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世界上大约36%的医药研发活动在美国进行,而在美国主要集中在加州、华盛顿和新英格兰地区。比如,在加州集中着2500家生物医学公司,其中77%集中在医疗设备和诊断的研发;22%集中在生物技术和医药研发。另外加州拥有至少75所大学和非赢  相似文献   

我国医药现状和趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,我国医药事业进入了一个新的发展时期。进入21世纪,到2003年,医药事业继往开来,连续25年保持了连续、健康、快速增长的态势,出现了新的亮点,形势十分喜人。  相似文献   

<正>二、以诗会友赋医歌杜甫不愧为我国诗歌史上一位承前启后的集大成者。清代叶燮在《原诗》中说:"杜甫之诗,包源流,综正变。自甫以前,如汉魏之浑朴古雅,六朝之藻丽纤、澹远韶秀,甫诗无一不备。"杜甫的挚友元稹在《唐故检校工部员外郎杜君墓系铭》一文中,称赞杜甫"尽得古今之体势,而兼人人之所独专","诗人已来,未有如子美者"。然而,杜甫一生穷困潦倒,身羸多病,无钱医治,只有自研医学,自采自制药物,将医药学所得治疗自己的疾病,并行医施药,惠及桑梓贫病百姓。  相似文献   

根据在美国工作和学习十四个月所见所闻,对美国放射学的现状和进展作一概述。 (一)医学影象学的建立美国放射科的业务范围包括X线诊断,超声诊断(均采用B型超声诊断仪)和电算体层摄影(CT),不少还包括核素诊断。这些方法均根据图象而不是曲线作出诊断。这样合并在一个科室合理使用,既可提高诊断质量,又可节约人力、  相似文献   

Antizol注射液(fomepizole)由OrphanMedical公司生产,作为乙二醇中毒或可疑吞服乙二醇的解毒剂。乙二醇是抗冻剂和冷却剂的主要成分。急性乙二醇中毒是临床急症,典型的表现为一组综合征,包括中枢神经系统抑制、严重的代谢性酸中毒、肾...  相似文献   

据美国《医学论坛报》(1998年1月22日,2月5日)载美国批准的产品Zenapax(decilzumab,一种单克隆抗体)是由Hofmann La罗氏制药公司生产的,用于肾移植患者的药物。该公司称,在两组临床试验中,Zenapax与其它抗排异药联用...  相似文献   

民族医药历史悠久 ,在各民族的繁衍生息中形成了独特的医药体系 ,成为中华民族的传统瑰宝。改革开放以来 ,我国政府倾力支持民族医药事业的发展 ,民族医药的科研已经取得相当成果。本文纵览民族医药的科研成果 ,概括归纳其中几种科研模式并加以分析比较 ,旨在从民族医药的科研成果探讨科研模式的一些规律 ,为民族医药的创新作理论探索。1 科研模式的定义与过程 [1 ]1.1 科研模式的定义 一般而言 ,模式是指完成某项工作的程序方式 ,科研模式是指完成某一科研课题所必须经历的程序。因此 ,科研模式可以说是科研过程的程序方式。1.2 科研模…  相似文献   

薛志福 《河南医学研究》1997,6(3):267-272,281
<正> 为学习美国医学科研管理特别是科研基金管理先进经验,中国医学科研管理赴美考察培训团一行19人于1997年2月14日至3月6日对美国的医院、医学院、科研单位、基金会、公司、FDA 及医学科研行政管理部门进行了考察,并在 NIH 接受了培训。  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the uses of handheld computers (also called personal digital assistants, or PDAs) in family practice residency programs in the United States.Study Design: In November 2000, the authors mailed a questionnaire to the program directors of all American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and American College of Osteopathic Family Practice (ACOFP) residency programs in the United States.Measurements: Data and patterns of the use and non-use of handheld computers were identified.Results: Approximately 50 percent (306 of 610) of the programs responded to the survey. Two thirds of the programs reported that handheld computers were used in their residencies, and an additional 14 percent had plans for implementation within 24 months. Both the Palm and the Windows CE operating systems were used, with the Palm operating system the most common. Military programs had the highest rate of use (8 of 10 programs, 80 percent), and osteopathic programs had the lowest (23 of 55 programs, 42 percent). Of programs that reported handheld computer use, 45 percent had required handheld computer applications that are used uniformly by all users. Funding for handheld computers and related applications was non-budgeted in 76percent of the programs in which handheld computers were used. In programs providing a budget for handheld computers, the average annual budget per user was $461.58. Interested faculty or residents, rather than computer information services personnel, performed upkeep and maintenance of handheld computers in 72 percent of the programs in which the computers are used. In addition to the installed calendar, memo pad, and address book, the most common clinical uses of handheld computers in the programs were as medication reference tools, electronic textbooks, and clinical computational or calculator-type programs.Conclusions: Handheld computers are widely used in family practice residency programs in the United States. Although handheld computers were designed as electronic organizers, in family practice residencies they are used as medication reference tools, electronic textbooks, and clinical computational programs and to track activities that were previously associated with desktop database applications.Handheld computers, also called personal digital assistants (PDAs), are increasingly used by physicians for a variety of tasks dealing with clinical and patient information. However, there is relatively little literature regarding handheld computer use in residency education, particularly family practice, compared with the medical literature regarding electronic medical records (EMRs).1–5 One study of a family practice residency described their use of handheld computers for resident procedure documentation.6 Implied in that article was an overall cost savings to the program due to increasing efficiency. The authors also indicated that the handheld computer was useful for providing ready access for conference scheduling and phone numbers. In a separate study,7 a hospital used handheld computers to develop laboratory and x-ray report tracking for inpatients. The authors indicated that 15 percent of U.S. physicians are currently using handheld computers. Potential benefits of handheld computer use described in the literature could be reduced prescribing errors8,9 and usefulness as research tools.10 Personal digital assistants are portable, are relatively inexpensive, and have the ability to interface with other electronic devises, including desktop computers.The most popular brands of handheld computers are those equipped with either the Palm (Palm, Santa Clara, California) or the Windows CE (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington) operating system. The Palm is used in 88 percent of the handheld market in the United States.11 Ebell and Royner12 have published an article that fully describes available handheld computer hardware.Since family practice residency training involves not only state-of-the-art clinical medicine but also training in useful technologic tools, including computers, an understanding of handheld computer use in family practice residencies would be helpful for planning future curricula and implementing new informational technology. The objective of this study is to assess use of handheld computers in family practice residency programs, including actual use, factors influencing non-use, costs, handheld computer training, and types of handheld computer applications.  相似文献   

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