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为了查明广西肝癌高发区人群Ⅰ型变态反应的患病率,我们利用抽样调查与现场回顾性调查相结合的方法首先对广西3市13个县乡的正常人群进行了为期一年的现场调查,作为进一步研究Ⅰ型变态反应在肝癌高发区高危人群中患病率的基础对照数据资料。对象及方法1研究对象在...  相似文献   

2001年11月18日,高坪区江陵镇某村卫生站乡村医生,准备为该村小学全体学生接种百白破三联制剂,当天上午7:00,分别给入学早到的四年级学生叶某(11岁)、刘某(11岁)、李某(12岁)于上臂三角肌注射吸附百白破三联制剂各0.5 ml(事故发生后学校停止接种),1 h后3名儿童相继出现头昏、眼花、四肢发麻、恶心、呕吐;继而出现心慌、胸闷、气紧,立即皮下注射肾上腺素后,病情无好转,患者面色苍白、烦燥不安、抽搐、脉搏细弱、血压下降(70/40 mmHg)、神志不清,即送当地医院抢救治疗,经注射肾上腺素、苯海拉明、静脉滴注地塞米松、维生素C、林可霉素等对症处理,当天下午2:00,3名患儿病情开始好转,血压回升、脉搏、呼吸正常、神志清楚.  相似文献   

黄春想  师金贵  崔治轩 《职业与健康》2005,21(10):1497-1498
2003年10月13日,我县某村村民李某和王某,因食用蚕蛹致中毒性脑病,现报告如下.  相似文献   

食用蚕蛹导致过敏性休克1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1 事件经过西昌某铁路单位职工罗某 (男 41岁 )于 2 0 0 2年 11月 5日下午 18时从家中带来的自制油炸蚕蛹大约 3 5 0g ,准备做夜间加餐食品 ,到达工作地点后将食品放置写字台上 ;6时 40分职工陈某 (男 ,3 3岁 )下白班顺手抓了大约 2 0个放入口中 ,晚 7时 10分回到家中又自饮白酒约 15 0g ,8时 10分左右自觉头晕、头痛、无力、恶心等症 ,自己怀疑白酒不对 ,进行自我强迫呕吐后入睡。职工张某 (男 ,3 9岁 )、丁某 (男 ,3 9岁 )、罗某于晚 11时 3 0分左右分别各食油炸蚕蛹 2 0多个 ,其中数个蚕蛹有苦味及沙粒感 ,食后又与同班同事共 6人共吃桔…  相似文献   

目的分析中毒原因。方法对中毒人群进行流行病学调查,对现场进行卫生学调查,采集可疑中毒的剩余食物及病人呕吐物、肛拭等进行致病菌检验,追踪可疑食物源头。结果经流行病学调查、临床表现、实验室检查和查阅相关资料,证实为一起食用蚕蛹所致的食物中毒。结论慎吃蚕蛹以防中毒。  相似文献   

络泰粉针致变态反应1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我科自1998年应用本药达2000余例,临床出现络泰粉针致过敏一例,现报告如下: 1 病历摘要患者,亓条阳,男,70岁,住院号022494,主要因言语不清,右肢瘫痪,以“脑梗塞”于2001年9月30日入院。入院后即应用络泰粉针(昆明制药股份有限公司制造)400mg入250ml生理盐水中静脉点滴。至第6天,患者突然出现腰痛,  相似文献   

蚕蛹中毒56例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今年10月份半月内共收治蚕蛹中毒56例,年龄最小7岁,最大85岁。食用蚕蛹在我市已历史悠久,但今年10月份短时间内频繁发生蚕蛹中毒事件实属罕见,已引起有关部门高度重视。现将我院收治的56例报告如下,旨在提高对蚕蛹中毒的认识,探索中毒的病因,做到防病在前,治疗积极有效。  相似文献   

Our aim in this study was to describe how patients perceive having recovered from eating disorders. A qualitative method with a phenomenographic approach was used to identify various ways of experiencing recovery. Four categories emerged, describing how the subjects now relate in a relaxed and accepting manner to food, the body, themselves as individuals, and their social environment. Some perceived recovery as coping with emotions, while others experienced themselves as healthier than people in general regarding food and weight. Different aspects were emphasized as important for recovery. As long as patients perceive themselves as recovered, it is not necessary that they fulfill all conceivable criteria for recovery.  相似文献   

Earlier studies assessing the possible moderator effect of self-reported emotional eating on the relation between stress and actual food intake have obtained mixed results. The null findings in some of these studies might be attributed to misclassification of participants due to the use of the median splits and/or insufficient participants with extreme scores. The objective of the two current studies was to test whether it is possible to predict distress-induced eating with a self-report emotional eating scale by using extreme scorers. In study 1 (n = 45) we used a between-subjects design and emotional eating was assessed after food intake during a negative or a neutral mood (induced by a movie). In study 2 (n = 47) we used a within-subjects design and emotional eating was assessed well before food intake, which occurred after a control or stress task (Trier Social Stress Task). The main outcome measure was actual food intake. In both studies self-reported emotional eating significantly moderated the relation between distress and food intake. As expected, low emotional eaters ate less during the sad movie or after stress than during the neutral movie or after the control task, whereas high emotional eaters ate more. No such moderator effect was found for emotional eating in the entire sample (n = 124) of study 1 using the median-split procedure or the full range of emotional eating scores. We conclude that it is possible to predict distress-induced food intake using self-reports of emotional eating provided that the participants have sufficiently extreme emotional eating scores.  相似文献   

通过对胸腺肽过敏的抢救、分析,并就如何防治此类药物过敏提出了几点建议和对策.  相似文献   

林蔚 《现代医院》2007,7(Z2):12-14
目的 了解氨基糖甙类抗生素致过敏反应的临床特点及危害性.方法 以手工检索的方法,收集近年来国内公开发表的20种医药期刊上登载的氨基糖甙类抗生素致过敏反应的病例98例,并进行统计分析.结果 氨基糖甙类抗生素引起的过敏反应与给药方式、不合理用药、药物过敏史等密切相关.结论 临床应对氨基糖甙类抗生素引起的过敏反应保持高度的重视,坚持合理用药.  相似文献   

The factor structure of a multidimensional, clinically derived measure of the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of anorexia nervosa and bulimia, the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI), was investigated in a patient setting. The results showed that eight factors corresponding to the eight original subscales of the EDI were clearly identified in the pattern of factor loadings and that they met conventional standards of internal consistency. The finding of an eight-factor solution using patient responses in this study contrasts with the finding of a clear three-factor solution in an earlier study that employed nonpatient responses. It is suggested that a difference may exist in the meaning of EDI items to patients and nonpatients. However, it is noted that there is a paucity of information in the eating disorders literature that addresses differences between these groups in their attitudes and beliefs regarding eating, weight, body shape, dieting, and self-esteem. This area is clearly one that warrants closer research attention by those working in the eating disorders.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old man (body mass index: 14.9 kg/m2) with anorexic and bulimic eating behavior is described. Brain imaging showed a hydrocephalus internus, presumably due to a stenosis of the aqueduct. Sleep EEC was grossly abnormal with reduced sleeping time, low sleep efficiency and reduced REM sleep. Measurement of hormones between 7:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. at 30-min intervals revealed a pubertal secretion pattern of the luteinizing hormone and of testosterone. Basal insulin and triiodothyronine concentrations were reduced, cortisol and growth hormone levels were elevated. Although the basic endocrine findings are in line with earlier reports on anorexia nervosa, the extent of the sleep alterations, the normal norepinephrine secretion during an orthostatic test, and the early maximum of the cortisol secretion are not typical for anorexia nervosa.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether and under what circumstances exercise causes nausea. Twelve healthy volunteers (20-37 years), including six athletes, participated in the study. Subjects were studied on seven occasions. Each subject performed low and high-intensity exercise without eating, immediately after eating a beef patty and 60 min after eating. Besides these exercise experiments, effect of meal on nausea was studied in each subject for 180 min without exercise. Exercise was done on a bicycle ergometer for 60 min at 40-50% maximal heart rate reserve and 20 min at 70-80% maximal heart rate reserve. Subjects were tested for nausea by visual analogue scales. Both low and high-intensity exercise caused nausea. Scores for nausea were greater during exercise at fasting state and immediately after eating than those without exercise (p<0.05 during low-intensity exercise, and p<0.01 during high-intensity exercise). Immediately after eating, scores for nausea were greater during high-intensity exercise than during low-intensity exercise (p<0.05). During high-intensity exercise, scores for nausea were greater immediately after eating than without eating (p<0.05). There were no differences in ratings for nausea between the sexes in any of the experimental conditions. Training did not decrease exercise-induced nausea. In conclusion, exercise causes nausea, the severity of which is related to exercise intensity and food intake, but not sex differences nor physical training.  相似文献   

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