生活质量有非常重要的作用,现将肺癌的康复治疗简介如下。  相似文献   

随着从经验医学向循证医学的转变 ,医学临床已普遍采用多中心、大样本、随机对照、前瞻性、有严密设计及长时间随访的研究模式 ,以便寻找最有效的治疗方法。虽然康复医学的发展较为滞后 ,但已受到循证医学的巨大影响 ,并开始重视经验积累 ,重视评估和治疗方法的标准化 ,重视确切疗效的观察。由于信息网络的迅速发展 ,查阅资料也已从在图书馆中翻阅杂志、书籍 ,改变为网上查找 ,只要找准关键词 ,不难获取大量信息。在近代世界里 ,慢性肺疾病已成为高患病率、高死亡率 (1990年美国统计为第 4位死因 ,我国 2 0 0 0年为第 5位死因 )、高致残率的…  相似文献   

刘灵改 《中国临床康复》2004,8(28):6065-6065
褪黑素是由松果体分泌的一种吲哚类激素,对人的生长发育,生殖代谢起着重要的作用。人体自6岁以后,褪黑素的分泌开始下降。所以,补充外源性褪黑素显得尤为重要。自1995年人体饮用褪黑素以来,对褪黑素的临床药理研究也日趋深入。就其中枢神经系统抗衰老、促进睡眠等作用作一归类介绍。  相似文献   

李茜 《中国临床康复》2004,8(34):7882-7884
目的:创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)多由交通事故、体育活动、工伤或暴力袭击等引起。患主要为青年男性,多数出现明显残障。研究欧美国家有关TBI的康复管理模式有助于提高TBI患的康复治疗水平。资料来源:应用计算机检索MedIine 1990-01/2004-06与TBI相关的章,检索词“traumatic brain injury;rehabilitation).并限定章语言种类为Endish。共检索到15篇。同时手工检索《中国临床康复》杂志2003-01/2004-06期间的相关章,限定章语言种类为中、检索词“创伤性脑损伤;康复”,检索到3篇。资料选择:选择有关TBI康复管理的献,包括作、论等。数据提炼:共收集到18篇近5~10年有关TBI的预后评价与影响因素、康复目标、康复时限、昏迷阶段的治疗、康复阶段管理和有关并发症的处理等方面的献。资料综合:TBI康复阶段管理贯穿TBI康复全过程,了解每个阶段康复管理要点.尤其对患残障情况做出正确评价并制定康复方案,是保证康复预后的关键。康复工作对患认知障碍以及伤前状况、损伤程度和康复方式对康复目标的影响,必须有足够的认识。结论:从已检索的献报告表明,康复管理水平是影响TBI康复效果的关键。  相似文献   

康复医学在香港   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应香港护士训练及教育基金会的邀请,我有幸在香港访问了不同类别的多所医疗机构,香港康复医学的崛起给我留下了深刻的印象。香港特区政府十分重视对康复医疗的投入,并在政策、信息、物质等方面提供支持。在香港康复医疗得到了社会关注,实现了政府投入、医院参与、社区支持、伤病残者及其家属的配合,形成了医学、教育、职业、社会康复并举的格局,康复医学与保健医学、预防医学、临床医学融为了一体。1 康复医学教育已成体系香港综合大学设康复医疗系,除医疗护理系开设康复医学课外,还培养大专学历以上的物理治疗师、职业治疗师、…  相似文献   

工伤康复三级预防对减少工伤事故发生、及时救护伤者、降低致残率以及回归社会具有非常重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

在康复医学中,神经康复是涵盖功能障碍最多的专业。因此要求康复专业学生在神经康复科实习期间既要掌握一般神经系统疾病的诊疗方法,又要掌握相关功能障碍的评价与康复。本文总结康复专业学生在神经康复科实习过程中的教学体会。  相似文献   

Rehabilitation nurses, rehabilitation clients and their families, and healthcare funders easily can obtain brochures about or tours of agencies that provide rehabilitation services to people with brain injuries. Less accessible are outcome data from these agencies, data that should be as readily available as the tours and the brochures—and that reveal far more about the agencies. In this article, the authors describe the system developed by a private, comprehensive postacute service provider for collecting, analyzing, and using the outcome data of its discharged clients. The importance of outcome data for funders, families, and facilities is stressed, and the article provides examples of how to use the data for decision making and program development.  相似文献   

目的:探讨基于阶段性行为目标达成度的康复干预在精神分裂症患者中的应用效果。方法:选取2018年1月1日~2020年7月1日收治的87例精神分裂症患者为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组44例和对照组43例,对照组采用精神分裂症常规康复干预,观察组在此基础上采用基于阶段性行为目标达成度的康复干预方案;比较两组干预前、干预3个月后症状表现[采用精神分裂症阴性症状评定量表(SANS)]、社会支持领悟[采用住院精神患者社会功能评定量表(SSPI)]、行为状态[采用个体社会行为量表(PSP)]及生活质量[采用精神分裂症患者生活质量量表(SQLS)]。结果:干预3个月后,两组SANS、SQLS评分均低于干预前(P<0.05),且观察组低于对照组(P<0.05);两组SSPI、PSP评分均高于干预前(P<0.05),且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:基于阶段性行为目标达成度的康复干预在精神分裂症患者护理中应用效果满意,可缓解患者相关症状,改善社会支持领悟能力、行为状态,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   



To (1) provide a framework for the conceptualization of emotional vitality as an important construct for rehabilitation professionals; (2) outline the existing scope and breadth of knowledge currently available regarding the definition and measurement of emotional vitality in persons with chronic health conditions; and (3) identify the extent to which the components can be mapped to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).


Activities included a scoping review of the literature, and a Delphi mapping exercise using the ICF.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

Not applicable.


The results of this study suggest that emotional vitality is a complex latent construct that includes (1) physical energy and well-being, (2) regulation of mood, (3) mastery, and (4) engagement and interest in life. Existing literature supported the presence of all 4 components of the construct. The mapping exercise showed that 3 of these components could be readily mapped to the Body Function chapter of the ICF (energy, mood, mastery).


Emotional vitality may influence both the physical and emotional adaptation to living with a chronic illness or disability and should be included in both assessment and treatment planning to optimize rehabilitation outcomes. Future research is needed to refine the definition and identify optimal methods of measuring this construct.  相似文献   

Most rehabilitation treatments are volitional in nature, meaning that they require the patient’s active engagement and effort. Volitional treatments are particularly challenging to define in a standardized fashion, because the clinician is not in complete control of the patient’s role in enacting these treatments. Current recommendations for describing treatments in research reports fail to distinguish between 2 fundamentally different aspects of treatment design: the selection of treatment ingredients to produce the desired functional change and the selection of ingredients that will ensure the patient’s volitional performance. The Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System (RTSS) is a conceptual scheme for standardizing the way that rehabilitation treatments are defined by all disciplines across all areas of rehabilitation. The RTSS highlights the importance of volitional behavior in many treatment areas and provides specific guidance for how volitional treatments should be specified. In doing so, it suggests important crosscutting research questions about the nature of volitional behavior, factors that make it more or less likely to occur, and ingredients that are most effective in ensuring that patients perform desired treatment activities.  相似文献   

Abstract Improving health is the goal of community-based rehabilitation programs. However, different conceptions of health between health care providers and participants inhibits communication, leads each group toward different goals, and causes dissatisfaction among participants who feel their individual goals are not being met. This study compared definitions of health, and the health goals of participants in a nurse-managed community respiratory rehabilitation program with those of the program. The majority of 132 adults with chronic respiratory disease defined health in terms of absence of disease and its symptoms, or as the ability to function within the community. Their goals paralleled their definitions. Most participants hoped to decrease the symptoms of their disease or to improve their functional ability. Their goals were reflected in the program's goals; however, the definition of health held by the multidisciplinary team directing the program was broader than those expressed by most participants.  相似文献   

《Physical Therapy Reviews》2013,18(4):195-205

Rehabilitation after knee surgery plays a major role in the functional outcome of the extremity. Protocols for rehabilitation programs emphasize full range of motion, weight-bearing, strength recovery, agility, recovery of speed and reaction time, and functional return to vocational and athletic activities. The protocols that have been published vary as to prescribed length of rehabilitation and expected rate of recovery. The lengthy rehabilitation, along with the technical intricacies of intra-articular reconstruction and its potential complications has caused physical therapists, surgeons and patients to be hesitant in choosing a pre-determined form of treatment. The greatest emphasis has been to allow for controlled motion and selective strengthening earlier in the rehabilitation process, which leads to afaster return to sporting activity.

Rehabilitation after knee surgery continues to be one of the most controversial issues in sports medicine. Owing to the variability in rehabilitation reported in the literature, this review provides an overview using the most widely accepted guidelines in the last few years.  相似文献   

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