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Ohne ZusammenfassungPräsident der Schweizerischen Vereinigung gegen die Tuberkulose und Lungenkrankheiten.  相似文献   

The relative importance of biological versus social determinants of life expectancy is quite unclear. The study contrasts both impacts, relying on the assumption that biological factors are related to parents’ life expectations. The results confirm the meaning of social factors for human mortality. In particular, education and marital status reveal a strong impact on mortality. Yet, the age parents have reached also contributes to the life expectancy of their children.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In zwei prospektiven Feldstudien wurden die Effekte von Luftschadstoffen auf das psychische Wohlbefinden (Stimmung, Stresserleben), die neuropsychologische Leistung (Reaktionszeiten, Konzentrationsfähigkeit) und die körperliche Verfassung (physiologische Aktivierung, Beschwerden) im Verlauf von zwei Monaten bei gesunden und chronisch kranken Bewohnern verschieden umweltbelasteter Gebiete untersucht. Nach multivariaten Zeitreihenanalysen ergaben sich unter Einfluss von Schwefeldioxid in beiden Studien Beeinträchtigungen des psychischen Wohlbefindens und bei Kranken vermehrte selbstberichtete Beschwerden. Hinweise auf Beeinträchtigungen der Leistung durch Luftschadstoffe zeigten sich nur bei Gesunden.
Association between air pollution and well-being
Summary In two longitudinal field studies, influences of ambient pollutant concentrations on psychological well-being (mood, perceived stress), neuropsychological function (concentration, reaction times) and physical state (physiological arousal, complaints) were investigated over a two-months period in samples of healthy and ill residents of differentially polluted areas. In both studies, results of multivariate time-series analyses yielded decrements of emotional well-being with increased sulfur dioxide levels. Chronically ill persons reported somatic complaints and respiratory symptoms with pollutants. Analyses of variance suggested a pollution-induced neuropsychological impairment in healthy residents of polluted areas but no effects on arousal.

Association entre la pollution de l'air et le bien-Être psychique
Résumé Dans le cadre de deux études prospectives, les effets de la pollution de l'air sur le bien-Être psychique (humeur, stress), sur le fonctionnement neuro-psychologique (rapidité de réaction, capacité de concentration) et sur l'état physique (activations physiologiques, symptÔmes) de personnes en bonne santé et de malades chroniques de régions polluées à des degrés différents ont été examinés pendant deux mois. Les analyses multivariées de séries temporelles montrent que, sous l'effet des concentrations élevées de dioxide de soufre, les habitants des régions polluées souffraient d'une aggravation de leur état psychique et les malades, d'une aggravation des symptÔmes. Seules les personnes en bonne santé ont fait référence à une diminution de leurs capacités neuro-psychologiques attribuée à la pollution de l'air.

Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz - Therapeutische Impfstoffe sollen die körpereigene Immunabwehr bei bereits bestehenden Erkrankungen aktivieren. Wir...  相似文献   

The establishment and operation of research biobanks are still not regulated by special laws. As a consequence, the acquisition, storage and use of biobank materials and data are only covered by quite general legal regulations. The way in which these rules are to be interpreted in relation to the specific problems of biobanks is rather controversial. The central question revolves around the tense relationship between the right to privacy of the donor and the academic freedom of the researchers. This article gives an overview of the current discussion and suggestions for practice.  相似文献   

The dependencies between sensitization to common allergens (mono- and polysensitization, IgE level and patterns) and symptomatic hay fever and other atopic diseases, respectively, in children and adolescents are shown in this analysis. The evaluation was based on the KiGGS ("Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurvey") study. Our analysis was performed using complex samples methods with SPSS. Participants were interviewed by a physician using a validated questionnaire asking for atopic diseases and symptoms. Specific IgE levels were measured from the age of 3?years on by using the ImmunoCap? test system. The prevalences of hay fever and polysensitizations both significantly increase with increasing age of the participants, while boys are more often affected than girls and migrants less often regarding sensitizations. Prevalence of hay fever decreases with increasing number of older siblings and increases with atopy of one or both parents. Different positive correlations between increasing IgE levels and hay fever were identified, the greatest association was observed with herbal inhalative allergens and cross-reacting food allergens. Lowest IgE levels to nearly all of the tested allergens show a positive correlation with hay fever prevalence. In conclusion, the study indicates that the clinical definition of the lowest positive IgE levels as "marginal" should be discussed as well as indications for specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to help clarify the relationship between Social Work and Public Health. At present, Social Work and Public Health still have little awareness of each other, although both fields actively engage in the promotion of public health. Therefore they can both be understood as practice-oriented and science-oriented. The reasons for the prevailing ignorance of this reciprocal relationship cannot be explained in terms of (supposed) incompatibility. Rather, they are the result of a split between science and practice, i.e. between theory and practice. It appears that Public Health has a more scientific approach whereas Social Work draws its theories from the practical work. If it were possible to dovetail the aspects of health and disease into both theory and practice, i.e. science and practice, the two fields would be able to develop a greater awareness of each other, cooperate with and profit from each other’s competence in practice-research and research-practice, as well as contribute more fully to public health.  相似文献   

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